"Voluntarily surrendered"??

Those documents have been there for at least the the last 6 years. :laughing0301:
Ironically that means that the 5 year statute of limitations on bringing federal charges expired a year ago.
Biden's lawyers are being paid by him to represent him. They are clearly compromised. And furthermore, do his lawyers have Secret/Top Secret clearances that authorize their handling and viewing Biden's classified documents? How is this in any way even considered sensible, much less legal?

Because Democrats are exempt from Laws and can do as they please.
Isn't that painfully self evident at this point?

Why are we still complaining about it is the question.
We did nothing....this is the price.
So what?

I take it that your beloved legacy news forgot to mention that President Trump's lawyers had been in discussions with the National Archives and Records Administration about the records as far back as January. Fifteen boxes had been turned over to them at that time.
What you leave out is that Trump was hiding another 10 boxes containing documents with classified markings. While claiming that the 15 were all that existed.
Yes, that is exactly what happened. Biden's lawyers found the documents. They said, "Oh shit, we don't have security clearance", left the documents where they were, contacted White House counsel, who, having a security clearance, came and retrieved the documents and turned them over to the Archives.

Now let's just contrast that with Trump. Whose lawyers, who didn't have security clearance, told the justice department and the archives that all the documents had been turned over. Said that UNDER OATH. But all the documents were not retrieved until a search warrant was issued--which means someone testified, UNDER OATH, that Trump's lawyers, without security clearance, were lying.

So let's make a comparison. Biden was doing 85 in a 55 in his Corvette, got clocked by the highway patrol, and immediately pulled over. He told the trooper that there was no excuse and admitted he was speeding. Trump was clocked doing 110 in a 25 mph school zone. When the trooper came after him, he punched his Pinto until the engine about blew up, took numerous left turns, and was finally caught behind a barn out in the sticks. When confronted he claimed he had the right to do 110 in a school zone, then he claimed he just stumbled upon the Pinto and climbed in to take a nap, that he never was driving.

I mean the morons on this messageboard never cease to amaze me with their utter ignorance. Hell, prosecute them both. Well, except for the fact that you can't prosecute a sitting president. Guess they will have to wait until 2029 to charge Biden. They can charge Trump NOW.
Nice speculation, what part of your crystal ball did you pull that out of. LOL. Corner of a garage? And you are looking for charges on a POTUS for having docs in a secure, gov't-approved location. ROTFLMAO. You should be on the comedy network.
LMAO, I am the one laughing. The statue of limitations is FIVE YEARS. What a fawking nothing burger. You people are FOOLS. Biden should tell them to piss the hell off.
Hey which roll of Charmin did you get your shit-house lawyer degree from? Talk about a fool.
Biden's lawyers are being paid by him to represent him. They are clearly compromised. And furthermore, do his lawyers have Secret/Top Secret clearances that authorize their handling and viewing Biden's classified documents? How is this in any way even considered sensible, much less legal?
The powers knew about those documents well before the November election and everyone was required to keep absolutely silent until after the midterms when they wouldn't matter.

Now the attorneys are 'finding' and 'willingly' turning over the documents to show how innocent and well intended Biden is. You can be sure that anything incriminating was removed from the batch before they were made public.
The powers knew about those documents well before the November election and everyone was required to keep absolutely silent until after the midterms when they wouldn't matter.

Now the attorneys are 'finding' and 'willingly' turning over the documents to show how innocent and well intended Biden is. You can be sure that anything incriminating was removed from the batch before they were made public.
Gosh, I wonder why we didn't see a leaked photograph of Top Secret/SCI documents laid out on Biden's Corvette hood? :dunno:
The powers knew about those documents well before the November election and everyone was required to keep absolutely silent until after the midterms when they wouldn't matter.

Now the attorneys are 'finding' and 'willingly' turning over the documents to show how innocent and well intended Biden is. You can be sure that anything incriminating was removed from the batch before they were made public.
Doesn't matter what the docs contained, Biden incriminating or not. The fact of the matter is they were classified materials that were mishandled by Biden and his admin and anyone who touched them is guilty of a felony.
Gosh, I wonder why we didn't see a leaked photograph of Top Secret/SCI documents laid out on Biden's Corvette hood? :dunno:
Good question. I am quite sure those empty classified folders the FBI took to show to the gullible world they brought in with them. Why would they still be in the boxes? And since we now know that Hunter was living in the Delaware home with those unsecured documents for some time, wouldn't you think that would merit a raid to see what he took with him when he left?
Doesn't matter what the docs contained, Biden incriminating or not. The fact of the matter is they were classified materials that were mishandled by Biden and his admin and anyone who touched them is guilty of a felony.
But since we have zero information other than speculation by talking persons on TV and media propaganda and hype, we really aren't in a position to know what it was and how big a deal it was. But for sure an ex vice-President has less justification to have classified documents in his possession than does an ex-President.

Real dilemma for the media and Democrats though who accused President Trump of jeopardizing national security, being an existential threat to democracy, and 'nobody is above the law.' CNN even managed to work in a theory of how those documents in Biden's possession were Trump's fault. :)

But unless they are willing to accuse Biden as they accused Trump, they sure have a sh*tload of trash talk to eat.
ex vice-President has less justification to have classified documents in his possession than does an ex-President.
All of that is noise. The case hinges on where the docs were. Were they in a secure environment? Who had access or did access them. In this case, Biden has admitted that his lawyers discovered them and they did not have security clearance. That fact on its face says they were not in a secure location. Notwithstanding the fact that he had docs stored in the corner of his garage. Of course the dems are going to say but, but Trump.
All of that is noise. The case hinges on where the docs were. Were they in a secure environment? Who had access or did access them. In this case, Biden has admitted that his lawyers discovered them and they did not have security clearance. That fact on its face says they were not in a secure location. Notwithstanding the fact that he had docs stored in the corner of his garage. Of course the dems are going to say but, but Trump.
The point is, the docs in Trump's possession were much ado about nothing or they would have shown us what a threat they were before the mid terms.

The docs in Biden's possession are a big 'meh' to the Democrats who control the Senate, the White House and the Justice Dept. They will be a big 'meh' no matter what is in them and if there is anything really incriminating, it is highly unlikely we will ever know about it no matter what investigations the House runs or what subpoenas they issue.

I can't imagine, given their track records so far, that Merrick Garland or Christopher Wray or anybody else in that administration will do any serious investigation of Biden. And certainly there will be no indictment. Yes Garland appointed a special counsel to investigate the Biden classified documents, but you can be sure that person will find no criminality or even any serious wrong doing on the part of the President.

The huge fallacy in holding government accountable is the government does the investigation of itself. When it does not fear the media--and this government does not--it can do pretty much anything it wants with 100% impunity.

The media is ticked off now because this is one scandal the Dems kept from them, but even though they are mildly criticizing Biden a bit now, look for them to quickly get over it and rehabilitate him. This won't move the needle on his approval ratings much, if any, but it does give the Dems some leverage to convince him not to run again in 2024. That, in my opinion, is their motive for 'finding' these documents now.

Having said that, the questions remain:
Why is it Biden's lawyers finding these docs and why is the FBI seemingly entirely disinterested?

Why is there no raid on Hunter Biden's place as he lived in the same house with those classified documents for several years? What did he see among them? What did he take with him, if anything, when he left?

The Chinese government gave mega millions to the University of Pennsylvania who in turn has funneled close to a million to Biden for doing pretty much nothing and Penn also funded his Washington office called the Penn Biden Center where a large batch of those classified documents were found. Are the Chinese money and those layouts related? Are there other kickbacks involved? All that needs investigation as real corruption.

Michael Kinsley, one of my favorite leftwing commentators, once said the real scandals aren't in what is illegal but what is legal.
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Biden's lawyers are being paid by him to represent him. They are clearly compromised. And furthermore, do his lawyers have Secret/Top Secret clearances that authorize their handling and viewing Biden's classified documents? How is this in any way even considered sensible, much less legal?

Television and news aside. Lawyers are required to operate ethically. Let me see if I can explain it to you. If you tell your lawyer the truth. He can’t elicit false testimony from you without running afoul of the legal ethical standards. He can and will be disbarred for that. In other words. He better hope you paid him a lot of money because his career as a lawyer is over.

Additionally, Lawyers are considered Officers of the Court. They are duty bound to obey and even enforce the law. So the lawyers going through the documents, they would know that those documents were not supposed to be there and would immediately notify the appropriate agency.

Let’s say you walk in your backyard. You see a machete covered in blood. You call the police and notify them that you have found it. That is what the Lawyers appear to have done.

As to the other idiotic question about why the FBI didn’t raid? Let’s say you come home from vacation and find a dead body in your living room. You call the police and give them permission to enter. You have waived your right to a search warrant. You are cooperating with the LEO’s. You look around and tell them if anything is missing or if anything is there that wasn’t there before you left on vacation.

That is what it appears the lawyers for Biden did. They invited the appropriate agencies in and made a statement on where and how and when the documents were found. Much as Trump’s lawyers did when they found additional documents in a storage unit.

That is what you are supposed to do when you find things you aren’t supposed to have. Not hide them. Or Lie about having them.
Television and news aside. Lawyers are required to operate ethically. Let me see if I can explain it to you. If you tell your lawyer the truth. He can’t elicit false testimony from you without running afoul of the legal ethical standards. He can and will be disbarred for that. In other words. He better hope you paid him a lot of money because his career as a lawyer is over.

Additionally, Lawyers are considered Officers of the Court. They are duty bound to obey and even enforce the law. So the lawyers going through the documents, they would know that those documents were not supposed to be there and would immediately notify the appropriate agency.

Let’s say you walk in your backyard. You see a machete covered in blood. You call the police and notify them that you have found it. That is what the Lawyers appear to have done.

As to the other idiotic question about why the FBI didn’t raid? Let’s say you come home from vacation and find a dead body in your living room. You call the police and give them permission to enter. You have waived your right to a search warrant. You are cooperating with the LEO’s. You look around and tell them if anything is missing or if anything is there that wasn’t there before you left on vacation.

That is what it appears the lawyers for Biden did. They invited the appropriate agencies in and made a statement on where and how and when the documents were found. Much as Trump’s lawyers did when they found additional documents in a storage unit.

That is what you are supposed to do when you find things you aren’t supposed to have. Not hide them. Or Lie about having them.

Your source is dated December 8, 2022, making it worthless in this discussion. How desperate are you?

Further, as you know, President Trump had delivered numerous boxes to the National Archives and was negotiating with the NA about the remaining documents in a locked room in a secure facility.

I'll help you and bring you up to date.


You might want to cool down a bit, major Democrats are not walking but running from this Biden catastrophe.

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Your source is dated December 8, 2022, making it worthless in this discussion. How desperate are you?

Further, as you know, President Trump had delivered numerous boxes to the National Archives and was negotiating with the NA about the remaining documents in a locked room in a secure facility.

I'll help you and bring you up to date.


You might want to cool down a bit, major Democrats are not walking but running from this Biden catastrophe.


You may be too radically partisan to discuss this with.

After the Raid. Trump’s lawyers hired people to go through the rest of the documents. They turned the documents they found over to the FBI. That was the point I was making. A point you couldn’t bother to understand. Perhaps you were too angry at how dumb it all looks now?

Second. There is an independent prosecutor investigating Biden over the documents. What more do you want?

Third. Trump was not negotiating the return of the documents. Trump kept swearing he didn’t have any more. A big fucking difference.

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