Why Are Americans and Conservatives So Afraid of Socialism?

I can. But you hate them regardless. You are a xenophobe and racist. You won't even accept the blacks so don't give me your bullshit.
/——/ You know nothing about me. All you have is name calling. But that’s how you were taught to debate. If you can’t refute the message, attack the messenger.
I’d like to see less military spending, less corporate and wealthy tax cuts, less farmer subsidies, less oil subsidies for starters.
/——/ Funny thing is, we had a guy in the White House that forced NATO members to pay their fair share for their national security thus reducing our military costs. But he wrote some mean tweets and had to go.
I dont want the fruits of my labor stolen to be given to others that didnt earn it. Or to go to programs I dont want to be in.
I dont want a bunch of corrupt assholes controlling more of my life.
Basically, I just want you authoritarian shit stains to leave me the fuck alone. You know, the way it was SUPPOSED to be.
What TNH said in spades.
You are an ignorant fool at best. Clearly you know nothing about socialism other than the shit you have been spoon fed
Since birth.
We have socialist policies in play now and have been since the beginning. Every modern western society is built on socialism. There's no other way for government services to be funded.
It's that government health care that you all baulk at because you think it will eventually lead to genocide. You know nothing about it because you've never experienced it. Just let big health rip you off every month.
You know nothing about it.
We have dangerous jobs where half the people will never put their lives on the line if needed and/or have done with many of them given the top jobs because of equity. This is just one item of many. and the costs...oh the costs are massive. pay for this yourself. And give us the option to not pay for this. You have a woman being tried in court right now for the truth.
Socialism and communism really have very little in common.
And there has never been any country remotely communist.
To be communist it would have to have communal input on all decision making.
Both the Soviet Union and Communist China have (present or past-tense) held themselves out to practice 'socialism'... they've tarnished the 'brand'.
/——/ Funny thing is, we had a guy in the White House that forced NATO members to pay their fair share for their national security thus reducing our military costs. But he wrote some mean tweets and had to go.
And grifted off the government, and cut taxes for the rich, and cut taxes for corporations, and ran historic deficits, and lied about Mexico paying for a wall, and stuck up for Putin, and wrote love letters to NK leader, and told people to inject bleach, and was laughed at on the international stage, and planned to shine light inside the body to fight Covid, and nearly died of Covid, and rode around with his bodyguards infected in a car, and hid his infection for the debates and from people he met with, and refused to support rational social distancing until vaccinations were developed, and fired the FBI director investigating him, and pardoned convicted associates, and gassed protesters and hid in his basement bunker like a coward, and mismanaged the Covid response…. Other than that.
There isn’t an epidemic of lazy people. You’re just making shit up.
Are you suggesting welfare recipients clean roads for their money? Something must have got caught between your ears
Are you suggesting welfare recipients clean roads for their money? Something must have got caught between your ears
Welfare isn’t a thing anymore it’s called TANF. Here is some shocking statistics.
  • Only 2.6M people are on TANF (welfare)
  • 1.7M of recipients are kids
  • 80% of households are single mothers, 10% married mothers, 10% men
  • 92% of adults are American citizens with 8% or only 50,000 are qualified immigrants.
And grifted off the government, and cut taxes for the rich, and cut taxes for corporations, and ran historic deficits, and lied about Mexico paying for a wall, and stuck up for Putin, and wrote love letters to NK leader, and told people to inject bleach, and was laughed at on the international stage, and planned to shine light inside the body to fight Covid, and nearly died of Covid, and rode around with his bodyguards infected in a car, and hid his infection for the debates and from people he met with, and refused to support rational social distancing until vaccinations were developed, and fired the FBI director investigating him, and pardoned convicted associates, and gassed protesters and hid in his basement bunker like a coward, and mismanaged the Covid response…. Other than that.
/—-/ Only Congress can raise or lower taxes. Get a middle school primer on how the government works. And post the link where Trump said to drink bleach. I’m guessing you know he didn’t. The rest are exaggerations, distortions and half truths. And as far as Covid…


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What an interesting blog article on American ideas about civil responsibility and the knee jerk reaction of Americans generally, and Conservatives specifically, to fear community welfare and immediately associate it with socialism or communism. It led to her asking “What are you so afraid of?”, and she received 5 specific groups of fears:
  1. I’m scared of having to pay for other people’s laziness
  2. I’m scared because I don’t trust my government or other people generally
  3. I’m scared because socialism leads to authoritarianism
  4. I’m scared because socialists and communists kill a lot of people
  5. I’m not scared, socialism always fails
She has some good responses to these fears that I can’t do just to for a short attention span. Read the link if you want. I think these fears keep America from being a great and caring nation.

Why Are Americans and Conservatives So Afraid of Socialism?
I went a little bit viral on TikTok recently for voicing the unthinkable: I said that I like paying taxes. As you might imagine, the Americans and Conservatives in my comment section were shocked and appalled. The words communist and socialist were thrown around like insults, images of gulags and famine were invoked to prove some kind of vague and poorly-articulated point about freedom.

In contrast, the (predominantly western/northern) Europeans seemed to find my explanation pretty fair and even stopped to correct me on some of the finer points of Scottish, Scandinavian and German socialist democracy.

What shocked me, however, was not that so many Americans and Conservatives seemed to misunderstand fundamental aspects of civil life — like taxation — but that so many seemed so vehemently opposed to any suggestion that we should all contribute to the collective welfare of our countrymen.

Curiosity piqued, yesterday I made the mistake of asking Americans and Conservatives: “What is it about communism/socialism that scares you?” Here’s what they said.

You're a dumbass.

Why do ignorant, elitist, traitors want to drag tge US down the sane path run by Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea,....?

Instead of learning how to out condoms on cucumbers, learning CRT, and learning how how there are 3 genders (M, F, & WTF?), perhaps Democrats and snowflakes shoukd have paid none attention to and learned from HISTORY!
/—-/ Only Congress can raise or lower taxes. Get a middle school primer on how the government works. And post the link where Trump said to drink bleach. I’m guessing you know he didn’t. The rest are exaggerations, distortions and half truths. And as far as Covid…
First you post where I said he told people to drink bleach.

Second, he signed the laws so get a middle school primer on how government works. Here’s the photo:

You're a dumbass.

Why do ignorant, elitist, traitors want to drag tge US down the sane path run by Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea,....?

Instead of learning how to out condoms on cucumbers, learning CRT, and learning how how there are 3 genders (M, F, & WTF?), perhaps Democrats and snowflakes shoukd have paid none attention to and learned from HISTORY!
The BBB bill isn’t a path to communism. No schools are learning CRT you twit. Why are you making up culture wars other than compensating for your small penis?
The BBB bill isn’t a path to communism. No schools are learning CRT you twit. Why are you making up culture wars other than compensating for your small penis?
Wow, you not only drank the kool-ade, you dropped your pants and bent over, too...

What an interesting blog article on American ideas about civil responsibility and the knee jerk reaction of Americans generally, and Conservatives specifically, to fear community welfare and immediately associate it with socialism or communism. It led to her asking “What are you so afraid of?”, and she received 5 specific groups of fears:
  1. I’m scared of having to pay for other people’s laziness
  2. I’m scared because I don’t trust my government or other people generally
  3. I’m scared because socialism leads to authoritarianism
  4. I’m scared because socialists and communists kill a lot of people
  5. I’m not scared, socialism always fails
She has some good responses to these fears that I can’t do just to for a short attention span. Read the link if you want. I think these fears keep America from being a great and caring nation.

Why Are Americans and Conservatives So Afraid of Socialism?
I went a little bit viral on TikTok recently for voicing the unthinkable: I said that I like paying taxes. As you might imagine, the Americans and Conservatives in my comment section were shocked and appalled. The words communist and socialist were thrown around like insults, images of gulags and famine were invoked to prove some kind of vague and poorly-articulated point about freedom.

In contrast, the (predominantly western/northern) Europeans seemed to find my explanation pretty fair and even stopped to correct me on some of the finer points of Scottish, Scandinavian and German socialist democracy.

What shocked me, however, was not that so many Americans and Conservatives seemed to misunderstand fundamental aspects of civil life — like taxation — but that so many seemed so vehemently opposed to any suggestion that we should all contribute to the collective welfare of our countrymen.

Curiosity piqued, yesterday I made the mistake of asking Americans and Conservatives: “What is it about communism/socialism that scares you?” Here’s what they said.


Sweetie ... We aren't scared of Socialism or Communism, and much less what TikToc might think about things ... :thup:
Socialism and Communism are simply unamerican, unnecessary, unproductive and unbelievably retarded.

ByteDance owns TikToc and it is tied to the Chinese Communist Party you fucking Nit-Wit.
It is just Cold War Soviet style propaganda.

Last edited:
You're a dumbass.

Why do ignorant, elitist, traitors want to drag tge US down the sane path run by Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea,....?

Instead of learning how to out condoms on cucumbers, learning CRT, and learning how how there are 3 genders (M, F, & WTF?), perhaps Democrats and snowflakes shoukd have paid none attention to and learned from HISTORY!
Traitors were trump and his followers who tried to overthrow our government last January.
What an interesting blog article on American ideas about civil responsibility and the knee jerk reaction of Americans generally, and Conservatives specifically, to fear community welfare and immediately associate it with socialism or communism. It led to her asking “What are you so afraid of?”, and she received 5 specific groups of fears:
  1. I’m scared of having to pay for other people’s laziness
  2. I’m scared because I don’t trust my government or other people generally
  3. I’m scared because socialism leads to authoritarianism
  4. I’m scared because socialists and communists kill a lot of people
  5. I’m not scared, socialism always fails
She has some good responses to these fears that I can’t do just to for a short attention span. Read the link if you want. I think these fears keep America from being a great and caring nation.

Why Are Americans and Conservatives So Afraid of Socialism?
I went a little bit viral on TikTok recently for voicing the unthinkable: I said that I like paying taxes. As you might imagine, the Americans and Conservatives in my comment section were shocked and appalled. The words communist and socialist were thrown around like insults, images of gulags and famine were invoked to prove some kind of vague and poorly-articulated point about freedom.

In contrast, the (predominantly western/northern) Europeans seemed to find my explanation pretty fair and even stopped to correct me on some of the finer points of Scottish, Scandinavian and German socialist democracy.

What shocked me, however, was not that so many Americans and Conservatives seemed to misunderstand fundamental aspects of civil life — like taxation — but that so many seemed so vehemently opposed to any suggestion that we should all contribute to the collective welfare of our countrymen.

Curiosity piqued, yesterday I made the mistake of asking Americans and Conservatives: “What is it about communism/socialism that scares you?” Here’s what they said.
Because it's completely anti American.
the American people never voted to make this a socialist country (and never will), that's why Biden is having so much trouble selling his socialist schemes. MAKE BIDEN MODERATE AGAIN!

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