CDZ Why All the Fuss Over Interracial Ads?

I was just reading about the uproar over the Old Navy ad featuring a supposedly interracial couple consisting of a white male, a Black female, and a Black child. I know the reasons for some Black people having a problem with the ad but i specifically want to understand why white people may have an issue with it? Can a white person that has an issue with the ad please explain why?

Discuss what? You know why some black people have a problem with it but you don't know why some white people do? Huh? I thought the comments in the Huffington Post article expressed the white bigot POV pretty well. What else do you seek to know?

I loathe all advertising, and this kind of pandering ad really makes me roll my eyes. I find it hard to accept the notion of corporations as the champions of ethical conduct and civil rights. Perhaps there is some social consciousness involved, but I suspect that they merely have calculated that inclusiveness is good for their bottom line.
I was just reading about the uproar over the Old Navy ad featuring a supposedly interracial couple consisting of a white male, a Black female, and a Black child. I know the reasons for some Black people having a problem with the ad but i specifically want to understand why white people may have an issue with it? Can a white person that has an issue with the ad please explain why?

I consider the article you read as nothing more than a piece to inflame racial tensions, and to continue the narrative that racism is an out of control problem in America. Interracial couples in ads have been around for a long time, and all over the place, why write a piece on it now? Are there bigots out there on both sides with some huge problem with it, sure, and that will probably not go away. Are they loud and proud on social media, sure, but that it not representative of the American population at all. They have always been there, but no one really paid them any mind before, just like no one paid any mind to other crazy people on social media claiming that the Jews are using mind control on us through the television. These crazy people are striving for attention, and now have a wide reaching soap box to get that attention. You want to shut them up, stop engaging with them. When you engage them, your only feeding into their motivations to post outrageous baseless comments in the first place.

A problem with an interracial couple in an ad is just as crazy and unreasonable as Jews using tv as mind control. I don't see articles being written about the people saying Jews are using mind control. So again why write it? Why now? How is it we have a black president, yet after his 2 elections, people believe that racism is a bigger problem than it was 8 years ago? Probably has something to do with dismissing decenters as racists.
Homosexual folks make up only about 2-4% of the population, but with the recent narratives out there, and how much homosexuality is portrayed on tv, Americans believe the number of homosexuals out there is around 20%. Same sort of thing can be said about how many racist Americans believe are out there.

Correct me if I am wrong, but you also seem to have less of a problem with black people not liking the ad over white people who don't.
I was just reading about the uproar over the Old Navy ad featuring a supposedly interracial couple consisting of a white male, a Black female, and a Black child. I know the reasons for some Black people having a problem with the ad but i specifically want to understand why white people may have an issue with it? Can a white person that has an issue with the ad please explain why?

I consider the article you read as nothing more than a piece to inflame racial tensions, and to continue the narrative that racism is an out of control problem in America. Interracial couples in ads have been around for a long time, and all over the place, why write a piece on it now? Are there bigots out there on both sides with some huge problem with it, sure, and that will probably not go away. Are they loud and proud on social media, sure, but that it not representative of the American population at all. They have always been there, but no one really paid them any mind before, just like no one paid any mind to other crazy people on social media claiming that the Jews are using mind control on us through the television. These crazy people are striving for attention, and now have a wide reaching soap box to get that attention. You want to shut them up, stop engaging with them. When you engage them, your only feeding into their motivations to post outrageous baseless comments in the first place.

A problem with an interracial couple in an ad is just as crazy and unreasonable as Jews using tv as mind control. I don't see articles being written about the people saying Jews are using mind control. So again why write it? Why now? How is it we have a black president, yet after his 2 elections, people believe that racism is a bigger problem than it was 8 years ago? Probably has something to do with dismissing decenters as racists.
Homosexual folks make up only about 2-4% of the population, but with the recent narratives out there, and how much homosexuality is portrayed on tv, Americans believe the number of homosexuals out there is around 20%. Same sort of thing can be said about how many racist Americans believe are out there.

Correct me if I am wrong, but you also seem to have less of a problem with black people not liking the ad over white people who don't.
Correct me if I am wrong but I didnt really ask for anyones opinion of the article. I asked for a white person to tell me why they had an issue with the ad. I dont understand why you think no one ever paid attention to the dissenters when people died over interracial relationships, laws were passed to prevent interracial marriages, etc etc. I am engaging these people because I wish to understand their mindset and find out what their fears are.

You may feel the problem is crazy and unreasonable but you are only viewing it from your perspective. Despite your denial there is an issue a lot of people weighed in on it and i can tell you from personal experience lots of people do indeed have an issue with it. I'm probably one of the few that dont think racism is a bigger issue now than it was 8 years ago I think its always been there and the unexpected election of the POTUS just brought it to the forefront and was further exacerbated by his reelection.

What makes you think "it seems" I have less of a problem with Black people having an issue with it as opposed to whites? Is it because i understand where its coming from being Black myself and you see that as some sort of agreement?
I was just reading about the uproar over the Old Navy ad featuring a supposedly interracial couple consisting of a white male, a Black female, and a Black child. I know the reasons for some Black people having a problem with the ad but i specifically want to understand why white people may have an issue with it? Can a white person that has an issue with the ad please explain why?

Why, Asclepias, let me #white-chic-coffee-problems 'splain it to you. :eusa_angel:

Blacks are offended the same way whites are offended here and I'm quite comfortable talking about this. Old Navy is some of the cheapest made crap anywhere. Most of it is shapeless. It's Walmart with a name brand that should keep people off your behind until you can afford better clothing. It's so cheap that gangs don't even bother. So, like yeah................we are offended.

How dare this company showcase an ad that screams interracial hanky panky given the history of this country and all of those tender feelings still in existence

AND utilize slave labor to make the clothing AT THE SAME TIME.
Gap and Old Navy in Bangladesh: cheating the poorest workers in the world


Damn it. Seriously? Who sits around and watches commercials?
I once worked for the GAP. its a great example of corporate greed and slimy practices.
I was just reading about the uproar over the Old Navy ad featuring a supposedly interracial couple consisting of a white male, a Black female, and a Black child. I know the reasons for some Black people having a problem with the ad but i specifically want to understand why white people may have an issue with it? Can a white person that has an issue with the ad please explain why?

Discuss what? You know why some black people have a problem with it but you don't know why some white people do? Huh? I thought the comments in the Huffington Post article expressed the white bigot POV pretty well. What else do you seek to know?

I loathe all advertising, and this kind of pandering ad really makes me roll my eyes. I find it hard to accept the notion of corporations as the champions of ethical conduct and civil rights. Perhaps there is some social consciousness involved, but I suspect that they merely have calculated that inclusiveness is good for their bottom line.
Discuss the question I posed in the OP? I thought it was pretty clear i was seeking a white person to explain to me why they had an issue with the ad. Does this thread make you uncomfortable? You are correct. i know why some Black people have an issue with it but I have yet to find a white person i know personally that will admit they have a problem with it.

I understand you loathe all advertising but that was not the point. i was looking for specifics on this particular ad.
know the reasons for some Black people having a problem with the ad

Would you then enlighten me, please? Out of curiosity, I asked two of my minority peers (one black, one not black) about the ad. Neither of them took issue with it.
From what I understand the issue is basically the same as Lucy explained. An attempt to normalize interracial relationships via social programming with a serious caveat. This particular ad showcases a Black woman with a white man which brings to mind the slavery days when white men raped Black women with impunity. While I see the point, it doesnt make sense to me because Black women are free to be with who they choose to be in this day and age and none of the white guys they may get with was ever a slave owner that raped a Black woman.
I was just reading about the uproar over the Old Navy ad featuring a supposedly interracial couple consisting of a white male, a Black female, and a Black child. I know the reasons for some Black people having a problem with the ad but i specifically want to understand why white people may have an issue with it? Can a white person that has an issue with the ad please explain why?

I consider the article you read as nothing more than a piece to inflame racial tensions, and to continue the narrative that racism is an out of control problem in America. Interracial couples in ads have been around for a long time, and all over the place, why write a piece on it now? Are there bigots out there on both sides with some huge problem with it, sure, and that will probably not go away. Are they loud and proud on social media, sure, but that it not representative of the American population at all. They have always been there, but no one really paid them any mind before, just like no one paid any mind to other crazy people on social media claiming that the Jews are using mind control on us through the television. These crazy people are striving for attention, and now have a wide reaching soap box to get that attention. You want to shut them up, stop engaging with them. When you engage them, your only feeding into their motivations to post outrageous baseless comments in the first place.

A problem with an interracial couple in an ad is just as crazy and unreasonable as Jews using tv as mind control. I don't see articles being written about the people saying Jews are using mind control. So again why write it? Why now? How is it we have a black president, yet after his 2 elections, people believe that racism is a bigger problem than it was 8 years ago? Probably has something to do with dismissing decenters as racists.
Homosexual folks make up only about 2-4% of the population, but with the recent narratives out there, and how much homosexuality is portrayed on tv, Americans believe the number of homosexuals out there is around 20%. Same sort of thing can be said about how many racist Americans believe are out there.

Correct me if I am wrong, but you also seem to have less of a problem with black people not liking the ad over white people who don't.
Correct me if I am wrong but I didnt really ask for anyones opinion of the article. I asked for a white person to tell me why they had an issue with the ad. I dont understand why you think no one ever paid attention to the dissenters when people died over interracial relationships, laws were passed to prevent interracial marriages, etc etc. I am engaging these people because I wish to understand their mindset and find out what their fears are.

You may feel the problem is crazy and unreasonable but you are only viewing it from your perspective. Despite your denial there is an issue a lot of people weighed in on it and i can tell you from personal experience lots of people do indeed have an issue with it. I'm probably one of the few that dont think racism is a bigger issue now than it was 8 years ago I think its always been there and the unexpected election of the POTUS just brought it to the forefront and was further exacerbated by his reelection.

What makes you think "it seems" I have less of a problem with Black people having an issue with it as opposed to whites? Is it because i understand where its coming from being Black myself and you see that as some sort of agreement?
No clue you were black, nor should that matter. How would I know you were black. You also probably have no clue what race I am, nor should that matter. The thing that makes it seem like you have less of a problem with black people having negative feelings about interracial relationships bc the implication that arises when you state that you understand reasons behind some black people having those negative feelings, but do not understand the reasons why some white people have negative feelings about it. The implication is that there is more reason behind those who are black with negative feelings, than there is with those who are white. Nor did you state that there is a problem with black people harboring those feelings, although I did not make my light assumption based on the lack of an opinion on black people who harbor those opinions. It should be equally as unreasonable and wrong for black people to have a problem with two people of mixed races loving eachother, as it is for white people should it not? Same crime different colors.

I never said that racism wasn't a problem. I commented on the perception of Americans that racism has increased in the past 8 years. So did it increase, or did it not increase? If it didn't increase, what is it that makes Americans feel like it's a larger problem than it was 8 years ago?

And I can't comment on why I don't like interracial couples, bc I don't feel that way at all, nor am I considered white. I didn't think that excluded me from commenting. It didn't seem to affect anyone else who doesn't feel that way from giving their 2 cents. And I very much understand the impact from miscongeniation laws 150, and how that has affected gay marriage today. You seem to be making unfair assumptions about me as well
I was just reading about the uproar over the Old Navy ad featuring a supposedly interracial couple consisting of a white male, a Black female, and a Black child. I know the reasons for some Black people having a problem with the ad but i specifically want to understand why white people may have an issue with it? Can a white person that has an issue with the ad please explain why?

I consider the article you read as nothing more than a piece to inflame racial tensions, and to continue the narrative that racism is an out of control problem in America. Interracial couples in ads have been around for a long time, and all over the place, why write a piece on it now? Are there bigots out there on both sides with some huge problem with it, sure, and that will probably not go away. Are they loud and proud on social media, sure, but that it not representative of the American population at all. They have always been there, but no one really paid them any mind before, just like no one paid any mind to other crazy people on social media claiming that the Jews are using mind control on us through the television. These crazy people are striving for attention, and now have a wide reaching soap box to get that attention. You want to shut them up, stop engaging with them. When you engage them, your only feeding into their motivations to post outrageous baseless comments in the first place.

A problem with an interracial couple in an ad is just as crazy and unreasonable as Jews using tv as mind control. I don't see articles being written about the people saying Jews are using mind control. So again why write it? Why now? How is it we have a black president, yet after his 2 elections, people believe that racism is a bigger problem than it was 8 years ago? Probably has something to do with dismissing decenters as racists.
Homosexual folks make up only about 2-4% of the population, but with the recent narratives out there, and how much homosexuality is portrayed on tv, Americans believe the number of homosexuals out there is around 20%. Same sort of thing can be said about how many racist Americans believe are out there.

Correct me if I am wrong, but you also seem to have less of a problem with black people not liking the ad over white people who don't.
Correct me if I am wrong but I didnt really ask for anyones opinion of the article. I asked for a white person to tell me why they had an issue with the ad. I dont understand why you think no one ever paid attention to the dissenters when people died over interracial relationships, laws were passed to prevent interracial marriages, etc etc. I am engaging these people because I wish to understand their mindset and find out what their fears are.

You may feel the problem is crazy and unreasonable but you are only viewing it from your perspective. Despite your denial there is an issue a lot of people weighed in on it and i can tell you from personal experience lots of people do indeed have an issue with it. I'm probably one of the few that dont think racism is a bigger issue now than it was 8 years ago I think its always been there and the unexpected election of the POTUS just brought it to the forefront and was further exacerbated by his reelection.

What makes you think "it seems" I have less of a problem with Black people having an issue with it as opposed to whites? Is it because i understand where its coming from being Black myself and you see that as some sort of agreement?
No clue you were black, nor should that matter. How would I know you were black. You also probably have no clue what race I am, nor should that matter. The thing that makes it seem like you have less of a problem with black people having negative feelings about interracial relationships bc the implication that arises when you state that you understand reasons behind some black people having those negative feelings, but do not understand the reasons why some white people have negative feelings about it. The implication is that there is more reason behind those who are black with negative feelings, than there is with those who are white. Nor did you state that there is a problem with black people harboring those feelings, although I did not make my light assumption based on the lack of an opinion on black people who harbor those opinions. It should be equally as unreasonable and wrong for black people to have a problem with two people of mixed races loving eachother, as it is for white people should it not? Same crime different colors.

I never said that racism wasn't a problem. I commented on the perception of Americans that racism has increased in the past 8 years. So did it increase, or did it not increase? If it didn't increase, what is it that makes Americans feel like it's a larger problem than it was 8 years ago?

And I can't comment on why I don't like interracial couples, bc I don't feel that way at all, nor am I considered white. I didn't think that excluded me from commenting. It didn't seem to affect anyone else who doesn't feel that way from giving their 2 cents. And I very much understand the impact from miscongeniation laws 150, and how that has affected gay marriage today. You seem to be making unfair assumptions about me as well
Reading your post I realize I do have slightly less of a problem with the rationale of Black people opposed to it vs the rationale of whites. It would make sense despite your claim that it should be equal. The dynamics are not equal so why would you assume my view would be equal? White males systematically raped little Black girls and women with impunity. Never in the history of this nation have Black females raped white men. There is much more of a reason for Black people to be against the ad than white people. My aim was not to point if there was a problem with either Black or white people being against the ad. My aim was to find out the reason whites were against it.

Racism didnt increase. Its just more out in the open.
I was just reading about the uproar over the Old Navy ad featuring a supposedly interracial couple consisting of a white male, a Black female, and a Black child. I know the reasons for some Black people having a problem with the ad but i specifically want to understand why white people may have an issue with it? Can a white person that has an issue with the ad please explain why?

I consider the article you read as nothing more than a piece to inflame racial tensions, and to continue the narrative that racism is an out of control problem in America. Interracial couples in ads have been around for a long time, and all over the place, why write a piece on it now? Are there bigots out there on both sides with some huge problem with it, sure, and that will probably not go away. Are they loud and proud on social media, sure, but that it not representative of the American population at all. They have always been there, but no one really paid them any mind before, just like no one paid any mind to other crazy people on social media claiming that the Jews are using mind control on us through the television. These crazy people are striving for attention, and now have a wide reaching soap box to get that attention. You want to shut them up, stop engaging with them. When you engage them, your only feeding into their motivations to post outrageous baseless comments in the first place.

A problem with an interracial couple in an ad is just as crazy and unreasonable as Jews using tv as mind control. I don't see articles being written about the people saying Jews are using mind control. So again why write it? Why now? How is it we have a black president, yet after his 2 elections, people believe that racism is a bigger problem than it was 8 years ago? Probably has something to do with dismissing decenters as racists.
Homosexual folks make up only about 2-4% of the population, but with the recent narratives out there, and how much homosexuality is portrayed on tv, Americans believe the number of homosexuals out there is around 20%. Same sort of thing can be said about how many racist Americans believe are out there.

Correct me if I am wrong, but you also seem to have less of a problem with black people not liking the ad over white people who don't.
Correct me if I am wrong but I didnt really ask for anyones opinion of the article. I asked for a white person to tell me why they had an issue with the ad. I dont understand why you think no one ever paid attention to the dissenters when people died over interracial relationships, laws were passed to prevent interracial marriages, etc etc. I am engaging these people because I wish to understand their mindset and find out what their fears are.

You may feel the problem is crazy and unreasonable but you are only viewing it from your perspective. Despite your denial there is an issue a lot of people weighed in on it and i can tell you from personal experience lots of people do indeed have an issue with it. I'm probably one of the few that dont think racism is a bigger issue now than it was 8 years ago I think its always been there and the unexpected election of the POTUS just brought it to the forefront and was further exacerbated by his reelection.

What makes you think "it seems" I have less of a problem with Black people having an issue with it as opposed to whites? Is it because i understand where its coming from being Black myself and you see that as some sort of agreement?
No clue you were black, nor should that matter. How would I know you were black. You also probably have no clue what race I am, nor should that matter. The thing that makes it seem like you have less of a problem with black people having negative feelings about interracial relationships bc the implication that arises when you state that you understand reasons behind some black people having those negative feelings, but do not understand the reasons why some white people have negative feelings about it. The implication is that there is more reason behind those who are black with negative feelings, than there is with those who are white. Nor did you state that there is a problem with black people harboring those feelings, although I did not make my light assumption based on the lack of an opinion on black people who harbor those opinions. It should be equally as unreasonable and wrong for black people to have a problem with two people of mixed races loving eachother, as it is for white people should it not? Same crime different colors.

I never said that racism wasn't a problem. I commented on the perception of Americans that racism has increased in the past 8 years. So did it increase, or did it not increase? If it didn't increase, what is it that makes Americans feel like it's a larger problem than it was 8 years ago?

And I can't comment on why I don't like interracial couples, bc I don't feel that way at all, nor am I considered white. I didn't think that excluded me from commenting. It didn't seem to affect anyone else who doesn't feel that way from giving their 2 cents. And I very much understand the impact from miscongeniation laws 150, and how that has affected gay marriage today. You seem to be making unfair assumptions about me as well
Reading your post I realize I do have slightly less of a problem with the rationale of Black people opposed to it vs the rationale of whites. It would make sense despite your claim that it should be equal. The dynamics are not equal so why would you assume my view would be equal? White males systematically raped little Black girls and women with impunity. Never in the history of this nation have Black females raped white men. There is much more of a reason for Black people to be against the ad than white people. My aim was not to point if there was a problem with either Black or white people being against the ad. My aim was to find out the reason whites were against it.

Racism didnt increase. Its just more out in the open.
Ok so the motivations are different for either party, it still doesn't make that thinking right, which I don't think you believe it does make it right.

I still wonder why this is a story with more perceived merit, and conversation on of the effects of slavery 150 years ago today, over the that fact actual slavery is bigger than it's ever been in our world today. And not just for labor, there are millions of child sexual slaves out there. That's not including modern day forms of slavery by a different names, that are ravaging the people in places like Africa and China. What I'm saying is that perception of what is reality in America, is not the full reality, and our perception of urgent problems is way off. Listen to folks argue about transgender bathroom use, transgender people make up about .04% of the entire population, why has it become this completly engrossing issue? It is nothing more than a distraction, a slight of hand, to distract us from the real problems that plague us, and are on our horizon that need to be addressed
I was just reading about the uproar over the Old Navy ad featuring a supposedly interracial couple consisting of a white male, a Black female, and a Black child. I know the reasons for some Black people having a problem with the ad but i specifically want to understand why white people may have an issue with it? Can a white person that has an issue with the ad please explain why?

I consider the article you read as nothing more than a piece to inflame racial tensions, and to continue the narrative that racism is an out of control problem in America. Interracial couples in ads have been around for a long time, and all over the place, why write a piece on it now? Are there bigots out there on both sides with some huge problem with it, sure, and that will probably not go away. Are they loud and proud on social media, sure, but that it not representative of the American population at all. They have always been there, but no one really paid them any mind before, just like no one paid any mind to other crazy people on social media claiming that the Jews are using mind control on us through the television. These crazy people are striving for attention, and now have a wide reaching soap box to get that attention. You want to shut them up, stop engaging with them. When you engage them, your only feeding into their motivations to post outrageous baseless comments in the first place.

A problem with an interracial couple in an ad is just as crazy and unreasonable as Jews using tv as mind control. I don't see articles being written about the people saying Jews are using mind control. So again why write it? Why now? How is it we have a black president, yet after his 2 elections, people believe that racism is a bigger problem than it was 8 years ago? Probably has something to do with dismissing decenters as racists.
Homosexual folks make up only about 2-4% of the population, but with the recent narratives out there, and how much homosexuality is portrayed on tv, Americans believe the number of homosexuals out there is around 20%. Same sort of thing can be said about how many racist Americans believe are out there.

Correct me if I am wrong, but you also seem to have less of a problem with black people not liking the ad over white people who don't.
Correct me if I am wrong but I didnt really ask for anyones opinion of the article. I asked for a white person to tell me why they had an issue with the ad. I dont understand why you think no one ever paid attention to the dissenters when people died over interracial relationships, laws were passed to prevent interracial marriages, etc etc. I am engaging these people because I wish to understand their mindset and find out what their fears are.

You may feel the problem is crazy and unreasonable but you are only viewing it from your perspective. Despite your denial there is an issue a lot of people weighed in on it and i can tell you from personal experience lots of people do indeed have an issue with it. I'm probably one of the few that dont think racism is a bigger issue now than it was 8 years ago I think its always been there and the unexpected election of the POTUS just brought it to the forefront and was further exacerbated by his reelection.

What makes you think "it seems" I have less of a problem with Black people having an issue with it as opposed to whites? Is it because i understand where its coming from being Black myself and you see that as some sort of agreement?
No clue you were black, nor should that matter. How would I know you were black. You also probably have no clue what race I am, nor should that matter. The thing that makes it seem like you have less of a problem with black people having negative feelings about interracial relationships bc the implication that arises when you state that you understand reasons behind some black people having those negative feelings, but do not understand the reasons why some white people have negative feelings about it. The implication is that there is more reason behind those who are black with negative feelings, than there is with those who are white. Nor did you state that there is a problem with black people harboring those feelings, although I did not make my light assumption based on the lack of an opinion on black people who harbor those opinions. It should be equally as unreasonable and wrong for black people to have a problem with two people of mixed races loving eachother, as it is for white people should it not? Same crime different colors.

I never said that racism wasn't a problem. I commented on the perception of Americans that racism has increased in the past 8 years. So did it increase, or did it not increase? If it didn't increase, what is it that makes Americans feel like it's a larger problem than it was 8 years ago?

And I can't comment on why I don't like interracial couples, bc I don't feel that way at all, nor am I considered white. I didn't think that excluded me from commenting. It didn't seem to affect anyone else who doesn't feel that way from giving their 2 cents. And I very much understand the impact from miscongeniation laws 150, and how that has affected gay marriage today. You seem to be making unfair assumptions about me as well
Reading your post I realize I do have slightly less of a problem with the rationale of Black people opposed to it vs the rationale of whites. It would make sense despite your claim that it should be equal. The dynamics are not equal so why would you assume my view would be equal? White males systematically raped little Black girls and women with impunity. Never in the history of this nation have Black females raped white men. There is much more of a reason for Black people to be against the ad than white people. My aim was not to point if there was a problem with either Black or white people being against the ad. My aim was to find out the reason whites were against it.

Racism didnt increase. Its just more out in the open.
Ok so the motivations are different for either party, it still doesn't make that thinking right, which I don't think you believe it does make it right.

I still wonder why this is a story with more perceived merit, and conversation on of the effects of slavery 150 years ago today, over the that fact actual slavery is bigger than it's ever been in our world today. And not just for labor, there are millions of child sexual slaves out there. That's not including modern day forms of slavery by a different names, that are ravaging the people in places like Africa and China. What I'm saying is that perception of what is reality in America, is not the full reality, and our perception of urgent problems is way off. Listen to folks argue about transgender bathroom use, transgender people make up about .04% of the entire population, why has it become this completly engrossing issue? It is nothing more than a distraction, a slight of hand, to distract us from the real problems that plague us, and are on our horizon that need to be addressed
I am not authorized to make the determination on if the thinking is "right" or not for anyone but myself. I stated earlier it wasnt "right" for me because it makes no sense to hate the idea of a white guy with a Black woman in this day and age since they both have made the choice to be together. It would be entirely different if the Black woman was being forced.

I think this is a more readily discussed story simply because the US was founded in racism. Its always there on every issue and has been used to divide the citizens every since the elite white male class figured out it wouldnt be long before slaves (white and Black) and poor whites would eventually team up.
It's really weird how Old Navy decided to do this

It simultaneously pisses off young white males portraying this white guy presumably as a "cuck" as I'm sure they'd call it for raising a kid who isn't his.

Then black people understandably getting pissed off because for some reason a white guy is raising a black kid who is clearly not his blood. Why wouldn't they have just photo shopped the kids skin to be a few shades lighter? Then no one would be complaining but the actual racists

Very shitty ad, I have to imagine there is a version of it with the kid given lighter skin in PS. Unless this was all just a very clever marketing scheme
I consider the article you read as nothing more than a piece to inflame racial tensions, and to continue the narrative that racism is an out of control problem in America. Interracial couples in ads have been around for a long time, and all over the place, why write a piece on it now? Are there bigots out there on both sides with some huge problem with it, sure, and that will probably not go away. Are they loud and proud on social media, sure, but that it not representative of the American population at all. They have always been there, but no one really paid them any mind before, just like no one paid any mind to other crazy people on social media claiming that the Jews are using mind control on us through the television. These crazy people are striving for attention, and now have a wide reaching soap box to get that attention. You want to shut them up, stop engaging with them. When you engage them, your only feeding into their motivations to post outrageous baseless comments in the first place.

A problem with an interracial couple in an ad is just as crazy and unreasonable as Jews using tv as mind control. I don't see articles being written about the people saying Jews are using mind control. So again why write it? Why now? How is it we have a black president, yet after his 2 elections, people believe that racism is a bigger problem than it was 8 years ago? Probably has something to do with dismissing decenters as racists.
Homosexual folks make up only about 2-4% of the population, but with the recent narratives out there, and how much homosexuality is portrayed on tv, Americans believe the number of homosexuals out there is around 20%. Same sort of thing can be said about how many racist Americans believe are out there.

Correct me if I am wrong, but you also seem to have less of a problem with black people not liking the ad over white people who don't.
Correct me if I am wrong but I didnt really ask for anyones opinion of the article. I asked for a white person to tell me why they had an issue with the ad. I dont understand why you think no one ever paid attention to the dissenters when people died over interracial relationships, laws were passed to prevent interracial marriages, etc etc. I am engaging these people because I wish to understand their mindset and find out what their fears are.

You may feel the problem is crazy and unreasonable but you are only viewing it from your perspective. Despite your denial there is an issue a lot of people weighed in on it and i can tell you from personal experience lots of people do indeed have an issue with it. I'm probably one of the few that dont think racism is a bigger issue now than it was 8 years ago I think its always been there and the unexpected election of the POTUS just brought it to the forefront and was further exacerbated by his reelection.

What makes you think "it seems" I have less of a problem with Black people having an issue with it as opposed to whites? Is it because i understand where its coming from being Black myself and you see that as some sort of agreement?
No clue you were black, nor should that matter. How would I know you were black. You also probably have no clue what race I am, nor should that matter. The thing that makes it seem like you have less of a problem with black people having negative feelings about interracial relationships bc the implication that arises when you state that you understand reasons behind some black people having those negative feelings, but do not understand the reasons why some white people have negative feelings about it. The implication is that there is more reason behind those who are black with negative feelings, than there is with those who are white. Nor did you state that there is a problem with black people harboring those feelings, although I did not make my light assumption based on the lack of an opinion on black people who harbor those opinions. It should be equally as unreasonable and wrong for black people to have a problem with two people of mixed races loving eachother, as it is for white people should it not? Same crime different colors.

I never said that racism wasn't a problem. I commented on the perception of Americans that racism has increased in the past 8 years. So did it increase, or did it not increase? If it didn't increase, what is it that makes Americans feel like it's a larger problem than it was 8 years ago?

And I can't comment on why I don't like interracial couples, bc I don't feel that way at all, nor am I considered white. I didn't think that excluded me from commenting. It didn't seem to affect anyone else who doesn't feel that way from giving their 2 cents. And I very much understand the impact from miscongeniation laws 150, and how that has affected gay marriage today. You seem to be making unfair assumptions about me as well
Reading your post I realize I do have slightly less of a problem with the rationale of Black people opposed to it vs the rationale of whites. It would make sense despite your claim that it should be equal. The dynamics are not equal so why would you assume my view would be equal? White males systematically raped little Black girls and women with impunity. Never in the history of this nation have Black females raped white men. There is much more of a reason for Black people to be against the ad than white people. My aim was not to point if there was a problem with either Black or white people being against the ad. My aim was to find out the reason whites were against it.

Racism didnt increase. Its just more out in the open.
Ok so the motivations are different for either party, it still doesn't make that thinking right, which I don't think you believe it does make it right.

I still wonder why this is a story with more perceived merit, and conversation on of the effects of slavery 150 years ago today, over the that fact actual slavery is bigger than it's ever been in our world today. And not just for labor, there are millions of child sexual slaves out there. That's not including modern day forms of slavery by a different names, that are ravaging the people in places like Africa and China. What I'm saying is that perception of what is reality in America, is not the full reality, and our perception of urgent problems is way off. Listen to folks argue about transgender bathroom use, transgender people make up about .04% of the entire population, why has it become this completly engrossing issue? It is nothing more than a distraction, a slight of hand, to distract us from the real problems that plague us, and are on our horizon that need to be addressed
I am not authorized to make the determination on if the thinking is "right" or not for anyone but myself. I stated earlier it wasnt "right" for me because it makes no sense to hate the idea of a white guy with a Black woman in this day and age since they both have made the choice to be together. It would be entirely different if the Black woman was being forced.

I think this is a more readily discussed story simply because the US was founded in racism. Its always there on every issue and has been used to divide the citizens every since the elite white male class figured out it wouldnt be long before slaves (white and Black) and poor whites would eventually team up.
The US wasn't founded In racism as a stand alone country, people just didn't flock to the United States to practice Slavery. The entire world practiced slavery, including black Africans on other black Africans. That was the state of the world, it wasn't right, but that's what it was. The founders did not like slavery, but didn't have much of a choice considering the powerful 2%
of the south who were the slave owners would not have joined and supported the fight against the king had the founders eliminated slavery. The original words were supposed to be "a right to life, Liberty, and property," but was changed to "pursuit of happiness" so they wouldn't give slave owners that foothold of "this slave is my property and I have a right to that" in the future. A couple of generations later, millions of young men joined a fight to free the slaves in the south, and many of them died for people they had never meet or interacted with. And we eliminated slavery far earlier than many other European countries did. So I hope you don't mean to say that the founding of this country was inherently evil, and based on slavery. That's not how blacks today in Great Britan seem to feel about something that happened to their ancestors 180 years ago. It is important to remember the evils of slavery yes, absolutely, or any other evils enacted on others. My people were nuked by the United States, cities indiscriminately fire bombed by the US, and those in the US were round up and placed into concentration camps and treated like dirt. That doesn't mean the US is inherently evil, it's important to remember those mistakes and what led to it so we don't repeat. But that doesn't mean I should be crying foul for something that never happened to me.
I was just reading about the uproar over the Old Navy ad featuring a supposedly interracial couple consisting of a white male, a Black female, and a Black child. I know the reasons for some Black people having a problem with the ad but i specifically want to understand why white people may have an issue with it? Can a white person that has an issue with the ad please explain why?

Discuss what? You know why some black people have a problem with it but you don't know why some white people do? Huh? I thought the comments in the Huffington Post article expressed the white bigot POV pretty well. What else do you seek to know?

I loathe all advertising, and this kind of pandering ad really makes me roll my eyes. I find it hard to accept the notion of corporations as the champions of ethical conduct and civil rights. Perhaps there is some social consciousness involved, but I suspect that they merely have calculated that inclusiveness is good for their bottom line.
Discuss the question I posed in the OP? I thought it was pretty clear i was seeking a white person to explain to me why they had an issue with the ad. Does this thread make you uncomfortable? You are correct. i know why some Black people have an issue with it but I have yet to find a white person i know personally that will admit they have a problem with it.

I understand you loathe all advertising but that was not the point. i was looking for specifics on this particular ad.
Yes, it was clear that you were seeking a white person to explain their views on miscegenation so that you could have a good old fashioned debate in the CDZ. My question to you is why would you do something that pointless? Do you truly not understand the mentality of white racists? It's not that complicated. They're either insane or unintelligent. Which type were you hoping to engage in debate?
This particular ad showcases a Black woman with a white man which brings to mind the slavery days when white men raped Black women with impunity.

If that is indeed the line of argumentation some black folks are using to decry the ad, it is an absurd one. The natural implication of that line of argument is that had the ad depicted a black man and a white woman, there'd be no problem. Just goes to show that stupidity and irrationality exists among blacks who want to eradicate racial tensions just as it does among non-minorities who want to maintain the prejudices that perpetuate those same tensions.
I was just reading about the uproar over the Old Navy ad featuring a supposedly interracial couple consisting of a white male, a Black female, and a Black child. I know the reasons for some Black people having a problem with the ad but i specifically want to understand why white people may have an issue with it? Can a white person that has an issue with the ad please explain why?


I haven't seen that ad, but I wonder why you are juxtaposing Black and White reactions to it? Why would there be a difference?
I just posted the ad. i am asking because whites often have different reasons than Blacks on matter of race. Can you answer the question?

I think black people should only have relationships with black people, to preserve the black race.

I think white people should only have relationships with white people, to preserve the white race.

Now IF you think that makes me a "white supremacist" or some garbage like that....then you'd have to agree that the blacks are "black supremacists", we can't have a double standard regarding this issue.

I don't think it makes you a white supremacist per se. But it certainly makes you insanely ignorant. About a lot.
It's really weird how Old Navy decided to do this

It simultaneously pisses off young white males portraying this white guy presumably as a "cuck" as I'm sure they'd call it for raising a kid who isn't his.

Then black people understandably getting pissed off because for some reason a white guy is raising a black kid who is clearly not his blood. Why wouldn't they have just photo shopped the kids skin to be a few shades lighter? Then no one would be complaining but the actual racists

Very shitty ad, I have to imagine there is a version of it with the kid given lighter skin in PS. Unless this was all just a very clever marketing scheme

I don't understand why you can automatically assume the kid is not his (much less why you think it makes a difference).
Correct me if I am wrong but I didnt really ask for anyones opinion of the article. I asked for a white person to tell me why they had an issue with the ad. I dont understand why you think no one ever paid attention to the dissenters when people died over interracial relationships, laws were passed to prevent interracial marriages, etc etc. I am engaging these people because I wish to understand their mindset and find out what their fears are.

You may feel the problem is crazy and unreasonable but you are only viewing it from your perspective. Despite your denial there is an issue a lot of people weighed in on it and i can tell you from personal experience lots of people do indeed have an issue with it. I'm probably one of the few that dont think racism is a bigger issue now than it was 8 years ago I think its always been there and the unexpected election of the POTUS just brought it to the forefront and was further exacerbated by his reelection.

What makes you think "it seems" I have less of a problem with Black people having an issue with it as opposed to whites? Is it because i understand where its coming from being Black myself and you see that as some sort of agreement?
No clue you were black, nor should that matter. How would I know you were black. You also probably have no clue what race I am, nor should that matter. The thing that makes it seem like you have less of a problem with black people having negative feelings about interracial relationships bc the implication that arises when you state that you understand reasons behind some black people having those negative feelings, but do not understand the reasons why some white people have negative feelings about it. The implication is that there is more reason behind those who are black with negative feelings, than there is with those who are white. Nor did you state that there is a problem with black people harboring those feelings, although I did not make my light assumption based on the lack of an opinion on black people who harbor those opinions. It should be equally as unreasonable and wrong for black people to have a problem with two people of mixed races loving eachother, as it is for white people should it not? Same crime different colors.

I never said that racism wasn't a problem. I commented on the perception of Americans that racism has increased in the past 8 years. So did it increase, or did it not increase? If it didn't increase, what is it that makes Americans feel like it's a larger problem than it was 8 years ago?

And I can't comment on why I don't like interracial couples, bc I don't feel that way at all, nor am I considered white. I didn't think that excluded me from commenting. It didn't seem to affect anyone else who doesn't feel that way from giving their 2 cents. And I very much understand the impact from miscongeniation laws 150, and how that has affected gay marriage today. You seem to be making unfair assumptions about me as well
Reading your post I realize I do have slightly less of a problem with the rationale of Black people opposed to it vs the rationale of whites. It would make sense despite your claim that it should be equal. The dynamics are not equal so why would you assume my view would be equal? White males systematically raped little Black girls and women with impunity. Never in the history of this nation have Black females raped white men. There is much more of a reason for Black people to be against the ad than white people. My aim was not to point if there was a problem with either Black or white people being against the ad. My aim was to find out the reason whites were against it.

Racism didnt increase. Its just more out in the open.
Ok so the motivations are different for either party, it still doesn't make that thinking right, which I don't think you believe it does make it right.

I still wonder why this is a story with more perceived merit, and conversation on of the effects of slavery 150 years ago today, over the that fact actual slavery is bigger than it's ever been in our world today. And not just for labor, there are millions of child sexual slaves out there. That's not including modern day forms of slavery by a different names, that are ravaging the people in places like Africa and China. What I'm saying is that perception of what is reality in America, is not the full reality, and our perception of urgent problems is way off. Listen to folks argue about transgender bathroom use, transgender people make up about .04% of the entire population, why has it become this completly engrossing issue? It is nothing more than a distraction, a slight of hand, to distract us from the real problems that plague us, and are on our horizon that need to be addressed
I am not authorized to make the determination on if the thinking is "right" or not for anyone but myself. I stated earlier it wasnt "right" for me because it makes no sense to hate the idea of a white guy with a Black woman in this day and age since they both have made the choice to be together. It would be entirely different if the Black woman was being forced.

I think this is a more readily discussed story simply because the US was founded in racism. Its always there on every issue and has been used to divide the citizens every since the elite white male class figured out it wouldnt be long before slaves (white and Black) and poor whites would eventually team up.
The US wasn't founded In racism as a stand alone country, people just didn't flock to the United States to practice Slavery. The entire world practiced slavery, including black Africans on other black Africans. That was the state of the world, it wasn't right, but that's what it was. The founders did not like slavery, but didn't have much of a choice considering the powerful 2%
of the south who were the slave owners would not have joined and supported the fight against the king had the founders eliminated slavery. The original words were supposed to be "a right to life, Liberty, and property," but was changed to "pursuit of happiness" so they wouldn't give slave owners that foothold of "this slave is my property and I have a right to that" in the future. A couple of generations later, millions of young men joined a fight to free the slaves in the south, and many of them died for people they had never meet or interacted with. And we eliminated slavery far earlier than many other European countries did. So I hope you don't mean to say that the founding of this country was inherently evil, and based on slavery. That's not how blacks today in Great Britan seem to feel about something that happened to their ancestors 180 years ago. It is important to remember the evils of slavery yes, absolutely, or any other evils enacted on others. My people were nuked by the United States, cities indiscriminately fire bombed by the US, and those in the US were round up and placed into concentration camps and treated like dirt. That doesn't mean the US is inherently evil, it's important to remember those mistakes and what led to it so we don't repeat. But that doesn't mean I should be crying foul for something that never happened to me.
Spot on. I would only quibble about the notion of the US ending slavery earlier than other European countries. It's true that in many European colonies slavery lingered far longer than it did in the US, and the specific manner in which slavery was phased out were very complex, but the mainland European countries all ended slavery before the US. It was that specific example which energized the abolition movement in the US to such a frenzied pitch. The US has always been concerned about appearing backwards in the eyes of our European forbearers.

I would also take exception to the idea that millions of men flocked to the Civil War in order to end slavery. Lincoln never threatened to end slavery. He needed the wealth of the South. The South fought to expand slavery, not maintain it, and the North fought to keep the US intact. Doubtless many abolitionists were amongst the Northern troops, but they were far from the majority.
It's really weird how Old Navy decided to do this

It simultaneously pisses off young white males portraying this white guy presumably as a "cuck" as I'm sure they'd call it for raising a kid who isn't his.

Then black people understandably getting pissed off because for some reason a white guy is raising a black kid who is clearly not his blood. Why wouldn't they have just photo shopped the kids skin to be a few shades lighter? Then no one would be complaining but the actual racists

Very shitty ad, I have to imagine there is a version of it with the kid given lighter skin in PS. Unless this was all just a very clever marketing scheme

I don't understand why you can automatically assume the kid is not his (much less why you think it makes a difference).

My father is about as dark as that woman, maybe a little darker (and brown instead of black)

My mother is white

You don't combine a person who refracts very little light and a person who refracts a lot of light and produce children that refract just as much light as the dark parent. Again photoshop and a few shades could have solved this problem so fast. There is no way those two could copulate and produce a kid that dark, it's a jarring visual

It's the equivalent of putting a little blonde kid on his back...Jarring
It's really weird how Old Navy decided to do this

It simultaneously pisses off young white males portraying this white guy presumably as a "cuck" as I'm sure they'd call it for raising a kid who isn't his.

Then black people understandably getting pissed off because for some reason a white guy is raising a black kid who is clearly not his blood. Why wouldn't they have just photo shopped the kids skin to be a few shades lighter? Then no one would be complaining but the actual racists

Very shitty ad, I have to imagine there is a version of it with the kid given lighter skin in PS. Unless this was all just a very clever marketing scheme

I don't understand why you can automatically assume the kid is not his (much less why you think it makes a difference).

My father is about as dark as that woman, maybe a little darker (and brown instead of black)

My mother is white

You don't combine a person who refracts very little light and a person who refracts a lot of light and produce children that refract just as much light as the dark parent. Again photoshop and a few shades could have solved this problem so fast. There is no way those two could copulate and produce a kid that dark, it's a jarring visual

It's the equivalent of putting a little blonde kid on his back...Jarring

I'm pretty sure genetics is more complicated than just eyeballing the shades of the two people and making a guess. I've known mixed-race kids, and even siblings weren't the same shade.

Also, I've been a stepdad. This ad just reflects life.
It's really weird how Old Navy decided to do this

It simultaneously pisses off young white males portraying this white guy presumably as a "cuck" as I'm sure they'd call it for raising a kid who isn't his.

Then black people understandably getting pissed off because for some reason a white guy is raising a black kid who is clearly not his blood. Why wouldn't they have just photo shopped the kids skin to be a few shades lighter? Then no one would be complaining but the actual racists

Very shitty ad, I have to imagine there is a version of it with the kid given lighter skin in PS. Unless this was all just a very clever marketing scheme

I don't understand why you can automatically assume the kid is not his (much less why you think it makes a difference).

My father is about as dark as that woman, maybe a little darker (and brown instead of black)

My mother is white

You don't combine a person who refracts very little light and a person who refracts a lot of light and produce children that refract just as much light as the dark parent. Again photoshop and a few shades could have solved this problem so fast. There is no way those two could copulate and produce a kid that dark, it's a jarring visual

It's the equivalent of putting a little blonde kid on his back...Jarring

I'm pretty sure genetics is more complicated than just eyeballing the shades of the two people and making a guess. I've known mixed-race kids, and even siblings weren't the same shade.

Also, I've been a stepdad. This ad just reflects life.

Well yea I think it would be more acceptable to have a blonde kid on the mother's back

The implications with a white dad are obvious, and play into tropes.

It just doesn't make any sense to be advertising to be advertising in that way...How does picking a child that looks like it could be their biological child make it alienating to some one with a step family?

Terrrrible marketing or again genius if htey wanted controversy

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