Why Africa is in the stone age and always will be.

This has to deal with Black Africans. Black Africa was the first civilization, but they have NEVER made any progress without the white man's help. And they probably never will.

Yup - as dumb as black americans are, black africans are much worse. They are all black without the white genes that black americans have. Average IQ in africa is around 68!!!

Hmmmm! I wonder how that can be when :........

Black Immigrant Model Minorities

I only had one black immigrant boss from dark Africa. He said he was born in Ghana and I asked it that used to be called the Gold Coast? He said yes and taken aback because I knew that. African-American co-workers did not like him because he never played the race card.
up - as dumb as black americans are, black africans are much worse. They are all black without the white genes that black americans have. Average IQ in africa is around 68!!!
Hmmmm! I wonder how that can be when :........

Black Immigrant Model Minorities

Blacks the model minority??? HAHAHA. You obviously didn't read your own (10 year old link) link. A college degree in africa is like graduating from junior high in the rest of the world. FAct is nearly all blacks who come here go on welfare. You can't get a job when you can't read or count or even tell time.
Get your head out of your ass. There are many amazing and intelligent blacks: Fredrick Douglass, Brooker T Washington, Herman Cain and Yes the brilliant Ben Carson!

As long as affirmative action exists, the default position has to be that every successful black is a fraud. You claim carson is brilliant? The burden of proof is on you. Let's see it.

You still haven't mentioned any education, accomplishments, or justification for living that YOU might have. Hmmmm....

Get your head out of your ass. There are many amazing and intelligent blacks: Fredrick Douglass, Brooker T Washington, Herman Cain and Yes the brilliant Ben Carson!

As long as affirmative action exists, the default position has to be that every successful black is a fraud. You claim carson is brilliant? The burden of proof is on you. Let's see it.

Affirmative action gets many in the lower ranks but to rise to the high ranks such as upper management, CEO or head neologist, as Carson did, you have to be an exceptional individual. Affirmative action won't help.

Right now my boss is black and he is by far the most brilliant boss I have ever had.
up - as dumb as black americans are, black africans are much worse. They are all black without the white genes that black americans have. Average IQ in africa is around 68!!!
Hmmmm! I wonder how that can be when :........

Black Immigrant Model Minorities

Blacks the model minority??? HAHAHA. You obviously didn't read your own (10 year old link) link. A college degree in africa is like graduating from junior high in the rest of the world. FAct is nearly all blacks who come here go on welfare. You can't get a job when you can't read or count or even tell time.
I read the link. The one I posted and there are others indicating that Black African Immigrants are the most HIGHLY educated group in Britain AND the USA bar none They even surpass highly touted Asians in that regard. HAHAHAHA! And that was 9 years ago. Now their achievements are even greater. While we are jousting, review this video. Warning:! Use viewer discretion:The following video contains information that rmay not be suitable for the children of White racists and deniers.

This has to deal with Black Africans. Black Africa was the first civilization, but they have NEVER made any progress without the white man's help. And they probably never will.

Yup - as dumb as black americans are, black africans are much worse. They are all black without the white genes that black americans have. Average IQ in africa is around 68!!!

Hmmmm! I wonder how that can be when :........

Black Immigrant Model Minorities

I only had one black immigrant boss from dark Africa. He said he was born in Ghana and I asked it that used to be called the Gold Coast? He said yes and taken aback because I knew that. African-American co-workers did not like him because he never played the race card.
Why would anyone at your job site have a need to "play the race card.?"
Lengthy article about an american's experiences dealing with africans.

How Africans May Differ from Westerners

]I am an American who taught philosophy in several African universities from 1976 to 1988, and have lived since that time in South Africa. When I first came to Africa, I knew virtually nothing about the continent or its people, but I began learning quickly. I noticed, for example, that Africans rarely kept promises and saw no need to apologize when they broke them. It was as if they were unaware they had done anything that called for an apology

It took many years for me to understand why Africans behaved this way but I think I can now explain this and other behavior that characterizes Africa. I believe that morality requires abstract thinking—as does planning for the future—and that a relative deficiency in abstract thinking may explain many things that are typically African.

What follow are not scientific findings. There could be alternative explanations for what I have observed, but my conclusions are drawn from more than 30 years of living among Africans.

My first inklings about what may be a deficiency in abstract thinking came from what I began to learn about African languages. In a conversation with students in Nigeria I asked how you would say that a coconut is about halfway up the tree in their local language.

You can’t say that,” they explained.

All you can say is that it is ‘up’.” “How about right at the top?

Nope; just ‘up’.

In other words, there appeared to be no way to express gradations.*


White rule in South Africa ended in 1994. It was about ten years later that power outages began, which eventually reached crisis proportions. The principle reason for this is simply lack of maintenance on the generating equipment. Maintenance is future-oriented, and the Zulu entry in the dictionary for it is ondla, which means:

1. Nourish, rear; bring up;

2. Keep an eye on; watch (your crop).

In short, there is no such thing as maintenance in Zulu thought, and it would be hard to argue that this is wholly unrelated to the fact that when people throughout Africa say “nothing works,” it is only an exaggeration.

Part of the problem is that Europeans took over and then black society got into a massive mess, and they've struggled with dealing with people who have lost the sense of what should be done.
Lengthy article about an american's experiences dealing with africans.

How Africans May Differ from Westerners

]I am an American who taught philosophy in several African universities from 1976 to 1988, and have lived since that time in South Africa. When I first came to Africa, I knew virtually nothing about the continent or its people, but I began learning quickly. I noticed, for example, that Africans rarely kept promises and saw no need to apologize when they broke them. It was as if they were unaware they had done anything that called for an apology

It took many years for me to understand why Africans behaved this way but I think I can now explain this and other behavior that characterizes Africa. I believe that morality requires abstract thinking—as does planning for the future—and that a relative deficiency in abstract thinking may explain many things that are typically African.

What follow are not scientific findings. There could be alternative explanations for what I have observed, but my conclusions are drawn from more than 30 years of living among Africans.

My first inklings about what may be a deficiency in abstract thinking came from what I began to learn about African languages. In a conversation with students in Nigeria I asked how you would say that a coconut is about halfway up the tree in their local language.

You can’t say that,” they explained.

All you can say is that it is ‘up’.” “How about right at the top?

Nope; just ‘up’.

In other words, there appeared to be no way to express gradations.*


White rule in South Africa ended in 1994. It was about ten years later that power outages began, which eventually reached crisis proportions. The principle reason for this is simply lack of maintenance on the generating equipment. Maintenance is future-oriented, and the Zulu entry in the dictionary for it is ondla, which means:

1. Nourish, rear; bring up;

2. Keep an eye on; watch (your crop).

In short, there is no such thing as maintenance in Zulu thought, and it would be hard to argue that this is wholly unrelated to the fact that when people throughout Africa say “nothing works,” it is only an exaggeration.
The bastard is lucky he wasn't decapitated or worse. After all the shit Black South Africans went through with his ilk he has some nerve
to talk about keeping promises. I don't blame them. The architects of apartheid taught them well. But the foloowing guy hs a freal beef and it isn't with Blacks not keeping promises:

up - as dumb as black americans are, black africans are much worse. They are all black without the white genes that black americans have. Average IQ in africa is around 68!!!
Hmmmm! I wonder how that can be when :........

Black Immigrant Model Minorities

Blacks the model minority??? HAHAHA. You obviously didn't read your own (10 year old link) link. A college degree in africa is like graduating from junior high in the rest of the world. FAct is nearly all blacks who come here go on welfare. You can't get a job when you can't read or count or even tell time.
I read the link. The one I posted and there are others indicating that Black African Immigrants are the most HIGHLY educated group in Britain AND the USA bar none They even surpass highly touted Asians in that regard. HAHAHAHA! And that was 9 years ago. Now their achievements are even greater. While we are jousting, review this video. Warning:! Use viewer discretion:The following video contains information that rmay not be suitable for the children of White racists and deniers.

White liberals have destroyed education in white communities while normal white people ignore the problem.

The average person in Sub-Saharan Africa is still a dumbass though.

It's estimated that 450,000 whites, of a total white population of 4.5 million, now live below the poverty line and 100,000 are struggling just to survive in squatter camps. There are 80 white squatter camps in the Pretoria area alone.

You do realize that white people are extremely persecuted in South Africa, right?
up - as dumb as black americans are, black africans are much worse. They are all black without the white genes that black americans have. Average IQ in africa is around 68!!!
Hmmmm! I wonder how that can be when :........

Black Immigrant Model Minorities

Blacks the model minority??? HAHAHA. You obviously didn't read your own (10 year old link) link. A college degree in africa is like graduating from junior high in the rest of the world. FAct is nearly all blacks who come here go on welfare. You can't get a job when you can't read or count or even tell time.
I read the link. The one I posted and there are others indicating that Black African Immigrants are the most HIGHLY educated group in Britain AND the USA bar none They even surpass highly touted Asians in that regard. HAHAHAHA! And that was 9 years ago. Now their achievements are even greater. While we are jousting, review this video. Warning:! Use viewer discretion:The following video contains information that rmay not be suitable for the children of White racists and deniers.

White liberals have destroyed education in white communities while normal white people ignore the problem.

The average person in Sub-Saharan Africa is still a dumbass though.

Have you ever met anyone who was actually from any country in Africa?
Get your head out of your ass. There are many amazing and intelligent blacks: Fredrick Douglass, Brooker T Washington, Herman Cain and Yes the brilliant Ben Carson!

As long as affirmative action exists, the default position has to be that every successful black is a fraud. You claim carson is brilliant? The burden of proof is on you. Let's see it.

You still haven't mentioned any education, accomplishments, or justification for living that YOU might have. Hmmmm....

Millions and millions of Africans do exactly that.


You mean they call themselves businessmen or engineers when the fact is they can't read or even add up a column of numbers. Affirmative action is everywhere in africa and it's destroying the continent. THINK
Do you have a need to believe that lie?

You know Ben Carson is a noted neurosurgeon , but you insist to hold on to a fallacy about blacks/Africans in general. Why? .....

You know why.
up - as dumb as black americans are, black africans are much worse. They are all black without the white genes that black americans have. Average IQ in africa is around 68!!!
Hmmmm! I wonder how that can be when :........

Black Immigrant Model Minorities

Blacks the model minority??? HAHAHA. You obviously didn't read your own (10 year old link) link. A college degree in africa is like graduating from junior high in the rest of the world. FAct is nearly all blacks who come here go on welfare. You can't get a job when you can't read or count or even tell time.
I read the link. The one I posted and there are others indicating that Black African Immigrants are the most HIGHLY educated group in Britain AND the USA bar none They even surpass highly touted Asians in that regard. HAHAHAHA! And that was 9 years ago. Now their achievements are even greater. While we are jousting, review this video. Warning:! Use viewer discretion:The following video contains information that rmay not be suitable for the children of White racists and deniers.

White liberals have destroyed education in white communities while normal white people ignore the problem.

The average person in Sub-Saharan Africa is still a dumbass though.

Have you ever met anyone who was actually from any country in Africa?


People who live in the west basically know someone from every country, religion, race etc. by default.

Do you even understand how corrupt and pathetic African governments are? Do you understand how many hundreds of millions of retards vote to keep those governments in place?
up - as dumb as black americans are, black africans are much worse. They are all black without the white genes that black americans have. Average IQ in africa is around 68!!!
Hmmmm! I wonder how that can be when :........

Black Immigrant Model Minorities

Blacks the model minority??? HAHAHA. You obviously didn't read your own (10 year old link) link. A college degree in africa is like graduating from junior high in the rest of the world. FAct is nearly all blacks who come here go on welfare. You can't get a job when you can't read or count or even tell time.
I read the link. The one I posted and there are others indicating that Black African Immigrants are the most HIGHLY educated group in Britain AND the USA bar none They even surpass highly touted Asians in that regard. HAHAHAHA! And that was 9 years ago. Now their achievements are even greater. While we are jousting, review this video. Warning:! Use viewer discretion:The following video contains information that rmay not be suitable for the children of White racists and deniers.

White liberals have destroyed education in white communities while normal white people ignore the problem.

The average person in Sub-Saharan Africa is still a dumbass though.

You don't know that the average sub-Saharan African is a "dumbass." Who told you that? Off the cuff, you could point your haughty finger at a number of Asian countries and say the same thing. I would even go so far s to say the average American is a dumbass.
But I think ignorance , compounded by lack of opportunity is the real culprit in Africa and anywhere else. Given the golden opportunity that so many native born Americans waste, immigrants from sub Saharan Africa seem to be the top achievers and have been for a long time.
Hmmmm! I wonder how that can be when :........

Black Immigrant Model Minorities

Blacks the model minority??? HAHAHA. You obviously didn't read your own (10 year old link) link. A college degree in africa is like graduating from junior high in the rest of the world. FAct is nearly all blacks who come here go on welfare. You can't get a job when you can't read or count or even tell time.
I read the link. The one I posted and there are others indicating that Black African Immigrants are the most HIGHLY educated group in Britain AND the USA bar none They even surpass highly touted Asians in that regard. HAHAHAHA! And that was 9 years ago. Now their achievements are even greater. While we are jousting, review this video. Warning:! Use viewer discretion:The following video contains information that rmay not be suitable for the children of White racists and deniers.

White liberals have destroyed education in white communities while normal white people ignore the problem.

The average person in Sub-Saharan Africa is still a dumbass though.

Have you ever met anyone who was actually from any country in Africa?


People who live in the west basically know someone from every country, religion, race etc. by default.

Do you even understand how corrupt and pathetic African governments are? Do you understand how many hundreds of millions of retards vote to keep those governments in place?

Do you even understand how "conservative" African governments ARE. Conservatism is the problem in Africa and is the biggest impediment to progress in sub-Saharan Africa.
This has got to be one of the most ignorant threads ever started in USMB.

The vast ignorance of the OP- and his fellow travellors in claiming that Africa is still in the 'stone age'- I half expected to hear that they thought Tarzan actually was swinging through the jungles of Africa calling to Tantor and Cheetah.

The average African is so vastly better informed and educated than the OP that it just is a reminder of how Stormfront causes post adulthood retardation.
The answer is because Guns are stronger than spears. And Europe raped Africa for all its resources etc and now points to it as if they had nothing to do with the state of affairs there

Hey stupid. Wealth is not rocks in the ground. It's people with technical skills. Engineers and businessmen and scientists. Also farmers and plumbers are auto-repairmen. Blacks can't do things like that.
Why is it always the illiterate whites like youreself claiming that Blacks cant do things like engineering? You would have more credibility if you were actually smart. Sorry but you cant even pretend youre smart.
Blacks the model minority??? HAHAHA. You obviously didn't read your own (10 year old link) link. A college degree in africa is like graduating from junior high in the rest of the world. FAct is nearly all blacks who come here go on welfare. You can't get a job when you can't read or count or even tell time.
I read the link. The one I posted and there are others indicating that Black African Immigrants are the most HIGHLY educated group in Britain AND the USA bar none They even surpass highly touted Asians in that regard. HAHAHAHA! And that was 9 years ago. Now their achievements are even greater. While we are jousting, review this video. Warning:! Use viewer discretion:The following video contains information that rmay not be suitable for the children of White racists and deniers.

White liberals have destroyed education in white communities while normal white people ignore the problem.

The average person in Sub-Saharan Africa is still a dumbass though.

Have you ever met anyone who was actually from any country in Africa?


People who live in the west basically know someone from every country, religion, race etc. by default.

Do you even understand how corrupt and pathetic African governments are? Do you understand how many hundreds of millions of retards vote to keep those governments in place?

Do you even understand how "conservative" African governments ARE. Conservatism is the problem in Africa and is the biggest impediment to progress in sub-Saharan Africa.

You left out poverty also..Your social Darwinism is showing...
Right now my boss is black and he is by far the most brilliant boss I have ever had.

HAHAHA. Where do you work? At a car wash?? Your only hope for a good job is affirmative action, which amounts to stealing a job from a more qualified white.

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