Why Africa is in the stone age and always will be.

I emphatically agree! Shootspeeders and his ilk have enjoyed immense popularity on this board with their racist threads and anti-Black campaigns. Reviewing Shiootspeeder's bigoted posts alone shows how well received he is by many of his conservative friends; the same people who will declare that they and their fellow conservatives are not racists.

HAHAHA. As the board has explained countless times, YOU are the racist since you support affirmative action, the govt mandated persecution of whites and the biggest hate crime in america. I support equal opportunity and thus am the anti-racist. THINK, you miserable white-hating maggot-infested wretch.
Yep, I support Affirmative Action and I don't care that stupid people of your ilk associate it with racism. I associate it with ensuring that constitutional rights of White women, Blacks and other minorities aren't trampled on by RW White males. BTW I want to thank liberal White males for endorsing and making AA possible. If that sounds like racism I guess you got me! :lol:

Considering that collectively white females have been more rewarded by Affirmative Action than any other gender or racial group in America he should be thankful.
One probably supports him.

They really lose the argument of racism when they can't ignore that white women have benefitted more than anyone else. Does that stop them from blaming blacks? No, nothing will....not even facts.
HAHAHA. So why is South Africa now the rape and murder capitol of the world??? Why are nearly all criminals in america black.? Why are you such a moron?
Whites polluted SA. Most criminals in the US are majority white. You continue to show everyone what an uneducated cave chimp you are. You could have just looked up the statistics on that.
South Africa is dead, they were the Hottentotta tribes, all extinct centuries ago. The current South African blacks are as much immigrants as the whites there. It is ironic, that the only reason why the blacks can terrorize the whites there is because they inherited the stately infrastructure that whites built. If I was a South African white, I would systematically take down every state infrastructure.
Asclepias answered your comment about Hottentots in post #146 sufficiently. Blacks terrorizing Whites is backlash for the cumulative years of hate engendered under the auspices of apartheid. If the Whites had been more racially tolerant, less abusive and inclusive, SA White and Black citizens could have lived peacefully together in perpetuity.

If there are any White people left in SA with skills to keep the infrastructure and power grids running, perhaps your idea has merit. But keep in mind that should they conspire to dismantle those essential public utilities and services there would be a high price to pay for those who get caught. Besides, China would likely step in to take up the slack thereby increasing the chance for Communism to get a foothold. That is what the west fears the most. But tell me this: Is the average Chinaman better off then the average South African? That is exactly what the op implies. Communism, then, would be a step or even two steps up.

What is backlash? Sounds like a propaganda label. It has no meaning. It is an excuse, that democratic majorities use always in every country where they exist, to excuse themselves to loot.

As for China in Africa, they are already more damaging than Europe has ever been. Democracy has never been a good thing anywhere, except maybe in a few city states in Europe 3000 years ago.

I posted that infrastructure related strategy from the point of view of the South African white situation. Of course it is adversarial to the South African blacks. Most people are programmed to believe that freeing slaves and putting them in power is justice. Also, most people will never learn that it is not. It is a clever game in the hands of those lenders, that can profit from this type of violent asset redistribution. And yes, China is one of them.

1. If you had any ambition you would have already looked up the word "backlash." Backlash" is defined in the dictionary...look it up.

2. China isn't practicing apartheid in Africa as far as I can tell. But beyond that, I don't think the plight of Blacks could ever be any worse than when European hegemony destroyed the self esteem of generations via apartheid and overt racism. Those losses take a far greater toll than economic losses or exploitation does. China has taken a different approach albeit some instances of individual worker abuse has been reported.

3. Your rant on democracy is nothing more than idle chatter one engages in after too many mid-day beers. And China is not a member of the IMF.

1. No, because it is not the dictionary that matters but how the word is used.

2. Yes, blacks will get worse under Chinese credit than they were under white slavery. Even the Bible warns never to give powers to slaves, or they will enslave everyone else. This sets South Africa apart from those African countries that don't have significant white populations.

3. My "rant" was the true nature of democracy, the unchecked tyrannical power of some majority over other people. It is logical that it is only a loan capital interest, generally. And it is not relevant what countries are IMF members.

The answer is because Guns are stronger than spears. And Europe raped Africa for all its resources etc and now points to it as if they had nothing to do with the state of affairs there

If black American cities suck, it's whities fault. I don't completely disagree but it's also black peoples fault for being who they are too, no?

So blacks say they wish they had their own country. Well they do. They have an entire continent. I know whites have messed with Africa too for hundreds of years but honestly enough with the excuses. I want to see a black nation in Africa so great that poor black Americans consider moving there.

Blacks need a country like Israel. Of for and by black people. One they can be proud of
Yes we do need someplace like Israel but whenever the topic comes up we find that Jews deserve it and blacks "want a handout". Different rules.

And as long as you call colonization an "excuse" you'll never consider the impact. You're not sayin it didn't happen you're just saying "ok, And?"

The "and" is that is the reason Africa is fucked up. From hundreds of years of rape. It Africa was a person you'd cite PTSD. History of abuse etc. Oh but they're black....those reasons are unacceptable. Only for blacks tho..

The answer is because Guns are stronger than spears. And Europe raped Africa for all its resources etc and now points to it as if they had nothing to do with the state of affairs there

If black American cities suck, it's whities fault. I don't completely disagree but it's also black peoples fault for being who they are too, no?

So blacks say they wish they had their own country. Well they do. They have an entire continent. I know whites have messed with Africa too for hundreds of years but honestly enough with the excuses. I want to see a black nation in Africa so great that poor black Americans consider moving there.

Blacks need a country like Israel. Of for and by black people. One they can be proud of

Black Americans who underachieve are who they are as a direct result of cohabitation with whites in a racist society set up to benefit whites. Not only do they have the normal issues of living a productive life they also have to put up with social norms of racist ideology and the legacy of white only AA. Its a miracle that the majority of Blacks are successful inspite of all this.

Colonization is not an excuse. its a reason. You should know the difference by now.

Blacks have an entire continent of countries. The problem is that whites constantly are using their world banks and ideology to subvert them. In spite of this there are some countries that are successful though I fear they are going to take on white ideology.

The answer is because Guns are stronger than spears. And Europe raped Africa for all its resources etc and now points to it as if they had nothing to do with the state of affairs there

If black American cities suck, it's whities fault. I don't completely disagree but it's also black peoples fault for being who they are too, no?

So blacks say they wish they had their own country. Well they do. They have an entire continent. I know whites have messed with Africa too for hundreds of years but honestly enough with the excuses. I want to see a black nation in Africa so great that poor black Americans consider moving there.

Blacks need a country like Israel. Of for and by black people. One they can be proud of

Black Americans who underachieve are who they are as a direct result of cohabitation with whites in a racist society set up to benefit whites. Not only do they have the normal issues of living a productive life they also have to put up with social norms of racist ideology and the legacy of white only AA. Its a miracle that the majority of Blacks are successful inspite of all this.

Colonization is not an excuse. its a reason. You should know the difference by now.

Blacks have an entire continent of countries. The problem is that whites constantly are using their world banks and ideology to subvert them. In spite of this there are some countries that are successful though I fear they are going to take on white ideology.

It's always going to be our fault. I suggest Africa needs to do what we did. Become the united States of Africa. Become great like we did.

The answer is because Guns are stronger than spears. And Europe raped Africa for all its resources etc and now points to it as if they had nothing to do with the state of affairs there

If black American cities suck, it's whities fault. I don't completely disagree but it's also black peoples fault for being who they are too, no?

So blacks say they wish they had their own country. Well they do. They have an entire continent. I know whites have messed with Africa too for hundreds of years but honestly enough with the excuses. I want to see a black nation in Africa so great that poor black Americans consider moving there.

Blacks need a country like Israel. Of for and by black people. One they can be proud of

Black Americans who underachieve are who they are as a direct result of cohabitation with whites in a racist society set up to benefit whites. Not only do they have the normal issues of living a productive life they also have to put up with social norms of racist ideology and the legacy of white only AA. Its a miracle that the majority of Blacks are successful inspite of all this.

Colonization is not an excuse. its a reason. You should know the difference by now.

Blacks have an entire continent of countries. The problem is that whites constantly are using their world banks and ideology to subvert them. In spite of this there are some countries that are successful though I fear they are going to take on white ideology.

It's always going to be our fault. I suggest Africa needs to do what we did. Become the united States of Africa. Become great like we did.

The US only became "great" through lying, exploitation of people, and thievery. Its weird you think that type of action makes one great.
I cant remember who said it but they said english was the language of liars and thieves due to the many different ways you can say things and they have double meanings.

No argument there. "I'm frugal, you're cheap". "I'm decisive, you're impulsive". In english there's always a good way and a bad way to say the same thing. I've often wondered if other languages are like that.
Whites polluted SA.

Whites turned South Africa and the former rhodesia into the only first world countries, africa has ever known.
You forgot several countries in Africa have had 1rst world civilizations before whites even realized that whites were humans. The empires of Mali, Ancient Egypt, Ethiopia and more were beacons of intellect and civilization while whites were still living in caves.
Hey stupid. Wealth is not rocks in the ground. It's people with technical skills. Engineers and businessmen and scientists. Also farmers and plumbers are auto-repairmen. Blacks can't do things like that.

So natural resources can't contribute to the wealth of a country, Resources like gold, silver, oil or other ores? Don't all those things come from rocks in the ground?

Sure they contribute but just in a small way. Africa would be rich if they could build their own mines to get their mineral resources. But they can't do it - don't have the engineering skills; So they bring in outsiders and that's who gets the money from the mines
Why are you so stupid? Most criminal in America are White not Black.

Whites outnumber blacks 5 to 1 so you would expect most criminals to be white but that's not the case. Our prisons have about equal numbers of blacks and whites and if laws were enforced uniformly our prisons would be almost entirely black. But thanks to affirmative action most black criminals are simply let go. Remember that black judge in ferguson MO who last year simply cancelled all outstanding arrest warrants for the city!!
Why are you so stupid? Most criminal in America are White not Black.

Whites outnumber blacks 5 to 1 so you would expect most criminals to be white but that's not the case. Our prisons have about equal numbers of blacks and whites and if laws were enforced uniformly our prisons would be almost entirely black. But thanks to affirmative action most black criminals are simply let go. Remember that black judge in ferguson MO who last year simply cancelled all outstanding arrest warrants for the city!!
No dummy. You said Blacks were the majority of criminals. Whites are and by far. AA helps white women more than anyone else. You cant seem to ever get right.
They really lose the argument of racism when they can't ignore that white women have benefitted more than anyone else. Does that stop them from blaming blacks? No, nothing will....not even facts.

I agree white women have benefitted immensely from AA and that must stop too. Govt has to stop mandating special treatment for anyone based on race or sex.
So blacks say they wish they had their own country. Well they do. They have an entire continent. I know whites have messed with Africa too for hundreds of years but honestly enough with the excuses. I want to see a black nation in Africa so great that poor black Americans consider moving there.

Blacks need a country like Israel. Of for and by black people. One they can be proud of

As you yourself said in the first paragraph above, blacks have a whole continent to themselves. Why don't they do something with it?? Because they can't. The average black IQ is like 68. They can never produce the engineers and businessmen and scientists that create prosperity.
You forgot several countries in Africa have had 1rst world civilizations before whites even realized that whites were humans. The empires of Mali, Ancient Egypt, Ethiopia and more were beacons of intellect and civilization while whites were still living in caves.

So what happened.? Why has africa been a sewer the last 1000 years? THINK, you miserable america-hating maggot-infested wretch.

The answer is because Guns are stronger than spears. And Europe raped Africa for all its resources etc and now points to it as if they had nothing to do with the state of affairs there

If black American cities suck, it's whities fault. I don't completely disagree but it's also black peoples fault for being who they are too, no?

So blacks say they wish they had their own country. Well they do. They have an entire continent. I know whites have messed with Africa too for hundreds of years but honestly enough with the excuses. I want to see a black nation in Africa so great that poor black Americans consider moving there.

Blacks need a country like Israel. Of for and by black people. One they can be proud of

Black Americans who underachieve are who they are as a direct result of cohabitation with whites in a racist society set up to benefit whites. Not only do they have the normal issues of living a productive life they also have to put up with social norms of racist ideology and the legacy of white only AA. Its a miracle that the majority of Blacks are successful inspite of all this.

Colonization is not an excuse. its a reason. You should know the difference by now.

Blacks have an entire continent of countries. The problem is that whites constantly are using their world banks and ideology to subvert them. In spite of this there are some countries that are successful though I fear they are going to take on white ideology.

It's always going to be our fault. I suggest Africa needs to do what we did. Become the united States of Africa. Become great like we did.

The US only became "great" through lying, exploitation of people, and thievery. Its weird you think that type of action makes one great.

You know what I mean. I mean independent not corrupt democratic peaceful etc. Africa should lead by example.

Today China is raping Africa. Why? Because corrupt African leaders are selling out their nations resources
You forgot several countries in Africa have had 1rst world civilizations before whites even realized that whites were humans. The empires of Mali, Ancient Egypt, Ethiopia and more were beacons of intellect and civilization while whites were still living in caves.

So what happened.? Why has africa been a sewer the last 1000 years? THINK, you miserable america-hating maggot-infested wretch.
Who told you Africa has been in the sewer for the last 1000 years? I know youre dumb but even you must know that question is loaded with ignorance.

The answer is because Guns are stronger than spears. And Europe raped Africa for all its resources etc and now points to it as if they had nothing to do with the state of affairs there

If black American cities suck, it's whities fault. I don't completely disagree but it's also black peoples fault for being who they are too, no?

So blacks say they wish they had their own country. Well they do. They have an entire continent. I know whites have messed with Africa too for hundreds of years but honestly enough with the excuses. I want to see a black nation in Africa so great that poor black Americans consider moving there.

Blacks need a country like Israel. Of for and by black people. One they can be proud of

Black Americans who underachieve are who they are as a direct result of cohabitation with whites in a racist society set up to benefit whites. Not only do they have the normal issues of living a productive life they also have to put up with social norms of racist ideology and the legacy of white only AA. Its a miracle that the majority of Blacks are successful inspite of all this.

Colonization is not an excuse. its a reason. You should know the difference by now.

Blacks have an entire continent of countries. The problem is that whites constantly are using their world banks and ideology to subvert them. In spite of this there are some countries that are successful though I fear they are going to take on white ideology.

It's always going to be our fault. I suggest Africa needs to do what we did. Become the united States of Africa. Become great like we did.

The US only became "great" through lying, exploitation of people, and thievery. Its weird you think that type of action makes one great.

You know what I mean. I mean independent not corrupt democratic peaceful etc. Africa should lead by example.

Today China is raping Africa. Why? Because corrupt African leaders are selling out their nations resources

The US is none of those things except maybe independent. Funny thing is how white people fuck up Africa then claim that they should lead. :laugh:
Funny thing is how white people fuck up Africa then claim that they should lead. :laugh:

Africa peaked in 1950 when whites ran the continent. Then the independence movement started and the whole continent has fallen apart since then, Blacks simply don't have the brains to create or even maintain a first world country. Same is true in america. Very few blacks here become engineers or scientists. Or even plumbers or farmers or auto repairmen.

Blacks everywhere just sing and dance and play sports. They put on shows for the white man. Any skill jobs they get come thru affirmative action and even there they can't actually do the job.

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