Why Americans Should Applaud the Virginia, New York Abortion Bills

The woman has first priority. It's her choice.

Funny and revealing how Supreme Court justice Potter Stewart didn't say that when he himself anticipated that a State could establish that an unborn fetus is a person.
The question is meaningless. The real question is: Do women have rights? In your world they do not.

There is no question that women have rights.

The question is when does her rights begin.
At birth just like it always has. The very idea that a fetus has rights surpassing their mother is ludicrous.

Maybe you can ignore the evidence and arguments to the contrary. I can't and I'm not going to try harder to do so.

Being steadfastly anti-abortion requires you to ignore a host of societal problems that make abortion a necessary evil. The best way to end abortion is not to directly attack women's rights but to work on why pregnancy is a trap for a disadvantaged woman.

You have it ass backwards.

A child's rights and personhood is not dynamic and variable and determined by the whims or needs of society.

Their rights are static and society has to adjust and adapt accordingy.
You have it backwards. What is a baby without a parent? Societies have always been horrible towards orphans. We here in America have liberalized what has always been a grinding terrible life for unwanted children leading to your belief that every aborted baby has a chance at a wonderful life. That leads us to conservatives' wish to demolish the welfare state and inflict a flood of unwanted children on society at the same time. Your precious fetuses will become lifelong impoverished victims.
There is no question that women have rights.

The question is when does her rights begin.
At birth just like it always has. The very idea that a fetus has rights surpassing their mother is ludicrous.

Maybe you can ignore the evidence and arguments to the contrary. I can't and I'm not going to try harder to do so.

Being steadfastly anti-abortion requires you to ignore a host of societal problems that make abortion a necessary evil. The best way to end abortion is not to directly attack women's rights but to work on why pregnancy is a trap for a disadvantaged woman.

You have it ass backwards.

A child's rights and personhood is not dynamic and variable and determined by the whims or needs of society.

Their rights are static and society has to adjust and adapt accordingy.
You have it backwards. What is a baby without a parent? Societies have always been horrible towards orphans. We here in America have liberalized what has always been a grinding terrible life for unwanted children leading to your belief that every aborted baby has a chance at a wonderful life. That leads us to conservatives' wish to demolish the welfare state and inflict a flood of unwanted children on society at the same time. Your precious fetuses will become lifelong impoverished victims.

What good is a persons' rights if their rights do mot begin when their life does or if their rights can be arbitrarily decided by society?
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At birth just like it always has. The very idea that a fetus has rights surpassing their mother is ludicrous.

Maybe you can ignore the evidence and arguments to the contrary. I can't and I'm not going to try harder to do so.

Being steadfastly anti-abortion requires you to ignore a host of societal problems that make abortion a necessary evil. The best way to end abortion is not to directly attack women's rights but to work on why pregnancy is a trap for a disadvantaged woman.

You have it ass backwards.

A child's rights and personhood is not dynamic and variable and determined by the whims or needs of society.

Their rights are static and society has to adjust and adapt accordingy.
You have it backwards. What is a baby without a parent? Societies have always been horrible towards orphans. We here in America have liberalized what has always been a grinding terrible life for unwanted children leading to your belief that every aborted baby has a chance at a wonderful life. That leads us to conservatives' wish to demolish the welfare state and inflict a flood of unwanted children on society at the same time. Your precious fetuses will become lifelong impoverished victims.

What good is a persons' if their rights do mot begin when their life does or if their rights can be arbitrarily decided by society?
That's just how it is. Banning abortion is a pipedream, it would not end abortion and create a host of other problems it is clear no anti-abortion zealot has ever considered. Work within the realm of possibility or continue being a fringe no one takes seriously except at election time.
Why Americans Should Applaud the Virginia, New York Abortion Bills

Why Americans Should Applaud the Virginia, New York Abortion Bills
Americans should applaud the new abortion legislation proposed in states like Virginia and New York. That’s because, in bowing to a progressive agenda, these bills are exposing abortion for what it is: death.
Several states already support abortion up until birth. But only now are Americans causing an uproar over them. That’s because certain politicians appear to not only support and celebrate unrestricted abortion, but also expand it to include newborns. Infanticide. That isn’t something that just concerns the pro-life movement and Republicans. It’s detached from Democrats. It’s out of touch with Americans. It’s atrocious to human beings.... Or it should be.
Americans expressed horror Jan. 28 when Democratic delegate Kathy Tran introduced a Virginia bill she said would allow abortion even while a woman is in labor. Virginia Governor Ralph Northam, a Democrat, made more waves two days later during a WTOP interview where he defended the bill – and suggested leaving babies to die after birth.
“It’s done in cases where there may be severe deformities, there may be a fetus that’s nonviable. If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen,” Northam said. “The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.”
His comments came days after New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signed the Reproductive Health Act (RHA) on Jan. 22. Among other things, the New York law allows late-term abortion “at any time” to “protect a patient’s life or health.” The RHA also repealed protections for born babies that survive failed abortions.
Then there are other states, like Rhode Island, that are making headlines for bills that would repeal bans on partial-birth abortion.
A Jan. 15 Marist poll showed 75% of Americans want abortion restricted to the first three months of pregnancy. Americans cherish a culture of life, and their outcry for the unborn human person is a cause for hope – hope that life might one day champion death.

The Democrat Party of America - proudly enslaving and murdering Americans since 1840. Just another case of Democrats being Democrats.
Lest we forget, the Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats are already bought and paid for by the Mexican Cartels funneling Marijuana, Heroin, Cocaine and now Fentanyl to the heartland to do post natal genocidal abortion on voters in Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, upstate New York, and other places
We the Deplorables have to remember what the aims of Democrats are all about especially when the presidential election is at the forefront.

Those bills are about late term abortions which are illegal with the exception of if the woman's life or health is in jeopardy or if there's a very serious problem with the fetus.

So what these bills are doing is saving lives.

Anyone who is against saving the life of a woman whose pregnancy has gone wrong is just showing that they hate women.

Women have the right to live and not die because their pregnancy went wrong.

Stop twisting what this is about. It's about pregnancies that will never reach delivery because the woman will die. Or it's about a fetus that won't make it to delivery because there's a serious problem or it's not viable outside the womb.

Sick people like you want to kill women. Guess what? If the woman dies that fetus will never be born alive. So you people would rather kill a woman than save her life.

You're advocating nothing short of murder and it's sick.
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Government should never, ever interfere with medical care. I read a piece the other day that was the review of the materials that some states legally require doctors to give to abortion patients. The reviews were done by medical professionals. The level of false information in these materials was shocking, and most crafted by people in state governments who seemingly had no medical background.The materials did not contain any references to the sources of the assertions made in them. So much for letting Big Government into doctors' offices.

It is the ultimate in absurdity to think that a person would carry a fetus to term and then decide on the operating table that it should be killed for no reason.

Oh! But I bet you voted for Obama and support the ACA, huh?
Why Americans Should Applaud the Virginia, New York Abortion Bills

Why Americans Should Applaud the Virginia, New York Abortion Bills
Americans should applaud the new abortion legislation proposed in states like Virginia and New York. That’s because, in bowing to a progressive agenda, these bills are exposing abortion for what it is: death.
Several states already support abortion up until birth. But only now are Americans causing an uproar over them. That’s because certain politicians appear to not only support and celebrate unrestricted abortion, but also expand it to include newborns. Infanticide. That isn’t something that just concerns the pro-life movement and Republicans. It’s detached from Democrats. It’s out of touch with Americans. It’s atrocious to human beings.... Or it should be.
Americans expressed horror Jan. 28 when Democratic delegate Kathy Tran introduced a Virginia bill she said would allow abortion even while a woman is in labor. Virginia Governor Ralph Northam, a Democrat, made more waves two days later during a WTOP interview where he defended the bill – and suggested leaving babies to die after birth.
“It’s done in cases where there may be severe deformities, there may be a fetus that’s nonviable. If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen,” Northam said. “The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.”
His comments came days after New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signed the Reproductive Health Act (RHA) on Jan. 22. Among other things, the New York law allows late-term abortion “at any time” to “protect a patient’s life or health.” The RHA also repealed protections for born babies that survive failed abortions.
Then there are other states, like Rhode Island, that are making headlines for bills that would repeal bans on partial-birth abortion.
A Jan. 15 Marist poll showed 75% of Americans want abortion restricted to the first three months of pregnancy. Americans cherish a culture of life, and their outcry for the unborn human person is a cause for hope – hope that life might one day champion death.

The Democrat Party of America - proudly enslaving and murdering Americans since 1840. Just another case of Democrats being Democrats.
Lest we forget, the Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats are already bought and paid for by the Mexican Cartels funneling Marijuana, Heroin, Cocaine and now Fentanyl to the heartland to do post natal genocidal abortion on voters in Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, upstate New York, and other places
We the Deplorables have to remember what the aims of Democrats are all about especially when the presidential election is at the forefront.

i guess we have to let individuals rely on the subjective value of morals.

I notice you never mentioned logical objective morals.
Why Americans Should Applaud the Virginia, New York Abortion Bills

Why Americans Should Applaud the Virginia, New York Abortion Bills
Americans should applaud the new abortion legislation proposed in states like Virginia and New York. That’s because, in bowing to a progressive agenda, these bills are exposing abortion for what it is: death.
Several states already support abortion up until birth. But only now are Americans causing an uproar over them. That’s because certain politicians appear to not only support and celebrate unrestricted abortion, but also expand it to include newborns. Infanticide. That isn’t something that just concerns the pro-life movement and Republicans. It’s detached from Democrats. It’s out of touch with Americans. It’s atrocious to human beings.... Or it should be.
Americans expressed horror Jan. 28 when Democratic delegate Kathy Tran introduced a Virginia bill she said would allow abortion even while a woman is in labor. Virginia Governor Ralph Northam, a Democrat, made more waves two days later during a WTOP interview where he defended the bill – and suggested leaving babies to die after birth.
“It’s done in cases where there may be severe deformities, there may be a fetus that’s nonviable. If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen,” Northam said. “The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.”
His comments came days after New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signed the Reproductive Health Act (RHA) on Jan. 22. Among other things, the New York law allows late-term abortion “at any time” to “protect a patient’s life or health.” The RHA also repealed protections for born babies that survive failed abortions.
Then there are other states, like Rhode Island, that are making headlines for bills that would repeal bans on partial-birth abortion.
A Jan. 15 Marist poll showed 75% of Americans want abortion restricted to the first three months of pregnancy. Americans cherish a culture of life, and their outcry for the unborn human person is a cause for hope – hope that life might one day champion death.

The Democrat Party of America - proudly enslaving and murdering Americans since 1840. Just another case of Democrats being Democrats.
Lest we forget, the Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats are already bought and paid for by the Mexican Cartels funneling Marijuana, Heroin, Cocaine and now Fentanyl to the heartland to do post natal genocidal abortion on voters in Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, upstate New York, and other places
We the Deplorables have to remember what the aims of Democrats are all about especially when the presidential election is at the forefront.

Those bills are about late term abortions which are illegal with the exception of if the woman's life or health is in jeopardy or if there's a very serious problem with the fetus.

So what these bills are doing is saving lives.

Anyone who is against saving the life of a woman whose pregnancy has gone wrong is just showing that they hate women.

Women have the right to live and not die because their pregnancy went wrong.

Stop twisting what this is about. It's about pregnancies that will never reach delivery because the woman will die. Or it's about a fetus that won't make it to delivery because there's a serious problem or it's not viable outside the womb.

Sick people like you want to kill women. Guess what? If the woman dies that fetus will never be born alive. So you people would rather kill a woman than save her life.

You're advocating nothing short of murder and it's sick.

Wow.... that's a mouth full of feces you just spewed. There are few instances where abortion of an infant is a necessity. That is what caesarean section comes into play. In some cases where infants die within the womb an abortion to remove the dead infant is necessary. Both you and I know that these States laws/regulations refer to healthy women and infants within the womb. Sick? I've worked within the Pharmaceutical and Medical industry for decades. If you get pregnant and up to three months you want to terminate it, that's your business once you pass that third month terminating the fetus/infant should be considered infanticide unless medically provable. I truly feel sorry for you, because your hatred precedes your faulty logic.
Why Americans Should Applaud the Virginia, New York Abortion Bills

Why Americans Should Applaud the Virginia, New York Abortion Bills
Americans should applaud the new abortion legislation proposed in states like Virginia and New York. That’s because, in bowing to a progressive agenda, these bills are exposing abortion for what it is: death.
Several states already support abortion up until birth. But only now are Americans causing an uproar over them. That’s because certain politicians appear to not only support and celebrate unrestricted abortion, but also expand it to include newborns. Infanticide. That isn’t something that just concerns the pro-life movement and Republicans. It’s detached from Democrats. It’s out of touch with Americans. It’s atrocious to human beings.... Or it should be.
Americans expressed horror Jan. 28 when Democratic delegate Kathy Tran introduced a Virginia bill she said would allow abortion even while a woman is in labor. Virginia Governor Ralph Northam, a Democrat, made more waves two days later during a WTOP interview where he defended the bill – and suggested leaving babies to die after birth.
“It’s done in cases where there may be severe deformities, there may be a fetus that’s nonviable. If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen,” Northam said. “The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.”
His comments came days after New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signed the Reproductive Health Act (RHA) on Jan. 22. Among other things, the New York law allows late-term abortion “at any time” to “protect a patient’s life or health.” The RHA also repealed protections for born babies that survive failed abortions.
Then there are other states, like Rhode Island, that are making headlines for bills that would repeal bans on partial-birth abortion.
A Jan. 15 Marist poll showed 75% of Americans want abortion restricted to the first three months of pregnancy. Americans cherish a culture of life, and their outcry for the unborn human person is a cause for hope – hope that life might one day champion death.

The Democrat Party of America - proudly enslaving and murdering Americans since 1840. Just another case of Democrats being Democrats.
Lest we forget, the Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats are already bought and paid for by the Mexican Cartels funneling Marijuana, Heroin, Cocaine and now Fentanyl to the heartland to do post natal genocidal abortion on voters in Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, upstate New York, and other places
We the Deplorables have to remember what the aims of Democrats are all about especially when the presidential election is at the forefront.

i guess we have to let individuals rely on the subjective value of morals.

I notice you never mentioned logical objective morals.

I apologize for bashing your OP, and danielpalos has the IQ of a stump.

I believe in absolute morals.
Maybe you can ignore the evidence and arguments to the contrary. I can't and I'm not going to try harder to do so.

Being steadfastly anti-abortion requires you to ignore a host of societal problems that make abortion a necessary evil. The best way to end abortion is not to directly attack women's rights but to work on why pregnancy is a trap for a disadvantaged woman.

You have it ass backwards.

A child's rights and personhood is not dynamic and variable and determined by the whims or needs of society.

Their rights are static and society has to adjust and adapt accordingy.
You have it backwards. What is a baby without a parent? Societies have always been horrible towards orphans. We here in America have liberalized what has always been a grinding terrible life for unwanted children leading to your belief that every aborted baby has a chance at a wonderful life. That leads us to conservatives' wish to demolish the welfare state and inflict a flood of unwanted children on society at the same time. Your precious fetuses will become lifelong impoverished victims.

What good is a persons' if their rights do mot begin when their life does or if their rights can be arbitrarily decided by society?
That's just how it is. Banning abortion is a pipedream, it would not end abortion and create a host of other problems it is clear no anti-abortion zealot has ever considered. Work within the realm of possibility or continue being a fringe no one takes seriously except at election time.

Thanks for being such a great foil for this.

Children have a constitutional right to the equal protections of our laws from the moment their life begins and not just when society can not stomach or otherwise justify the denial of their rights anymore.
Being steadfastly anti-abortion requires you to ignore a host of societal problems that make abortion a necessary evil. The best way to end abortion is not to directly attack women's rights but to work on why pregnancy is a trap for a disadvantaged woman.

You have it ass backwards.

A child's rights and personhood is not dynamic and variable and determined by the whims or needs of society.

Their rights are static and society has to adjust and adapt accordingy.
You have it backwards. What is a baby without a parent? Societies have always been horrible towards orphans. We here in America have liberalized what has always been a grinding terrible life for unwanted children leading to your belief that every aborted baby has a chance at a wonderful life. That leads us to conservatives' wish to demolish the welfare state and inflict a flood of unwanted children on society at the same time. Your precious fetuses will become lifelong impoverished victims.

What good is a persons' if their rights do mot begin when their life does or if their rights can be arbitrarily decided by society?
That's just how it is. Banning abortion is a pipedream, it would not end abortion and create a host of other problems it is clear no anti-abortion zealot has ever considered. Work within the realm of possibility or continue being a fringe no one takes seriously except at election time.

Thanks for being such a great foil for this.

Children have a constitutional right to the equal protections of our laws from the moment their life begins and not just when society can not stomach or otherwise justify the denial of their rights anymore.
The definitions of person-hood in America are not a settled issue and highly conditional. Ask yourself why Trump and the republicans didn't just ban abortion at the federal level.The answer is this: you are trying to do something there is no popular support for. Work for an option that pleases everyone instead of this all or nothing bullshit.
Why Americans Should Applaud the Virginia, New York Abortion Bills

Why Americans Should Applaud the Virginia, New York Abortion Bills
Americans should applaud the new abortion legislation proposed in states like Virginia and New York. That’s because, in bowing to a progressive agenda, these bills are exposing abortion for what it is: death.
Several states already support abortion up until birth. But only now are Americans causing an uproar over them. That’s because certain politicians appear to not only support and celebrate unrestricted abortion, but also expand it to include newborns. Infanticide. That isn’t something that just concerns the pro-life movement and Republicans. It’s detached from Democrats. It’s out of touch with Americans. It’s atrocious to human beings.... Or it should be.
Americans expressed horror Jan. 28 when Democratic delegate Kathy Tran introduced a Virginia bill she said would allow abortion even while a woman is in labor. Virginia Governor Ralph Northam, a Democrat, made more waves two days later during a WTOP interview where he defended the bill – and suggested leaving babies to die after birth.
“It’s done in cases where there may be severe deformities, there may be a fetus that’s nonviable. If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen,” Northam said. “The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.”
His comments came days after New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signed the Reproductive Health Act (RHA) on Jan. 22. Among other things, the New York law allows late-term abortion “at any time” to “protect a patient’s life or health.” The RHA also repealed protections for born babies that survive failed abortions.
Then there are other states, like Rhode Island, that are making headlines for bills that would repeal bans on partial-birth abortion.
A Jan. 15 Marist poll showed 75% of Americans want abortion restricted to the first three months of pregnancy. Americans cherish a culture of life, and their outcry for the unborn human person is a cause for hope – hope that life might one day champion death.

The Democrat Party of America - proudly enslaving and murdering Americans since 1840. Just another case of Democrats being Democrats.
Lest we forget, the Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats are already bought and paid for by the Mexican Cartels funneling Marijuana, Heroin, Cocaine and now Fentanyl to the heartland to do post natal genocidal abortion on voters in Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, upstate New York, and other places
We the Deplorables have to remember what the aims of Democrats are all about especially when the presidential election is at the forefront.
Nazi Concentration Camps exposed what socialism and big governments brings, and 90% of millennials today have no clue it even occurred.
So how long do you want send a woman to jail for having an abortion? Trump was asked this question and he had no answer.

To willingly participate in the deliberate, unjustified killing of an innocent human being, in the absence of very significant mitigating circumstances, ought to be an automatic death penalty offence. A woman having her own child murdered seems to me like an especially egregious case.
So how long do you want send a woman to jail for having an abortion? Trump was asked this question and he had no answer.

To willingly participate in the deliberate, unjustified killing of an innocent human being, in the absence of very significant mitigating circumstances, ought to be an automatic death penalty offence. A woman having her own child murdered seems to me like an especially egregious case.
Write your congress-person.
Write your congress-person.

My Congressperson is an vapid old lady who inherited the position from her late husband; who supports the party that put her parents in a concentration camp, where she was born. She mindlessly supports standard Democratic party positions, without giving very much indication that she actually understands them.
Write your congress-person.

My Congressperson is an vapid old lady who inherited the position from her late husband; who supports the party that put her parents in a concentration camp, where she was born. She mindlessly supports standard Democratic party positions, without giving very much indication that she actually understands them.
I'm not interested.
abortion has never been about CHOICE. its about escaping the consequence of your CHOICE by taking away CHOICE from another human being!
Why Americans Should Applaud the Virginia, New York Abortion Bills

Why Americans Should Applaud the Virginia, New York Abortion Bills
Americans should applaud the new abortion legislation proposed in states like Virginia and New York. That’s because, in bowing to a progressive agenda, these bills are exposing abortion for what it is: death.
Several states already support abortion up until birth. But only now are Americans causing an uproar over them. That’s because certain politicians appear to not only support and celebrate unrestricted abortion, but also expand it to include newborns. Infanticide. That isn’t something that just concerns the pro-life movement and Republicans. It’s detached from Democrats. It’s out of touch with Americans. It’s atrocious to human beings.... Or it should be.
Americans expressed horror Jan. 28 when Democratic delegate Kathy Tran introduced a Virginia bill she said would allow abortion even while a woman is in labor. Virginia Governor Ralph Northam, a Democrat, made more waves two days later during a WTOP interview where he defended the bill – and suggested leaving babies to die after birth.
“It’s done in cases where there may be severe deformities, there may be a fetus that’s nonviable. If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen,” Northam said. “The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.”
His comments came days after New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signed the Reproductive Health Act (RHA) on Jan. 22. Among other things, the New York law allows late-term abortion “at any time” to “protect a patient’s life or health.” The RHA also repealed protections for born babies that survive failed abortions.
Then there are other states, like Rhode Island, that are making headlines for bills that would repeal bans on partial-birth abortion.
A Jan. 15 Marist poll showed 75% of Americans want abortion restricted to the first three months of pregnancy. Americans cherish a culture of life, and their outcry for the unborn human person is a cause for hope – hope that life might one day champion death.

The Democrat Party of America - proudly enslaving and murdering Americans since 1840. Just another case of Democrats being Democrats.
Lest we forget, the Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats are already bought and paid for by the Mexican Cartels funneling Marijuana, Heroin, Cocaine and now Fentanyl to the heartland to do post natal genocidal abortion on voters in Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, upstate New York, and other places
We the Deplorables have to remember what the aims of Democrats are all about especially when the presidential election is at the forefront.
Nazi Concentration Camps exposed what socialism and big governments brings, and 90% of millennials today have no clue it even occurred.

We can thank the educators we've entrusted to teach our children. Children today know nothing of WWII. Why it happened nor why there was the Korean War, Vietnam etc. They know little of 18th, 19th or 20th Century history, heck they can't even write cursive. Most have to print their names a signatures.
No one really wants to ban abortion, not really. The truth of that is in how even the most ardent anti abortion advocates have never thought about what happens next.
I want all abortion banned. We're supposed to believe there will be a huge spike in unwanted babies and the old "back alley abortion" but it won't happen.

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