Who's The Fascist?

All-or-nothing fallacy.

You're not a free-market capitalist, you're a fascist. You support private ownership of business, but you believe that government should dictate to ownership how much they can charge, how much they have to pay, how much they're allowed to earn, etc. That's exactly what China has as did Nazi Germany and fascist Italy.
So you believe in protecting life, but only after they're born, right?

You don't think abortion is murder. Nobody does. You're lying about that. A speck isn't a person. Only lunatics and liars claim it is. The lunatic claim that abortion is murder is a very historically recent pro-life fiction.

By the way, how do you differ from PETA? Aside from PETA people having better hygiene, that is. Both of you fake stories about how certain things are people, so you can make bug-eyed lunatic accusations that others are guilty of murder, and thus get off on the hatred. I pay no attention to PETA liars or pro-life liars.

And what is an "abortion gag rule"?

Preventing doctors from even speaking about abortion to patients, under penalty of law. That's a brazen free speech violation, which you obviously adore.

The rest are all talking points and not EXAMPLES.

So noted. You couldn't respond.
You're not a free-market capitalist, you're a fascist. You support private ownership of business, but you believe that government should dictate to ownership how much they can charge, how much they have to pay, how much they're allowed to earn, etc. That's exactly what China has as did Nazi Germany and fascist Italy.

My point is that you can't debate any liberal honestly, and you know it. You can only debate is your dishonest strawmen, and that's why you create them.

Such dishonest propaganda campaigns, of course, are a hallmark of fascist regimes.
So noted. You couldn't respond.

You didn't give me anything to which to respond. You gave a talking point. You didn't provide a specific example of a Republican policy. If you wish to persuade, you need to provide substance. If you're not willing to provide substance, then you're not going to persuade.
My point is that you can't debate any liberal honestly...

I disagree. I asked you several times if you support rent control and you refused to answer. You're the one that is unwilling to engage honestly.
Preventing doctors from even speaking about abortion to patients, under penalty of law. That's a brazen free speech violation, which you obviously adore.

Do you have a citation for this?

You accuse me of creating a "strawman" while simultaneously accusing me of "adoring" a policy that I know nothing about and then accuse me of being "dishonest".
You didn't give me anything to which to respond. You gave a talking point. You didn't provide a specific example of a Republican policy. If you wish to persuade, you need to provide substance. If you're not willing to provide substance, then you're not going to persuade.

Don't worry, I was never under the impression that religious fanatics can be persuaded to abandon their religion.
You don't think abortion is murder. Nobody does. You're lying about that. A speck isn't a person. Only lunatics and liars claim it is. The lunatic claim that abortion is murder is a very historically recent pro-life fiction.

Abortion terminates the life of a human being in its earliest stages. Yes, I oppose it.
I presume that you are an atheist, is that correct?
Don't worry, I was never under the impression that religious fanatics can be persuaded to abandon their religion.

You make claims but are unwilling to back them up with any hard data. It's clear that you're not willing to engage in honest, give-and-take discussion. If anyone here is the "fanatic", it is you.
Abortion terminates the life of a human being in its earliest stages. Yes, I oppose it.

Nope, zygotes aren't human beings. Never have been in all of human history. Claiming they are is very recent revisionism.

And the science? It's very unkind to pro-lifers there, so you probably shouldn't go there. You'd learn how bad your grasp of biology is.
Nope, zygotes aren't human beings. Never have been in all of human history. Claiming they are is very recent revisionism.

Once the egg has been fertilized, a human life has begun. THAT is when it all starts. To claim otherwise is delusional dishonesty.

Do you believe that the universe caused itself to come into existence?
Once the egg has been fertilized, a human life has begun. THAT is when it all starts. To claim otherwise is delusional dishonesty.

As you just implied sperm and egg aren't alive, you look to be staggering ignorant of basic biology.

I came from an unfertilized egg. That fact is not disputable. Thus, by your loony standard there, unfertilized eggs are people.

Want to try again? You won't to any better. You'll be reduced to screeching "BECAUSE I SAY SO!" quickly, like all other pro-lifers are.
Once the egg has been fertilized, a human life has begun. THAT is when it all starts. To claim otherwise is delusional dishonesty.

As you just implied sperm and egg aren't alive, you look to be staggering ignorant of basic biology.

I came from an unfertilized egg. That fact is not disputable. Thus, by your loony standard there, unfertilized eggs are people.

Want to try again? You won't to any better. You'll be reduced to screeching "BECAUSE I SAY SO!" quickly, like all other pro-lifers are.

You're so dishonest. Of course, you follow Satan, the father of the lie. You don't believe in him, of course, but you do his bidding. You belong to him. Your views align with his. Perhaps in the hereafter, you will join him.

Human life begins when the sperm fertilizes the egg, not before and not after. Capiche?
You're so dishonest. Of course, you follow Satan, the father of the lie.

As one of my points is how you're driven entirely by religious fanaticism, I thank you for confirming it so convincingly.

You don't believe in him, of course, but you do his bidding. You belong to him. Your views align with his. Perhaps in the hereafter, you will join him.

PETA freaks also threaten me. I don't pay any attention to them either.

Human life begins

And still the delusion about how sperm and egg aren't alive.

when the sperm fertilizes the egg, not before and not after. Capiche?

Fertilization isn't an instant. It's a process that takes more than a day. Where exactly in that process does human life begin? Be very specific, be sure to give the precise reasons behind your claim. Most importantly, show that those reasons aren't entirely subjective.
As a more-enlightened, tolerant, inclusive, loving-liberal, my definition of fascism is anyone I dislike and anyone who disagrees with me is a FASCIST!

Pretty much what Steele has written...

"More broadly, fascism may be defined as any totalitarian regime which does not aim at the nationalization of industry but preserves at least nominal private property. The term can even be extended to any dictatorship that has become unfashionable among intellectuals. [working-class Americans call it "Communism." Middle-class Americans, educated enough to understand that it's uncouth to say anything against Communism, call if "fascism."]
When the Soviet Union and People's China had a falling out in the 1960s, they each promptly discovered that the other fraternal socialist country was not merely capitalist but "fascist." At the most vulgar level, "fascist" is a handy swear-word for such hated figures as Rush Limbaugh or John Ashcroft who, whatever their faults, are as remote from historical Fascism as anyone in public life today."

The Mystery of Fascism

by David Ramsay Steele

The Mystery of Fascism by David Ramsay Steele

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