Why Africa is in the stone age and always will be.


People who live in the west basically know someone from every country, religion, race etc. by default.

Do you even understand how corrupt and pathetic African governments are? Do you understand how many hundreds of millions of retards vote to keep those governments in place?

Do you even understand how "conservative" African governments ARE. Conservatism is the problem in Africa and is the biggest impediment to progress in sub-Saharan Africa.
Conservative on abortion and gay marriage, but they are extremely socialist based, big gov loving and hardly libertarian on free speech or press!
Nope,you are wrong. Socialism would mean a more equitable distribution of the vast wealth Africa has. A middle class would emerge as viable as the one that arose in the USA after the Great Depression. But conservatives, in the west and in Africa, have worked to exploit the average African. For instance:

Canadian policy in Africa has become largely synonymous with the interests of Canadian mining companies. The Harper Conservatives have sought to ensure that the continent's mining policy serves the interests of foreign corporations, the majority of Africans be damned.
No, because socialism always starts with theft and robbery. Theft of land, business, money, even identity and language, which is the worst. I would never wish this evil on Africa, Europe has been suffering it enough.
How can you steal something no one owns. Question. Who sold the first person some land and what right did they have to sell it?
Excellent point. And this is what Europeans don't understand with this. When you redraw a map, you can't say no rematch. Most Eastern European countries are already feeling the heat of this, Serbia and the Ukraine are not the last. Afric's nation states started as European trade turf divisions, but Europeans have now succeeded to push them into a national socialistic mind set for most Africans. Yes, Europe is exporting its evil, successfully.

People who live in the west basically know someone from every country, religion, race etc. by default.

Do you even understand how corrupt and pathetic African governments are? Do you understand how many hundreds of millions of retards vote to keep those governments in place?

Do you even understand how "conservative" African governments ARE. Conservatism is the problem in Africa and is the biggest impediment to progress in sub-Saharan Africa.
Conservative on abortion and gay marriage, but they are extremely socialist based, big gov loving and hardly libertarian on free speech or press!
Nope,you are wrong. Socialism would mean a more equitable distribution of the vast wealth Africa has. A middle class would emerge as viable as the one that arose in the USA after the Great Depression. But conservatives, in the west and in Africa, have worked to exploit the average African. For instance:

Canadian policy in Africa has become largely synonymous with the interests of Canadian mining companies. The Harper Conservatives have sought to ensure that the continent's mining policy serves the interests of foreign corporations, the majority of Africans be damned.
No, because socialism always starts with theft and robbery. Theft of land, business, money, even identity and language, which is the worst. I would never wish this evil on Africa, Europe has been suffering it enough.
You do realize the capitalist bastion we call America started with theft of land, Indian business ( no matter how primitive) identity and language. Are you calling our American founders socialists? I'll take it a step further and bring up the capitalist rape of Africa where they stole not only the land and resources but the people too. Yes, some Africans sold other Africans but a great many were kidnapped or shanghaied . Lets not mention theft of identity and language in THAT case. However, looking at capitalism from a Black perspective, Socialism would seem the far better choice for the average African.
No. This is totally not agreeable, and not reasonable. First of all, the invasion of the Americas may have involved genocide, but not a theft of identity and language. The Indian tribes that survived, kept their language and identity, to this day. This is the opposite to what Europeans did in Africa and east Europe. Messing with people's identity and language is a French export, not Anglo-Saxon.
Blacks taught you cave monkeys civilization. Twice. Try again.

So what happened? Why are today's blacks failures everywhere? Despite all the special treatment whites give them.
Who told you Blacks were failures everywhere? For example I am smarter, better looking, and way more successful than you are.
Blacks taught you cave monkeys civilization. Twice. Try again.

So what happened? Why are today's blacks failures everywhere? Despite all the special treatment whites give them.
Who told you Blacks were failures everywhere? For example I am smarter, better looking, and way more successful than you are.
Wait until European social norms educate you. The colonial mind game is nothing compared to that. Hehehe.

Oh, before I forget, here is a better punishment for your confidence. You Africans will be like we Europeans. Whehehehehe .... * satanic laughter *.
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So what happened? Why are today's blacks failures everywhere? Despite all the special treatment whites give them.
Who told you Blacks were failures everywhere? For example I am smarter, better looking, and way more successful than you are.

So name one black controlled country that is not third world. I guess South Africa but that's only because it was built by whites and blacks are still living off the infrastructure whites made. Another 20 years and it will be like zim.
I emphatically agree! Shootspeeders and his ilk have enjoyed immense popularity on this board with their racist threads and anti-Black campaigns. Reviewing Shiootspeeder's bigoted posts alone shows how well received he is by many of his conservative friends; the same people who will declare that they and their fellow conservatives are not racists.

HAHAHA. As the board has explained countless times, YOU are the racist since you support affirmative action, the govt mandated persecution of whites and the biggest hate crime in america. I support equal opportunity and thus am the anti-racist. THINK, you miserable white-hating maggot-infested wretch.
Yep, I support Affirmative Action and I don't care that stupid people of your ilk associate it with racism. I associate it with ensuring that constitutional rights of White women, Blacks and other minorities aren't trampled on by RW White males. BTW I want to thank liberal White males for endorsing and making AA possible. If that sounds like racism I guess you got me! :lol:
So what happened? Why are today's blacks failures everywhere? Despite all the special treatment whites give them.
Who told you Blacks were failures everywhere? For example I am smarter, better looking, and way more successful than you are.

So name one black controlled country that is not third world. I guess South Africa but that's only because it was built by whites and blacks are still living off the infrastructure whites made. Another 20 years and it will be like zim.

If White people vanished completely Blacks would still exist for thousands of years just as they have already existed for thousands of years.
So what happened? Why are today's blacks failures everywhere? Despite all the special treatment whites give them.
Who told you Blacks were failures everywhere? For example I am smarter, better looking, and way more successful than you are.

So name one black controlled country that is not third world. I guess South Africa but that's only because it was built by whites and blacks are still living off the infrastructure whites made. Another 20 years and it will be like zim.
First world is a relative term. Some people in third world countries are richer and better off than some White people in first world countries.
Do you even understand how "conservative" African governments ARE. Conservatism is the problem in Africa and is the biggest impediment to progress in sub-Saharan Africa.
Conservative on abortion and gay marriage, but they are extremely socialist based, big gov loving and hardly libertarian on free speech or press!
Nope,you are wrong. Socialism would mean a more equitable distribution of the vast wealth Africa has. A middle class would emerge as viable as the one that arose in the USA after the Great Depression. But conservatives, in the west and in Africa, have worked to exploit the average African. For instance:

Canadian policy in Africa has become largely synonymous with the interests of Canadian mining companies. The Harper Conservatives have sought to ensure that the continent's mining policy serves the interests of foreign corporations, the majority of Africans be damned.
No, because socialism always starts with theft and robbery. Theft of land, business, money, even identity and language, which is the worst. I would never wish this evil on Africa, Europe has been suffering it enough.
You do realize the capitalist bastion we call America started with theft of land, Indian business ( no matter how primitive) identity and language. Are you calling our American founders socialists? I'll take it a step further and bring up the capitalist rape of Africa where they stole not only the land and resources but the people too. Yes, some Africans sold other Africans but a great many were kidnapped or shanghaied . Lets not mention theft of identity and language in THAT case. However, looking at capitalism from a Black perspective, Socialism would seem the far better choice for the average African.
No. This is totally not agreeable, and not reasonable. First of all, the invasion of the Americas may have involved genocide, but not a theft of identity and language. The Indian tribes that survived, kept their language and identity, to this day. This is the opposite to what Europeans did in Africa and east Europe. Messing with people's identity and language is a French export, not Anglo-Saxon.

I think you'll have to agree that the theft of Indian land is an un- retractible fact. Also you should consider that those tribes that did not survive lost everything:..identity,language and their lives. I realize that is pushing it a bit but I haven't finished. Along the way to "assimilation" the US government forbade Indian children from speaking their native languages in school. For many the language of their ancestors has been lost; and, for those who successfully assimilated, their identities as well.

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Preserving Native American Languages

I think I have proved my point. But to add icing on the cake. I'll point to other places in North America that lost almost all traces of their native identity and language due to invasions from Spain. The Native culture of Mexico, like South America, was so thoroughly, eviscerated, hardly a vestige remains. Without their pyramids and various artifacts to remind the world of what once was, I wonder if any history of them would have survived at all.
Do you even understand how "conservative" African governments ARE. Conservatism is the problem in Africa and is the biggest impediment to progress in sub-Saharan Africa.
Conservative on abortion and gay marriage, but they are extremely socialist based, big gov loving and hardly libertarian on free speech or press!
Nope,you are wrong. Socialism would mean a more equitable distribution of the vast wealth Africa has. A middle class would emerge as viable as the one that arose in the USA after the Great Depression. But conservatives, in the west and in Africa, have worked to exploit the average African. For instance:

Canadian policy in Africa has become largely synonymous with the interests of Canadian mining companies. The Harper Conservatives have sought to ensure that the continent's mining policy serves the interests of foreign corporations, the majority of Africans be damned.
No, because socialism always starts with theft and robbery. Theft of land, business, money, even identity and language, which is the worst. I would never wish this evil on Africa, Europe has been suffering it enough.
How can you steal something no one owns. Question. Who sold the first person some land and what right did they have to sell it?
Excellent point. And this is what Europeans don't understand with this. When you redraw a map, you can't say no rematch. Most Eastern European countries are already feeling the heat of this, Serbia and the Ukraine are not the last. Afric's nation states started as European trade turf divisions, but Europeans have now succeeded to push them into a national socialistic mind set for most Africans. Yes, Europe is exporting its evil, successfully.
Are you attempting to be satirical? I hope so because most Africans don't need Europeans to "push" them into anything. Poverty is the "pusher" towards national socialism.
One major obstacle to progress in many developing nations is the brash austerity imposed by raw capitalism manifested there via the IMF and World Bank. Have you researched the devastating impact usurious loans and forced austerity has on those poor nations? They wasted n time in offering loans to new inexperience governments that had barely taken over from repressive colonial regimes. Loans to buy military equipment for defense against their neighbors...and it was the instigator of hostilities that was selling armaments to all. And; the IMF was tackling exorbitant interest rates on those loans. Infrastructure and social programs were the first victims of austerity as the loan payback was to take precedent over everything the country produced. Socialism was thus suppressed and the economies of Africa pillaged.
Conservative on abortion and gay marriage, but they are extremely socialist based, big gov loving and hardly libertarian on free speech or press!
Nope,you are wrong. Socialism would mean a more equitable distribution of the vast wealth Africa has. A middle class would emerge as viable as the one that arose in the USA after the Great Depression. But conservatives, in the west and in Africa, have worked to exploit the average African. For instance:

Canadian policy in Africa has become largely synonymous with the interests of Canadian mining companies. The Harper Conservatives have sought to ensure that the continent's mining policy serves the interests of foreign corporations, the majority of Africans be damned.
No, because socialism always starts with theft and robbery. Theft of land, business, money, even identity and language, which is the worst. I would never wish this evil on Africa, Europe has been suffering it enough.
You do realize the capitalist bastion we call America started with theft of land, Indian business ( no matter how primitive) identity and language. Are you calling our American founders socialists? I'll take it a step further and bring up the capitalist rape of Africa where they stole not only the land and resources but the people too. Yes, some Africans sold other Africans but a great many were kidnapped or shanghaied . Lets not mention theft of identity and language in THAT case. However, looking at capitalism from a Black perspective, Socialism would seem the far better choice for the average African.
No. This is totally not agreeable, and not reasonable. First of all, the invasion of the Americas may have involved genocide, but not a theft of identity and language. The Indian tribes that survived, kept their language and identity, to this day. This is the opposite to what Europeans did in Africa and east Europe. Messing with people's identity and language is a French export, not Anglo-Saxon.

I think you'll have to agree that the theft of Indian land is an un- retractible fact. Also you should consider that those tribes that did not survive lost everything:..identity,language and their lives. I realize that is pushing it a bit but I haven't finished. Along the way to "assimilation" the US government forbade Indian children from speaking their native languages in school. For many the language of their ancestors has been lost; and, for those who successfully assimilated, their identities as well.

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Preserving Native American Languages

I think I have proved my point. But to add icing on the cake. I'll point to other places in North America that lost almost all traces of their native identity and language due to invasions from Spain. The Native culture of Mexico, like South America, was so thoroughly, eviscerated, hardly a vestige remains. Without their pyramids and various artifacts to remind the world of what once was, I wonder if any history of them would have survived at all.
No. There is no Indian that only speaks English and nothing of a tribal language. Plus, English is not like forcing them to assimilate into a neighboring tribe. English is the world language.
Conservative on abortion and gay marriage, but they are extremely socialist based, big gov loving and hardly libertarian on free speech or press!
Nope,you are wrong. Socialism would mean a more equitable distribution of the vast wealth Africa has. A middle class would emerge as viable as the one that arose in the USA after the Great Depression. But conservatives, in the west and in Africa, have worked to exploit the average African. For instance:

Canadian policy in Africa has become largely synonymous with the interests of Canadian mining companies. The Harper Conservatives have sought to ensure that the continent's mining policy serves the interests of foreign corporations, the majority of Africans be damned.
No, because socialism always starts with theft and robbery. Theft of land, business, money, even identity and language, which is the worst. I would never wish this evil on Africa, Europe has been suffering it enough.
How can you steal something no one owns. Question. Who sold the first person some land and what right did they have to sell it?
Excellent point. And this is what Europeans don't understand with this. When you redraw a map, you can't say no rematch. Most Eastern European countries are already feeling the heat of this, Serbia and the Ukraine are not the last. Afric's nation states started as European trade turf divisions, but Europeans have now succeeded to push them into a national socialistic mind set for most Africans. Yes, Europe is exporting its evil, successfully.
Are you attempting to be satirical? I hope so because most Africans don't need Europeans to "push" them into anything. Poverty is the "pusher" towards national socialism.
One major obstacle to progress in many developing nations is the brash austerity imposed by raw capitalism manifested there via the IMF and World Bank. Have you researched the devastating impact usurious loans and forced austerity has on those poor nations? They wasted n time in offering loans to new inexperience governments that had barely taken over from repressive colonial regimes. Loans to buy military equipment for defense against their neighbors...and it was the instigator of hostilities that was selling armaments to all. And; the IMF was tackling exorbitant interest rates on those loans. Infrastructure and social programs were the first victims of austerity as the loan payback was to take precedent over everything the country produced. Socialism was thus suppressed and the economies of Africa pillaged.
This sounds like another empty communist propaganda too. Government officials can easily be bribed, especially where the only function of statehood is to underwrite random number loans. And in this respect, infrastructure is downright harmful, because it is infrastructure that reduces people into citizens and forces them to pay for schemes they have never heard of. Apart from this, infrastructure is deadly too in these circumstances, because it is a primary facilitator of war. And as for IMF and Worldbank usury loans, they are nothing compared to what the Chinese push on Africa these days. There is a lot of similarity between Africa and east Europe. Africans can look at east Europe to gauge how low they can sink.
Blacks taught you cave monkeys civilization. Twice. Try again.

So what happened? Why are today's blacks failures everywhere? Despite all the special treatment whites give them.
Who told you Blacks were failures everywhere? For example I am smarter, better looking, and way more successful than you are.
Wait until European social norms educate you. The colonial mind game is nothing compared to that. Hehehe.

Oh, before I forget, here is a better punishment for your confidence. You Africans will be like we Europeans. Whehehehehe .... * satanic laughter *.
That wont happen. I long ago left european norms to europeans. My outlook on life is strictly African. Africans will never be like europeans. Its not in our DNA. We are a naturally compassionate, accepting, and incredible people. The accepting part has been our undoing and how whites have gotten a foothold in the attempt to destroy our people.
Blacks taught you cave monkeys civilization. Twice. Try again.

So what happened? Why are today's blacks failures everywhere? Despite all the special treatment whites give them.
Who told you Blacks were failures everywhere? For example I am smarter, better looking, and way more successful than you are.
Wait until European social norms educate you. The colonial mind game is nothing compared to that. Hehehe.

Oh, before I forget, here is a better punishment for your confidence. You Africans will be like we Europeans. Whehehehehe .... * satanic laughter *.
That wont happen. I long ago left european norms to europeans. My outlook on life is strictly African. Africans will never be like europeans. Its not in our DNA. We are a naturally compassionate, accepting, and incredible people. The accepting part has been our undoing and how whites have gotten a foothold in the attempt to destroy our people.
Good. By the way, I am the only poster here that is white but doesn't want Africans to speak like Europeans.
That wont happen. I long ago left european norms to europeans. My outlook on life is strictly African. Africans will never be like europeans. Its not in our DNA. We are a naturally compassionate, accepting, and incredible people. The accepting part has been our undoing and how whites have gotten a foothold in the attempt to destroy our people.

HAHAHA. So why is South Africa now the rape and murder capitol of the world??? Why are nearly all criminals in america black.? Why are you such a moron?

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