Why 911 Lies are easire to believe than 911 TRUTH

Missiles are designed to penetrate walls, airliners are NOT.
simple ..... no?

and the airliner story contributes to the whole hijacked airliners fiasco leading to the creation of TSA the unconstitutional MOLEST TRAVELERS bit.

Whoa! So "they" slammed those planes into America on 9/11 just so the TSA peeps could grope us at airports? Well, now it all makes perfect sense!

You still don't get it, NO airliners were used in the attack. TOTALLY FAKE.
the towers & 7 were blown up and the PENTAGON was hit with a missile.
Missiles are designed to penetrate walls, airliners are NOT.
Missiles are designed to penetrate walls, airliners are NOT.
simple ..... no?

and the airliner story contributes to the whole hijacked airliners fiasco leading to the creation of TSA the unconstitutional MOLEST TRAVELERS bit.

Whoa! So "they" slammed those planes into America on 9/11 just so the TSA peeps could grope us at airports? Well, now it all makes perfect sense!

You still don't get it, NO airliners were used in the attack. TOTALLY FAKE...

No, you don't get it. You are batshit crazy and need serious professional help.
Who says that the vertical columns were strong enough to be free standing for at least 15 stories.

That would be you. Citing you. And your source sucks.

Alas, the laws of physics don't change just because they're inconvenient to your argument.

Note a flag-pole, some are free-standing to 100' or more and support not only their own weight but a flag blowing in the wind, and yes in really strong winds you can see a flag-pole deflect, so be it, all is as it should be, however can you not make logical comparisons and know that the bottom 1/3 of the WTC tower would most probably hold together sans floor trusses. 9/11/2001 is being used as a sick excuse to kill common sense, and I for one will have no part of it, I KNOW what I KNOW and unless there is some really serious documentation brought to bear that proves me wrong, I stand by what I KNOW. Have fun with your suicidal hijacker fairy tale!
You still don't get it, NO airliners were used in the attack. TOTALLY FAKE...

No, you don't get it. You are batshit crazy and need serious professional help.[/QUOTE]

Thank U ever so much Dr. Sigmund FRAUD...........
Missiles are designed to penetrate walls, airliners are NOT.
simple ..... no?

and the airliner story contributes to the whole hijacked airliners fiasco leading to the creation of TSA the unconstitutional MOLEST TRAVELERS bit.

Whoa! So "they" slammed those planes into America on 9/11 just so the TSA peeps could grope us at airports? Well, now it all makes perfect sense!

You still don't get it, NO airliners were used in the attack. TOTALLY FAKE.
the towers & 7 were blown up and the PENTAGON was hit with a missile.
Missiles are designed to penetrate walls, airliners are NOT.
when FLT175 is seen penetrating a wall as a hot knife through butter
and people are not questioning what is going on here?
what has AMERICA come to?
Missiles are designed to penetrate walls, airliners are NOT.
simple ..... no?

and the airliner story contributes to the whole hijacked airliners fiasco leading to the creation of TSA the unconstitutional MOLEST TRAVELERS bit.

Whoa! So "they" slammed those planes into America on 9/11 just so the TSA peeps could grope us at airports? Well, now it all makes perfect sense!

You still don't get it, NO airliners were used in the attack. TOTALLY FAKE.
the towers & 7 were blown up and the PENTAGON was hit with a missile.
Missiles are designed to penetrate walls, airliners are NOT.

So all 43 videos, including every live footage of the impact with the south tower....were all faked? Every single one?


How insanely complicated is that? I mean, every major network would have to be in on it. They'd have to have confiscated *every* video of the South Tower impact from everyone and replaced it with the your imaginary 'CG' footage....that just happened to match the angle to folks were standing in. And of course, do so in such a way that none of those folks with the camcorders noticed. They'd have to plant EVERY witness who saw the plane. There were thousands, literally thousands of people. They'd have to spontaneously silence every person who saw the building just explode.

You're literally talking about thousands and thousands of impromptu co-conspirators.....regular folks watching the disaster unfold that for no particular reason decided to help cover up mass murder. And......maintain absolute and perfect secrecy for 13 years.

Dude, we couldn't maintain absolute secrecy of the nuclear bomb for more than 7 years. And that was on a secure facility where we got to pick and choose who witnessed it. This happened in the downtown of one of the most heavily populated cities on earth, with virtually the whole world watching. And you insist its all faked?

That's just stupidly complicated and ridiculously implausible. Its an awful, awful explanation. One you can't possibly back up with evidence. And an explanation just torn to ribbons by Occam's Razor.
Missiles are designed to penetrate walls, airliners are NOT.
simple ..... no?

and the airliner story contributes to the whole hijacked airliners fiasco leading to the creation of TSA the unconstitutional MOLEST TRAVELERS bit.

Whoa! So "they" slammed those planes into America on 9/11 just so the TSA peeps could grope us at airports? Well, now it all makes perfect sense!

You still don't get it, NO airliners were used in the attack. TOTALLY FAKE.
the towers & 7 were blown up and the PENTAGON was hit with a missile.
Missiles are designed to penetrate walls, airliners are NOT.

So all 43 videos, including every live footage of the impact with the south tower....were all faked? Every single one?
How insanely complicated is that?

It's just plain old insane. It seems NoSpAmmy is certifiable.
for the benefit of anyone who cares to actually check, how many cameras were in operation ( that is network news feed.....) ? How many cameras in private hands ( or allegedly in civilian hands ) with a view of the south wall of the south tower?
Many of the shots were shot from a vantage point that had the alleged impact site obscured by the North tower and all that could be seen was the image of an airliner + the fireball from the explosion. There is so much about the whole scene for all 4 airliners & crashes that are so very out-of-line with laws of physics, and the only thing some people can offer up is gross incredulity that it would be possible to pull off such a scam.
sorry about that guys, 9/11/2001 was a SCAM! or more properly defined as a False Flag operation.
The very fact that the mainstream media reported that an airliner was allegedly crashed into the PENTAGON when the damage is consistent with a missile strike ...... oh well,
false! a missile has an explosive warhead there is no evidence of explosives at the pentagon either.
why would anyone use a non armed missile as a weapon?
Missiles are designed to penetrate walls, airliners are NOT.
simple ..... no?

and the airliner story contributes to the whole hijacked airliners fiasco leading to the creation of TSA the unconstitutional MOLEST TRAVELERS bit.

Whoa! So "they" slammed those planes into America on 9/11 just so the TSA peeps could grope us at airports? Well, now it all makes perfect sense!

You still don't get it, NO airliners were used in the attack. TOTALLY FAKE.
the towers & 7 were blown up and the PENTAGON was hit with a missile.
Missiles are designed to penetrate walls, airliners are NOT.
Ok, let's assume you are correct. Why needlessly complicate things by faking aircraft, especially the one in Shanksville? Why attack multiple targets with multiple methods for a false flag? Unnecessary, and overly complicated.
And why wouldn't they implicate Iraq as well? Bush had to stretch to justify attacking Iraq
The whole production that is the made for TV drama that was 9/11/2001, was designed as psychological warfare, they knew that they could not capture ALL of the minds that day, but part of the scam is to nullify the opposition by getting them labeled "nut cases" and therefore incapable of selling the idea that 9/11/2001 was an inside job.
Just a little side line here, was anybody listening to the radio ( Armstrong & Getty ) this morning just before the close of their show, they mentioned WTC7 ..... Now I'm not sure as to what the mainstream media is up-to with this, but its interesting to note.
anyhow, like with the Dystopian novels, the authoritarian state gets to say what is what even if that authoritarian order runs counter to fundamental logic & laws of physics.
It is warping civilization big time and personally I am very concerned. How long before we have people turning in their neighbors for subversive activity if said neighbor just happens to KNOW that WTC1,2 & 7 had been destroyed intentionally ( that is Controlled Demolition ) ..... The authoritarian state has made HUGE strides in getting laws passed that not only limit personal freedom, but make legal torture and indefinite incarceration without charges or access to legal council. Just because these new laws are not being applied right now, doesn't mean that they do not exist and at some future time with a different administration, some crisis will arise and the President will announce the full on application of various legal means to suppress an insurgency.
The popular agreement on TSA "security" measures is only the beginning, this was implemented to train up the AMERICAN citizens to obey authority to make it easier for the power mad war-mongers to take over.

You think this is the rant of a loonie, right ....... give it some thought, ask your Congresscritters about the new laws that make it illegal to protest......

Missiles are designed to penetrate walls, airliners are NOT.
simple ..... no?

and the airliner story contributes to the whole hijacked airliners fiasco leading to the creation of TSA the unconstitutional MOLEST TRAVELERS bit.

Whoa! So "they" slammed those planes into America on 9/11 just so the TSA peeps could grope us at airports? Well, now it all makes perfect sense!

You still don't get it, NO airliners were used in the attack. TOTALLY FAKE.
the towers & 7 were blown up and the PENTAGON was hit with a missile.
Missiles are designed to penetrate walls, airliners are NOT.
Ok, let's assume you are correct. Why needlessly complicate things by faking aircraft, especially the one in Shanksville? Why attack multiple targets with multiple methods for a false flag? Unnecessary, and overly complicated.
And why wouldn't they implicate Iraq as well? Bush had to stretch to justify attacking Iraq

Justification for the Iraq war is often claimed by "Truthers" for their 9/11 fantasies but all that was required was a sprinkling of evidence of WMDs at any industrial site there to trigger an international military response.
The whole production that is the made for TV drama that was 9/11/2001, was designed as psychological warfare, they knew that they could not capture ALL of the minds that day, but part of the scam is to nullify the opposition by getting them labeled "nut cases" and therefore incapable of selling the idea that 9/11/2001 was an inside job.

Hmmm ... more baseless, unsubstantiated BS from your fertile imagination. I guess as with all you post there will be no support forthcoming for these claims.
when FLT175 is seen penetrating a wall as a hot knife through butter
and people are not questioning what is going on here?
what has AMERICA come to?

Indeed we saw UA-175 slam into the south tower 17 minutes after AA-11 slammed into the north tower. Your admission that this was the case stands in stark contrast to your shrill claim that "NO airliners were used in the attack."
Are you, by chance, bi-polar? On drugs? Crazy?
The very fact that the mainstream media reported that an airliner was allegedly crashed into the PENTAGON when the damage is consistent with a missile strike ...... oh well,
false! a missile has an explosive warhead there is no evidence of explosives at the pentagon either.
why would anyone use a non armed missile as a weapon?

Just for my curiosity ...... what makes you say NO explosives at the PENTAGON?
did anybody actually test for explosives? and if so, where is it documented that said tests were done and the results of said tests?
when FLT175 is seen penetrating a wall as a hot knife through butter
and people are not questioning what is going on here?
what has AMERICA come to?

Indeed we saw UA-175 slam into the south tower 17 minutes after AA-11 slammed into the north tower. Your admission that this was the case stands in stark contrast to your shrill claim that "NO airliners were used in the attack."
Are you, by chance, bi-polar? On drugs? Crazy?

Should I correct my last and say the ALLEGED "FLT175" was seen penetrating the south wall of the south tower like a hot knife through butter ......

Now do you get it?
The very fact that the mainstream media reported that an airliner was allegedly crashed into the PENTAGON when the damage is consistent with a missile strike ...... oh well,
false! a missile has an explosive warhead there is no evidence of explosives at the pentagon either.
why would anyone use a non armed missile as a weapon?

Just for my curiosity ...... what makes you say NO explosives at the PENTAGON?
did anybody actually test for explosives? and if so, where is it documented that said tests were done and the results of said tests?

Now that is funny. You have religiously covered your eyes and ears at the mountain of evidence provided which conflicts with your bottom line while consistently failing to post anything in support of your ridiculous claims. You are the last poster who should be demanding documentation from anyone.
The very fact that the mainstream media reported that an airliner was allegedly crashed into the PENTAGON when the damage is consistent with a missile strike ...... oh well,
false! a missile has an explosive warhead there is no evidence of explosives at the pentagon either.
why would anyone use a non armed missile as a weapon?

Just for my curiosity ...... what makes you say NO explosives at the PENTAGON?
did anybody actually test for explosives? and if so, where is it documented that said tests were done and the results of said tests?

Now that is funny. You have religiously covered your eyes and ears at the mountain of evidence provided which conflicts with your bottom line while consistently failing to post anything in support of your ridiculous claims. You are the last poster who should be demanding documentation from anyone.

From the faction that would like nothing better than to be able to shove it in "truthers" faces .... that is the evidence that would finish the discussion for once & for all, but alas the evidence really doesn't exist. ( just like 4 airliners ...... ) oh well ......

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