Who's more violent? Whites or blacks?

Its very easy to put a spot light on todays violent culture in black communities all around the country. Its been going on this way since the early 90's and don't seem to let up any time soon, black on black crime is at historic levels and we can blame what ever you want on who, the facts are the facts and there's no disputing it......but what I find rather interesting are white people seem to find glee and enjoyment pointing out this horrific statistic and posting about it......I say lets turn the tables here a bit.

From the time black people set foot on american soil, white folks have murdered, raped, beatin and victimized black folks up until the 1960's. If we were to do an accounting of who's been and still is the most violent in this country....white folks would win hands down. If we were to do a body count, again, white folk would wins hands down.....now we've debated the causes of black on black crime, we've done studies, etc.....and concluded rather obvious reasons, poverty, discrimination, single parent homes, etc.....so my question now is,
what was the white man's excuse?


It wasnt all white people doing those things to blacks, and it was nothing to do with color then, and nothing to do with racial tendency now when it comes to Black violence. Its about Culture and how culture relates to peoples color in many instances. But i dont think there is any inherent violent tendency just because of a persons genetics, one more than the other.

This post is so devoid of logic that it's truly a challenge to address it. Ima try, but between 'it was nothing to do with color then' vs. 'Its about Culture and how culture relates to peoples color ', there's little left to actually expose in terms of abject stupidity.

First off, detail what other races were running plantations the ante bellum south.
How does the resulting reality contribute to the 'culture' you mention ?
Its very easy to put a spot light on todays violent culture in black communities all around the country. Its been going on this way since the early 90's and don't seem to let up any time soon, black on black crime is at historic levels and we can blame what ever you want on who, the facts are the facts and there's no disputing it......but what I find rather interesting are white people seem to find glee and enjoyment pointing out this horrific statistic and posting about it......I say lets turn the tables here a bit.

From the time black people set foot on american soil, white folks have murdered, raped, beatin and victimized black folks up until the 1960's. If we were to do an accounting of who's been and still is the most violent in this country....white folks would win hands down. If we were to do a body count, again, white folk would wins hands down.....now we've debated the causes of black on black crime, we've done studies, etc.....and concluded rather obvious reasons, poverty, discrimination, single parent homes, etc.....so my question now is,
what was the white man's excuse?


Our excuse was power and control. I can't argue your points either. And I dont take joy in how violent the black community is. I truly want it to stop.

I just feel like things will never improve if we wait for whites to do what's right. Even if they do it won't be enough if blacks dont change their behavior too.

1. Make it a goal the next generation of black kids will all have mothers and fathers raising them. No more accepting eubonic talk.

I dont have kids because I'm too selfish and can't afford them. If that's true for you too do like me dont have kids.
Just what, exactly, should white folks do? Blacks get preference in colleges and employment. They have equal rights and more than equal opportunities.
The problem is instilling the motivation for all of us to take advantage of those opportunities.
Blacks do, to a certain extent, mark themselves for failure.
The ghetto ebonics, disdain for blacks who act "Too white" the single parent families with weak or nonexistant father figures all work against them when they try to get a job.

Hell! Even names! I see no problem with being proud of your heritage, but giving your kid a name that marks him before he even gets an interview?

What's wrong with typical American names?

I guess there in lies my biggest problem. Blacks want to be African-Americans.
Why not just Americans?
Its very easy to put a spot light on todays violent culture in black communities all around the country. Its been going on this way since the early 90's and don't seem to let up any time soon, black on black crime is at historic levels and we can blame what ever you want on who, the facts are the facts and there's no disputing it......but what I find rather interesting are white people seem to find glee and enjoyment pointing out this horrific statistic and posting about it......I say lets turn the tables here a bit.

From the time black people set foot on american soil, white folks have murdered, raped, beatin and victimized black folks up until the 1960's. If we were to do an accounting of who's been and still is the most violent in this country....white folks would win hands down. If we were to do a body count, again, white folk would wins hands down.....now we've debated the causes of black on black crime, we've done studies, etc.....and concluded rather obvious reasons, poverty, discrimination, single parent homes, etc.....so my question now is,
what was the white man's excuse?


It wasnt all white people doing those things to blacks, and it was nothing to do with color then, and nothing to do with racial tendency now when it comes to Black violence. Its about Culture and how culture relates to peoples color in many instances. But i dont think there is any inherent violent tendency just because of a persons genetics, one more than the other.

This post is so devoid of logic that it's truly a challenge to address it. Ima try, but between 'it was nothing to do with color then' vs. 'Its about Culture and how culture relates to peoples color ', there's little left to actually expose in terms of abject stupidity.

First off, detail what other races were running plantations the ante bellum south.
How does the resulting reality contribute to the 'culture' you mention ?
You do realize that 150 years has passed since the end of the Civil War, don't you?
Its very easy to put a spot light on todays violent culture in black communities all around the country. Its been going on this way since the early 90's and don't seem to let up any time soon, black on black crime is at historic levels and we can blame what ever you want on who, the facts are the facts and there's no disputing it......but what I find rather interesting are white people seem to find glee and enjoyment pointing out this horrific statistic and posting about it......I say lets turn the tables here a bit.

From the time black people set foot on american soil, white folks have murdered, raped, beatin and victimized black folks up until the 1960's. If we were to do an accounting of who's been and still is the most violent in this country....white folks would win hands down. If we were to do a body count, again, white folk would wins hands down.....now we've debated the causes of black on black crime, we've done studies, etc.....and concluded rather obvious reasons, poverty, discrimination, single parent homes, etc.....so my question now is,
what was the white man's excuse?


Our excuse was power and control. I can't argue your points either. And I dont take joy in how violent the black community is. I truly want it to stop.

I just feel like things will never improve if we wait for whites to do what's right. Even if they do it won't be enough if blacks dont change their behavior too.

1. Make it a goal the next generation of black kids will all have mothers and fathers raising them. No more accepting eubonic talk.

I dont have kids because I'm too selfish and can't afford them. If that's true for you too do like me dont have kids.
Just what, exactly, should white folks do? Blacks get preference in colleges and employment. They have equal rights and more than equal opportunities.
The problem is instilling the motivation for all of us to take advantage of those opportunities.
Blacks do, to a certain extent, mark themselves for failure.
The ghetto ebonics, disdain for blacks who act "Too white" the single parent families with weak or nonexistant father figures all work against them when they try to get a job.

Hell! Even names! I see no problem with being proud of your heritage, but giving your kid a name that marks him before he even gets an interview?

What's wrong with typical American names?

I guess there in lies my biggest problem. Blacks want to be African-Americans.
Why not just Americans?
Think about it. They've been here for hundreds of years and still haven't assimilated.

But the Irish Jews Greeks polish germans Indians Arabs and Mexicans come here and in 1 generation they are assimilated.

We could do a little better encouraging corporations with tax breaks if they move their factories to our ghettos instead of China and mexico. In some ways I think we like poor ghettos because the violence in contained and they keep wages down. This should have been solved by now.

Did you know watts and Compton were safe middle class communities until the big 3 left. Same with flint saginaw and Detroit.
Its very easy to put a spot light on todays violent culture in black communities all around the country. Its been going on this way since the early 90's and don't seem to let up any time soon, black on black crime is at historic levels and we can blame what ever you want on who, the facts are the facts and there's no disputing it......but what I find rather interesting are white people seem to find glee and enjoyment pointing out this horrific statistic and posting about it......I say lets turn the tables here a bit.

From the time black people set foot on american soil, white folks have murdered, raped, beatin and victimized black folks up until the 1960's. If we were to do an accounting of who's been and still is the most violent in this country....white folks would win hands down. If we were to do a body count, again, white folk would wins hands down.....now we've debated the causes of black on black crime, we've done studies, etc.....and concluded rather obvious reasons, poverty, discrimination, single parent homes, etc.....so my question now is,
what was the white man's excuse?


Our excuse was power and control. I can't argue your points either. And I dont take joy in how violent the black community is. I truly want it to stop.

I just feel like things will never improve if we wait for whites to do what's right. Even if they do it won't be enough if blacks dont change their behavior too.

1. Make it a goal the next generation of black kids will all have mothers and fathers raising them. No more accepting eubonic talk.

I dont have kids because I'm too selfish and can't afford them. If that's true for you too do like me dont have kids.
Just what, exactly, should white folks do? Blacks get preference in colleges and employment. They have equal rights and more than equal opportunities.
The problem is instilling the motivation for all of us to take advantage of those opportunities.
Blacks do, to a certain extent, mark themselves for failure.
The ghetto ebonics, disdain for blacks who act "Too white" the single parent families with weak or nonexistant father figures all work against them when they try to get a job.

Hell! Even names! I see no problem with being proud of your heritage, but giving your kid a name that marks him before he even gets an interview?

What's wrong with typical American names?

I guess there in lies my biggest problem. Blacks want to be African-Americans.
Why not just Americans?

That's a good question, whether you meant it to be or not Ernie.
First off, understand that there is no level playing field and that white folk were wrong for what they did hundreds of years before you were born.

Next, understand that YOU, hundreds of years later, are the direct beneficiary of the injustices I just referred to. That does NOT automatically make you an insensitive prick, but it does give you privileges that African Americans do not currently enjoy.

Stop whining and thinking that it's a zero sum equation when it comes to acknowledging the reality of others, especially those different than yourself. Failure to do so will result in your becoming increasingly marginalized as just another angry, christian, white male.

Understand that lethargy knows no race. PLENTY of lazy, shiftless, jobless white people to go around. In fact, by virtue of being the majority in the U.S., there are more white folk 'draining the system' then there are African Americans in the U.S. IN TOTAL.

Focus on your contribution to the problem. You cannot control Ebonics. You cannot make members of the black community value education and not disdain those African Americans who have had an chances to take advantage of available opportunities. Names can be changed, but why should they ? Which brings me to my next instruction for you...

Align with the reality that being African American is not wrong. Being white isn't right. Being African American IS American. What is it about this you that you fail to comprehend.
Disavow yourself of the cognitive dissonance associated with claiming we should all be 'American' just like you, while wondering why everyone is not.

What are your questions ?
Its very easy to put a spot light on todays violent culture in black communities all around the country. Its been going on this way since the early 90's and don't seem to let up any time soon, black on black crime is at historic levels and we can blame what ever you want on who, the facts are the facts and there's no disputing it......but what I find rather interesting are white people seem to find glee and enjoyment pointing out this horrific statistic and posting about it......I say lets turn the tables here a bit.

From the time black people set foot on american soil, white folks have murdered, raped, beatin and victimized black folks up until the 1960's. If we were to do an accounting of who's been and still is the most violent in this country....white folks would win hands down. If we were to do a body count, again, white folk would wins hands down.....now we've debated the causes of black on black crime, we've done studies, etc.....and concluded rather obvious reasons, poverty, discrimination, single parent homes, etc.....so my question now is,
what was the white man's excuse?


Our excuse was power and control. I can't argue your points either. And I dont take joy in how violent the black community is. I truly want it to stop.

I just feel like things will never improve if we wait for whites to do what's right. Even if they do it won't be enough if blacks dont change their behavior too.

1. Make it a goal the next generation of black kids will all have mothers and fathers raising them. No more accepting eubonic talk.

I dont have kids because I'm too selfish and can't afford them. If that's true for you too do like me dont have kids.
Just what, exactly, should white folks do? Blacks get preference in colleges and employment. They have equal rights and more than equal opportunities.
The problem is instilling the motivation for all of us to take advantage of those opportunities.
Blacks do, to a certain extent, mark themselves for failure.
The ghetto ebonics, disdain for blacks who act "Too white" the single parent families with weak or nonexistant father figures all work against them when they try to get a job.

Hell! Even names! I see no problem with being proud of your heritage, but giving your kid a name that marks him before he even gets an interview?

What's wrong with typical American names?

I guess there in lies my biggest problem. Blacks want to be African-Americans.
Why not just Americans?

Next, understand that YOU, hundreds of years later, are the direct beneficiary of the injustices I just referred to. That does NOT automatically make you an insensitive prick, but it does give you privileges that African Americans do not currently enjoy.
Snipped for brevity
That's bullshit. My family didn't get here until well after the civil war.
In the first generation my grandfather went from a young immigrant with no skills to the owner of a decent sized farm in Connecticut. Don't give me crap about white advantage. The tables have been turned since the 60's and more blacks are in poverty now than they were then.
Dammit! take some friggin responsibility for your problems. I sure as hell didn't put your sorry ass in the ghetto.
Was your grandfaher
Its very easy to put a spot light on todays violent culture in black communities all around the country. Its been going on this way since the early 90's and don't seem to let up any time soon, black on black crime is at historic levels and we can blame what ever you want on who, the facts are the facts and there's no disputing it......but what I find rather interesting are white people seem to find glee and enjoyment pointing out this horrific statistic and posting about it......I say lets turn the tables here a bit.

From the time black people set foot on american soil, white folks have murdered, raped, beatin and victimized black folks up until the 1960's. If we were to do an accounting of who's been and still is the most violent in this country....white folks would win hands down. If we were to do a body count, again, white folk would wins hands down.....now we've debated the causes of black on black crime, we've done studies, etc.....and concluded rather obvious reasons, poverty, discrimination, single parent homes, etc.....so my question now is,
what was the white man's excuse?


Our excuse was power and control. I can't argue your points either. And I dont take joy in how violent the black community is. I truly want it to stop.

I just feel like things will never improve if we wait for whites to do what's right. Even if they do it won't be enough if blacks dont change their behavior too.

1. Make it a goal the next generation of black kids will all have mothers and fathers raising them. No more accepting eubonic talk.

I dont have kids because I'm too selfish and can't afford them. If that's true for you too do like me dont have kids.
Just what, exactly, should white folks do? Blacks get preference in colleges and employment. They have equal rights and more than equal opportunities.
The problem is instilling the motivation for all of us to take advantage of those opportunities.
Blacks do, to a certain extent, mark themselves for failure.
The ghetto ebonics, disdain for blacks who act "Too white" the single parent families with weak or nonexistant father figures all work against them when they try to get a job.

Hell! Even names! I see no problem with being proud of your heritage, but giving your kid a name that marks him before he even gets an interview?

What's wrong with typical American names?

I guess there in lies my biggest problem. Blacks want to be African-Americans.
Why not just Americans?

Next, understand that YOU, hundreds of years later, are the direct beneficiary of the injustices I just referred to. That does NOT automatically make you an insensitive prick, but it does give you privileges that African Americans do not currently enjoy.
Snipped for brevity
That's bullshit. My family didn't get here until well after the civil war.
In the first generation my grandfather went from a young immigrant with no skills to the owner of a decent sized farm in Connecticut. Don't give me crap about white advantage. The tables have been turned since the 60's and more blacks are in poverty now than they were then.
Dammit! take some friggin responsibility for your problems. I sure as hell didn't put your sorry ass in the ghetto.

Was your grandfather brought here as property ?
Was he allowed to speak his native tongue ?
Was he allowed his religion ?
Was there an infrastructure of progress pre-established for his eventual advance upon his arrival ?
Was this advancement hindered by the color of his skin ?

Whether you believe it to be crap or not, white privilege is a fact. I understand that many conservative white guys have difficulties with facts and do what they can to diminish them in an attempt to reorder that which cannot be manipulated. Perhaps one day you'll tire of the squishy sound of your head against the wall, perhaps not....but it don't change the facts. Good luck with that

So far as your ghetto comment goes; clearly you have ignored the advice you asked for. Pity, you actually stood a chance to grow. You will remain the same forever as your mental lethargy does not permit any deviation from that which you cling to support your fear.
This condition mimics death.
My condolences, idiot white man. Enjoy your grave.

From the time black people set foot on american soil, white folks have murdered, raped, beatin and victimized black folks up until the 1960's.

Yeah, after your tribal chieftain's back in Africa sold your descendants to the slave traders from Europe. And the lucky ones ended up on Southern plantations, where they had a job, a roof over their heads and plenty to eat. A few members of a group known as the KKK (last one being Senator Robert Byrd...dimocrat WV died in office in 2010) actually killed some blacks unnecessarily. The murders of blacks in this country weren't NEARLY as you believe they were. At the rate your own race is killing each other off, it will make what the KKK was responsible for look like a hit and run accident.

Get a fucking life.

I see.
Your response to racial inequality is to blame tribal chieftain's from centuries ago.
You cannot bear to admit that you, or anyone who looks like you, is part of the problem.
Consider coming back when you align with the reality that racism in the U.S. was not created in a vacuum, nor does it continue to exist in one.

NO, I'm not part of the problem. You SoBs ARE THE GD PROBLEM...I moved out of the city of St. Louis 38 years ago because I didn't want my kids trying to reach adulthood with what I saw it was coming to there. Best goddamn move I ever MADE. An imminent race war is the ONLY thing that will correct the situation. Unless YOU PERSONALLY can influence some rich SOB with a shitload of money to pay the way for 75 million NEGROES to return TO AFRICA.

From the time black people set foot on american soil, white folks have murdered, raped, beatin and victimized black folks up until the 1960's.

Yeah, after your tribal chieftain's back in Africa sold your descendants to the slave traders from Europe. And the lucky ones ended up on Southern plantations, where they had a job, a roof over their heads and plenty to eat. A few members of a group known as the KKK (last one being Senator Robert Byrd...dimocrat WV died in office in 2010) actually killed some blacks unnecessarily. The murders of blacks in this country weren't NEARLY as you believe they were. At the rate your own race is killing each other off, it will make what the KKK was responsible for look like a hit and run accident.

Get a fucking life.

I see.
Your response to racial inequality is to blame tribal chieftain's from centuries ago.
You cannot bear to admit that you, or anyone who looks like you, is part of the problem.
Consider coming back when you align with the reality that racism in the U.S. was not created in a vacuum, nor does it continue to exist in one.

NO, I'm not part of the problem. You SoBs ARE THE GD PROBLEM...I moved out of the city of St. Louis 38 years ago because I didn't want my kids trying to reach adulthood with what I saw it was coming to there. Best goddamn move I ever MADE. An imminent race war is the ONLY thing that will correct the situation. Unless YOU PERSONALLY can influence some rich SOB with a shitload of money to pay the way for 75 million NEGROES to return TO AFRICA.

You are declaring, on the World Wide Web, that a race war is the only thing that will correct the situation while advocating that all African Americans be sent back to Africa....
.....but you ARE NOT part of the problem ?

You are truly delusional.....and I'm figuring the SCLC and FBI know exactly who you are.

Hope you don't shoot yourself while cleaning your guns after tripping over the bible you likely never bothered opening.
STL huh ?
Was your grandfaher
Its very easy to put a spot light on todays violent culture in black communities all around the country. Its been going on this way since the early 90's and don't seem to let up any time soon, black on black crime is at historic levels and we can blame what ever you want on who, the facts are the facts and there's no disputing it......but what I find rather interesting are white people seem to find glee and enjoyment pointing out this horrific statistic and posting about it......I say lets turn the tables here a bit.

From the time black people set foot on american soil, white folks have murdered, raped, beatin and victimized black folks up until the 1960's. If we were to do an accounting of who's been and still is the most violent in this country....white folks would win hands down. If we were to do a body count, again, white folk would wins hands down.....now we've debated the causes of black on black crime, we've done studies, etc.....and concluded rather obvious reasons, poverty, discrimination, single parent homes, etc.....so my question now is,
what was the white man's excuse?


Our excuse was power and control. I can't argue your points either. And I dont take joy in how violent the black community is. I truly want it to stop.

I just feel like things will never improve if we wait for whites to do what's right. Even if they do it won't be enough if blacks dont change their behavior too.

1. Make it a goal the next generation of black kids will all have mothers and fathers raising them. No more accepting eubonic talk.

I dont have kids because I'm too selfish and can't afford them. If that's true for you too do like me dont have kids.
Just what, exactly, should white folks do? Blacks get preference in colleges and employment. They have equal rights and more than equal opportunities.
The problem is instilling the motivation for all of us to take advantage of those opportunities.
Blacks do, to a certain extent, mark themselves for failure.
The ghetto ebonics, disdain for blacks who act "Too white" the single parent families with weak or nonexistant father figures all work against them when they try to get a job.

Hell! Even names! I see no problem with being proud of your heritage, but giving your kid a name that marks him before he even gets an interview?

What's wrong with typical American names?

I guess there in lies my biggest problem. Blacks want to be African-Americans.
Why not just Americans?

Next, understand that YOU, hundreds of years later, are the direct beneficiary of the injustices I just referred to. That does NOT automatically make you an insensitive prick, but it does give you privileges that African Americans do not currently enjoy.
Snipped for brevity
That's bullshit. My family didn't get here until well after the civil war.
In the first generation my grandfather went from a young immigrant with no skills to the owner of a decent sized farm in Connecticut. Don't give me crap about white advantage. The tables have been turned since the 60's and more blacks are in poverty now than they were then.
Dammit! take some friggin responsibility for your problems. I sure as hell didn't put your sorry ass in the ghetto.

Was this advancement hindered by the color of his skin ?

Look asshat. Your race has had 150 years to climb out of the hole of slavery. My grandfather did it in 20 years. And you're damned right his ethnicity worked against him. He was German and we were fighting a war against the Germans when he bought the farm.

Man up and make it on your own. Your prosperity is not my responsibility.
This is simple...Based on the crime stats,,,Blacks are far more violent. That is a undisputable fact.

1. 50% of all murders being committed by 13% of the population. Look up the fbi data for any year!
2. 3-5 times as many violent crimes compared to whites.
3. twice as many white deaths at the hand of blacks as blacks at the hand of whites. Won't hear this one from the blacklivesmatter fuckers.

No fucking question...The top 20 most deadly cities have at least 20% of their populations being blacks.


From the time black people set foot on american soil, white folks have murdered, raped, beatin and victimized black folks up until the 1960's.

Yeah, after your tribal chieftain's back in Africa sold your descendants to the slave traders from Europe. And the lucky ones ended up on Southern plantations, where they had a job, a roof over their heads and plenty to eat. A few members of a group known as the KKK (last one being Senator Robert Byrd...dimocrat WV died in office in 2010) actually killed some blacks unnecessarily. The murders of blacks in this country weren't NEARLY as you believe they were. At the rate your own race is killing each other off, it will make what the KKK was responsible for look like a hit and run accident.

Get a fucking life.

I see.
Your response to racial inequality is to blame tribal chieftain's from centuries ago.
You cannot bear to admit that you, or anyone who looks like you, is part of the problem.
Consider coming back when you align with the reality that racism in the U.S. was not created in a vacuum, nor does it continue to exist in one.

NO, I'm not part of the problem. You SoBs ARE THE GD PROBLEM...I moved out of the city of St. Louis 38 years ago because I didn't want my kids trying to reach adulthood with what I saw it was coming to there. Best goddamn move I ever MADE. An imminent race war is the ONLY thing that will correct the situation. Unless YOU PERSONALLY can influence some rich SOB with a shitload of money to pay the way for 75 million NEGROES to return TO AFRICA.

You are declaring, on the World Wide Web, that a race war is the only thing that will correct the situation while advocating that all African Americans be sent back to Africa....
.....but you ARE NOT part of the problem ?

You are truly delusional.....and I'm figuring the SCLC and FBI know exactly who you are.

Hope you don't shoot yourself while cleaning your guns after tripping over the bible you likely never bothered opening.
STL huh ?

Sorry asshole...my only gun is a Daisy BB gun.
This is simple...Based on the crime stats,,,Blacks are far more violent. That is a undisputable fact.

1. 50% of all murders at 13% of the population
2. 3-5 times as many violent crimes compared to whites.
3. twice as many white deaths at the hand of blacks as blacks at the hand of whites.

No fucking question...The top 20 most deadly cities have at least 20% of their populations being blacks.


These black fuckers don't deal in FACTS

From the time black people set foot on american soil, white folks have murdered, raped, beatin and victimized black folks up until the 1960's.

Yeah, after your tribal chieftain's back in Africa sold your descendants to the slave traders from Europe. And the lucky ones ended up on Southern plantations, where they had a job, a roof over their heads and plenty to eat. A few members of a group known as the KKK (last one being Senator Robert Byrd...dimocrat WV died in office in 2010) actually killed some blacks unnecessarily. The murders of blacks in this country weren't NEARLY as you believe they were. At the rate your own race is killing each other off, it will make what the KKK was responsible for look like a hit and run accident.

Get a fucking life.

I see.
Your response to racial inequality is to blame tribal chieftain's from centuries ago.
You cannot bear to admit that you, or anyone who looks like you, is part of the problem.
Consider coming back when you align with the reality that racism in the U.S. was not created in a vacuum, nor does it continue to exist in one.

NO, I'm not part of the problem. You SoBs ARE THE GD PROBLEM...I moved out of the city of St. Louis 38 years ago because I didn't want my kids trying to reach adulthood with what I saw it was coming to there. Best goddamn move I ever MADE. An imminent race war is the ONLY thing that will correct the situation. Unless YOU PERSONALLY can influence some rich SOB with a shitload of money to pay the way for 75 million NEGROES to return TO AFRICA.

You are declaring, on the World Wide Web, that a race war is the only thing that will correct the situation while advocating that all African Americans be sent back to Africa....
.....but you ARE NOT part of the problem ?

You are truly delusional.....and I'm figuring the SCLC and FBI know exactly who you are.

Hope you don't shoot yourself while cleaning your guns after tripping over the bible you likely never bothered opening.
STL huh ?

You are another one who is truly full of shit.
It's not just in America, blacks display the same violence everywhere else in the world
Blacks seem to be more physical than whites but I don't know about violence. Perhaps their rough and tumble play leads to violence more so than with whites. I am not a physical person in the sense that I like to play grab ass with people but aside from that I don't mind working at my tasks and I love country dancing, which can be physical.

Perhaps blacks are like frustrated small children in that acting out their frustrations gives them some emotional relief? Perhaps they see their problems as being unsurmountable?

Listen, what black children lack in their lives are role models that need to teach them out to negotiate conflict. We don't allow our children options when it comes to conflict. I can't tell you how many parents I see kicking thier kids ass because they lost a fight....lost a fight. How many parents I see yelling at their kids and beating on their kids....remember the black mother that beat her kid after he showed up for a protest and all the media was applauding this bitch? A strong black parents presence alone should have made that kid want to go with his mother, a look should have done the trick...instead, she used violence....do you think for a second this kid is gonna grow up not wanting to use the same tatics to convey his message?

I agree with this. You really aren't teaching a child anything when you use violence except that is how you resolve issues.

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