Why are blacks generally poor?

Why are blacks generally poor? All I can come up with is they just don't care to educate themselves and work hard.

Am I right?

Because you would be wrong to assume that silliness . How does 30% (a MINORITY of "them") of a population or demographic that is "poor", suddenly represent the 70% (A MAJORITY of "them") who are NOT poor? In fact; I can't think of one of my "Black friends" or Black family members who would even come close to qualifying as "poor".

You are smarter than the assertion you posted in your OP, why would you c:eusa_whistle:ome out with something that I am willing to bet you already know is FALSE.

Of course. It was a "bait" thread.
Why are blacks generally poor? All I can come up with is they just don't care to educate themselves and work hard.

Am I right?
People who are violent with low IQ's are going to be poor

Is that what you think matt,because that description fits about 65% of whites (poor whites) that is and also rich whites. Are there any poor AA's in your neighborhood matt,or in the vicinity.I bet if you walk around you neighborhood you would see more white beggars then AA"s.:eusa_eh:
Why are blacks generally poor? All I can come up with is they just don't care to educate themselves and work hard.

Am I right?

Most blacks are too stupid for hard work to matter, unless they have athletic talent.

You can put most whites in that same catagory. Whites got hit hard in the last recession,you have those with degrees who got fired from their jobs,lost their homes and became homeless. They are the ones doing the most screaming out there.
they're not hicks, they're well groomed mountain people.

There is such a thing?

Dee pinds how u dee fine groom.

Watermelon pip spitting, toilet seat tossing and armpit serenades... welcome to the Summer Redneck Games

hoo says we aint cleen? this is how we wash up fer dinner. Wut dont kill the hog onlee make u stronger.

Hey matt are these your neighbors,is this why you are protesting AA"s?
Inferior cultures produce unhappy, uncivilized and poor people. Get rid of all aspects of black culture and you'll see black people thrive.

You'd think they'd want to charge that.:doubt:
Blacks are thriving,they own their own homes,own businesses,new cars and boats.They are doing very well at least in the town where I live.:lol::lol:
Inferior cultures produce unhappy, uncivilized and poor people. Get rid of all aspects of black culture and you'll see black people thrive.

You'd think they'd want to charge that.:doubt:
Blacks are thriving,they own their own homes,own businesses,new cars and boats.They are doing very well at least in the town where I live.:lol::lol:

Same here, what there are.
Many of those who are poor are poor because of cultural heritage. LBJ's great Society was a double-edged sword. It helps those of us who desperately needed help, but also created a sense of entitlement and blunted whatever work ethic we had.

No it did not.

And actually? It's one of the reasons there is any social mobility at all in the Black Community.
Blacks in America are actually rich compared to other parts of the world. Plenty to eat, decent housing, free phone and cable, and they don't have to work for it. No wonder people from other countries want to sneak in.
I think its the culture, the biggest issue is the desire to be 'top famous' superstar - and I don't really hold them accountable for that - but this chain must be broken, instead of a hard working self built image of the ideal black person they strive for quick money and fame, they lack the ability to save or wisely calculate cost and go with the herd, there are two ways available to achieve what the mostly desire (I'm talking about the 'generally poor' part of the society) and this is crime - be the famous gangster, rich and out of boundaries, or going to the show business where you compete in the world toughest market only few make it to the top.. India is pretty much the same I believe.
I think it mostly influenced by the extreme opposition from a slave to the king, or the modern type of king..
How are Blacks considered "generally poor", when only a minority (27-33%) of "them" live in poverty? Maybe the OP should look inside of himself to see why he would consider Blacks "generally poor".

I saw some people state that "Liberalism" makes them poor, if that's so;why are so many "red states" over represented when it comes to poverty rates? See pic . below:

Why are blacks generally poor? All I can come up with is they just don't care to educate themselves and work hard.

Am I right?

Right? No. Racist? Yes.

Suppose I could post facts and figures but what's the point? Not like a racist's gonna read it, or conceed the point, and those who already agree with me don't need to either. No one's on the fence on this one. "Hmm I think blacks are lazier too. ..Oh wait no they're not." :)
Why are blacks generally poor? All I can come up with is they just don't care to educate themselves and work hard.

Am I right?

No, you are not. If you understand the definition of the word "generally", it is defined as "in most cases, or as a whole".

The majority of the black populations does not live below the poverty level.

That being said, let's wait for a few minutes for the rest of our cartoon pals to surface and state that those who are not poor rely on welfare, free stuff(whatever that means) and the white population.


Blacks represent about 12-13 percent of the population and as of 2010, 27.4 percent of them had the highest poverty rate with whites being at 9.9 percent.

45.8 percent of black children lived in poverty compared to 14.5 percent of white children.


Please identify the source of your alleged facts.
Inferior cultures produce unhappy, uncivilized and poor people. Get rid of all aspects of black culture and you'll see black people thrive.

Fraudboy dissin' black culture. Again. I wonder what his prison experience would be like :)
Why are blacks generally poor? All I can come up with is they just don't care to educate themselves and work hard.

Am I right?

What I've run across
1. fear of owning and managing property.
From poor black workers to church pastor, the lack of knowledge and experience with land ownership causes bad financial decisions and exploitation.

In my district alone, the poor pastors are taken advantage of, lied to by the city and county to force them to give up property for fear of fighting taxes. If they had legal resources to defend themselves they wouldn't be such easy prey.

Also a coworker has her entire church begging the pastor to buy up the land around their church. but he refuses. And they have a cultural tradition of respecting their church and govt leaders. so the Hispanic churches and neighbors are buying up the land, but the black members and churches are missing out because of fear of losing money and property.

The same thing with another district up north; I talked with a Black Democrat who kept running into the same thing. She was pushing to buy up the land, but all the Hispanic families and groups were buying up all the lots. The Black people were too afraid.

I think this comes from leftover issues from White landowners abusing laws and govt to enslave Black people as property. So using the same laws to help oneself is seen as identifying with the white power corporate culture and isn't seen as independent.

2. the same with the negative perception of "white man's laws" and "corporate culture and wealth" as the oppressive class mentality that is "against" the working people.

3. in general there is a class division between rich and poor, that is used to keep people segregated socially and financially.

it still affects the blacks and minorities more, who cannot afford such divisions in their community support and resources. So the poor stay poorer when this division is abused to keep them fearing and separating from anything associated with the corporate class.

I notice the Latino and Asian minorities are able to remain more cohesive, but the Blacks suffer the most from political class division between rich and poor to keep them fighting.

Once you get both rich blaming the poor, and poor blaming the rich, then this is like the divisive tactic of keeping poor "field slaves" fighting against privileged "house slaves."

this animosity and the wounds from exploiting it are still embedded and carried among the Black communities; until that is fully healed and addressed, too many remain outside the system rebelling against the exploitation class, instead of rich and poor working together to break the cycle of poverty and abuse that keeps them so segregated.
Why are blacks generally poor? All I can come up with is they just don't care to educate themselves and work hard.

Am I right?

No, you are not. If you understand the definition of the word "generally", it is defined as "in most cases, or as a whole".

The majority of the black populations does not live below the poverty level.

That being said, let's wait for a few minutes for the rest of our cartoon pals to surface and state that those who are not poor rely on welfare, free stuff(whatever that means) and the white population.


Dear [MENTION=11635]katsteve2012
are you not counting the disproportionate populations of Blacks and other minorities
caught in the cycle of incarceration, poverty, welfare and crime?

I agree it's more an issue of financial and legal poverty vs. wealth, and not race per se.

But because of the history of disparity among Blacks, who weren't even allowed to own property for 150 years when they were considered property themselves,
that is why there is such a correlation between Black race and poverty.

If you do not recognize and teach that equal property ownership and legal knowledge
is necessary to overcome the cycle of legal abuse and poverty,
you are not helping but doing a grave disservice to deny this critical key to the
problem and its solution.

We absolutely must teach if not require equal education of property laws
and ownership, or else people cannot be equal.

The ones owning property, businesses, apts, or even controlling land through
city and county taxes will always have more power than those who are out of that loop.

So this becomes necessary to teach and experience
if people are ever really going to establish human equality.

That is just reality, sorry to break it to you!

The 3 to 4 areas that I found that determine "how equal people are":
1. legal education and knowledge of the laws and conflict resolution and mediation, due process, checks and balances, equal protections
2. business and property management and financial training and access to credit
3. spiritual knowledge of forgiveness and healing of mind and body, personal and community relationships
4. access or assistance with media technology from computers to production

If people are empowered in 2 or 3 of these areas, you can fake the 4th if you can get someone else to help do it for you.
But if you can barely manage 1 or 2 areas, how do you expect to compete with people who can manage 3 or 4 and hire help to do the rest?

So don't tell me people are equal. We have a ways to go to even recognize
these levels and how they impact inequality and abuse of one group by others;
much less to teach people by setting up access for education and training.
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