Why A "Good Guy with a Gun" is Bullshit

2AGuy's article about Air Marshalls' "quota" does not say a Surveillance Report automatically puts anyone on the FBI watch list. There is a list of criteria -- which the Orlando shooter did NOT meet, btw -- for putting someone on the list and keeping them there. If a tourist takes a picture out a plane window and there is nothing suspicious about this person's daily activities or past, they aren't going to end up on anyone's list. It's just a report by an air marshall of their observations on planes. The quota is ridiculous and should be struck down, but it doesn't put anyone on the Terror Watch List or the No Fly List unless a whole lot more is evident.

This is NOTHING but another attempt to stop any gun control. There was no one complaining about this list until it suddenly got tied to buying a firearm. Now. some of the FBI guys actually doing the terrorist surveillance don't like the list tied to buying a gun either, since it would or could tip the individual off that he is on the list if he is denied a gun. I don't know how we would get around that and still prohibit weapons to suspected terrorists.
You seem to be unfamiliar with Federali fuckups in history. They FUBAR things all the time.

I know because I have personally seen it and the bureaucrats would rather ignore it than fix it which makes the fuck up an official fact. They are very loathe to undo what they have done if it is a mistake, generally.
Yeah, I worked for the state for 10 + years. Bureaucracies drive me mad and getting a mistake fixed can be a head-banging operation. But the former director of the FBI's Terrorism thingee that maintains the lists was talking about all this last weekend, and he knows what he's about, I think. The people panicking over these lists should get an idea what it's really about before they go semi-hysterical over it.

Tell that to the ACLU and the New York Times....
Let's be honest. Have you EVER known the ACLU not to be semi-hysterical about anything?
Yeah, I worked for the state for 10 + years. Bureaucracies drive me mad and getting a mistake fixed can be a head-banging operation. But the former director of the FBI's Terrorism thingee that maintains the lists was talking about all this last weekend, and he knows what he's about, I think. The people panicking over these lists should get an idea what it's really about before they go semi-hysterical over it.

It's about restricting civil rights without due process. Sieg Heil!
Sieg Heil my ass! Who the hell do you think wants to overthrow us? Really? DEMOCRATS? I swear, sometimes you people who think you're so damned patriotic seem to be on the enemies' side.
You are the enemy. You approve of civil rights violations and try to blame me. You are the enemy.
Good...you found it...study it...learn it....and you will leave your stupid anti gun ways.......
I had it all along and it confirms my pov.

How do you figure that.......look at the years...every year knives kill more people than rifles do...every single year........

But the rifles look Mo Scawy to the SJWs, so they are worse.
To you maybe .

Condolences on your lack of reading comprehension and logical thinking ability.
That's damn funny coming from you.
Logic is an alien concept to you.

Good...you found it...study it...learn it....and you will leave your stupid anti gun ways.......
I had it all along and it confirms my pov.

Moron...knife murders.....2009-2013.....


Rifle murder....


How does that confirm what you said...did you think people wouldn't go to your link...moron...
Still dodging ,
Then why do Isis spokesmen publish videos encouraging their members to go to America to get guns and commit mass murder? Because it's easier here than any place else.

And here are the actual numbers.......with 320,000,000 guns in private hands in 2013...and 357,000,000 guns in private hands in 2016....

US Mass Shootings, 1982-2015: Data From Mother Jones' Investigation


2015....4 ( obama's new standard....7)

2014....2 (4)












2002 not listed so more than likely 0

















1985... not listed so probably 0


1983...not listed so probably 0

US Mass Shootings, 1982-2015: Data From Mother Jones' Investigation

US Mass Shootings, 1982-2015: Data From Mother Jones' Investigation

How many deaths on average according to Mother Jones...anti gun, uber left wing Mother Jones.......each year, well less than 73.

2014..... 9
2013..... 36
2012..... 72
2011..... 19
2002...not listed by mother jones



Cars, Accidental deaths 2013......35,369

Poisons...accidental deaths 2013....38,851

Alcohol...accidental deaths 2013...29,001

gravity....accidental falling deaths 2013...30,208
Accidental drowning.....3,391
Accidental exposure to smoke, fire and flames.....2,760

Deaths from mass shootings 2015..... 37

I don't know where you cherry-picked this from but it is wrong.
332 mass shootings in 2015:
Mass Shootings - 2015 | Gun Violence Archive
These are just the shootings not the number of dead or injured

The FBI defines a mass shooting where at least 3 people are killed.....that is obama's new standard....

Here is the second shooting on your list....no one killed....

Four injured in bar shooting - WBBJ TV
the blame Obama ploy again.
Kills any credibility you thought you had.

Okay moron.......you know you have been shown to be dumb........thanks for playing.....study the FBI homicide table and the CDC death tables for gun violence....you will learn something.....and can be better on the topic than you were before...
Pulling up your skirts and running away?
While there is nothing wrong with training, the Texas course does give some training. However one LEO guy I used to know told me that when the chips are down, you'll know who needs shootin'.
Of course that's true at the bottom line. But the bottom line isn't the only line and there is a lot to know about tricky laws, knowing when to act and when to wait, and a lot more. Most important, some responsive actions need to be implanted in the mind so they will occur instinctively rather than requiring thought. The only way to implant these responses is via training and drill.
There is no civil right for marriage or killing a child, butcher.

More smoke and mirrors. Your tactics don't work anymore. Did you only get to the third grade in shill school?
Just think of what the results would be if you had several people firing in all directions, in a blind panic because they learned how to shoot a gun, but they hadn't learned how to use it.
Which is why I believe a substantial training regimen be required for obtaining a CCW permit. A good training course will eliminate the kind of scenario you've described.

What will then happen is the required course will have a 6 month wait list, and will cost a few grand. Any requirements like this can be bastardized by gun control nuts to make it as hard as possible to get a CCW.
That is pure assumption on your part.

A properly administered federal training requirement would make the necessary facilities and instructions available to all CCW applicants at very low or no cost. The only reason such availability seems so obscure to you now is the relative lack of any such training requirement. Consequently the majority of CCW holders think they know what to do in any situation because they watch Law & Order or James Bond movies.

Because of the current and increasing level of violence and the rising terrorism potential it is important that there are more competently armed citizens. Therefore it should be made much easier to obtain a CCW permit, but there needs to be a training requirement attached to it. And because such training will be a government requirement, then government will be responsible for providing it.

And if you know as much as you probably think you know about guns and the carrying thereof you might wish to apply for a part-time position as an instructor.

No, it is based on the track record of localities where the people in charge do not believe citizens have the right to keep arms, never mind carry concealed. Look at all the red tape places like DC and Chicago put in place once the SC forced their hands in Heller and McDonald, respectively. Now bring on mandated shall issue CCW and the powers that be in those places would double down on the red tape.

They don't want people to have guns, that much is clear.
There is nothing about killing babies or queers marrying in the BoR's.
Your premise is wrong at the most basic level. The correct mode of action for a CCW holder is to hold in place, and if the shooter tries to enter the area he controls, take him out.

Private CCW holders can be compared to a minefield, what you are hoping for is the active shooter doesn't expect armed resistance and the CCW holder can get some shots in before the active shooter realizes he is being confronted.

If you hold in place and you hear someone coming down a blind hallway, do you shout out and ask if they are the police, the shooter or another good guy? If it's the shooter, you're shit out of luck, aren't you? If it's the police they may not believe you are a good guy. They may think you're the shooter trying to save his sorry ass.

And if you hold in place but can hear the shooter actively killing people in another part of the building, what do you do? Your gun becomes a joke to the people who are dying.

So you should check YOUR premise for reality.

Food for thought, sadly the NRA crowd is on a life long fast from critical thinking.

LOL, bitch tits enters the conversation backing up one of the biggest trolls on the board.

You are judged by the company you keep.
Your premise is wrong at the most basic level. The correct mode of action for a CCW holder is to hold in place, and if the shooter tries to enter the area he controls, take him out.

Private CCW holders can be compared to a minefield, what you are hoping for is the active shooter doesn't expect armed resistance and the CCW holder can get some shots in before the active shooter realizes he is being confronted.

Any IDIOT knows this (except for the OP). What the hell difference does that make to him? His "job" is to spread propaganda and that's what he does.
Thanks for the insight into your character. Deadly force is a game to you and the lose of life or disfigurement is simply the price to pay for others since you believe you're special. Funny thing, so do I.

You scum want my guns, come get them. It's as simple as that.
If "they"came to get your guns you'd not be able to stop them .

He "thinks" God is on his side, much like David Koresh did.
Typical liberal. always think they know what someone thinks.

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