Who's The Biggest Donor For The 2014 Elections?

Americans for Prosperity — the group backed by David H. and Charles G. Koch that has been pouring millions of dollars into competitive Senate races to the rising alarm of Democrats — was also among the politically active groups on the ground in this month’s special House election on Florida’s Gulf Coast.

Americans for Prosperity turned the Florida contest into its personal electoral laboratory to fine-tune get-out-the-vote tools and messaging for future elections as it pursues its overarching goal of convincing Americans that big government is bad government.

As the group emerges as a dominant force in the 2014 midterm elections, spending up to 10 times as much as any major outside Democratic group so far, officials of the organization say their effort is not confined to hammering away at President Obama’s Affordable Care Act


And cites the NYtimes a known far left hack site..

Continue posting far left propaganda!

The evil Koch brothers didn't even make the list

Please...in 2012 they spend over $400 million on political elections and now we're supposed to believe they haven't even spent $5 million??? That's Dark Money for you...

More far left propaganda that does not fit the facts..

Heavy Hitters Top All-Time Donors 1989-2014 OpenSecrets

Number 59 on this list, the top 25 dominated by unions.

Another far left propaganda fail!!!

Here's a quote directly from the link you posted:

It's also important to note that we aren't including donations to politically active dark money groups, like Americans for Prosperity, a group linked to the Koch brothers, or the liberal group Patriot Majority — because these groups hide their donors; see a list of top donors that we've been able to identify to such groups.

Forum List
