Why are blacks attacking Jews?

It’s a documented fact, the white extremists whites have committed the most hate crimes that resulted in murders.
Where did your "documented facts" come from? The Southern Poverty Law Center?
All charts, graphs, facts, claims, etc. without a source and documentation are bullshit. You posted bullshit. Thanks for nothing.
It’s a documented fact, the white extremists whites have committed the most hate crimes that resulted in murders.
Where did your "documented facts" come from? The Southern Poverty Law Center?
All charts, graphs, facts, claims, etc. without a source and documentation are bullshit. You posted bullshit. Thanks for nothing.
They label Nazis and skinheads and the like as "right-wing". We do have posters here that align with them. They are all National SOCIALISTS

It isn’t political.

Antisemitism, racism, Islamophobia, homophobia exists in all groups.

He does raise an interesting point, though, and one I was thinking about myself the other day. Why all of a sudden these attacks on Jews by black Americans? It just seems to have materialized out of the blue over the past year. Maybe these few incidents are simply mathematical coincidences, but if they are part of a larger and growing pattern, what set this off? It's quite bizarre.

There have been many more attacks on Jewish folks than black folks, but I guess you don't question it because whites have always attacked Jewish people.

I could also make a claim that my Polish people are attacked & being murdered by Blacks, Latinos, Muslims and Whites, all over.

Of course, we'd never be taken seriously, because we don't matter to the Globalists who hate us.

Murder of Jan Pawel and Quiana Jenkins Pietrzak - Wikipedia

Henryk Siwiak homicide - Wikipedia

Woman, 18, Visiting Chicago From Poland Had To Relearn How To Walk And Talk After Brutal West Town Rape, Prosecutors Say


The killing of a Polish man exposes the reality of post-referendum racism | Jakub Krupa

Ahsan Hassan jailed for killing ex Zofia Sadowska | Daily Mail Online

Pete 'Kong' Smolak a former PVP(Playboy) etched his name on Damen ave right by Augusta in front of the cleaners store

Polish priest murdered in Brazil


'Significant arrests' in investigation into machete murder of Polish father-of-two in Cork

Three arrested in connection with murder of Polish man in Cork machete attack

No charges a year after Polish man murdered in Letterkenny – Donegal Daily

Mexican officials say German and Polish cyclists were probably murdered, dumped off a highway





Interesting approach.
Blacks are behind a mass disproportionate amount of shootings, therefor judging them all is necessary.
Necessary to who? Not me. Where did I even infer all blacks were enemies of Jews and they should all be judged
as one?

Jews are behind a mass disproportionate amount of Leftist institutions that control, divide & destroy America, and judging them as Individuals is necessary.
Your disgusting rotten anti Semitic brain (straight out of the Third Reich) makes you believe Jews (the evil hook nosed greedy jooze) are behind the downfall of America but where is the proof for that?
There are many more WASP types like Bill Gates running our corporations and in congress than there are Jews doing the same.

Save your drivel for someone who cares about what you think. I don't give a shit about your opinions.

So, who contributes 50% of Democrat money, what tribe does Soros belong to?
Who owns CNN, MSNBC, Facebook, Lyft, ABC, CBS, and Hollywood?
"Blacks can't be racist because they have no power over others".

- Reginald Denny
My ex wife was Jewish. She was a terrible person but not because of any Jewishness.
I just don't understand the hatred for Jews. It is just inexplicable to me.
They're all plotting to control the world.

Interesting approach.
Blacks are behind a mass disproportionate amount of shootings, therefor judging them all is necessary.
Jews are behind a mass disproportionate amount of Leftist institutions that control, divide & destroy America, and judging them as Individuals is necessary.

Therefore has an "e" in it.

Thanks, OCD panic attack filled control freak.
Explain senseless violence from violence with sense? You always resort to insults. So easily triggered.

Violence with sense could be in self defense.
Man with machine gun walks into your house & tries to rape his daughter..
Is fighting back with violence in that scenario wrong?
So, who contributes 50% of Democrat money, what tribe does Soros belong to?
Who owns CNN, MSNBC, Facebook, Lyft, ABC, CBS, and Hollywood?
The Chinese own Hollywood and Soros renounced Judaism in his childhood as the rest of his non observant Jewish family did also. But I'm not interested in your idiocy.

I blame myself for encouraging you to blather thus far. Please stop.
Blacks can't be racist because they have no power over others".

- Reginald Denny
You run up against four or five blacks just waiting to split your skull you see who holds all that power.

That argument has always been bullshit meant to make black racists feel like they can't be touched.
This recent rise in anti Semitic attacks from blacks is rather curious. I blame the media and Obama and the Democrats running or office. Their hate filled rhetoric causes people to act.

Blood is on the hands of every member of the media and every Democrat!


This is ugly.

SQUAD GOALS: ‘The Squad’ Is Silent About Anti-Semitic Stabbings in New York.

And there are plenty of Democratic Party operatives with bylines who are quite happy to help them maintain that silence.

They're all plotting to control the world.

Interesting approach.
Blacks are behind a mass disproportionate amount of shootings, therefor judging them all is necessary.
Jews are behind a mass disproportionate amount of Leftist institutions that control, divide & destroy America, and judging them as Individuals is necessary.

Therefore has an "e" in it.

Thanks, OCD panic attack filled control freak.
Explain senseless violence from violence with sense? You always resort to insults. So easily triggered.

Violence with sense could be in self defense.
Man with machine gun walks into your house & tries to rape his daughter..
Is fighting back with violence in that scenario wrong?
Why would he walk into my house to rape his daughter? What if I hear the man will come into my house and attack him proactively is that senseless violence?
...as I have proven many times--they commit more hate crimes per capita and they are so obsessed with race that it warps their minds
This recent rise in anti Semitic attacks from blacks is rather curious. I blame the media and Obama and the Democrats running or office. Their hate filled rhetoric causes people to act.

Blood is on the hands of every member of the media and every Democrat!



It isn’t political.

Antisemitism, racism, Islamophobia, homophobia exists in all groups.
..the blacks became a lot more hateful/blatantly hateful and racist during the Obama years
Blacks can't be racist because they have no power over others".

- Reginald Denny
You run up against four or five blacks just waiting to split your skull you see who holds all that power.

That argument has always been bullshit meant to make black racists feel like they can't be touched.

I've been attacked by more Blacks than that by myself vs at least 6 of them.

Never been punched so softly in my life.
The shocking attack that took place in Monsey did not happen on its own.
This is not some G-d forsaken Muslim country, these things are said in broad daylight in the US.

The Nazi speaker is Eva Mohammed, spokeswoman for the Nation of Islam - The Nation of Islam is an African-American, Islamic-religious organization, its current leader is the anti-Semitic neo-Nazi Lewis Farhan. Barack Hussein Obama's spiritual master.

The sad irony is that Jews were among the most prominent activists supporting

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Yeah those damned black people
Nobody claimed white bigots have never attacked Jews.

That you have to imply otherwise shows how weak and idiotic your denials are. Thanks for nullifying your own absurd self.
I like how you always add "qualifiers" when the shooter is white....

Now it is NOT just whites attacking Jews....its just the "racists" or bigots...

No need to opine and ask questions like "Why are whites attacking Jews"

However when the shooter is black...suddenly those qualifiers go out of the window and now its just "the blacks" -- now we need to get to the bottom of why the blacks are attacking jews


The problem is Negroes & Western Europeans lack self control, they're impulsive, violent, savages.

Poles are probably more anti-Semitic, even ones in the USA.

Nationalist protesters take over New York square as Polish anti-Semitic debate spreads to U.S.

We don't seem to Chimp out like you Negro - West Euro dregs do.
Blacks can't be racist because they have no power over others".

- Reginald Denny
You run up against four or five blacks just waiting to split your skull you see who holds all that power.

That argument has always been bullshit meant to make black racists feel like they can't be touched.

Yea, I know. That's why I jokingly attributed the quote to Reginald Denny, who was nearly killed by a mob of blacks.
Democrats created a hostile environment in hopes it would help them in 2020.

I disagree. If anything, Trump has created an environment that encourages this.

Interesting. We have seen a sharp rise in antisemitism and other acts of hate under the Trump regime...he has overseen a normalization of white supremacy by rebranding it as "white nationalism"...

Who are the ones howling about moving our embassy to Jerusalem and recognizing it as their capital? Oh, that would be the leftard base and their leaders like AOC and her Fraud Squad of Palestine lovers.

You don't have to love Palestine, to recognize they've been brutalized, or that they also deserve a nation.

Why the fuck would they deserve a nation? Dozens of Muslim nations around them can take them in. Remember that the Palestinians REFUSED every two state offer given to them.
I disagree. If anything, Trump has created an environment that encourages this.

Interesting. We have seen a sharp rise in antisemitism and other acts of hate under the Trump regime...he has overseen a normalization of white supremacy by rebranding it as "white nationalism"...

Who are the ones howling about moving our embassy to Jerusalem and recognizing it as their capital? Oh, that would be the leftard base and their leaders like AOC and her Fraud Squad of Palestine lovers.

You don't have to love Palestine, to recognize they've been brutalized, or that they also deserve a nation.

Why the fuck would they deserve a nation? Dozens of Muslim nations around them can take them in. Remember that the Palestinians REFUSED every two state offer given to them.

Why do Americans / Western European savages deserve a nation?
When you don't have the brains, or brawn to fight for your cultural existence?

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