Why Africa is in the stone age and always will be.

I read the link. The one I posted and there are others indicating that Black African Immigrants are the most HIGHLY educated group in Britain AND the USA bar none They even surpass highly touted Asians in that regard. HAHAHAHA! And that was 9 years ago. Now their achievements are even greater. While we are jousting, review this video. Warning:! Use viewer discretion:The following video contains information that rmay not be suitable for the children of White racists and deniers.

White liberals have destroyed education in white communities while normal white people ignore the problem.

The average person in Sub-Saharan Africa is still a dumbass though.

Have you ever met anyone who was actually from any country in Africa?


People who live in the west basically know someone from every country, religion, race etc. by default.

Do you even understand how corrupt and pathetic African governments are? Do you understand how many hundreds of millions of retards vote to keep those governments in place?

Do you even understand how "conservative" African governments ARE. Conservatism is the problem in Africa and is the biggest impediment to progress in sub-Saharan Africa.

Do you even understand how conservative YOU are? Do you even understand how progressive the average white Republican is?

The most conservative groups in the western world are the people driving "progressive" politics.

1. I admit to being conservative on many issues but also liberal on other issues.

2. The average White American male who calls himself conservative uses the term euphemistically to identify with other angry White males who think they are losing "their" country.
3. Don't even try to put progressive politics and conservatism in the same cubby hole. One term does not compliment the other. Here is an excerpt from an article posted by a RW think tank, The Heritage Foundation.

Who were the Progressives? What did they believe?

The Progressives were reformers in the late 19th and early 20th century who believed that in order to address modern problems, America needed to abandon the old ideas of the Founding in favor of a new expansive conception of the role of government. Progressives paved the way for modern liberalism and politics, and their core ideas are still the mainstay of today’s liberalism.

Some Progressives were prominent journalists such as Herbert Croly (co-founder of The New Republic), some were distinguished professors such as John Dewey and Woodrow Wilson (president of Princeton before he was President of the U.S.), and many were political leaders such as Theodore Roosevelt and Robert La Follette. Progressives could be found in both political parties: Wilson was a Democrat, Roosevelt was a Republican.

The Progressives were united in their contempt for what they called the “individualism” of the Founding. Instead of a government that protects natural rights through limited, decentralized powers, they envisioned an expansive government, a “living” and evolving Constitution, and the rule of “experts” in nationally centralized administrative agencies.

Give some special attention to the words outlined in red for they cut through the heart of your pathetic argument that consevative groups are driving progerssive politics. If so, the driving is done by liberals reacting to conservative initiatives.
White liberals have destroyed education in white communities while normal white people ignore the problem.

The average person in Sub-Saharan Africa is still a dumbass though.

Have you ever met anyone who was actually from any country in Africa?

People who live in the west basically know someone from every country, religion, race etc. by default.

Do you even understand how corrupt and pathetic African governments are? Do you understand how many hundreds of millions of retards vote to keep those governments in place?

Do you even understand how "conservative" African governments ARE. Conservatism is the problem in Africa and is the biggest impediment to progress in sub-Saharan Africa.
Do you even understand how conservative YOU are? Do you even understand how progressive the average white Republican is?

The most conservative groups in the western world are the people driving "progressive" politics.
1. I admit to being conservative on many issues but also liberal on other issues.

2. The average White American male who calls himself conservative uses the term euphemistically to identify with other angry White males who think they are losing "their" country.
3. Don't even try to put progressive politics and conservatism in the same cubby hole. One term does not compliment the other. Here is an excerpt from an article posted by a RW think tank, The Heritage Foundation.

Who were the Progressives? What did they believe?

The Progressives were reformers in the late 19th and early 20th century who believed that in order to address modern problems, America needed to abandon the old ideas of the Founding in favor of a new expansive conception of the role of government. Progressives paved the way for modern liberalism and politics, and their core ideas are still the mainstay of today’s liberalism.

Some Progressives were prominent journalists such as Herbert Croly (co-founder of The New Republic), some were distinguished professors such as John Dewey and Woodrow Wilson (president of Princeton before he was President of the U.S.), and many were political leaders such as Theodore Roosevelt and Robert La Follette. Progressives could be found in both political parties: Wilson was a Democrat, Roosevelt was a Republican.

The Progressives were united in their contempt for what they called the “individualism” of the Founding. Instead of a government that protects natural rights through limited, decentralized powers, they envisioned an expansive government, a “living” and evolving Constitution, and the rule of “experts” in nationally centralized administrative agencies.

Give some special attention to the words outlined in red for they cut through the heart of your pathetic argument that consevative groups are driving progerssive politics. If so, the driving is done by liberals reacting to conservative initiatives.
What does that have to do with a failing race and continent?
This has got to be one of the most ignorant threads ever started in USMB.

The vast ignorance of the OP- and his fellow travellors in claiming that Africa is still in the 'stone age'- I half expected to hear that they thought Tarzan actually was swinging through the jungles of Africa calling to Tantor and Cheetah.

The average African is so vastly better informed and educated than the OP that it just is a reminder of how Stormfront causes post adulthood retardation.
I emphatically agree! Shootspeeders and his ilk have enjoyed immense popularity on this board with their racist threads and anti-Black campaigns. Reviewing Shiootspeeder's bigoted posts alone shows how well received he is by many of his conservative friends; the same people who will declare that they and their fellow conservatives are not racists.
The majority of threads on here are anti-white and they were started by that inbred retard, Guno....

You can't admit that because you are a racist regressive idiot.

I see you didn't admit that Shootspeeders is a racist. But you didn't stop there. Instead, you targeted Guno's responses to people like Shootspeeders and made HIM the racist. And idiocy is your constant companion. Your head is stuck so far up mr. Idiocy's ass you can only view the world through his eyes!
This has got to be one of the most ignorant threads ever started in USMB.

The vast ignorance of the OP- and his fellow travellors in claiming that Africa is still in the 'stone age'- I half expected to hear that they thought Tarzan actually was swinging through the jungles of Africa calling to Tantor and Cheetah.

The average African is so vastly better informed and educated than the OP that it just is a reminder of how Stormfront causes post adulthood retardation.
Stormfront is one of the more educated sites on the web, period.

LOL.......if by 'educated' you mean a cesspool of white supremacists having a big circle jerk together- yes it is.
There are a number of members there more than capable of destroying anyone on here in a debate.

And by 'destroying' you mean able to spout racist crap.

If Fading Light(for instance) was in charge of this country's education system people like you would have no choice but to become a beggar on the street.

Ah I have no doubt that your and your fellow Stormfront travellers would use whatever fascist system you needed to enforce your racist agenda.
I see you didn't admit that Shootspeeders is a racist. But you didn't stop there. Instead, you targeted Guno's responses to people like Shootspeeders and made HIM the racist. ....

They're both racists, moron.
Have you ever met anyone who was actually from any country in Africa?

People who live in the west basically know someone from every country, religion, race etc. by default.

Do you even understand how corrupt and pathetic African governments are? Do you understand how many hundreds of millions of retards vote to keep those governments in place?

Do you even understand how "conservative" African governments ARE. Conservatism is the problem in Africa and is the biggest impediment to progress in sub-Saharan Africa.
Do you even understand how conservative YOU are? Do you even understand how progressive the average white Republican is?

The most conservative groups in the western world are the people driving "progressive" politics.
1. I admit to being conservative on many issues but also liberal on other issues.

2. The average White American male who calls himself conservative uses the term euphemistically to identify with other angry White males who think they are losing "their" country.
3. Don't even try to put progressive politics and conservatism in the same cubby hole. One term does not compliment the other. Here is an excerpt from an article posted by a RW think tank, The Heritage Foundation.

Who were the Progressives? What did they believe?

The Progressives were reformers in the late 19th and early 20th century who believed that in order to address modern problems, America needed to abandon the old ideas of the Founding in favor of a new expansive conception of the role of government. Progressives paved the way for modern liberalism and politics, and their core ideas are still the mainstay of today’s liberalism.

Some Progressives were prominent journalists such as Herbert Croly (co-founder of The New Republic), some were distinguished professors such as John Dewey and Woodrow Wilson (president of Princeton before he was President of the U.S.), and many were political leaders such as Theodore Roosevelt and Robert La Follette. Progressives could be found in both political parties: Wilson was a Democrat, Roosevelt was a Republican.

The Progressives were united in their contempt for what they called the “individualism” of the Founding. Instead of a government that protects natural rights through limited, decentralized powers, they envisioned an expansive government, a “living” and evolving Constitution, and the rule of “experts” in nationally centralized administrative agencies.

Give some special attention to the words outlined in red for they cut through the heart of your pathetic argument that consevative groups are driving progerssive politics. If so, the driving is done by liberals reacting to conservative initiatives.
What does that have to do with a failing race and continent?
What does your irrelevant banter have to do with the present conversationI am having with another poster?
This has got to be one of the most ignorant threads ever started in USMB.

The vast ignorance of the OP- and his fellow travellors in claiming that Africa is still in the 'stone age'- I half expected to hear that they thought Tarzan actually was swinging through the jungles of Africa calling to Tantor and Cheetah.

The average African is so vastly better informed and educated than the OP that it just is a reminder of how Stormfront causes post adulthood retardation.
I emphatically agree! Shootspeeders and his ilk have enjoyed immense popularity on this board with their racist threads and anti-Black campaigns. Reviewing Shiootspeeder's bigoted posts alone shows how well received he is by many of his conservative friends; the same people who will declare that they and their fellow conservatives are not racists.
The majority of threads on here are anti-white and they were started by that inbred retard, Guno....

You can't admit that because you are a racist regressive idiot.

I see you didn't admit that Shootspeeders is a racist. But you didn't stop there. Instead, you targeted Guno's responses to people like Shootspeeders and made HIM the racist. And idiocy is your constant companion. Your head is stuck so far up mr. Idiocy's ass you can only view the world through his eyes!
Guno hardly ever responds to anyone, he is an absolute lunatic.
Blacks the model minority??? HAHAHA. You obviously didn't read your own (10 year old link) link. A college degree in africa is like graduating from junior high in the rest of the world. FAct is nearly all blacks who come here go on welfare. You can't get a job when you can't read or count or even tell time.
I read the link. The one I posted and there are others indicating that Black African Immigrants are the most HIGHLY educated group in Britain AND the USA bar none They even surpass highly touted Asians in that regard. HAHAHAHA! And that was 9 years ago. Now their achievements are even greater. While we are jousting, review this video. Warning:! Use viewer discretion:The following video contains information that rmay not be suitable for the children of White racists and deniers.

White liberals have destroyed education in white communities while normal white people ignore the problem.

The average person in Sub-Saharan Africa is still a dumbass though.

Have you ever met anyone who was actually from any country in Africa?


People who live in the west basically know someone from every country, religion, race etc. by default.

Do you even understand how corrupt and pathetic African governments are? Do you understand how many hundreds of millions of retards vote to keep those governments in place?

Do you even understand how "conservative" African governments ARE. Conservatism is the problem in Africa and is the biggest impediment to progress in sub-Saharan Africa.

Conservative on abortion and gay marriage, but they are extremely socialist based, big gov loving and hardly libertarian on free speech or press!
I read the link. The one I posted and there are others indicating that Black African Immigrants are the most HIGHLY educated group in Britain AND the USA bar none They even surpass highly touted Asians in that regard. HAHAHAHA! And that was 9 years ago. Now their achievements are even greater. While we are jousting, review this video. Warning:! Use viewer discretion:The following video contains information that rmay not be suitable for the children of White racists and deniers.

White liberals have destroyed education in white communities while normal white people ignore the problem.

The average person in Sub-Saharan Africa is still a dumbass though.

Have you ever met anyone who was actually from any country in Africa?


People who live in the west basically know someone from every country, religion, race etc. by default.

Do you even understand how corrupt and pathetic African governments are? Do you understand how many hundreds of millions of retards vote to keep those governments in place?

Do you even understand how "conservative" African governments ARE. Conservatism is the problem in Africa and is the biggest impediment to progress in sub-Saharan Africa.

Conservative on abortion and gay marriage, but they are extremely socialist based, big gov loving and hardly libertarian on free speech or press!

Nope,you are wrong. Socialism would mean a more equitable distribution of the vast wealth Africa has. A middle class would emerge as viable as the one that arose in the USA after the Great Depression. But conservatives, in the west and in Africa, have worked to exploit the average African. For instance:

Canadian policy in Africa has become largely synonymous with the interests of Canadian mining companies. The Harper Conservatives have sought to ensure that the continent's mining policy serves the interests of foreign corporations, the majority of Africans be damned.
Lengthy article about an american's experiences dealing with africans.

How Africans May Differ from Westerners

]I am an American who taught philosophy in several African universities from 1976 to 1988, and have lived since that time in South Africa. When I first came to Africa, I knew virtually nothing about the continent or its people, but I began learning quickly. I noticed, for example, that Africans rarely kept promises and saw no need to apologize when they broke them. It was as if they were unaware they had done anything that called for an apology

It took many years for me to understand why Africans behaved this way but I think I can now explain this and other behavior that characterizes Africa. I believe that morality requires abstract thinking—as does planning for the future—and that a relative deficiency in abstract thinking may explain many things that are typically African.

What follow are not scientific findings. There could be alternative explanations for what I have observed, but my conclusions are drawn from more than 30 years of living among Africans.

My first inklings about what may be a deficiency in abstract thinking came from what I began to learn about African languages. In a conversation with students in Nigeria I asked how you would say that a coconut is about halfway up the tree in their local language.

You can’t say that,” they explained.

All you can say is that it is ‘up’.” “How about right at the top?

Nope; just ‘up’.

In other words, there appeared to be no way to express gradations.*


White rule in South Africa ended in 1994. It was about ten years later that power outages began, which eventually reached crisis proportions. The principle reason for this is simply lack of maintenance on the generating equipment. Maintenance is future-oriented, and the Zulu entry in the dictionary for it is ondla, which means:

1. Nourish, rear; bring up;

2. Keep an eye on; watch (your crop).

In short, there is no such thing as maintenance in Zulu thought, and it would be hard to argue that this is wholly unrelated to the fact that when people throughout Africa say “nothing works,” it is only an exaggeration.

Yo, Idea? Have George Soros buy plane tickets for all of his Radical Groups, such as Black Lives Matter, Occupy Wall Street, ETC.! Let them show the Tribes in Africa, how they can decrease their brains, and make them dumber than they are, like he does here in America! Make my day!!!

White liberals have destroyed education in white communities while normal white people ignore the problem.

The average person in Sub-Saharan Africa is still a dumbass though.

Have you ever met anyone who was actually from any country in Africa?

People who live in the west basically know someone from every country, religion, race etc. by default.

Do you even understand how corrupt and pathetic African governments are? Do you understand how many hundreds of millions of retards vote to keep those governments in place?

Do you even understand how "conservative" African governments ARE. Conservatism is the problem in Africa and is the biggest impediment to progress in sub-Saharan Africa.
Do you even understand how conservative YOU are? Do you even understand how progressive the average white Republican is?

The most conservative groups in the western world are the people driving "progressive" politics.
1. I admit to being conservative on many issues but also liberal on other issues.

2. The average White American male who calls himself conservative uses the term euphemistically to identify with other angry White males who think they are losing "their" country.
3. Don't even try to put progressive politics and conservatism in the same cubby hole. One term does not compliment the other. Here is an excerpt from an article posted by a RW think tank, The Heritage Foundation.

Who were the Progressives? What did they believe?

The Progressives were reformers in the late 19th and early 20th century who believed that in order to address modern problems, America needed to abandon the old ideas of the Founding in favor of a new expansive conception of the role of government. Progressives paved the way for modern liberalism and politics, and their core ideas are still the mainstay of today’s liberalism.

Some Progressives were prominent journalists such as Herbert Croly (co-founder of The New Republic), some were distinguished professors such as John Dewey and Woodrow Wilson (president of Princeton before he was President of the U.S.), and many were political leaders such as Theodore Roosevelt and Robert La Follette. Progressives could be found in both political parties: Wilson was a Democrat, Roosevelt was a Republican.

The Progressives were united in their contempt for what they called the “individualism” of the Founding. Instead of a government that protects natural rights through limited, decentralized powers, they envisioned an expansive government, a “living” and evolving Constitution, and the rule of “experts” in nationally centralized administrative agencies.

Give some special attention to the words outlined in red for they cut through the heart of your pathetic argument that consevative groups are driving progerssive politics. If so, the driving is done by liberals reacting to conservative initiatives.
1. I doubt you are even as liberal as I am on the issues you are supposedly liberal on, but you will be considered "progressive" no matter what because you are a non-white Democrat, that is real privilege btw.

2. Conservatism has become a euphemism because the Democrats have racialized white politics while letting "people of color" walk around everyday with the belief that they are "progressive" no matter what their actual politics are. Progressivism has also become a euphemism for any and all ideologies that seek to disenfranchise people of European descent, from America to South Africa(white liberalism to black fascism).
White people who do seek to establish a kind of identity politics that matches and counteracts long standing black and brown racial identity politics under the "conservative" umbrella realize that America is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to lose of culture and power in the western world. Unfortunately you goons are far too cowardly to debate the "far right"(a racist dog whistle term btw)about the entirety of the western world and how the changing demographics in every majority white country will effect white people far far far more than you will ever admit to us(there goes the "white tears" and "white victimization" card). Is Britain(this country's motherland) our(white people's) country? Is Ireland our country? Is Germany our country? Is Italy our country? Is Sweden our country? What about France? How about Spain?
The left in Europe has utterly betrayed everything they used to stand for by telling the native/indigenous people that live there to go die in a ditch. Are you sniveling cowards ready to do the same and stop the "our country" strawman?
3. NONE of the people prominently known as "progressive" today are even remotely progressive. Both Wilson and Teddy would be amazed by the utter dehumanization that has taken place against white people in the name "progressivism".
When did Democrats and other supposed leftist forget that the white working class used to be their entire constituency? How can Democrats square their absolute writing off of the white working poor as progressive? Did people of European descent stop being considered human a few decades ago and therefore lose their human rights or something?

My argument that extremely conservative groups drive "progressive" action is spot on. Where would Democrats be without the extremely right wing Muslim faith voting in lockstep for the Democrats in this country? Where would the Democrats be without the extremely fascist third wave feminist vote? Where would the Democrats be without the vast black Evangelical vote? Where would the Democrats be without the fascist La Raza and Mecha vote?
I read the link. The one I posted and there are others indicating that Black African Immigrants are the most HIGHLY educated group in Britain AND the USA bar none They even surpass highly touted Asians in that regard. HAHAHAHA! And that was 9 years ago. Now their achievements are even greater. While we are jousting, review this video. Warning:! Use viewer discretion:The following video contains information that rmay not be suitable for the children of White racists and deniers.

White liberals have destroyed education in white communities while normal white people ignore the problem.

The average person in Sub-Saharan Africa is still a dumbass though.

Have you ever met anyone who was actually from any country in Africa?


People who live in the west basically know someone from every country, religion, race etc. by default.

Do you even understand how corrupt and pathetic African governments are? Do you understand how many hundreds of millions of retards vote to keep those governments in place?

Do you even understand how "conservative" African governments ARE. Conservatism is the problem in Africa and is the biggest impediment to progress in sub-Saharan Africa.

Conservative on abortion and gay marriage, but they are extremely socialist based, big gov loving and hardly libertarian on free speech or press!

If they were white they would be called "fascists"....in other words, "far right".
White liberals have destroyed education in white communities while normal white people ignore the problem.

The average person in Sub-Saharan Africa is still a dumbass though.

Have you ever met anyone who was actually from any country in Africa?

People who live in the west basically know someone from every country, religion, race etc. by default.

Do you even understand how corrupt and pathetic African governments are? Do you understand how many hundreds of millions of retards vote to keep those governments in place?

Do you even understand how "conservative" African governments ARE. Conservatism is the problem in Africa and is the biggest impediment to progress in sub-Saharan Africa.
Conservative on abortion and gay marriage, but they are extremely socialist based, big gov loving and hardly libertarian on free speech or press!
Nope,you are wrong. Socialism would mean a more equitable distribution of the vast wealth Africa has. A middle class would emerge as viable as the one that arose in the USA after the Great Depression. But conservatives, in the west and in Africa, have worked to exploit the average African. For instance:

Canadian policy in Africa has become largely synonymous with the interests of Canadian mining companies. The Harper Conservatives have sought to ensure that the continent's mining policy serves the interests of foreign corporations, the majority of Africans be damned.
No, because socialism always starts with theft and robbery. Theft of land, business, money, even identity and language, which is the worst. I would never wish this evil on Africa, Europe has been suffering it enough.
Have you ever met anyone who was actually from any country in Africa?

People who live in the west basically know someone from every country, religion, race etc. by default.

Do you even understand how corrupt and pathetic African governments are? Do you understand how many hundreds of millions of retards vote to keep those governments in place?

Do you even understand how "conservative" African governments ARE. Conservatism is the problem in Africa and is the biggest impediment to progress in sub-Saharan Africa.
Conservative on abortion and gay marriage, but they are extremely socialist based, big gov loving and hardly libertarian on free speech or press!
Nope,you are wrong. Socialism would mean a more equitable distribution of the vast wealth Africa has. A middle class would emerge as viable as the one that arose in the USA after the Great Depression. But conservatives, in the west and in Africa, have worked to exploit the average African. For instance:

Canadian policy in Africa has become largely synonymous with the interests of Canadian mining companies. The Harper Conservatives have sought to ensure that the continent's mining policy serves the interests of foreign corporations, the majority of Africans be damned.
No, because socialism always starts with theft and robbery. Theft of land, business, money, even identity and language, which is the worst. I would never wish this evil on Africa, Europe has been suffering it enough.
How can you steal something no one owns. Question. Who sold the first person some land and what right did they have to sell it?
Have you ever met anyone who was actually from any country in Africa?

People who live in the west basically know someone from every country, religion, race etc. by default.

Do you even understand how corrupt and pathetic African governments are? Do you understand how many hundreds of millions of retards vote to keep those governments in place?

Do you even understand how "conservative" African governments ARE. Conservatism is the problem in Africa and is the biggest impediment to progress in sub-Saharan Africa.
Conservative on abortion and gay marriage, but they are extremely socialist based, big gov loving and hardly libertarian on free speech or press!
Nope,you are wrong. Socialism would mean a more equitable distribution of the vast wealth Africa has. A middle class would emerge as viable as the one that arose in the USA after the Great Depression. But conservatives, in the west and in Africa, have worked to exploit the average African. For instance:

Canadian policy in Africa has become largely synonymous with the interests of Canadian mining companies. The Harper Conservatives have sought to ensure that the continent's mining policy serves the interests of foreign corporations, the majority of Africans be damned.
No, because socialism always starts with theft and robbery. Theft of land, business, money, even identity and language, which is the worst. I would never wish this evil on Africa, Europe has been suffering it enough.
You do realize the capitalist bastion we call America started with theft of land, Indian business ( no matter how primitive) identity and language. Are you calling our American founders socialists? I'll take it a step further and bring up the capitalist rape of Africa where they stole not only the land and resources but the people too. Yes, some Africans sold other Africans but a great many were kidnapped or shanghaied . Lets not mention theft of identity and language in THAT case. However, looking at capitalism from a Black perspective, Socialism would seem the far better choice for the average African.
Last edited:
This has got to be one of the most ignorant threads ever started in USMB.

The vast ignorance of the OP- and his fellow travellors in claiming that Africa is still in the 'stone age'- I half expected to hear that they thought Tarzan actually was swinging through the jungles of Africa calling to Tantor and Cheetah.

The average African is so vastly better informed and educated than the OP that it just is a reminder of how Stormfront causes post adulthood retardation.
I emphatically agree! Shootspeeders and his ilk have enjoyed immense popularity on this board with their racist threads and anti-Black campaigns. Reviewing Shiootspeeder's bigoted posts alone shows how well received he is by many of his conservative friends; the same people who will declare that they and their fellow conservatives are not racists.
The majority of threads on here are anti-white and they were started by that inbred retard, Guno....

You can't admit that because you are a racist regressive idiot.

I see you didn't admit that Shootspeeders is a racist. But you didn't stop there. Instead, you targeted Guno's responses to people like Shootspeeders and made HIM the racist. And idiocy is your constant companion. Your head is stuck so far up mr. Idiocy's ass you can only view the world through his eyes!

Shootspeeders is the equivalent of a pesky insect and not even nearly as intelligent. His threads always follow the same narrative as well as the same subject matter.

It's obvious that he has a self crippling anger issue with the black population which is obviously personal and goes much deeper than the vomit that he posts.

A qualified clinician could write a lengthy book about his psychosis.
I emphatically agree! Shootspeeders and his ilk have enjoyed immense popularity on this board with their racist threads and anti-Black campaigns. Reviewing Shiootspeeder's bigoted posts alone shows how well received he is by many of his conservative friends; the same people who will declare that they and their fellow conservatives are not racists.

HAHAHA. As the board has explained countless times, YOU are the racist since you support affirmative action, the govt mandated persecution of whites and the biggest hate crime in america. I support equal opportunity and thus am the anti-racist. THINK, you miserable white-hating maggot-infested wretch.
I see you didn't admit that Shootspeeders is a racist. But you didn't stop there. Instead, you targeted Guno's responses to people like Shootspeeders and made HIM the racist. And idiocy is your constant companion. Your head is stuck so far up mr. Idiocy's ass you can only view the world through his eyes!

As long as you support affirmative action UUUUUUU are the racist. THINK, moron.

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