Who's the conspiracy theorist?

9/11 was a conspiracy in the 1st place. A terrorist conspiracy. The alternate theories that have been suggested require so many more security failings than the ones you mentioned in your post.

Example: Building 47 collapsed as a result of 2 enormous buildings falling on top of it or...
Building 47 collapsed as a result of hundreds of small bombs being snuck into its infrastructure, along with hundreds more being snuck into WTC towers 1 and 2, 19 men being falsified and used as patsies for the attacks, members of the U.S. military and government conspiring to cover things up without a single one leaking anything...

Also if this was a scheme for some conspirators to make money then they sure went to a lot of trouble to destroy a lot to make a fairly small amount of money. Or if it was a conspiracy by Bush then he went to a lot of trouble to instigate wars that failed to accomplish anything and lost a lot of money, and only a couple of corporations benefitted and not that much.

It's possible to come up with alternate explanations for what happened on 9/11, but the accepted story is so much more believable than any other that nobody considers it seriously.

What are the motives? Who benefited? Who are the suspects? Are the motives and benefits sufficient for the suspects to go to all that trouble?

oh really ?

Listed below are statements by more than 220 of these senior officials. Their collective voices give credibility to the claim that the 9/11 Commission Report is tragically flawed. These individuals cannot be simply dismissed as irresponsible believers in some 9/11 conspiracy theory. Their sincere concern, backed by their decades of service to their country, demonstrate that criticism of the Report is not irresponsible, illogical, nor disloyal, per se. In fact, it can be just the opposite.

Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report

Only criticism ... It IS the opposite! Those who would blindly adhere to the official story when so many parts of the official story (conspiracy theory) just don't add up are giving cover to enemies of America. They are not patriots.

I sound like a broken record on this but we need a real investigation, it's never too late for the truth.

Who do you think will investigate 911? Certainly you can't mean anyone in the government, right?
why did Bush tell the top terror expert of the time to STOP telling him about AQ and Bin Ladin?

they treated Richard Clarke like a "disgruntled Employee".

Remember when Bush had to say that line all the time.

I think they allowed us to be hit so they could go to war with Sadam

Failed. "They" didn't need 9/11 to go to war with Iraq. Simply planting evidence of plutonium enrichment or radioactive mats in Iraq would have done the trick but thanks for playing. Try again.
oh really ?

Listed below are statements by more than 220 of these senior officials. Their collective voices give credibility to the claim that the 9/11 Commission Report is tragically flawed. These individuals cannot be simply dismissed as irresponsible believers in some 9/11 conspiracy theory. Their sincere concern, backed by their decades of service to their country, demonstrate that criticism of the Report is not irresponsible, illogical, nor disloyal, per se. In fact, it can be just the opposite.

Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report

Only criticism ... It IS the opposite! Those who would blindly adhere to the official story when so many parts of the official story (conspiracy theory) just don't add up are giving cover to enemies of America. They are not patriots.

I sound like a broken record on this but we need a real investigation, it's never too late for the truth.

Who do you think will investigate 911? Certainly you can't mean anyone in the government, right?

I was kinda hoping that you, Wilhosa and (ID)eots would do it and if you need some "expert" imput, 9/11 Hand Job, Sista Pauli and Mr. Jones certainly seem to have the time and "expertise." :cool:
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oh really ?

Listed below are statements by more than 220 of these senior officials. Their collective voices give credibility to the claim that the 9/11 Commission Report is tragically flawed. These individuals cannot be simply dismissed as irresponsible believers in some 9/11 conspiracy theory. Their sincere concern, backed by their decades of service to their country, demonstrate that criticism of the Report is not irresponsible, illogical, nor disloyal, per se. In fact, it can be just the opposite.

Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report

Only criticism ... It IS the opposite! Those who would blindly adhere to the official story when so many parts of the official story (conspiracy theory) just don't add up are giving cover to enemies of America. They are not patriots.

I sound like a broken record on this but we need a real investigation, it's never too late for the truth.

Who do you think will investigate 911? Certainly you can't mean anyone in the government, right?

We need a special prosecutor and a real crime investigation. I'm not able to give you a name but there are organizations who could nominate someone who would be independent.
why did Bush tell the top terror expert of the time to STOP telling him about AQ and Bin Ladin?

they treated Richard Clarke like a "disgruntled Employee".

Remember when Bush had to say that line all the time.

I think they allowed us to be hit so they could go to war with Sadam

Failed. "They" didn't need 9/11 to go to war with Iraq. Simply planting evidence of plutonium enrichment or radioactive mats in Iraq would have done the trick but thanks for playing. Try again.

Again, I won't be drawn into speculating. There are myriad possibilities as to whom and how. This is why we need a special prosecutor with subpoena power
To run a real crime investigation.

Or we can go on living the lie.
I started a thread in which I asked " do you believe the official 911 story". The censors, er, excuse me, moderators on this site immediately switched it to the conspiracy theories category. If you read my posts you know that I never advanced a theory for what happened on 911. Instead I said why I didn't believe the official story and advocated for a real crime investigation led by a special prosecutor with subpoena power.

I was of course immediately attacked by people who for what ever reason chose to defend the official story. Don't like the message? Attack the messenger.

Bottom line is that I was not advancing a conspiracy theory, but all the defenders of the official story are, because without a real investigation we Are left with the impossible theory that Bin Laden and his lieutenants living in caves in Afghanistan could slip operatives into America and even though the FBI knew they were here they did not apprehend them. They then hijacked airplanes, made U turns in the sky but no military aircraft intercepted them. They then flew them into buildings which crumbled to the ground. They flew one into the Pentagon one of the most fortified buildings in the world, again unmolested. Then a modern 47 story steel frame high rise building which was not even hit by a plane completely collapsed into its own footprint in a matter of seconds supposedly as a result of fire, something which has never happened before. All this is advanced as the theory of what happened on 911 and I'm called the conspiracy theorist?

If it were not so horrendous it would be hilarious.

I'm no conspiracy theorist but the defenders of the official story are.

Without a real investigation we are left with the impossible conspiracy theory I outlined above.

By the way, I posted this under the conspiracy theories because that is what the official story is!

Q: How did the wreckage get on the pentagon lawn
A: (You) I don't know

It's not we who have theories....plane wreckage=a plane crash. You're the one with half-baked theories. The reason why you were ridiculed is because you're being ridiculous.
I would not be too terribly upset that one is accused of being a conspiracy theorist.

Oh I know that term is used as a putdown by the terminally stupid.

But so many conspiracies have been exposed that theorizing that there are others doesn't make one appear to be too nuts to those of us who actually READ THE PAPERS.

Conspiracies are as common as dust.

They happen wherever power and money collide.
I would not be too terribly upset that one is accused of being a conspiracy theorist.

Oh I know that term is used as a putdown by the terminally stupid.

No, it's meant as a putdown of the terminally stupid, certifiably paranoid and just plain nuts. :cuckoo:
If you read my posts you know that I never advanced a theory for what happened on 911. Instead I said why I didn't believe the official story and advocated for a real crime investigation led by a special prosecutor with subpoena power.

Yeah. You've never advanced a conspiracy theory. Noooooo. Not you wihosa...

No evidence? You can clearly see the melted off stumps of the columns in many photos from ground zero. By the way the columns are melted off at an angle so as to facilitate the movement downward of the upper portion of the column, just as is done inCONTROLLED DEMOLITION!!!!!!

The fact that there are elements which could have come from an airliner found at the pentagon only confirm that this deception was well planned.

Again DNA "found" only goes to show that the deception was well planned.

As for proof of explosives, since none were looked for, would you really expect to find any? There is however evidence of thermite (an incendiary) in every sample of the dust examined by those looking for it.

There are many pictures of ground zero in which the melted off columns are visible. Steel can not snap off. Had it broken off there would be evidence of bending and tearing but that is not what can be seen. What can be seen is the angled, melted off stumps of columns.

No I'm not a troll. Are you paid to try to refute the observations of people like me?

How do you know DNA was discovered there? Because people connected to the deception said so?

Proof of thermite? Angled cuts just like controlled demolition? The Deception? "Paid to refute"? The deception was well planned?

Right. I can see how you claim you've never advanced a conspiracy theory...

I started a thread in which I asked " do you believe the official 911 story". The censors, er, excuse me, moderators on this site immediately switched it to the conspiracy theories category. If you read my posts you know that I never advanced a theory for what happened on 911. Instead I said why I didn't believe the official story and advocated for a real crime investigation led by a special prosecutor with subpoena power.

I was of course immediately attacked by people who for what ever reason chose to defend the official story. Don't like the message? Attack the messenger.

Bottom line is that I was not advancing a conspiracy theory, but all the defenders of the official story are, because without a real investigation we Are left with the impossible theory that Bin Laden and his lieutenants living in caves in Afghanistan could slip operatives into America and even though the FBI knew they were here they did not apprehend them. They then hijacked airplanes, made U turns in the sky but no military aircraft intercepted them. They then flew them into buildings which crumbled to the ground. They flew one into the Pentagon one of the most fortified buildings in the world, again unmolested. Then a modern 47 story steel frame high rise building which was not even hit by a plane completely collapsed into its own footprint in a matter of seconds supposedly as a result of fire, something which has never happened before. All this is advanced as the theory of what happened on 911 and I'm called the conspiracy theorist?

If it were not so horrendous it would be hilarious.

I'm no conspiracy theorist but the defenders of the official story are.

Without a real investigation we are left with the impossible conspiracy theory I outlined above.

By the way, I posted this under the conspiracy theories because that is what the official story is!

Oh great. Another CTist who couches their circle jerk in a false guise of objectivity while attempting to deflect and deny.
Like that's not been tried before....... :lmao:
I started a thread in which I asked " do you believe the official 911 story". The censors, er, excuse me, moderators on this site immediately switched it to the conspiracy theories category. If you read my posts you know that I never advanced a theory for what happened on 911. Instead I said why I didn't believe the official story and advocated for a real crime investigation led by a special prosecutor with subpoena power.

I was of course immediately attacked by people who for what ever reason chose to defend the official story. Don't like the message? Attack the messenger.

Bottom line is that I was not advancing a conspiracy theory, but all the defenders of the official story are, because without a real investigation we Are left with the impossible theory that Bin Laden and his lieutenants living in caves in Afghanistan could slip operatives into America and even though the FBI knew they were here they did not apprehend them. They then hijacked airplanes, made U turns in the sky but no military aircraft intercepted them. They then flew them into buildings which crumbled to the ground. They flew one into the Pentagon one of the most fortified buildings in the world, again unmolested. Then a modern 47 story steel frame high rise building which was not even hit by a plane completely collapsed into its own footprint in a matter of seconds supposedly as a result of fire, something which has never happened before. All this is advanced as the theory of what happened on 911 and I'm called the conspiracy theorist?

If it were not so horrendous it would be hilarious.

I'm no conspiracy theorist but the defenders of the official story are.

Without a real investigation we are left with the impossible conspiracy theory I outlined above.

By the way, I posted this under the conspiracy theories because that is what the official story is!

Oh great. Another CTist who couches their circle jerk in a false guise of objectivity while attempting to deflect and deny.
Like that's not been tried before....... :lmao:

I particularly enjoy the ones who, when the silliness of their CT is exposed, sheepishly attempt to stuff their worms back into the can by claiming "I offered no alternate theory, I just don't believe the gov't version."
It is freaking impossible for a conspiracy to blow up the symbol of capitalism to have been authorized through three political administrations. The tin foil hats are careful not to implicate sleaze bag Clinton but he would have been at the center of the criminal conspiracy. The WTC was attacked the first time during the Clinton administration. Why didn't the conspiracy succeed back then? The terrorists tried conventional explosives instead of planes at time and the sleaze bag in the WH came out from under the desk with Monica long enough to call it a "foolish act by foolish people" instead of taking it seriously. The ironic thing is that Clinton was busy bombing a defenseless country in Europe while the 9-11 terrorists were attending flight school in the US.
That it was a conspiracy that brought down the WTC is irrefutable.

That we actually know all the details of that conspiracy remains the question.

One does not need to posit an explanation to suspect a conspiracy.

And that's where many conspiracy theorists get it so very very wrong.

They go from asking questions about the offical reports, finding flaws in them, (all very reasonable to do if the facts don't make sense) to then advancing THEORIES that they cannot prove either.

I have enormous problems with theories that suggest a large scale conspiracy in the WHITE HOUSE caused 911.

I have NO problem finding fault with the official story.
9/11 was a conspiracy in the 1st place. A terrorist conspiracy. The alternate theories that have been suggested require so many more security failings than the ones you mentioned in your post.

Example: Building 47 collapsed as a result of 2 enormous buildings falling on top of it or...
Building 47 collapsed as a result of hundreds of small bombs being snuck into its infrastructure, along with hundreds more being snuck into WTC towers 1 and 2, 19 men being falsified and used as patsies for the attacks, members of the U.S. military and government conspiring to cover things up without a single one leaking anything...

Also if this was a scheme for some conspirators to make money then they sure went to a lot of trouble to destroy a lot to make a fairly small amount of money. Or if it was a conspiracy by Bush then he went to a lot of trouble to instigate wars that failed to accomplish anything and lost a lot of money, and only a couple of corporations benefitted and not that much.

It's possible to come up with alternate explanations for what happened on 9/11, but the accepted story is so much more believable than any other that nobody considers it seriously.

What are the motives? Who benefited? Who are the suspects? Are the motives and benefits sufficient for the suspects to go to all that trouble?

oh really ?

Listed below are statements by more than 220 of these senior officials. Their collective voices give credibility to the claim that the 9/11 Commission Report is tragically flawed. These individuals cannot be simply dismissed as irresponsible believers in some 9/11 conspiracy theory. Their sincere concern, backed by their decades of service to their country, demonstrate that criticism of the Report is not irresponsible, illogical, nor disloyal, per se. In fact, it can be just the opposite.

Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report
eots' favorite non credible site.
If you read my posts you know that I never advanced a theory for what happened on 911. Instead I said why I didn't believe the official story and advocated for a real crime investigation led by a special prosecutor with subpoena power.

Yeah. You've never advanced a conspiracy theory. Noooooo. Not you wihosa...

No evidence? You can clearly see the melted off stumps of the columns in many photos from ground zero. By the way the columns are melted off at an angle so as to facilitate the movement downward of the upper portion of the column, just as is done inCONTROLLED DEMOLITION!!!!!!
No I'm not a troll. Are you paid to try to refute the observations of people like me?

How do you know DNA was discovered there? Because people connected to the deception said so?

Proof of thermite? Angled cuts just like controlled demolition? The Deception? "Paid to refute"? The deception was well planned?

Right. I can see how you claim you've never advanced a conspiracy theory...


Most of the 9/11 CTs here seem to be backtracking lately, now claiming they have proffered no CTs but rather have just rejected the official account. The effort is so widespread I suspect some collusion among them. Hey ... could it be a conspiracy?
If you read my posts you know that I never advanced a theory for what happened on 911. Instead I said why I didn't believe the official story and advocated for a real crime investigation led by a special prosecutor with subpoena power.

Yeah. You've never advanced a conspiracy theory. Noooooo. Not you wihosa...

How do you know DNA was discovered there? Because people connected to the deception said so?

Proof of thermite? Angled cuts just like controlled demolition? The Deception? "Paid to refute"? The deception was well planned?

Right. I can see how you claim you've never advanced a conspiracy theory...


Most of the 9/11 CTs here seem to be backtracking lately, now claiming they have proffered no CTs but rather have just rejected the official account. The effort is so widespread I suspect some collusion among them. Hey ... could it be a conspiracy?

When you ask someone what they "think" happened and they hesitate to tell you what they "think" happened, they are disqualified from being taken seriously.

You walk into your house and see your TV missing, broken glass on the floor and a window that is broken, you can draw the conclusion that someone broke into your house through the window and took your TV.

That is exactly the same circumstance that we have in 9/11. We have 4 planes missing, 4 plane crashes, four hijackings, and 4 groups of passengers who were never heard from again. When someone wants to inject some sort of "unknown" into these facts, they are to be ridiculed because they are being ridiculous.
Yeah. You've never advanced a conspiracy theory. Noooooo. Not you wihosa...

Proof of thermite? Angled cuts just like controlled demolition? The Deception? "Paid to refute"? The deception was well planned?

Right. I can see how you claim you've never advanced a conspiracy theory...


Most of the 9/11 CTs here seem to be backtracking lately, now claiming they have proffered no CTs but rather have just rejected the official account. The effort is so widespread I suspect some collusion among them. Hey ... could it be a conspiracy?

When you ask someone what they "think" happened and they hesitate to tell you what they "think" happened, they are disqualified from being taken seriously.

You walk into your house and see your TV missing, broken glass on the floor and a window that is broken, you can draw the conclusion that someone broke into your house through the window and took your TV.

That is exactly the same circumstance that we have in 9/11. We have 4 planes missing, 4 plane crashes, four hijackings, and 4 groups of passengers who were never heard from again. When someone wants to inject some sort of "unknown" into these facts, they are to be ridiculed because they are being ridiculous.
you're wrong the US government conspired with Sony to steal all regular TV'S and replace them with the subliminal message models... I heard on Alex jones' show.
all the people at fema are devil worshippers!
9/11 was a conspiracy in the 1st place. A terrorist conspiracy. The alternate theories that have been suggested require so many more security failings than the ones you mentioned in your post.

Example: Building 47 collapsed as a result of 2 enormous buildings falling on top of it or...
Building 47 collapsed as a result of hundreds of small bombs being snuck into its infrastructure, along with hundreds more being snuck into WTC towers 1 and 2, 19 men being falsified and used as patsies for the attacks, members of the U.S. military and government conspiring to cover things up without a single one leaking anything...

Also if this was a scheme for some conspirators to make money then they sure went to a lot of trouble to destroy a lot to make a fairly small amount of money. Or if it was a conspiracy by Bush then he went to a lot of trouble to instigate wars that failed to accomplish anything and lost a lot of money, and only a couple of corporations benefitted and not that much.

It's possible to come up with alternate explanations for what happened on 9/11, but the accepted story is so much more believable than any other that nobody considers it seriously.

What are the motives? Who benefited? Who are the suspects? Are the motives and benefits sufficient for the suspects to go to all that trouble?

oh really ?

Listed below are statements by more than 220 of these senior officials. Their collective voices give credibility to the claim that the 9/11 Commission Report is tragically flawed. These individuals cannot be simply dismissed as irresponsible believers in some 9/11 conspiracy theory. Their sincere concern, backed by their decades of service to their country, demonstrate that criticism of the Report is not irresponsible, illogical, nor disloyal, per se. In fact, it can be just the opposite.

Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report
eots' favorite non credible site.

your favorite dodge from highly credible experts statements
Yeah. You've never advanced a conspiracy theory. Noooooo. Not you wihosa...

Proof of thermite? Angled cuts just like controlled demolition? The Deception? "Paid to refute"? The deception was well planned?

Right. I can see how you claim you've never advanced a conspiracy theory...


Most of the 9/11 CTs here seem to be backtracking lately, now claiming they have proffered no CTs but rather have just rejected the official account. The effort is so widespread I suspect some collusion among them. Hey ... could it be a conspiracy?

When you ask someone what they "think" happened and they hesitate to tell you what they "think" happened, they are disqualified from being taken seriously.

You walk into your house and see your TV missing, broken glass on the floor and a window that is broken, you can draw the conclusion that someone broke into your house through the window and took your TV.

That is exactly the same circumstance that we have in 9/11. We have 4 planes missing, 4 plane crashes, four hijackings, and 4 groups of passengers who were never heard from again. When someone wants to inject some sort of "unknown" into these facts, they are to be ridiculed because they are being ridiculous.

without a proper investigation what happened is speculation..there has been no such investigation

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