Whose Planks Are These?

Poor Rabbi. He works so hard to delude himself that Nazis are left wing.

It's sad to watch, really.
Poor Rabbi. He works so hard to delude himself that Nazis are left wing.

It's sad to watch, really.
I can see I need to post this here as well.

"We are socialists,we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions.”

Heil hitler. Bernie sanders himself has said this everyday.
Socialism tends to be left wing.

National Socialism is right wing.

Trying to equate Sanders' Social Democracy with National Socialism is hilarious.
"National Socialists were a political party. They did not have a well-defined economic ideology and were more concerned about political power. Most of what they said about economics was to gain favor with the populace. Once they gained power, they would then worry about the economy. "

Ha this totally sounds like liberals.
In Germany, there was a right wing racialist movement which members of Hitler's party wanted to recruit into their party. But Hitler saw the racialists as weak and objects of ridicule by the Left, and so he decided to discourage the racialists from joining his party. The racialists were not bold or brave enough, in Hitler's opinion, to actually resort to violence to purify German. He wanted people who were:

Everyone interprets the idea as he happens to understand it. Such a wide variety of opinions is unacceptable as a basis for a fighting political movement. I am not even referring to their separation from reality and particularly the ignorance these people display when it comes to the soul of the nation which is commonly seen in these racialist movements, these John the Baptists of the twentieth century. (satirically meaning prophets of what is to come.) The value of these people is clearly illustrated in the way they are treated by the Left-Wing parties. They find them ridiculous so they let these people rant and rave and just laugh at them.

Anyone in this world who is not hated by his enemies is worthless as a friend to me. Therefore the friendship of these people for our young movement was not only worthless but downright dangerous. In fact, that was the main reason we chose the name “Party” in the first place. We hoped that this would scare off a whole swarm of racialist sleepwalkers. This is why we also described ourselves as the National Socialist German Workers’ Party.

The word Party scared off the fanatics who live in the past, as well as the big talkers who spout meaningless phrases about the “racial idea”. The other part, National Socialist German Workers, freed us from a whole parade of knights of the “intellectual” sword and all the ragged misfits that carry “intellectual weapons” as a shield to cover their cowardice.
The red color of our posters alone attracted them into our meeting-halls. The ordinary privileged-class was quite horrified to see us using the red of the Bolsheviks and regarded it as very curious scandal. The spirits among German-Nationalists kept whispering to one another their suspicion that basically, we were only a variation of Marxism, maybe even Marxists or some kind of Socialists in disguise. These brains have still not grasped the difference between Socialism and Marxism. When they discovered that we omitted the standard greeting “ladies and gentlemen” and instead used “comrades” and that among ourselves we spoke only of “Party comrades”, many saw this as proof of the Marxist ghost. How often we shook with laughter at these simpleminded, scared privileged-class rabbits with their clever guesswork about our origin, our intentions, and our aim.
Pwned again. Scuttle off. You have nothnig of substance to contribute.


"Substance" like this thread, clown?
And yet you cannot anwer the question.

It's amusing to watch you try to deny the existence of posts in this thread that you yourself replied to.

I answered your asinine question in my first post in this thread.
Its amusing that you declare you've done something when you clearly havent.


Maybe if I make it bigger.

Are these planks of the Bernie Sanders campaign? Yes or no.

Um, no - they're not.
OK, so you are wrong. Not surprising in the least.
The poor piss drinking rubes want you to believe these people are left wing. It just doesn't get more self-deluded than this, boys and girls:


Which one of these is you?

"Substance" like this thread, clown?
And yet you cannot anwer the question.

It's amusing to watch you try to deny the existence of posts in this thread that you yourself replied to.

I answered your asinine question in my first post in this thread.
Its amusing that you declare you've done something when you clearly havent.


Maybe if I make it bigger.

Are these planks of the Bernie Sanders campaign? Yes or no.

Um, no - they're not.
OK, so you are wrong. Not surprising in the least.


No, I'm not.
And yet you cannot anwer the question.

It's amusing to watch you try to deny the existence of posts in this thread that you yourself replied to.

I answered your asinine question in my first post in this thread.
Its amusing that you declare you've done something when you clearly havent.


Maybe if I make it bigger.

Are these planks of the Bernie Sanders campaign? Yes or no.

Um, no - they're not.
OK, so you are wrong. Not surprising in the least.


No, I'm not.
LOL. Check again, Norman.
That is the point when I saw two dangers approaching. Previously, I did not truly understand their names or their importance to the German people’s existence. Their names were Marxism and Jewry.
Notice how the nationalistic planks came first in the Nazi platform.
The red color of our posters alone attracted them into our meeting-halls. The ordinary privileged-class was quite horrified to see us using the red of the Bolsheviks and regarded it as very curious scandal. The spirits among German-Nationalists kept whispering to one another their suspicion that basically, we were only a variation of Marxism, maybe even Marxists or some kind of Socialists in disguise. These brains have still not grasped the difference between Socialism and Marxism. When they discovered that we omitted the standard greeting “ladies and gentlemen” and instead used “comrades” and that among ourselves we spoke only of “Party comrades”, many saw this as proof of the Marxist ghost. How often we shook with laughter at these simpleminded, scared privileged-class rabbits with their clever guesswork about our origin, our intentions, and our aim.
Still sounds liberal to me.
These are not from Bernie Sanders. They are from National Socialist German Workers' Party

Next Question.

--- which given the poster's name was predictable before even clicking in.

Now batting.... out of left field....
Number Zero....
Godwin... Slaw!
and the crowd goes mild...

Last edited:
It's amusing to watch you try to deny the existence of posts in this thread that you yourself replied to.

I answered your asinine question in my first post in this thread.
Its amusing that you declare you've done something when you clearly havent.


Maybe if I make it bigger.

Are these planks of the Bernie Sanders campaign? Yes or no.

Um, no - they're not.
OK, so you are wrong. Not surprising in the least.


No, I'm not.
LOL. Check again, Norman.


I have no need to "check" anything, clown.
What you have to worry about from the Left are Marxist and Stalinist tendencies.

What you have to worry about from the Right are Nazi tendencies.

As they become more and more extreme, the dumber rubes on the Right try to convince themselves the Right can't have extremist tendencies. "We can't be Nazis because Nazis are left wing, so what we are doing is right and good."
Its amusing that you declare you've done something when you clearly havent.


Maybe if I make it bigger.

Are these planks of the Bernie Sanders campaign? Yes or no.

Um, no - they're not.
OK, so you are wrong. Not surprising in the least.


No, I'm not.
LOL. Check again, Norman.


I have no need to "check" anything, clown.
17. Demanding that the wealthy and large corporations pay their fair share in taxes.

Right off Sanders' website. So either you can't read, you didnt bother to read, you skimmed it, you're lazy, you're stupid, you are ignorant.
Which is it, dunce?
What you have to worry about from the Left are Marxist and Stalinist tendencies.

What you have to worry about from the Right are Nazi tendencies.

As they become more and more extreme, the dumber rubes on the Right try to convince themselves the Right can't have extremist tendencies. "We can't be Nazis because Nazis are left wing, so what we are doing is right and good."
They are teh same tendency--the state controls the means of production and social instutiutions with the goal towards creating better societies.
The dumbshits just done get it.
Poor Rabbi. He works so hard to delude himself that Nazis are left wing.

It's sad to watch, really.
Poor Rabbi. He works so hard to delude himself that Nazis are left wing.

It's sad to watch, really.
I can see I need to post this here as well.

"We are socialists,we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions.”

Heil hitler. Bernie sanders himself has said this everyday.

So 99% of all economists are wrong there is no income/wealth inequality in the US? There hasn't been flat wage growth for working Americans for four decades?
Who exactly determines wages as reflected by the income growth at the top?
Wages used to be determined by productivity and profits when the US middle class was strong and had the world's most wealthy middle class. Now the US middle class is ranked 19th.
And Sanders doesn't have a point?
Middle class Americans: Not so wealthy by global standards
Poor Rabbi. He works so hard to delude himself that Nazis are left wing.

It's sad to watch, really.
Poor Rabbi. He works so hard to delude himself that Nazis are left wing.

It's sad to watch, really.
I can see I need to post this here as well.

"We are socialists,we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions.”

Heil hitler. Bernie sanders himself has said this everyday.

So 99% of all economists are wrong there is no income/wealth inequality in the US? There hasn't been flat wage growth for working Americans for four decades?
Who exactly determines wages as reflected by the income growth at the top?
Wages used to be determined by productivity and profits when the US middle class was strong and had the world's most wealthy middle class. Now the US middle class is ranked 19th.
And Sanders doesn't have a point?
Middle class Americans: Not so wealthy by global standards
No, you dont hve a point. Post a graph or STFU.
Poor Rabbi. He works so hard to delude himself that Nazis are left wing.

It's sad to watch, really.
Poor Rabbi. He works so hard to delude himself that Nazis are left wing.

It's sad to watch, really.
I can see I need to post this here as well.

"We are socialists,we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions.”

Heil hitler. Bernie sanders himself has said this everyday.

So 99% of all economists are wrong there is no income/wealth inequality in the US? There hasn't been flat wage growth for working Americans for four decades?
Who exactly determines wages as reflected by the income growth at the top?
Wages used to be determined by productivity and profits when the US middle class was strong and had the world's most wealthy middle class. Now the US middle class is ranked 19th.
And Sanders doesn't have a point?
Middle class Americans: Not so wealthy by global standards
Are the 99% economists like the 97% scientists that say global warming is real? Then yes they are wrong.

I've been doing a bit of research and reading and Bernie is an outright liar or very very dumb.

Literally all the things he's saying, that are so popular, are not true.

And that quote was Adolfo Hitler not sanders lol sounded like sanders though didn't it?
What you have to worry about from the Left are Marxist and Stalinist tendencies.

What you have to worry about from the Right are Nazi tendencies.

As they become more and more extreme, the dumber rubes on the Right try to convince themselves the Right can't have extremist tendencies. "We can't be Nazis because Nazis are left wing, so what we are doing is right and good."
Omg sometimes you blow my mind with your utter nonsense.
Poor Rabbi. He works so hard to delude himself that Nazis are left wing.

It's sad to watch, really.
Poor Rabbi. He works so hard to delude himself that Nazis are left wing.

It's sad to watch, really.
I can see I need to post this here as well.

"We are socialists,we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions.”

Heil hitler. Bernie sanders himself has said this everyday.

So 99% of all economists are wrong there is no income/wealth inequality in the US? There hasn't been flat wage growth for working Americans for four decades?
Who exactly determines wages as reflected by the income growth at the top?
Wages used to be determined by productivity and profits when the US middle class was strong and had the world's most wealthy middle class. Now the US middle class is ranked 19th.
And Sanders doesn't have a point?
Middle class Americans: Not so wealthy by global standards
No, you dont hve a point. Post a graph or STFU.

why? so you can deny and deflect for another 30 posts?

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