Why 911 Lies are easire to believe than 911 TRUTH

Obviously you want to stray from the actual evidence and complain about alleged charlatans who are milking this for all they can get. HOWEVER, what about the fact that the evidence doesn't point to the 19 suicidal hijackers scenario?

The 'actual evidence'? The videos of the impact of flight 175 into the South Tower are all actual evidence. And you've ignored all 43 of them. Every single video from any source, any angle, any live feed from any network, any video taken by any camcorder. Insisting they are all 'fakes'. Just like you ignored every witness in NY who watched flight 175 hit the south tower, dismissing them as government plants.

Just like you ignored every picture of the debris from the planes, every eye witness account of the debris, all the radar records of each flight, every black box recovered, every autopsy conducted, every genetic test matching a body pulled from the impact sites with one of the passengers from a hijacked flight.

These are all 'actual evidence'. Yet you won't discuss any of them. Or even acknowledge that such evidence exists. You ignore it all.

However.......there's no reason a rational person would ignore any of it. Your position is illogical and irrational. And of course, you can't back any of it.

But he seems genuinely insulted that anyone would find his silliness to be so absurd and without merit that they would resort to the only response (other than the patient and factual refutations he so persistently rejects or ignores) that any rational person would offer ... ridicule.
The BIG LIE ...... Big Brother sez 2+2=5 ..... all hail Big Brother!

Not that I have ignored the evidence, I call it what it is, FAKE
you seem to have absolute faith that our mainstream media minions would never lie to us.
oh well ..... .

You ASSUME our entire MS media would willingly go along, just as you ASSUME all who viewed and filmed and participated - from the perps to the victims to the responders - are part of some gynormous cover-up. Of course, you are forced to also ASSUME your claims for any of that require no substantiation.
Your CT just grows and grows like a Chia Pet.
It has no bounds and simply grows to include all who disagree with your foil-hated silliness or whose POV contradicts it regardless of their first-hand experience (like that of the NYPD firefighters) on 9/11.
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The BIG LIE ...... Big Brother sez 2+2=5 ..... all hail Big Brother!

Not that I have ignored the evidence, I call it what it is, FAKE
you seem to have absolute faith that our mainstream media minions would never lie to us.
oh well ..... .

You ASSUME our entire MS media would willingly go along, just as you ASSUME all who viewed and filmed and participated - from the perps to the victims to the responders - are part of some ginormous cover-up. Of course, you are forced to also ASSUME your claims for any of that require no substantiation.
Your CT just grows and grows like a Chia Pet.
It has no bounds and simply grows to include all who disagree with your foil-hated silliness or whose POV contradicts it regardless of their first-hand experience (like that of the NYPD firefighters) on 9/11.

You really don't get it do you? The physics of the event, that is observation of the "collapse" of the towers & 7 leads to no other conclusion than the "collapse" events had to have had help from some additional source of energy to make it happen as was observed.
The most interesting part of the WTC collapse was when the top part of that Tower with the Antenna on it fell off to the side thus destroying the entire "pancake theory".

Yet the whole building fell all the way to the ground anyway! Must have been weakened by a few trashcan fires right?
Hay! What was the occupancy rate of the WTC Complex before it was destroyed? I'm sure it was filled to capacity and lots of companies lined up to get in right? I mean it was an Icon!

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The BIG LIE ...... Big Brother sez 2+2=5 ..... all hail Big Brother!

Not that I have ignored the evidence, I call it what it is, FAKE
you seem to have absolute faith that our mainstream media minions would never lie to us.
oh well ..... .

You ASSUME our entire MS media would willingly go along, just as you ASSUME all who viewed and filmed and participated - from the perps to the victims to the responders - are part of some ginormous cover-up. Of course, you are forced to also ASSUME your claims for any of that require no substantiation.
Your CT just grows and grows like a Chia Pet.
It has no bounds and simply grows to include all who disagree with your foil-hated silliness or whose POV contradicts it regardless of their first-hand experience (like that of the NYPD firefighters) on 9/11.

You really don't get it do you? The physics of the event, that is observation of the "collapse" of the towers & 7 leads to no other conclusion than the "collapse" events had to have had help from some additional source of energy to make it happen as was observed.

I absolutely get you: :bang3:
YOU cling desperately to your conclusions because, like most CTs, you are unwilling or unable to view any of the vast array of CT scenarios with the same skepticism you reserve for the MS one.
13 years after 9/11 and there still is NO EVIDENCE of the energy source you CLAIM brought down those buildings, NONE of the massive conspiracy you claim was involved and NONE of the incredible media/responder/civilian cover-up you charge. NONE.
Perhaps you can explain what kind of energy is used to demolish skyscrapers (from the top down) that have been slammed by giant passenger jets (loaded with fuel) and have suffered "chaotic fires" for hours?
Hell, perhaps you can explain what kind of energy source can survive those "chaotic fires" long enough to be triggered by some still unknown perp?
The most interesting part of the WTC collapse was when the top part of that Tower with the Antenna on it fell off to the side thus destroying the entire "pancake theory".

Yet the whole building fell all the way to the ground anyway! Must have been weakened by a few trashcan fires right?

Yeah, because as everyone knows there were only a few "trashcan fires" in those buildings and remarkably the entire NYPD was unable to control them.
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The most interesting part of the WTC collapse was when the top part of that Tower with the Antenna on it fell off to the side thus destroying the entire "pancake theory".

Yet the whole building fell all the way to the ground anyway! Must have been weakened by a few trashcan fires right?

Yeah, because as everyone knows there were only a few "trashcan fires" in those buildings and remarkably the entire NYPD was unable to control them.

systems of physical bits seek equilibrium, just as water finding level, So why should it be the the ultimate equilibrium for 3 steel framed skyscrapers was the total destruction of said skyscraper(s)?
the very fact of total destruction in-and-of-itself is a huge smoking gun!

also ... .correction FDNY not "NYPD" .....
The most interesting part of the WTC collapse was when the top part of that Tower with the Antenna on it fell off to the side thus destroying the entire "pancake theory".

Yet the whole building fell all the way to the ground anyway! Must have been weakened by a few trashcan fires right?

Yeah, because as everyone knows there were only a few "trashcan fires" in those buildings and remarkably the entire NYPD was unable to control them.

systems of physical bits seek equilibrium, just as water finding level, So why should it be the the ultimate equilibrium for 3 steel framed skyscrapers was the total destruction of said skyscraper(s)?
the very fact of total destruction in-and-of-itself is a huge smoking gun!

also ... .correction FDNY not "NYPD" .....
There are dozens of government programs and technologies that have been kept completely secret, we know that because we haven't heard about them.

Ya know, when I first read your statement I found the circular rationale so conspicuous and so shallow that I took it to be a joke and gave you credit. However, having read a few more of your posts it seems clear you were serious. Woo.
I did say it tongue in cheek, but then again how can anyone claim a large scale black op could never happen because someone would talk when by definition any successful one would be unknown?

If you can't admit to that, I'll know you have no willingness to be honest.

What about Operation Gladio and the Manhattan Project.
There are dozens of government programs and technologies that have been kept completely secret, we know that because we haven't heard about them.

Ya know, when I first read your statement I found the circular rationale so conspicuous and so shallow that I took it to be a joke and gave you credit. However, having read a few more of your posts it seems clear you were serious. Woo.
I did say it tongue in cheek, but then again how can anyone claim a large scale black op could never happen because someone would talk when by definition any successful one would be unknown?

If you can't admit to that, I'll know you have no willingness to be honest.

What about Operation Gladio and the Manhattan Project.

I have never read a single post claiming a large scale black op could never happen for any reason but I take it you are familiar with the "Straw Man" argument because that is the basis of yours. Simply because it is possible doesn't mean 9/11 was one. If you have read such a silly post from another poster please repost it or link it so we can both ridicule the author.
I have stated many times that the 9/11 CT Movement has produced nothing which even approaches the official explanation for plausibility. Nothing. Nada. Zilch.
"9/11 CT Movement has produced nothing which even approaches the official explanation for plausibility. Nothing. Nada. Zilch."

So planes flying into buildings and defying the laws of physics as they penetrate the wall without slowing down, and buildings that "collapse" accelerating as they descend + airliners that virtually disappear..... and you don't see anything worthy of even questioning? The official story is exactly that, a STORY..... once upon a time there were these angry radical Arabs who hated AMERICA........
There are dozens of government programs and technologies that have been kept completely secret, we know that because we haven't heard about them.

Ya know, when I first read your statement I found the circular rationale so conspicuous and so shallow that I took it to be a joke and gave you credit. However, having read a few more of your posts it seems clear you were serious. Woo.
I did say it tongue in cheek, but then again how can anyone claim a large scale black op could never happen because someone would talk when by definition any successful one would be unknown?

If you can't admit to that, I'll know you have no willingness to be honest.

What about Operation Gladio and the Manhattan Project.

I have never read a single post claiming a large scale black op could never happen for any reason but I take it you are familiar with the "Straw Man" argument because that is the basis of yours. Simply because it is possible doesn't mean 9/11 was one. If you have read such a silly post from another poster please repost it or link it so we can both ridicule the author.
I have stated many times that the 9/11 CT Movement has produced nothing which even approaches the official explanation for plausibility. Nothing. Nada. Zilch.
Simply because it is possible doesn't mean 9/11 was one.

The willingness of mythers to accept and defend the OCT while often admitting it has holes is telling, if not scary.
Of course this is in part due to a partisan mindset which has both sides continually willing to cut off it's nose to spite it's own face - lest the "other side" get it's way.

How many of those at the highest levels of intelligence, law enforcement, the military, courts, etc. have served under Bush-Clinton administrations? Many!! What about the all too powerful think thanks and lobby groups? Do they clean house with the change of President?

That truthers, without access to classified documents, without subpoena power, without complete access to physical evidence - without full investigative power are expected to formulate a soup to nuts explanation that is acceptable to the biased mind is ludicrous. Especially considering the monstrous disinformation and subversive efforts they face.

The question that needs to be answered; why is such a low level of plausibility acceptable when it has set in motion a pre-stated agenda that's resulted in so much death, destruction, expense and loss of personal liberties?

Let me make clear I am not claiming 9/11 was a purely US operation.
"9/11 CT Movement has produced nothing which even approaches the official explanation for plausibility. Nothing. Nada. Zilch."

So planes flying into buildings and defying the laws of physics as they penetrate the wall without slowing down, and buildings that "collapse" accelerating as they descend + airliners that virtually disappear..... and you don't see anything worthy of even questioning? The official story is exactly that, a STORY..... once upon a time there were these angry radical Arabs who hated AMERICA........

Once more for all terminally dense CTs:
In the 13 years since the 9/11 attack the CT Movement has produced nothing which even approaches the official explanation for plausibility. Nothing. Nada. Zilch.
I have never read a single post claiming a large scale black op could never happen for any reason but I take it you are familiar with the "Straw Man" argument because that is the basis of yours. Simply because it is possible doesn't mean 9/11 was one. If you have read such a silly post from another poster please repost it or link it so we can both ridicule the author.
I have stated many times that the 9/11 CT Movement has produced nothing which even approaches the official explanation for plausibility. Nothing. Nada. Zilch.

The willingness of mythers to accept and defend the OCT while often admitting it has holes is telling, if not scary...
Let me make clear I am not claiming 9/11 was a purely US operation.

The defense which so frightens you is based squarely on the CT Movement's failure to produce anything which even approaches the official explanation for plausibility. Nothing. Nada. Zilch.
What I have heard from CTs is silliness like "no planes were hijacked on 9/11" and the fires were "staged and controlled" and remarkably they aren't the most harebrained scenarios floated here. Your admission that you are "not claiming 9/11 was a purely US operation" is typical of all 9/11 CTs. That is, they all seem to grow like weeds until all who do not agree with a particular CT must be co-conspirators. I have even heard the self-anointed King of 9/11 Lunacy (Alex Jones) referred to by fellow conspirators as a "gov't agent of disinformation" whose job it is to make the Movement look ... well, silly.
"9/11 CT Movement has produced nothing which even approaches the official explanation for plausibility. Nothing. Nada. Zilch."

So planes flying into buildings and defying the laws of physics as they penetrate the wall without slowing down, and buildings that "collapse" accelerating as they descend + airliners that virtually disappear..... and you don't see anything worthy of even questioning? The official story is exactly that, a STORY..... once upon a time there were these angry radical Arabs who hated AMERICA........

Once more for all terminally dense CTs:
In the 13 years since the 9/11 attack the CT Movement has produced nothing which even approaches the official explanation for plausibility. Nothing. Nada. Zilch.

This is of course YOUR opinion,
while it is a FACT that WTC 1, 2
descended at an average acceleration of 64% of g .....

its a matter of fact vs opinion .....

RE: truth movement & Alex Jones .... Just my bit on the subject but Mr. Jones runs a circus, its all about entertaining the audience..... anyhow the "TRUTH MOVEMENT" is NOT a completely in sync lot of people who agree upon everything.
among the people who accept the official explanation, there appears to be consensus that hijacked airliners were used as weapons and that the result of the crashes at the WTC towers was the "total collapse" of said towers ( correct me if I'm wrong here.... )
however consensus is a rather dangerous thing, and I see it as a symptom of a serious problem, that is in a condition of all too strong a consensus among such a large number of people, there are some of the people who are going along just to be going along and therefore have not properly examined the bits that they are going along with, kinda like signing a contract without reading it..... oh well ...

The basic Truth Movement consensus ( if you just happen to need such .... )
is that there is something VERY wrong with the official story, a very well agreed upon base is the bits of the story that allege there had been commercial airliners crashed into the Pentagon and into a field in Shanksville, obviously bogus airliner crashes. The lack of airliners at the twin towers is a bit of a more contentious issue ( oops! )
I'm rather shocked that anybody supports the "natural gravity driven collapse" of either tower or WTC7. These "collapse" events had to have been engineered to happen the way that they did, and of course helped along by explosives/incendiaries or black magic but the buildings had lots of help to "collapse" as was observed.
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RE: truth movement & Alex Jones .... Just my bit on the subject but Mr. Jones runs a circus, its all about entertaining the audience.....

So we finally agree on something but what you still don't get is the fact that not just is Jones off-the-9/11-wall but the entire 9/11 CT Movement is a circus of loons, some of whom actually believe that "no planes were hijacked on 9/11" and the WTC fires were "staged and controlled."
Get it yet, Princess?

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