Why am I a liberal?

I truly do not give a rat's ass what Jefferson wanted or believed.

The question is what does this nation need now, not what did it need 200 years ago.

You hero worshiping, but not-very-well-informed-about-history nitwits really do need to learn to think for yourselves and stop imagining that people of the 18th century have the solutions to 21st century problems.


You modern day masterminds really do need to learn that the model for how much authority we grant to government to address such modern day issues is no less proper today than it was in the 18th century.

even a greater threat is how much authority we grant birthright, when we concede ever more of our lives over to the marketplace we grant greater power to money, combine that with the assault on the death tax and we start creating defacto Kings, That is the real danger that all of Americas future will be claimed by the Royals

Nice restatement of some silly marxist ideology.

Bu the fact remains: what I earn (after I have paid taxes on those earnings) is mine. If I wish to give it to charity, that's my decision to make. Not just in life, but afterwards, too, if you recognize the right to dispose of one's estate. I do. You evidently don't.

How you could reach the "conclusion" that I lose the right to control the accumulated and acquired wealth of my lifetime is unstated by you. But it doesn't take a whole lot of digging. It boils down to the completely unsupported premise you guys subscribe to which is that:

My acquired wealth is only lent to me. It was really yours (governments) all along.

There is NO other logical basis for your conclusion.

But I challenge your premise. Hell. I flat out reject your premise.

The wealth I acquired and accumulated in life (after the tax is paid on the income as it was initially obtained) uis mine. It wasn't "lent" to me by anybody. Certainly not by the government or society. It was earned. It was mine. Therefore when I die, the government has NO fucking claim to it,. I do. My estate does. My heirs do. Bu the government? No.

You modern day masterminds really do need to learn that the model for how much authority we grant to government to address such modern day issues is no less proper today than it was in the 18th century.

even a greater threat is how much authority we grant birthright, when we concede ever more of our lives over to the marketplace we grant greater power to money, combine that with the assault on the death tax and we start creating defacto Kings, That is the real danger that all of Americas future will be claimed by the Royals

Nice restatement of some silly marxist ideology.

Bu the fact remains: what I earn (after I have paid taxes on those earnings) is mine. If I wish to give it to charity, that's my decision to make. Not just in life, but afterwards, too, if you recognize the right to dispose of one's estate. I do. You evidently don't.

How you could reach the "conclusion" that I lose the right to control the accumulated and acquired wealth of my lifetime is unstated by you. But it doesn't take a whole lot of digging. It boils down to the completely unsupported premise you guys subscribe to which is that:

My acquired wealth is only lent to me. It was really yours (governments) all along.

There is NO other logical basis for your conclusion.

But I challenge your premise. Hell. I flat out reject your premise.

The wealth I acquired and accumulated in life (after the tax is paid on the income as it was initially obtained) uis mine. It wasn't "lent" to me by anybody. Certainly not by the government or society. It was earned. It was mine. Therefore when I die, the government has NO fucking claim to it,. I do. My estate does. My heirs do. Bu the government? No.

Wealth allowed to grow without limit, money given power without limit, equals a Royal society, King George made a good case that this was His country till we confiscated it from Him now we have new Kings of our own, yes I know the King will always want the Prince to rule after Him but that's tough He's dead and we should do what's right for the living. The important thing here is the good old American tradition that America is great because we built it that way, how do you or anyone know who will build the next great thing, we must all compete no matter how well our parents did if we are to succeed in the world today, allowing old folks to give huge wealth to whom they please destroys the competition that made America great, it's nice to talk about what's "right" or "fair" to the dead, but we need to worry about making America stronger right now.

The other reason the a huge inheritance tax is the right and fair way to go is we need to pay off a huge debt that was ran up by a bunch of people that got rich from the tax cuts but never trickled any down so it really is their bill if you really think about it, why shouldn't they pay it?

Another problem since when does suggesting workable fair solutions suddenly make anything "mine"? What's up with the con thing about attacking ideals they can't defeat by saying you have no right? What's up with that? I have no right to have a better plan than yours? Is that what you’re trying to say? Look I’m willing to give a pass on say the first five million I'm not a monster i wouldn't make the little trust fund babies actually go to work, just they don't get to control the big capital unless they earn the right that’s why we are weak today not enough people earn their way and too many already born there.

You can reject gravity, evolution, climate change or whatever the latest reality the cons are rejecting these days, but it won’t change the fact that if we don’t do something about the concentration of wealth, America will cease to exist.

Oh and I do have a question for you, why are all our professional sports leagues ran by communist?
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even a greater threat is how much authority we grant birthright, when we concede ever more of our lives over to the marketplace we grant greater power to money, combine that with the assault on the death tax and we start creating defacto Kings, That is the real danger that all of Americas future will be claimed by the Royals

Nice restatement of some silly marxist ideology.

Bu the fact remains: what I earn (after I have paid taxes on those earnings) is mine. If I wish to give it to charity, that's my decision to make. Not just in life, but afterwards, too, if you recognize the right to dispose of one's estate. I do. You evidently don't.

How you could reach the "conclusion" that I lose the right to control the accumulated and acquired wealth of my lifetime is unstated by you. But it doesn't take a whole lot of digging. It boils down to the completely unsupported premise you guys subscribe to which is that:

My acquired wealth is only lent to me. It was really yours (governments) all along.

There is NO other logical basis for your conclusion.

But I challenge your premise. Hell. I flat out reject your premise.

The wealth I acquired and accumulated in life (after the tax is paid on the income as it was initially obtained) uis mine. It wasn't "lent" to me by anybody. Certainly not by the government or society. It was earned. It was mine. Therefore when I die, the government has NO fucking claim to it,. I do. My estate does. My heirs do. Bu the government? No.

Wealth allowed to grow without limit, money given power without limit, equals a Royal society, King George made a good case that this was His country till we confiscated it from Him now we have new Kings of our own, yes I know the King will always want the Prince to rule after Him but that's tough He's dead and we should do what's right for the living. The important thing here is the good old American tradition that America is great because we built it that way, how do you or anyone know who will build the next great thing, we must all compete no matter how well our parents did if we are to succeed in the world today, allowing old folks to give huge wealth to whom they please destroys the competition that made America great, it's nice to talk about what's "right" or "fair" to the dead, but we need to worry about making America stronger right now.

The other reason the a huge inheritance tax is the right and fair way to go is we need to pay off a huge debt that was ran up by a bunch of people that got rich from the tax cuts but never trickled any down so it really is their bill if you really think about it, why shouldn't they pay it?

Another problem since when does suggesting workable fair solutions suddenly make anything "mine"? What's up with the con thing about attacking ideals they can't defeat by saying you have no right? What's up with that? I have no right to have a better plan than yours? Is that what you’re trying to say? Look I’m willing to give a pass on say the first five million I'm not a monster i wouldn't make the little trust fund babies actually go to work, just they don't get to control the big capital unless they earn the right that’s why we are weak today not enough people earn their way and too many already born there.

You can reject gravity, evolution, climate change or whatever the latest reality the cons are rejecting these days, but it won’t change the fact that if we don’t do something about the concentration of wealth, America will cease to exist.

Oh and I do have a question for you, why are all our professional sports leagues ran by communist?

This really is one of the dumber posts I've seen in quite some time on any number of levels. First of all a little simple math would tell you that even if you seized all of the wealth held by the richest people in this country it STILL wouldn't pay for the entitlements that we've obligated ourselves to.

Secondly, people pay taxes on money that they have made their entire lives. What gives the government the right to seize what money people have managed to accumulate...people who have already paid taxes on that money? You speak of "fairness" as you steal something that you have no right to have.

Thirdly, your rants about trust fund babies ignores the fact that a very small percentage of wealthy people in this country got that wealth from an inheritance. The vast majority earned it themselves. You're being played for a sucker by progressives that want you to blame wealthy people for the the failures of THEIR programs. Seizing the wealth at the top isn't going to make the poor richer...it's just going to make the government larger.

You talk about Kings? The reason we fought to free ourselves from the British Crown was the King's belief that whatever was ours...was actually HIS. That he had the right to take our money to pay for his palaces. That is EXACTLY the same attitude that progressives now take when they tell Americans that their accumulated wealth needs to be seized to pay for the excessive government that this country is burdened by. When Barack Obama resorts to Executive Orders in order to get around having Congress pass legislation...how is that really any different than what a King does? The only difference is that we get to vote this King off of his "throne".
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Nice restatement of some silly marxist ideology.

Bu the fact remains: what I earn (after I have paid taxes on those earnings) is mine. If I wish to give it to charity, that's my decision to make. Not just in life, but afterwards, too, if you recognize the right to dispose of one's estate. I do. You evidently don't.

How you could reach the "conclusion" that I lose the right to control the accumulated and acquired wealth of my lifetime is unstated by you. But it doesn't take a whole lot of digging. It boils down to the completely unsupported premise you guys subscribe to which is that:

My acquired wealth is only lent to me. It was really yours (governments) all along.

There is NO other logical basis for your conclusion.

But I challenge your premise. Hell. I flat out reject your premise.

The wealth I acquired and accumulated in life (after the tax is paid on the income as it was initially obtained) uis mine. It wasn't "lent" to me by anybody. Certainly not by the government or society. It was earned. It was mine. Therefore when I die, the government has NO fucking claim to it,. I do. My estate does. My heirs do. Bu the government? No.

Wealth allowed to grow without limit, money given power without limit, equals a Royal society, King George made a good case that this was His country till we confiscated it from Him now we have new Kings of our own, yes I know the King will always want the Prince to rule after Him but that's tough He's dead and we should do what's right for the living. The important thing here is the good old American tradition that America is great because we built it that way, how do you or anyone know who will build the next great thing, we must all compete no matter how well our parents did if we are to succeed in the world today, allowing old folks to give huge wealth to whom they please destroys the competition that made America great, it's nice to talk about what's "right" or "fair" to the dead, but we need to worry about making America stronger right now.

The other reason the a huge inheritance tax is the right and fair way to go is we need to pay off a huge debt that was ran up by a bunch of people that got rich from the tax cuts but never trickled any down so it really is their bill if you really think about it, why shouldn't they pay it?

Another problem since when does suggesting workable fair solutions suddenly make anything "mine"? What's up with the con thing about attacking ideals they can't defeat by saying you have no right? What's up with that? I have no right to have a better plan than yours? Is that what you’re trying to say? Look I’m willing to give a pass on say the first five million I'm not a monster i wouldn't make the little trust fund babies actually go to work, just they don't get to control the big capital unless they earn the right that’s why we are weak today not enough people earn their way and too many already born there.

You can reject gravity, evolution, climate change or whatever the latest reality the cons are rejecting these days, but it won’t change the fact that if we don’t do something about the concentration of wealth, America will cease to exist.

Oh and I do have a question for you, why are all our professional sports leagues ran by communist?

This really is one of the dumber posts I've seen in quite some time on any number of levels. First of all a little simple math would tell you that even if you seized all of the wealth held by the richest people in this country it STILL wouldn't pay for the entitlements that we've obligated ourselves to.

Secondly, people pay taxes on money that they have made their entire lives. What gives the government the right to seize what money people have managed to accumulate...people who have already paid taxes on that money? You speak of "fairness" as you steal something that you have no right to have.

Thirdly, your rants about trust fund babies ignores the fact that a very small percentage of wealthy people in this country got that wealth from an inheritance. The vast majority earned it themselves. You're being played for a sucker by progressives that want you to blame wealthy people for the the failures of THEIR programs. Seizing the wealth at the top isn't going to make the poor richer...it's just going to make the government larger.

You talk about Kings? The reason we fought to free ourselves from the British Crown was the King's belief that whatever was ours...was actually HIS. That he had the right to take our money to pay for his palaces. That is EXACTLY the same attitude that progressives now take when they tell Americans that their accumulated wealth needs to be seized to pay for the excessive government that this country is burdened by. When Barack Obama resorts to Executive Orders in order to get around having Congress pass legislation...how is that really any different than what a King does? The only difference is that we get to vote this King off of his "throne".

The wealthy have stuck about 50 trillion away from all the stimulating we been doing to the economy over the past thirty years or so, you got a problem with them at least paying the 16 trillion dollar debt they ran up doing it?

The monarchy was inherent-ed power, just like trust funds, talk about stupid, man you take the cake.

Do you really have no ideal about the difference between being elected and being born to power?

Wrong again, most rich people got that way the old fashion way, they were born that way:

Class Matters - Social Class in the United States of America - The New York Times
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It is only natural that parents do all they can for their children, however as wealth accumulates this presents a threat to democracy. This is the threat that concerned Jefferson when he spoke of the need for inheritance taxes, not as a form of revenue but a means to protect the democracy from citizens that might become too powerful, and then threaten the will of the people. It is easy to see how this has become the case in America today.

So any time any one with the exception of Government has Power or Will, you see it as a Threat to the Powers that be. Even when that Will is not the business of Government in the first place. Got it. ;)
Wealth allowed to grow without limit, money given power without limit, equals a Royal society, King George made a good case that this was His country till we confiscated it from Him now we have new Kings of our own, yes I know the King will always want the Prince to rule after Him but that's tough He's dead and we should do what's right for the living. The important thing here is the good old American tradition that America is great because we built it that way, how do you or anyone know who will build the next great thing, we must all compete no matter how well our parents did if we are to succeed in the world today, allowing old folks to give huge wealth to whom they please destroys the competition that made America great, it's nice to talk about what's "right" or "fair" to the dead, but we need to worry about making America stronger right now.

The other reason the a huge inheritance tax is the right and fair way to go is we need to pay off a huge debt that was ran up by a bunch of people that got rich from the tax cuts but never trickled any down so it really is their bill if you really think about it, why shouldn't they pay it?

Another problem since when does suggesting workable fair solutions suddenly make anything "mine"? What's up with the con thing about attacking ideals they can't defeat by saying you have no right? What's up with that? I have no right to have a better plan than yours? Is that what you’re trying to say? Look I’m willing to give a pass on say the first five million I'm not a monster i wouldn't make the little trust fund babies actually go to work, just they don't get to control the big capital unless they earn the right that’s why we are weak today not enough people earn their way and too many already born there.

You can reject gravity, evolution, climate change or whatever the latest reality the cons are rejecting these days, but it won’t change the fact that if we don’t do something about the concentration of wealth, America will cease to exist.

Oh and I do have a question for you, why are all our professional sports leagues ran by communist?

This really is one of the dumber posts I've seen in quite some time on any number of levels. First of all a little simple math would tell you that even if you seized all of the wealth held by the richest people in this country it STILL wouldn't pay for the entitlements that we've obligated ourselves to.

Secondly, people pay taxes on money that they have made their entire lives. What gives the government the right to seize what money people have managed to accumulate...people who have already paid taxes on that money? You speak of "fairness" as you steal something that you have no right to have.

Thirdly, your rants about trust fund babies ignores the fact that a very small percentage of wealthy people in this country got that wealth from an inheritance. The vast majority earned it themselves. You're being played for a sucker by progressives that want you to blame wealthy people for the the failures of THEIR programs. Seizing the wealth at the top isn't going to make the poor richer...it's just going to make the government larger.

You talk about Kings? The reason we fought to free ourselves from the British Crown was the King's belief that whatever was ours...was actually HIS. That he had the right to take our money to pay for his palaces. That is EXACTLY the same attitude that progressives now take when they tell Americans that their accumulated wealth needs to be seized to pay for the excessive government that this country is burdened by. When Barack Obama resorts to Executive Orders in order to get around having Congress pass legislation...how is that really any different than what a King does? The only difference is that we get to vote this King off of his "throne".

The wealthy have stuck about 50 trillion away from all the stimulating we been doing to the economy over the past thirty years or so, you got a problem with them at least paying the 16 trillion dollar debt they ran up doing it?

The monarchy was inherent-ed power, just like trust funds, talk about stupid, man you take the cake.

Do you really have no ideal about the difference between being elected and being born to power?

Wrong again, most rich people got that way the old fashion way, they were born that way:

Class Matters - Social Class in the United States of America - The New York Times

Blah-blah-blah...are you really only 12?
This really is one of the dumber posts I've seen in quite some time on any number of levels. First of all a little simple math would tell you that even if you seized all of the wealth held by the richest people in this country it STILL wouldn't pay for the entitlements that we've obligated ourselves to.

Secondly, people pay taxes on money that they have made their entire lives. What gives the government the right to seize what money people have managed to accumulate...people who have already paid taxes on that money? You speak of "fairness" as you steal something that you have no right to have.

Thirdly, your rants about trust fund babies ignores the fact that a very small percentage of wealthy people in this country got that wealth from an inheritance. The vast majority earned it themselves. You're being played for a sucker by progressives that want you to blame wealthy people for the the failures of THEIR programs. Seizing the wealth at the top isn't going to make the poor richer...it's just going to make the government larger.

You talk about Kings? The reason we fought to free ourselves from the British Crown was the King's belief that whatever was ours...was actually HIS. That he had the right to take our money to pay for his palaces. That is EXACTLY the same attitude that progressives now take when they tell Americans that their accumulated wealth needs to be seized to pay for the excessive government that this country is burdened by. When Barack Obama resorts to Executive Orders in order to get around having Congress pass legislation...how is that really any different than what a King does? The only difference is that we get to vote this King off of his "throne".

The wealthy have stuck about 50 trillion away from all the stimulating we been doing to the economy over the past thirty years or so, you got a problem with them at least paying the 16 trillion dollar debt they ran up doing it?

The monarchy was inherent-ed power, just like trust funds, talk about stupid, man you take the cake.

Do you really have no ideal about the difference between being elected and being born to power?

Wrong again, most rich people got that way the old fashion way, they were born that way:

Class Matters - Social Class in the United States of America - The New York Times

Blah-blah-blah...are you really only 12?
Too much at one time? Here... Just address one...

The wealthy have stuck about 50 trillion away from all the stimulating we been doing to the economy over the past thirty years or so, you got a problem with them at least paying the 16 trillion dollar debt they ran up doing it?
The wealthy have stuck about 50 trillion away from all the stimulating we been doing to the economy over the past thirty years or so, you got a problem with them at least paying the 16 trillion dollar debt they ran up doing it?

The monarchy was inherent-ed power, just like trust funds, talk about stupid, man you take the cake.

Do you really have no ideal about the difference between being elected and being born to power?

Wrong again, most rich people got that way the old fashion way, they were born that way:

Class Matters - Social Class in the United States of America - The New York Times

Blah-blah-blah...are you really only 12?
Too much at one time? Here... Just address one...

The wealthy have stuck about 50 trillion away from all the stimulating we been doing to the economy over the past thirty years or so, you got a problem with them at least paying the 16 trillion dollar debt they ran up doing it?

Oh, for God's sake! The wealthy have paid taxes for the past thirty years. They are not the cause of the 16 trillion dollar debt that this nation has. We've become an entitlement society over the past thirty years. That's the problem!!! We've reached the point where our entitlement obligations are SO huge that we can't possibly pay them...but idiots like you two STILL think that the solution is to take all of the money that the wealthy has and give it to an even bigger government.
Blah-blah-blah...are you really only 12?
Too much at one time? Here... Just address one...

The wealthy have stuck about 50 trillion away from all the stimulating we been doing to the economy over the past thirty years or so, you got a problem with them at least paying the 16 trillion dollar debt they ran up doing it?

Oh, for God's sake! The wealthy have paid taxes for the past thirty years. They are not the cause of the 16 trillion dollar debt that this nation has. We've become an entitlement society over the past thirty years. That's the problem!!! We've reached the point where our entitlement obligations are SO huge that we can't possibly pay them...but idiots like you two STILL think that the solution is to take all of the money that the wealthy has and give it to an even bigger government.
Yeah... I think you are missing the point there big boy. See... It just needs to be spent. They can spend it themselves, on any damn thing they wish... Who gives a shit? But it has to circulate back into the economy. It's not doing so.
Too much at one time? Here... Just address one...

The wealthy have stuck about 50 trillion away from all the stimulating we been doing to the economy over the past thirty years or so, you got a problem with them at least paying the 16 trillion dollar debt they ran up doing it?

Oh, for God's sake! The wealthy have paid taxes for the past thirty years. They are not the cause of the 16 trillion dollar debt that this nation has. We've become an entitlement society over the past thirty years. That's the problem!!! We've reached the point where our entitlement obligations are SO huge that we can't possibly pay them...but idiots like you two STILL think that the solution is to take all of the money that the wealthy has and give it to an even bigger government.
Yeah... I think you are missing the point there big boy. See... It just needs to be spent. They can spend it themselves, on any damn thing they wish... Who gives a shit? But it has to circulate back into the economy. It's not doing so.

The "point" is that you don't have the right to seize the fruits of someone else's labor because you don't like the way that THEY are spending it. It's not yours to take because you didn't earn it!

Furthermore...our problem isn't that we aren't spending enough...it's that we're spending too much. So what is the progressive's solution? Spend more!!!

What will you do, pray tell once you've spent the money that you've stolen from the top 1% because that will be gone in a matter of months. Then we take the money from the top 10%? And once that's gone...which it soon will be with the way we are spending it...then I take it we seize the money from the next tier down...and then the next?
Oh, for God's sake! The wealthy have paid taxes for the past thirty years. They are not the cause of the 16 trillion dollar debt that this nation has. We've become an entitlement society over the past thirty years. That's the problem!!! We've reached the point where our entitlement obligations are SO huge that we can't possibly pay them...but idiots like you two STILL think that the solution is to take all of the money that the wealthy has and give it to an even bigger government.
Yeah... I think you are missing the point there big boy. See... It just needs to be spent. They can spend it themselves, on any damn thing they wish... Who gives a shit? But it has to circulate back into the economy. It's not doing so.

The "point" is that you don't have the right to seize the fruits of someone else's labor because you don't like the way that THEY are spending it. It's not yours to take because you didn't earn it!
I don't have a problem with that.

Furthermore...our problem isn't that we aren't spending enough...it's that we're spending too much. So what is the progressive's solution? Spend more!!!
Oh my god... You're ignorant. Ok... Uhh... It's not that we are spending... it's that we are creating or borrowing the money. Money that is already created needs to be spent to keep the economy going. It's only bad for the US government to spend money when they are borrowing it, or it's being created by the FED for it or the government to spend. It's borrowing and creating money from nothing that is the problem. Not that money is being spent.


What will you do, pray tell once you've spent the money that you've stolen from the top 1% because that will be gone in a matter of months. Then we take the money from the top 10%? And once that's gone...which it soon will be with the way we are spending it...then I take it we seize the money from the next tier down...and then the next?
Your first two points were incorrect or not applicable to my stance, so this one really has no meaning to me.
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Blah-blah-blah...are you really only 12?
Too much at one time? Here... Just address one...

The wealthy have stuck about 50 trillion away from all the stimulating we been doing to the economy over the past thirty years or so, you got a problem with them at least paying the 16 trillion dollar debt they ran up doing it?

Oh, for God's sake! The wealthy have paid taxes for the past thirty years. They are not the cause of the 16 trillion dollar debt that this nation has. We've become an entitlement society over the past thirty years. That's the problem!!! We've reached the point where our entitlement obligations are SO huge that we can't possibly pay them...but idiots like you two STILL think that the solution is to take all of the money that the wealthy has and give it to an even bigger government.

Maybe instead, we should start insuring the Lower 48% pay a minimum Federal Income Tax. ;) Everyone should Pay a Minimum Federal Income Tax. It's only fair, right? You don't want to be cheating Any One, right? ;)
Most of the really wealthy give their money to charities along with their own heirs. I find it hard to believe that the Liberals here would not want to pass on their assets to their children knowing how difficult their lives are going to be compared to ours. Don't you have grandchildren who will be needing college funds and what if finding a job is not as easy for them as it was for us?

It's time for the government to make the hard decisions and this country is going to have to stand up behind the bold leaders who finally do make those decisions. Let's hope it won't come too late.
The wealthy have stuck about 50 trillion away from all the stimulating we been doing to the economy over the past thirty years or so, you got a problem with them at least paying the 16 trillion dollar debt they ran up doing it?

The monarchy was inherent-ed power, just like trust funds, talk about stupid, man you take the cake.

Do you really have no ideal about the difference between being elected and being born to power?

Wrong again, most rich people got that way the old fashion way, they were born that way:

Class Matters - Social Class in the United States of America - The New York Times

Blah-blah-blah...are you really only 12?
Too much at one time? Here... Just address one...

The wealthy have stuck about 50 trillion away from all the stimulating we been doing to the economy over the past thirty years or so, you got a problem with them at least paying the 16 trillion dollar debt they ran up doing it?

No, this ass is just a broken record. He keeps bringing up the same verbal vomit up in thread after thread. No new ideas, no new information. I could care less what he/she/it chooses to do with its wealth...it probably has nothing, come to think of it. Why else all the sturm-und-drang about wealthy people? I just really prefer that all the wonderfully generous, like GreatDay would keep their freakin' dick skinners off of everything I have worked my entire life to accumulate with the sole intention of leaving it for my daughter and granddaughters.
Blah-blah-blah...are you really only 12?
Too much at one time? Here... Just address one...

The wealthy have stuck about 50 trillion away from all the stimulating we been doing to the economy over the past thirty years or so, you got a problem with them at least paying the 16 trillion dollar debt they ran up doing it?

No, this ass is just a broken record. He keeps bringing up the same verbal vomit up in thread after thread. No new ideas, no new information. I could care less what he/she/it chooses to do with its wealth...it probably has nothing, come to think of it. Why else all the sturm-und-drang about wealthy people? I just really prefer that all the wonderfully generous, like GreatDay would keep their freakin' dick skinners off of everything I have worked my entire life to accumulate with the sole intention of leaving it for my daughter and granddaughters.

I can see you got honors at the insult school, but when it comes to reason nothing but Fs well what can we expect from a stupid jackass like you. you wouldn't know a thought if it bit you on the ass, but all cons are either strupid as shit like youi or pure evil like Hitler so nothing new here.
I can see you got honors at the insult school, but when it comes to reason nothing but Fs well what can we expect from a stupid jackass like you. you wouldn't know a thought if it bit you on the ass, but all cons are either strupid as shit like youi or pure evil like Hitler so nothing new here.

Pure strupidity
This really is one of the dumber posts I've seen in quite some time on any number of levels. First of all a little simple math would tell you that even if you seized all of the wealth held by the richest people in this country it STILL wouldn't pay for the entitlements that we've obligated ourselves to.

Secondly, people pay taxes on money that they have made their entire lives. What gives the government the right to seize what money people have managed to accumulate...people who have already paid taxes on that money? You speak of "fairness" as you steal something that you have no right to have.

Thirdly, your rants about trust fund babies ignores the fact that a very small percentage of wealthy people in this country got that wealth from an inheritance. The vast majority earned it themselves. You're being played for a sucker by progressives that want you to blame wealthy people for the the failures of THEIR programs. Seizing the wealth at the top isn't going to make the poor richer...it's just going to make the government larger.

You talk about Kings? The reason we fought to free ourselves from the British Crown was the King's belief that whatever was ours...was actually HIS. That he had the right to take our money to pay for his palaces. That is EXACTLY the same attitude that progressives now take when they tell Americans that their accumulated wealth needs to be seized to pay for the excessive government that this country is burdened by. When Barack Obama resorts to Executive Orders in order to get around having Congress pass legislation...how is that really any different than what a King does? The only difference is that we get to vote this King off of his "throne".

The wealthy have stuck about 50 trillion away from all the stimulating we been doing to the economy over the past thirty years or so, you got a problem with them at least paying the 16 trillion dollar debt they ran up doing it?

The monarchy was inherent-ed power, just like trust funds, talk about stupid, man you take the cake.

Do you really have no ideal about the difference between being elected and being born to power?

Wrong again, most rich people got that way the old fashion way, they were born that way:

Class Matters - Social Class in the United States of America - The New York Times

Blah-blah-blah...are you really only 12?

So this is an example of the "warrior"? looks more like wussy to me....
A rejection of emotion in favor of reason is the hallmark of the liberal. As I said in my intro, I started out as a conservative. All children do. It's the infant's philosophy. And as most children tend to do, I grew out of conservatism. Being in the military, being employed, those factors almost always create liberals.

Liberalism is just common sense. We don't have hysterical emotional attachments to any position. If it works, then we do it. (To a certain extent. We also understand the dangers of pure utilitarianism, and thus understand that practicality has to be tempered with a little idealism.)

Now, compare that to conservatism. Supply-side economics has been a dismal failure for decades ... and they demand more! There's a whole list of politically correct party planks that good conservatives are required to believe, upon penality of being purged from TheParty. Abortion, global warming, immigration, gay marriage, taxation ... a conservative _must_ believe them all. Because TheParty so orders.

In contrast, I can and do disagree with the Democrats on several major points ... and no one cares. No screaming that I'm a DINO, no purges. That's because the Democrats aren't a political cult like the Republicans are.

You have such a stunted view of the Republican Party it's almost farcical. I'm a conservative who is pro-choice and has no problem with gay marriage and I've not been "purged" from the Republican Party. What people like you can't seem to understand is that the overwhelming thing that bonds the modern conservative movement together is fiscal conservatism. Things like abortion and gay marriage are wedges that liberals continually attempt to use to drive the Republican Party apart, usually without success. I'm a Republican because the Democratic Party believes that it's fine to take from those who have worked hard to give to those who have not.

The thing that bonds conservatives together is a desire to protect inherited position in life, they wish to protect the great families from losing wealth. They do this by consistently pushing for lower taxes, the conservatives and the Republican Party at large have given up on the concept of homeostasis, other wise know as balance, they have adopted a strategy of fighting for all tax cuts as long as they include the very wealthy and opposing all tax increases, this is like a doctor that will only lower your temp, eventually you will die if you don';t change directions, the Republican Party refuses to change direction no matter what.

Can you tell me what you see in the GOP that tells you that should we fix our current problem and start to pay down on this debt that the GOP would not run all over Washington shooting about Washington taking in too much money and cutting taxes again as they did in 2001?

They say we must fix it with spending cuts, lets say we do, then one quarter the GOP sees a surplus and slashes taxes, aren't we right back where we started?
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The thing that bonds conservatives together is a desire to protect inherited position in life, they wish to protect the great families from losing wealth.

The thing that bonds conservatives together is a desire to protect EARNED position in life.
The thing that bonds conservatives together is a desire to protect inherited position in life, they wish to protect the great families from losing wealth.

The thing that bonds conservatives together is a desire to protect EARNED position in life.

All should earn their way, even those with rich parents, even if the parents would do otherwise, after all what parent wouldn't?

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