Why American life went on as normal during the killer pandemic of 1969

H3N2 killed 100,000 Americans in 2 years.

Coronavirus has killed 87,000 Americans in 3 months.

Which is why the original estimations, modeled with no economic shutdowns, yielded 2.4 million deaths over two years.
How compliant, how well people have obeyed the rules, and how much they want to return to their old life, is irrelevant to the future spread of virus. When the virus really started to spread in the beginning of March there was only 75 cases and 1 death in whole country. It hardly existed in most places. Today it's everywhere, in every city and every town. The only thing standing between you and the virus is distance and physical barriers such as masks. Remove those things and it will be March all over again but a lot worse because there's so much more virus around today.
How much do you know about the dynamics of a pandemic? Because based on what you said (When the virus really started to spread in the beginning of March there was only 75 cases and 1 death in whole country. It hardly existed in most places. Today it's everywhere, in every city and every town) that could apply to everywhere in the world.

That's sort of how a pandemic acts. We wouldn't have a pandemic if we could have frozen this virus in place when it first appeared. But since the Chinese, colluding with the help of the WHO, lied about the nature and
full scope of this disease that was never a realistic option (not that we could have stopped it in it's tracks if
we tried anyway). Again, that's how a virus works.

Show me a large developed nation like the US that was fully prepared for such a disaster and their numbers.
Even in the best of cases many people, due to a variety of circumstances, were doomed to death.

That's how these viruses work. And it happens every single year, some years worse than others.
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A leader would be able to clear that up for you.
Clear what up?

Whether or not, as an American facing this pandemic, you should wear a mask in public. If we had a leader, the message would be clear. You said that Americans have done a good job of following the guidelines. If I a not mistaken, the guidelines recommend weeding a mask.
Whether or not, as an American facing this pandemic, you should wear a mask in public. If we had a leader, the message would be clear. You said that Americans have done a good job of following the guidelines. If I a not mistaken, the guidelines recommend weeding a mask.
Tell it to Kate Brown of Oregon. A mask is not mandatory here. Even if I wanted one there is no place I could have gotten one even if I could have found an open store that sold them, which I could not!
And they weren't in stock anyway. They were harder to find than toilet paper.
I've never worn a face mask and I've sailed through this virus untouched, however.

You can claim I may have infected others but that's purely a presumptive guess on your part and taken to it's ultimate conclusion ALL activity in this nation should have ground to a full halt based on fear based
worse case scenario that you advocate.

People die every single year due to viral infections. It cannot be stopped. That's the price we pay for living in a society where people gather in groups for their common good. You sound like you know everything
but the right things themselves.
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Whether or not, as an American facing this pandemic, you should wear a mask in public. If we had a leader, the message would be clear. You said that Americans have done a good job of following the guidelines. If I a not mistaken, the guidelines recommend weeding a mask.
Tell it to Kate Brown of Oregon. A mask is not mandatory here. Even if I wanted one there is no place I could have gotten one even if I could have found an open store that sold them, which I could not!
And they weren't in stock anyway. They were harder to find than toilet paper.
I've never worn a face mask and I've sailed through this virus untouched, however.

You can claim I may have infected others but that's purely a presumptive guess on your part and taken to it's ultimate conclusion ALL activity in this nation should have ground to a full halt based on fear based
worse case scenario that you advocate.

People die every single year due to viral infections. It cannot be stopped. That's the price we pay for living in a society where people gather in groups for their common good. You sound like you know everything
but the right things themselves.

I am asking what the president has said about masks.

Here are the CDC guidelines.

I am asking what the president has said about masks.

Here are the CDC guidelines.
Trump has deferred to Fauci on those things. So whatever Fauci says. I do think Fauci will overstep his
authority when it comes to overstaying in lock down as he already has.
Who is the leader of the United States?

If the nation didn’t approach this virus with calm rationality, what did our leader get wrong?
Could this make any less sense? It's incoherent.

Really? Let me put it another way.

The OP is complaining and saying that we have been less than calm and rational in dealing with this virus.

President Trump is our leader. If we have not handled this virus well as a nation, it is on him. What is it that he did or didn’t do which has resulted in the American people responding so poorly?

Get it?

Got any thoughts?
There is a long list but his most egregious action was to downplay the seriousness of the pandemic and ignore the warnings, assigning Pence the major role in dealing with the issue in January and February. His message was loud clear, don't worry it's all under control. And his people didn't worry. The CDC was not working 24 hrs a day 7 days a week to prepare. It was business as usual. The president wasn't concerned that the stockpile of PPE equipment and ventilators was dangerously low, development of test kits was way behind other countries, reagents needed for testing were being bought up by other countries. Trump wasn't concerned so his people weren't concerned, until the first week of March when it finally dawned on him the country was some deep shit and his administration was totally unprepared to handle it.
Spot on.
I am asking what the president has said about masks.

Here are the CDC guidelines.
Trump has deferred to Fauci on those things. So whatever Fauci says. I do think Fauci will overstep his
authority when it comes to overstaying in lock down as he already has.

So, you think wearing a mask in public is the official recommendation of the Trump administration?
I am asking what the president has said about masks.

Here are the CDC guidelines.
Trump has deferred to Fauci on those things. So whatever Fauci says. I do think Fauci will overstep his
authority when it comes to overstaying in lock down as he already has.

So, you think wearing a mask in public is the official recommendation of the Trump administration?
Remember that little turd Fauci was against people wearing face masks before he was for them.. Just another of Fauci;s famous flip flops
I am asking what the president has said about masks.

Here are the CDC guidelines.
Trump has deferred to Fauci on those things. So whatever Fauci says. I do think Fauci will overstep his
authority when it comes to overstaying in lock down as he already has.

So, you think wearing a mask in public is the official recommendation of the Trump administration?
Remember that little turd Fauci was against people wearing face masks before he was for them.. Just another of Fauci;s famous flip flops

I think that beats being for them and against them at the same time. Don’t you?
So, you think wearing a mask in public is the official recommendation of the Trump administration?
It's whatever Fauci says at any particular moment. How many different ways can I say the same thing?

You are having difficulty with this for some reason.

Fauci says that you should wear a mask. Trump says that his staff and those who visit the WH must wear a mask.

But Trump does not say that you should wear one. He doesn’t wear one.

Is this an example of good leadership or a lack of good leadership?
The article said it best:
“That generation approached viruses with calm, rationality and intelligence,” he said. “We left disease mitigation to medical professionals, individuals and families, rather than politics, politicians and government.”
also that generation was not a bunch of panty waisted snowflakes afraid of their own shadow.

Different epidemic and different times. The 1968/69 pandemic (H3N2) killed an estimated 100,000 in the US over a two year period. The coronavirus has killed 88,000 in 10 weeks, probably 100,000 by the end of the month and twice that by the end of summer and half million by end of the year and it will still be with us in 2021. Comparing H3N2 to coronaviurs is like comparing a cold to pneumonia.

Also in 1968, there was a lot of stuff happening that pushed H3N2 to the back burner, Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King assignation, Chicago riots at the DNC convention, the Tet Offense and escalation of the war in Viet Nam, and student riots and protests all over the country.

In 1968, there were 205 Million people, 2020 there are 331 Million people.

This mean 125,000,000 Fewer people to infect, with less crowding, less travelling, keeping people closer to their homes longer.

Your comparison doesn't convince me, you left out Per Capita, and Death rate to population stats.
I had it. I got over it.

The media was not controlled by those with the purpose of destroying small business back in those days, however, so life went on.
I had it. I got over it.

The media was not controlled by those with the purpose of destroying small business back in those days, however, so life went on.

Isn’t knowledge of how media works one of Donald Trump’s strong suits? Is he not one of the most media savvy presidents we’ve ever had?


^^^ that ^^^

…...at 10 bucks a lid.
You really don’t believe that it is Trump’s responsibility to lead the administration’s messaging when it comes to the COVID-19 pandemic?
Trump has many times deferred to so called pandemic expert Anthony Fauci. That IS the administration
message on the matter.
Is anyone, beside you, not clear what social distancing is all about or why Fauci has been going on about all this stuff?

The fact is the worst has passed and we now need to be getting people back to work. Fauci will be less
and less an important figure, especially as he praises WHO leader Tedros Adhanom and politicizes important health issues and under cuts his own authority. Coronavirus: Tedros, Fauci, and the Peril of Politicizing Medicine

We now need to take Fauci's megaphone away from him and hand it to people who see that we simply can't
hide in a corner and bring society to a halt forever and his appropriate message at the start of this all is now much more hurtful than helpful.

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