Zone1 Why, After Jesus' Resurrection...

After Jesus' resurrection, he appeared to his followers. Ever wonder why he didn't also appear to Pontius Pilate, Annas and Caiaphas the High Priests, or King Herod? Would it made a difference if he had, and what do you imagine that difference might have been? But mostly, why do you think Jesus chose not to appear to them?
There is so much lack of detail and so many gaps in so many stories in the New Testament we can't know everything Jesus did. John even said so in his Gospel John 21:25 "24 This is the disciple who testifies to these things and who wrote them down. We know that his testimony is true. 25 Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written."

So to know everything Jesus did or did not do is not for us to know. Maybe he did and they didn't believe it was him. Maybe he thought if he appeared to them they would take even worse vengeance or punishment against heretic Jews who followed him or try harder to wipe out Christian groups as they formed. I'll put it on my list of questions that I hope to take to Heaven with me. :)

There is always the question of why the Hebrew Exodus is not recorded in any Egyptian ancient histories. Cecile B DeMille's "The Ten Commandments" explained it that the Pharoah was so angry when he learned that his successor "Moses" was in fact Hebrew and banished him, he ordered the name "Moses" to be stricken from everything in Egypt as if it had never existed. That would make sense that a mighty leader would not want it recorded that he had been duped or that Hebrew slaves had gotten the best of him.

So would likely be the case of a high Roman official or Jewish leaders who feared losing control/influence over the rank and file Jews.

Who knows?
All good points. Still, I can't help but wonder what difference it might have made to their personal lives if they saw and believed. Perhaps, Pontius Pilate especially, as he washed his hands.
Those that saw God part the Red Sea so they could pass, and then witnessed the sea close up to destroy the Egyptian army that was following them to kill them, those same people who witnessed this then built a gold calf to worship instead of the one true God

So, as we see, knowing God exists does not produce faith in God.

That is why God has no real ambition to prove his existence.
Theism Is Also Pushy, Self-Serving, and Illogical
People may have good motives for doing so but often are clueless on how to spread the good news to help people.

By far Leftism is the most successful modern-day religion that has infiltrated much of the church. They are far more invasive and pushier, but in a far more nefarious way.

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