Why are Cruz supporters against trump?

Just wondering why a lot of Cruz supporters are anti trump? I've seen some rabid Cruz supporters absolutely against trump. For what reasons?
I was listening to Limbaugh yesterday, and he a made a good point: Essentially that Cruz was poised and ready to be The Anti-Establishment Candidate until Trump came along and pissed in his corn flakes.

So between the two, Cruz has been more tied to The Establishment, especially after his creative and insider-like "let's get delegates without a vote" strategy.

So in effect, Trump has managed to be even more embarrassing and annoying than Cruz, and Ted's supporters are really pissed about that.
You mean the follow the Rules and run a campaign .... You dont get to say Cruz did wrong because Trump is to stupid to understand how a primary works...I really hate this fucking lie by trumpers.
Just wondering why a lot of Cruz supporters are anti trump? I've seen some rabid Cruz supporters absolutely against trump. For what reasons?
I was listening to Limbaugh yesterday, and he a made a good point: Essentially that Cruz was poised and ready to be The Anti-Establishment Candidate until Trump came along and pissed in his corn flakes.

So between the two, Cruz has been more tied to The Establishment, especially after his creative and insider-like "let's get delegates without a vote" strategy.

So in effect, Trump has managed to be even more embarrassing and annoying than Cruz, and Ted's supporters are really pissed about that.
You mean the follow the Rules and run a campaign .... You dont get to say Cruz did wrong because Trump is to stupid to understand how a primary works...I really hate this fucking lie by trumpers.
Trump has now won 27 elections in the primary. Cruz has won 9. He has finished 3rd place or worse 16 times.

But please, go on and tell us how Ted deserves to have the nomination gifted to him by the establishment. :rolleyes:
Just wondering why a lot of Cruz supporters are anti trump? I've seen some rabid Cruz supporters absolutely against trump. For what reasons?
I was listening to Limbaugh yesterday, and he a made a good point: Essentially that Cruz was poised and ready to be The Anti-Establishment Candidate until Trump came along and pissed in his corn flakes.

So between the two, Cruz has been more tied to The Establishment, especially after his creative and insider-like "let's get delegates without a vote" strategy.

So in effect, Trump has managed to be even more embarrassing and annoying than Cruz, and Ted's supporters are really pissed about that.
You mean the follow the Rules and run a campaign .... You dont get to say Cruz did wrong because Trump is to stupid to understand how a primary works...I really hate this fucking lie by trumpers.
Trump has now won 27 elections in the primary. Cruz has won 9. He has finished 3rd place or worse 16 times.

But please, go on and tell us how Ted deserves to have the nomination gifted to him by the establishment. :rolleyes:
Because dumbass not all states use a popular vote..... Why is that so hard for you to understand?????
Just wondering why a lot of Cruz supporters are anti trump? I've seen some rabid Cruz supporters absolutely against trump. For what reasons?
I was listening to Limbaugh yesterday, and he a made a good point: Essentially that Cruz was poised and ready to be The Anti-Establishment Candidate until Trump came along and pissed in his corn flakes.

So between the two, Cruz has been more tied to The Establishment, especially after his creative and insider-like "let's get delegates without a vote" strategy.

So in effect, Trump has managed to be even more embarrassing and annoying than Cruz, and Ted's supporters are really pissed about that.
You mean the follow the Rules and run a campaign .... You dont get to say Cruz did wrong because Trump is to stupid to understand how a primary works...I really hate this fucking lie by trumpers.
Trump has now won 27 elections in the primary. Cruz has won 9. He has finished 3rd place or worse 16 times.

But please, go on and tell us how Ted deserves to have the nomination gifted to him by the establishment. :rolleyes:

Too bad for Trump that's not how the primaries work. Politics is a game, and Cruz and Kasich know how to play it.
Just wondering why a lot of Cruz supporters are anti trump? I've seen some rabid Cruz supporters absolutely against trump. For what reasons?
I was listening to Limbaugh yesterday, and he a made a good point: Essentially that Cruz was poised and ready to be The Anti-Establishment Candidate until Trump came along and pissed in his corn flakes.

So between the two, Cruz has been more tied to The Establishment, especially after his creative and insider-like "let's get delegates without a vote" strategy.

So in effect, Trump has managed to be even more embarrassing and annoying than Cruz, and Ted's supporters are really pissed about that.
You mean the follow the Rules and run a campaign .... You dont get to say Cruz did wrong because Trump is to stupid to understand how a primary works...I really hate this fucking lie by trumpers.
Trump has now won 27 elections in the primary. Cruz has won 9. He has finished 3rd place or worse 16 times.

But please, go on and tell us how Ted deserves to have the nomination gifted to him by the establishment. :rolleyes:
Because dumbass not all states use a popular vote..... Why is that so hard for you to understand?????
Are you aware your boy Lyin' Ted will not be able to bribe and threaten the electoral college like he can these delegates in the general? Probably not.

Anyways if your establishment steals the nomination from Trump it'll probably be Romney or Ryan on the ticket. And we'll only have clowns like you to thank.
Just wondering why a lot of Cruz supporters are anti trump? I've seen some rabid Cruz supporters absolutely against trump. For what reasons?
I was listening to Limbaugh yesterday, and he a made a good point: Essentially that Cruz was poised and ready to be The Anti-Establishment Candidate until Trump came along and pissed in his corn flakes.

So between the two, Cruz has been more tied to The Establishment, especially after his creative and insider-like "let's get delegates without a vote" strategy.

So in effect, Trump has managed to be even more embarrassing and annoying than Cruz, and Ted's supporters are really pissed about that.
You mean the follow the Rules and run a campaign .... You dont get to say Cruz did wrong because Trump is to stupid to understand how a primary works...I really hate this fucking lie by trumpers.
Trump has now won 27 elections in the primary. Cruz has won 9. He has finished 3rd place or worse 16 times.

But please, go on and tell us how Ted deserves to have the nomination gifted to him by the establishment. :rolleyes:
Because dumbass not all states use a popular vote..... Why is that so hard for you to understand?????
Are you aware your boy Lyin' Ted will not be able to bribe and threaten the electoral college like he can these delegates in the general? Probably not.

Anyways if your establishment steals the nomination from Trump it'll probably be Romney or Ryan on the ticket. And we'll only have clowns like you to thank.
Show proof Cruz bribed delegates. Show what Cruz has lied about. Tell me why you think Trump a man who cant keep promises to his own wives and cheats will keep his promise to you knuckle dragging idiots?
Just wondering why a lot of Cruz supporters are anti trump? I've seen some rabid Cruz supporters absolutely against trump. For what reasons?
I was listening to Limbaugh yesterday, and he a made a good point: Essentially that Cruz was poised and ready to be The Anti-Establishment Candidate until Trump came along and pissed in his corn flakes.

So between the two, Cruz has been more tied to The Establishment, especially after his creative and insider-like "let's get delegates without a vote" strategy.

So in effect, Trump has managed to be even more embarrassing and annoying than Cruz, and Ted's supporters are really pissed about that.
You mean the follow the Rules and run a campaign .... You dont get to say Cruz did wrong because Trump is to stupid to understand how a primary works...I really hate this fucking lie by trumpers.
Trump has now won 27 elections in the primary. Cruz has won 9. He has finished 3rd place or worse 16 times.

But please, go on and tell us how Ted deserves to have the nomination gifted to him by the establishment. :rolleyes:

Too bad for Trump that's not how the primaries work. Politics is a game, and Cruz and Kasich know how to play it.
Yeah they're great career politicians. Their only weakness is inability to win votes or states. :rolleyes:
Okay so when did Cruz become a conservative? I recently watched a video montage of Cruz first espouse a GOP establishment RINO position on an issue, then flip flop 180 degrees and espouse a conservative position on the same issue. As the video played issue after issue there is Cruz in the video first being a RINO then being a conservative.

Then I go back to a report some weeks ago, that one of the reasons the GOP establishment doesn't like Cruz is they know he's a hypocrite. He first tried to kiss their ass and wanted to be part of the GOP establishment, and only after hey rebuffed him did he don this costume of conservative anti-establishment.

I think you Cruz people need to pull your heads out of the sand.
Because at his core Trump is far more liberal than conservative but far more important his campigan mirrors Obama's in 2008 in that it's all based on style, flash, and personality with no substance he has shown no indication that he knows how to govern or even wants to learn nor has he shown that he has any grasp of foreign policy.

Finally! Holey crap, you are the only human I have seen who points out the parallel! He must be using the 13 rules to, because he is doing it way better then Obama ever could to.
I was listening to Limbaugh yesterday, and he a made a good point: Essentially that Cruz was poised and ready to be The Anti-Establishment Candidate until Trump came along and pissed in his corn flakes.

So between the two, Cruz has been more tied to The Establishment, especially after his creative and insider-like "let's get delegates without a vote" strategy.

So in effect, Trump has managed to be even more embarrassing and annoying than Cruz, and Ted's supporters are really pissed about that.
You mean the follow the Rules and run a campaign .... You dont get to say Cruz did wrong because Trump is to stupid to understand how a primary works...I really hate this fucking lie by trumpers.
Trump has now won 27 elections in the primary. Cruz has won 9. He has finished 3rd place or worse 16 times.

But please, go on and tell us how Ted deserves to have the nomination gifted to him by the establishment. :rolleyes:
Because dumbass not all states use a popular vote..... Why is that so hard for you to understand?????
Are you aware your boy Lyin' Ted will not be able to bribe and threaten the electoral college like he can these delegates in the general? Probably not.

Anyways if your establishment steals the nomination from Trump it'll probably be Romney or Ryan on the ticket. And we'll only have clowns like you to thank.
Show proof Cruz bribed delegates. Show what Cruz has lied about. Tell me why you think Trump a man who cant keep promises to his own wives and cheats will keep his promise to you knuckle dragging idiots?

Cruz's lies:
Ted Cruz’s Biggest Liability Is Probably His Constant Lying

As for bribing delegates? How else do you think you get delegates in states without elections or any oversight whatsoever?
Just wondering why a lot of Cruz supporters are anti trump? I've seen some rabid Cruz supporters absolutely against trump. For what reasons?
I was listening to Limbaugh yesterday, and he a made a good point: Essentially that Cruz was poised and ready to be The Anti-Establishment Candidate until Trump came along and pissed in his corn flakes.

So between the two, Cruz has been more tied to The Establishment, especially after his creative and insider-like "let's get delegates without a vote" strategy.

So in effect, Trump has managed to be even more embarrassing and annoying than Cruz, and Ted's supporters are really pissed about that.
You mean the follow the Rules and run a campaign .... You dont get to say Cruz did wrong because Trump is to stupid to understand how a primary works...I really hate this fucking lie by trumpers.
Trump has now won 27 elections in the primary. Cruz has won 9. He has finished 3rd place or worse 16 times.

But please, go on and tell us how Ted deserves to have the nomination gifted to him by the establishment. :rolleyes:

Too bad for Trump that's not how the primaries work. Politics is a game, and Cruz and Kasich know how to play it.
Yeah they're great career politicians. Their only weakness is inability to win votes or states. :rolleyes:

Kasich's weakness is that he plays nice. Cruz's weakness is that he's an unlikable c*nt. Trump's strength is that voters are retarded.
Because at his core Trump is far more liberal than conservative but far more important his campigan mirrors Obama's in 2008 in that it's all based on style, flash, and personality with no substance he has shown no indication that he knows how to govern or even wants to learn nor has he shown that he has any grasp of foreign policy.

Finally! Holey crap, you are the only human I have seen who points out the parallel! He must be using the 13 rules to, because he is doing it way better then Obama ever could to.
It's fairly amazing so few seem to notice this it could not be more obvious .
Just wondering why a lot of Cruz supporters are anti trump? I've seen some rabid Cruz supporters absolutely against trump. For what reasons?
While it's hard to discern the motives of completely irrational individuals, based on careful study of this question I've come to the conclusion that the most likely explanation is that the miscreant that the Trump supporters worship called the miscreant that the Cruz supporters worship a whole bunch of nasty names.

In other words , their god insulted our god so their god is a dickweed..... :)
When Cruz first came onto the scene he was considered the most genuine conservative in the Senate. Now a man who has been a liberal until a few years ago is stealing the spotlight. I can't stand Cruz, but Trump supporters are retarded.
Hey Aaron... don't be a RINO :mad:

Drumphf quote,

Donald Trump: 'I am the most fabulous whiner'

"I think he's probably right. I am the most fabulous whiner. I do whine because I want to win. And I'm not happy if I'm not winning. And I am a whiner. And I'm a whiner and I keep whining and whining until I win," he said. "And I'm going to win for the country and I'm going to make our country great again."

We shall see, but he will be made a Non-issue pretty fast. Who will he blame, and how much money will it take to get back on the Clintons good side?
Trump is a RINO.
Cruz is this cycle's unelectable conservative. Trump, ironically, has become the center/right establishment candidate,

and the establishment Republicans haven't even figured that out.
In a way that's exactly right. Remember W trying to push through amnesty and privatize soc sec? He got his azz handed to him by working class whites. While Trump more recently has proposed a supply side tax cut, he started out on cue with Bernie about how he'd make billionaries pay more and keep social security.

The gop establishment's message of supply side tax cuts and starve the beat is ... unpopular. But nobody can really know what Trump really believes in besides Trump.
You mean the follow the Rules and run a campaign .... You dont get to say Cruz did wrong because Trump is to stupid to understand how a primary works...I really hate this fucking lie by trumpers.
Trump has now won 27 elections in the primary. Cruz has won 9. He has finished 3rd place or worse 16 times.

But please, go on and tell us how Ted deserves to have the nomination gifted to him by the establishment. :rolleyes:
Because dumbass not all states use a popular vote..... Why is that so hard for you to understand?????
Are you aware your boy Lyin' Ted will not be able to bribe and threaten the electoral college like he can these delegates in the general? Probably not.

Anyways if your establishment steals the nomination from Trump it'll probably be Romney or Ryan on the ticket. And we'll only have clowns like you to thank.
Show proof Cruz bribed delegates. Show what Cruz has lied about. Tell me why you think Trump a man who cant keep promises to his own wives and cheats will keep his promise to you knuckle dragging idiots?

Cruz's lies:
Ted Cruz’s Biggest Liability Is Probably His Constant Lying

As for bribing delegates? How else do you think you get delegates in states without elections or any oversight whatsoever?
So your proof is a blog of accusations with no evidence backing it up.... God you trumpers are stupid.
Trump is a RINO.
Cruz is this cycle's unelectable conservative. Trump, ironically, has become the center/right establishment candidate,

and the establishment Republicans haven't even figured that out.
In a way that's exactly right. Remember W trying to push through amnesty and privatize soc sec? He got his azz handed to him by working class whites. While Trump more recently has proposed a supply side tax cut, he started out on cue with Bernie about how he'd make billionaries pay more and keep social security.

The gop establishment's message of supply side tax cuts and starve the beat is ... unpopular. But nobody can really know what Trump really believes in besides Trump.
You mean the bill Trump was helping by funding the majority of those pushing the bill?????
Trump has now won 27 elections in the primary. Cruz has won 9. He has finished 3rd place or worse 16 times.

But please, go on and tell us how Ted deserves to have the nomination gifted to him by the establishment. :rolleyes:
Because dumbass not all states use a popular vote..... Why is that so hard for you to understand?????
Are you aware your boy Lyin' Ted will not be able to bribe and threaten the electoral college like he can these delegates in the general? Probably not.

Anyways if your establishment steals the nomination from Trump it'll probably be Romney or Ryan on the ticket. And we'll only have clowns like you to thank.
Show proof Cruz bribed delegates. Show what Cruz has lied about. Tell me why you think Trump a man who cant keep promises to his own wives and cheats will keep his promise to you knuckle dragging idiots?

Cruz's lies:
Ted Cruz’s Biggest Liability Is Probably His Constant Lying

As for bribing delegates? How else do you think you get delegates in states without elections or any oversight whatsoever?
So your proof is a blog of accusations with no evidence backing it up.... God you trumpers are stupid.
Says the guy claiming a politician he likes has never lied :cuckoo:

Oh well I guess I should stop piling it on and let you lick your wounds from last night. I hope you'll support Trump in November!
TheOldSchool is obviously shilling for Trump because he's a right wing extremist who hates the Mexicans and gays.

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