Why am I a liberal?

The reason we fought against the "Crown" was their bad habit of assuming our money was their money. How is that different from the average progressive these days?

But, but, but....progressives do it "democratically" and with the greater good in their hearts!

Ah, yes..."the greater good"! Why is it when progressives start talking about "fairness" and "the greater good" they always seem to have their hands in my pockets looking for my wallet?

'Cause they've already given up their wallets. Freely, not like the bitter clingers, clinging to their earnings.
Sounds like someone got cut out of the will.

If you must know as a child I was blessed to play with children who lived on dirt floors with no indoor pluming and also with those that had wine cellars and pictures of Presidents on their desks. It gave me a certain perspective on life that I don’t feel many have had the opportunity to develop.


Still sounds like you're whining cause you got cut out of the will.

Really?? I don't think you've heard whining till you've a billionaire trust fund baby find out he don't get to be King now that's a temper tantrum, it looks like you're working one up have you got a little trust fund somewhere you're worried about? afraid you might have to get a job? Oh boo hooo....

:eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo:
so you're a liberal?

Hey what does that "420" mean anyway? I see it all over the place...

think date

and here I was thinking it was around the time school let out....

in any case i just got here been on one other board, but really a newbie, got the good old con welcome for just asking why'd Greenspan get it so wrong back on 3/2/2001 but I did this real time for twenty years with the smartest cons in the country, (yes they really are some), where I would watch their eyes and decide if I wanted to pull them out of their chair to come after me or not, so this is kind of fun, I don't work there anymore so i kind of been missing it, so far the folks on here have been pretty weak but I expect it to pick up....
Oh my...another liberal who thinks he's intellectually superior to conservatives! How different...

Anyone care to place an over/under bet on how long it is before GreatDay is refusing to answer questions because "cons are too stupid to understand!"? :)
Oh my...another liberal who thinks he's intellectually superior to conservatives! How different...

Anyone care to place an over/under bet on how long it is before GreatDay is refusing to answer questions because "cons are too stupid to understand!"? :)

I can see you've already stopped.

Like Bush i think you've declares mission accomplished prematurely, but gezz I really hope you try to prove me wrong....

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
Oh my...another liberal who thinks he's intellectually superior to conservatives! How different...

Anyone care to place an over/under bet on how long it is before GreatDay is refusing to answer questions because "cons are too stupid to understand!"? :)

I can see you've already stopped.

Like Bush i think you've declares mission accomplished prematurely, but gezz I really hope you try to prove me wrong....

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

Since the whole "mission accomplished" brouhaha was centered around a banner displayed on a warship returning from the Gulf War after accomplishing it's mission, GreatDay...I'd say that you've already proven yourself wrong.

Liberals have been harping on that for so long they've actually convinced themselves that it MEANT something.

Now what else would you like me to school you on? I'm here to help...
If you must know as a child I was blessed to play with children who lived on dirt floors with no indoor pluming and also with those that had wine cellars and pictures of Presidents on their desks. It gave me a certain perspective on life that I don’t feel many have had the opportunity to develop.


Still sounds like you're whining cause you got cut out of the will.

Really?? I don't think you've heard whining till you've a billionaire trust fund baby find out he don't get to be King now that's a temper tantrum, it looks like you're working one up have you got a little trust fund somewhere you're worried about? afraid you might have to get a job? Oh boo hooo....

:eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo:

Dood, breathe! Punctuation is your friend,
Oh my...another liberal who thinks he's intellectually superior to conservatives! How different...

Anyone care to place an over/under bet on how long it is before GreatDay is refusing to answer questions because "cons are too stupid to understand!"? :)

Intellectually superior to what? A first-grader? Its writing is so poorly executed, childish, and of abysmally rambling thought (if you consider the words presented thoughtful), I'm getting ready to put it on 'ignore'.
Oh my...another liberal who thinks he's intellectually superior to conservatives! How different...

Anyone care to place an over/under bet on how long it is before GreatDay is refusing to answer questions because "cons are too stupid to understand!"? :)

Intellectually superior to what? A first-grader? Its writing is so poorly executed, childish, and of abysmally rambling thought (if you consider the words presented thoughtful), I'm getting ready to put it on 'ignore'.

gallantly run away little warrior.....

:clap2: :eusa_boohoo: :clap2:

I hate commies.

perhaps if you had gone to school, you'd know the difference between a liberal and a communist.

now go cash your social security check.

so the cons on this site have got nothing?

all I got was a few insults, but that makes sense, the cons on here are no better than the cons on FOX they can't stand up to somebody unless they got control of the mic....
The reason we fought against the "Crown" was their bad habit of assuming our money was their money. How is that different from the average progressive these days?

The King like any trust fund baby today simply assumed that the stuff daddy owned would one day belong to him. this is what Repubilcans fight for, The Return of the King.
Just why do you think YOU are entitled to the fruits of MY labor?

Even you can't take it with you, leaving money to them that ain't earned it hurts America, I know as parents we would do it anyway, that's why we need laws, to make America and Americans strong not weak assed Royals.

And yet you are advocating that whatever wealth a person may have accumulated be passed on to government. A government that certainly did not earn that wealth. Again, you have failed to explain the benefits of robbing someone to support a bloated and unwieldy government run by corrupted individuals whose only interest is enriching themselves.

What does the condition of the government have to do with the debt? Are you saying we should not pay the debt at all? Are you saying that working people that got no benefit from the tax cuts now give u[p their retirement to pay for the debt, which was ran up by a bunch of people sent to Washington carrying the wishes of the those that wrote the checks to send them there. What is wrong about letting those that wrote the checks to send these yahoos to Washington pay the bill their guys ran up. When the growth in the economy over the past thirty years is considered the wealthy have made the most gain therefore it is only right that they pay the bill.

Now as far as getting better government that starts with public funding for public elections so the people in Washington that are carrying the wishes of the American people, all of us not just the ones that can afford $1500 chicken dinners.

I hope to be seeing many posts from you supporting better government through better funding.
Even you can't take it with you, leaving money to them that ain't earned it hurts America, I know as parents we would do it anyway, that's why we need laws, to make America and Americans strong not weak assed Royals.

And yet you are advocating that whatever wealth a person may have accumulated be passed on to government. A government that certainly did not earn that wealth. Again, you have failed to explain the benefits of robbing someone to support a bloated and unwieldy government run by corrupted individuals whose only interest is enriching themselves.

What does the condition of the government have to do with the debt? Are you saying we should not pay the debt at all? Are you saying that working people that got no benefit from the tax cuts now give u[p their retirement to pay for the debt, which was ran up by a bunch of people sent to Washington carrying the wishes of the those that wrote the checks to send them there. What is wrong about letting those that wrote the checks to send these yahoos to Washington pay the bill their guys ran up. When the growth in the economy over the past thirty years is considered the wealthy have made the most gain therefore it is only right that they pay the bill.

Now as far as getting better government that starts with public funding for public elections so the people in Washington that are carrying the wishes of the American people, all of us not just the ones that can afford $1500 chicken dinners.

I hope to be seeing many posts from you supporting better government through better funding.

We have the biggest govenment on the whole planet, when does it start getting "better", when it consumes 100% of our wealth?
And yet you are advocating that whatever wealth a person may have accumulated be passed on to government. A government that certainly did not earn that wealth. Again, you have failed to explain the benefits of robbing someone to support a bloated and unwieldy government run by corrupted individuals whose only interest is enriching themselves.

What does the condition of the government have to do with the debt? Are you saying we should not pay the debt at all? Are you saying that working people that got no benefit from the tax cuts now give u[p their retirement to pay for the debt, which was ran up by a bunch of people sent to Washington carrying the wishes of the those that wrote the checks to send them there. What is wrong about letting those that wrote the checks to send these yahoos to Washington pay the bill their guys ran up. When the growth in the economy over the past thirty years is considered the wealthy have made the most gain therefore it is only right that they pay the bill.

Now as far as getting better government that starts with public funding for public elections so the people in Washington that are carrying the wishes of the American people, all of us not just the ones that can afford $1500 chicken dinners.

I hope to be seeing many posts from you supporting better government through better funding.

We have the biggest govenment on the whole planet, when does it start getting "better", when it consumes 100% of our wealth?

We certainly have the biggest military, but if you're sick there are about a hundred countries you would be better off in, we have the most people in prison by far but if you want to send your kid to school there are a few dozen better choices, so I think maybe we just spend money on the wrong things.

As I look at it most things cons support, government putting people in jail for what happens in their doctor office and government being there to check on things in the first place seems pretty consistent the Republicans support wasteful government spending, and the dems support stuff that actually helps people and works pretty well like the post office and Medicare, so the place to start if you want better government is get rid of Republicans, it's really not hard at all to see really.

I mean look at what the Dems did in 1993 balancing the budget and spurring a huge economic engine and all without a single Republican vote, time and again we see, the fewer Republicans the better we do whither it’s main street or Wall-Street.
I truly do not give a rat's ass what Jefferson wanted or believed.

The question is what does this nation need now, not what did it need 200 years ago.

You hero worshiping, but not-very-well-informed-about-history nitwits really do need to learn to think for yourselves and stop imagining that people of the 18th century have the solutions to 21st century problems.
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The reason we fought against the "Crown" was their bad habit of assuming our money was their money. How is that different from the average progressive these days?

The King like any trust fund baby today simply assumed that the stuff daddy owned would one day belong to him. this is what Repubilcans fight for, The Return of the King.

So in your twisted mind a man leaving a legacy to his family is a bad thing?

Tell me is it your plan to leave your family penniless when you die?
The reason we fought against the "Crown" was their bad habit of assuming our money was their money. How is that different from the average progressive these days?

The King like any trust fund baby today simply assumed that the stuff daddy owned would one day belong to him. this is what Repubilcans fight for, The Return of the King.

So in your twisted mind a man leaving a legacy to his family is a bad thing?

Tell me is it your plan to leave your family penniless when you die?

That question must pose some problems for the liberal lemmings. For most of them (I have to believe) WANT to provide for their own children.

Accordingly, we expect them to answer your question with some waffling platitude along the lines of: "No. We liberals believe that you have a right to pass along some of your accrued wealth to provide for your offspring, but the question is how much is too much?"

Then, the lemming libs will seek to grant to some government hacks the authority and ability (often by some mind-numbingly irrational formula) to determine how much of YOUR acquired wealth you will be PERMITTED to pass along. They can't even deny it. They are doing it already -- in the form of the so-called death taxes.

But the underlying premise is that what you acquired isn't really yours. Somehow, just because it fits their sense of what is 'right,' THEY get to make the determination that what you've acquired was always THEIRS all along. To paraphrase Mark Levin, these "masterminds" then claim the right and authority to determine FOR YOU and FOR YOUR heirs how much of what you acquired you are actually entitled to retain in your family's possession after you pass away.

Worst of all, they really do not perceive any problem in their "philosophy."
I truly do not give a rat's ass what Jefferson wanted or believed.

The question is what does this nation need now, not what did it need 200 years ago.

You hero worshiping, but not-very-well-informed-about-history nitwits really do need to learn to think for yourselves and stop imagining that people of the 18th century have the solutions to 21st century problems.


You modern day masterminds really do need to learn that the model for how much authority we grant to government to address such modern day issues is no less proper today than it was in the 18th century.
I truly do not give a rat's ass what Jefferson wanted or believed.

The question is what does this nation need now, not what did it need 200 years ago.

You hero worshiping, but not-very-well-informed-about-history nitwits really do need to learn to think for yourselves and stop imagining that people of the 18th century have the solutions to 21st century problems.


You modern day masterminds really do need to learn that the model for how much authority we grant to government to address such modern day issues is no less proper today than it was in the 18th century.

even a greater threat is how much authority we grant birthright, when we concede ever more of our lives over to the marketplace we grant greater power to money, combine that with the assault on the death tax and we start creating defacto Kings, That is the real danger that all of Americas future will be claimed by the Royals

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