Why are Cruz supporters against trump?

I think we're seeing the gop unravel. It's base voters perceive the party leaders as not addressing their needs.

Most definitely you are correct. Trump is not an answer to the problem. If that was the case he would not get a pass on all his BS. Especially going up against two people who miles and away would be a hundred times better. Sad thing is, it won't change anything and this countries worst nightmare will come to pass and that is President elect Hillary Rodham Clinton, this countries first female president.

Agreed. Trump isn't the answer. Like Obama he is a symptom of the problem.
Trump really would not be an issue but for the fact that many of us also do not see Cruz as the answer either.

The constitution and self government is the answer. Cruz is the one that will allow that.
As a social con, he is big government in my book. If much of the right could drop the demand that the government enforce their morality through largess then voters like me can come together on a small government and freedom platform. It would obliterate the democrats.

But a significant portion of the right refuses to do so and the republicans continue to lose ground every day because of it. I will not vote for a social 'conservative' as it is utterly counter to my ideals. There are a LOT like me.

Because we like the constitution and oppose anyone who is going to ignore it. Because the guy is essentially bill Clinton with an R next to his name and represents everything we've claime D to be fighting the last few decades. And the last few election cycles we've had to listen to them whine about how we keep electing rinos and now that we have Democrats the weakest ever and the chance to elect a solid conservative they want to elect the biggest rino in recent history

I was just telling Joe this morning that Trumpettes claim that their anger at the "establishment" comes from the GOPe doing exactly what the Trumpettes are doing now, except that the Trumpettes are doing it on steroids. To whit, choosing a crap-ass candidate that the majority doesn't like and doesn't want to vote for, because he's "electable" - whatever the hell that means - and then demanding that everyone has to hold his/her nose and vote for the pusbag because "not the Democrat!"

And they can't seem to figure out that they're no more entitled to be immune from the anger of others at this tone-deaf "Fuck what you want, you have to join us!" attitude than the GOPe is.
Just wondering why a lot of Cruz supporters are anti trump? I've seen some rabid Cruz supporters absolutely against trump. For what reasons?
I was listening to Limbaugh yesterday, and he a made a good point: Essentially that Cruz was poised and ready to be The Anti-Establishment Candidate until Trump came along and pissed in his corn flakes.

So between the two, Cruz has been more tied to The Establishment, especially after his creative and insider-like "let's get delegates without a vote" strategy.

So in effect, Trump has managed to be even more embarrassing and annoying than Cruz, and Ted's supporters are really pissed about that.
You mean the follow the Rules and run a campaign .... You dont get to say Cruz did wrong because Trump is to stupid to understand how a primary works...I really hate this fucking lie by trumpers.
Trump has now won 27 elections in the primary. Cruz has won 9. He has finished 3rd place or worse 16 times.

But please, go on and tell us how Ted deserves to have the nomination gifted to him by the establishment. :rolleyes:
Because dumbass not all states use a popular vote..... Why is that so hard for you to understand?????
Are you aware your boy Lyin' Ted will not be able to bribe and threaten the electoral college like he can these delegates in the general? Probably not.

Anyways if your establishment steals the nomination from Trump it'll probably be Romney or Ryan on the ticket. And we'll only have clowns like you to thank.

Are you aware that your Orange Jesus won't be able to bully the Electoral College like he's trying to do with the delegates? Probably not.

Anyways [sic], you can't steal something from Trump that he doesn't own in the first place, and no amount of declaring, "Fuck the rules, I FEELZ that he won!" will make it any more his.

Run Trump, and you'll be seeing President Clinton waddling along to "Hail to the Chief" for the next four years. And we'll be sure to thank YOU clowns every day of it.
Just wondering why a lot of Cruz supporters are anti trump? I've seen some rabid Cruz supporters absolutely against trump. For what reasons?
I was listening to Limbaugh yesterday, and he a made a good point: Essentially that Cruz was poised and ready to be The Anti-Establishment Candidate until Trump came along and pissed in his corn flakes.

So between the two, Cruz has been more tied to The Establishment, especially after his creative and insider-like "let's get delegates without a vote" strategy.

So in effect, Trump has managed to be even more embarrassing and annoying than Cruz, and Ted's supporters are really pissed about that.

Yeah, being able to use the rules to your benefit is TOTALLY "establishment", never mind that any intelligent game-player does that, and never mind the fact that his plan for doing so was originally created to screw the ESTABLISHMENT, long before Donny Boy ever reared his ugly orange head.

And yeah, we're totally pissed that our candidate isn't the most insane, juvenile loose cannon to ever appear in modern politics, despite the fact that the candidate we're supporting is none of the above. That's what it is: we were DYING to support someone who would be an utter international humiliation for the United States every time he opens his mouth, and so became angry at the only candidate who actually fits that description.

What I can't decide is whether Trumpism causes mental illness, or mental illness causes Trumpism. Which came first?

It was a great plan to, but he did not take the Donald seriously early enough. I find it funny how all the media who considered Ted Cruz their conservative anti establishment darling, all those folks who cheered him on when he jammed up Congress and all that now have flip-flopped and speak worse of him then they do Hillary. Cruz has a record of doing NOT establishment stuff. Trump? Meh.
I was listening to Limbaugh yesterday, and he a made a good point: Essentially that Cruz was poised and ready to be The Anti-Establishment Candidate until Trump came along and pissed in his corn flakes.

So between the two, Cruz has been more tied to The Establishment, especially after his creative and insider-like "let's get delegates without a vote" strategy.

So in effect, Trump has managed to be even more embarrassing and annoying than Cruz, and Ted's supporters are really pissed about that.
You mean the follow the Rules and run a campaign .... You dont get to say Cruz did wrong because Trump is to stupid to understand how a primary works...I really hate this fucking lie by trumpers.
Trump has now won 27 elections in the primary. Cruz has won 9. He has finished 3rd place or worse 16 times.

But please, go on and tell us how Ted deserves to have the nomination gifted to him by the establishment. :rolleyes:
Because dumbass not all states use a popular vote..... Why is that so hard for you to understand?????
Are you aware your boy Lyin' Ted will not be able to bribe and threaten the electoral college like he can these delegates in the general? Probably not.

Anyways if your establishment steals the nomination from Trump it'll probably be Romney or Ryan on the ticket. And we'll only have clowns like you to thank.

Are you aware that your Orange Jesus won't be able to bully the Electoral College like he's trying to do with the delegates? Probably not.

Anyways [sic], you can't steal something from Trump that he doesn't own in the first place, and no amount of declaring, "Fuck the rules, I FEELZ that he won!" will make it any more his.

Run Trump, and you'll be seeing President Clinton waddling along to "Hail to the Chief" for the next four years. And we'll be sure to thank YOU clowns every day of it.
You Cruzbots are starting to sound insane. I think you should go sit down for a while.
Just wondering why a lot of Cruz supporters are anti trump? I've seen some rabid Cruz supporters absolutely against trump. For what reasons?
I was listening to Limbaugh yesterday, and he a made a good point: Essentially that Cruz was poised and ready to be The Anti-Establishment Candidate until Trump came along and pissed in his corn flakes.

So between the two, Cruz has been more tied to The Establishment, especially after his creative and insider-like "let's get delegates without a vote" strategy.

So in effect, Trump has managed to be even more embarrassing and annoying than Cruz, and Ted's supporters are really pissed about that.
You mean the follow the Rules and run a campaign .... You dont get to say Cruz did wrong because Trump is to stupid to understand how a primary works...I really hate this fucking lie by trumpers.
Trump has now won 27 elections in the primary. Cruz has won 9. He has finished 3rd place or worse 16 times.

But please, go on and tell us how Ted deserves to have the nomination gifted to him by the establishment. :rolleyes:

Too bad for Trump that's not how the primaries work. Politics is a game, and Cruz and Kasich know how to play it.
Yeah they're great career politicians. Their only weakness is inability to win votes or states. :rolleyes:

Yeah, Trump's celebrity is going to sweep the entire nation up in his wake . . . oh, wait, no. Everyone knows him, and only you retards like him, or ever will.

Tell me how Trump is going to win people over in the general. By increasing his name recognition? Letting people get to know the "real Donald"? Sorry, Chuckles. He's already shot his entire wad, and the best he can do is less than half of his own (very recently adopted) party. I don't think a few mega-rallies where he generously allows people to worship him while he shouts slogans is gonna get it done, and he doesn't seem to know how to do anything else in the realm of campaigning.
You mean the follow the Rules and run a campaign .... You dont get to say Cruz did wrong because Trump is to stupid to understand how a primary works...I really hate this fucking lie by trumpers.
Trump has now won 27 elections in the primary. Cruz has won 9. He has finished 3rd place or worse 16 times.

But please, go on and tell us how Ted deserves to have the nomination gifted to him by the establishment. :rolleyes:
Because dumbass not all states use a popular vote..... Why is that so hard for you to understand?????
Are you aware your boy Lyin' Ted will not be able to bribe and threaten the electoral college like he can these delegates in the general? Probably not.

Anyways if your establishment steals the nomination from Trump it'll probably be Romney or Ryan on the ticket. And we'll only have clowns like you to thank.

Are you aware that your Orange Jesus won't be able to bully the Electoral College like he's trying to do with the delegates? Probably not.

Anyways [sic], you can't steal something from Trump that he doesn't own in the first place, and no amount of declaring, "Fuck the rules, I FEELZ that he won!" will make it any more his.

Run Trump, and you'll be seeing President Clinton waddling along to "Hail to the Chief" for the next four years. And we'll be sure to thank YOU clowns every day of it.
You Cruzbots are starting to sound insane. I think you should go sit down for a while.

Go shove your Saul alinsky tactics where the sun doesn't shine
I was listening to Limbaugh yesterday, and he a made a good point: Essentially that Cruz was poised and ready to be The Anti-Establishment Candidate until Trump came along and pissed in his corn flakes.

So between the two, Cruz has been more tied to The Establishment, especially after his creative and insider-like "let's get delegates without a vote" strategy.

So in effect, Trump has managed to be even more embarrassing and annoying than Cruz, and Ted's supporters are really pissed about that.
You mean the follow the Rules and run a campaign .... You dont get to say Cruz did wrong because Trump is to stupid to understand how a primary works...I really hate this fucking lie by trumpers.
Trump has now won 27 elections in the primary. Cruz has won 9. He has finished 3rd place or worse 16 times.

But please, go on and tell us how Ted deserves to have the nomination gifted to him by the establishment. :rolleyes:

Too bad for Trump that's not how the primaries work. Politics is a game, and Cruz and Kasich know how to play it.
Yeah they're great career politicians. Their only weakness is inability to win votes or states. :rolleyes:

Yeah, Trump's celebrity is going to sweep the entire nation up in his wake . . . oh, wait, no. Everyone knows him, and only you retards like him, or ever will.

Tell me how Trump is going to win people over in the general. By increasing his name recognition? Letting people get to know the "real Donald"? Sorry, Chuckles. He's already shot his entire wad, and the best he can do is less than half of his own (very recently adopted) party. I don't think a few mega-rallies where he generously allows people to worship him while he shouts slogans is gonna get it done, and he doesn't seem to know how to do anything else in the realm of campaigning.
Trump has won 27 primary elections. Cruz has won 9. He has finished 3rd or worse in 16 primary elections.

Even his new VP pick said he can't be Clinton. You think Trump can't attract voters? He's certainly doing a far better job of it than Lyin' Ted.
Trump has now won 27 elections in the primary. Cruz has won 9. He has finished 3rd place or worse 16 times.

But please, go on and tell us how Ted deserves to have the nomination gifted to him by the establishment. :rolleyes:
Because dumbass not all states use a popular vote..... Why is that so hard for you to understand?????
Are you aware your boy Lyin' Ted will not be able to bribe and threaten the electoral college like he can these delegates in the general? Probably not.

Anyways if your establishment steals the nomination from Trump it'll probably be Romney or Ryan on the ticket. And we'll only have clowns like you to thank.

Are you aware that your Orange Jesus won't be able to bully the Electoral College like he's trying to do with the delegates? Probably not.

Anyways [sic], you can't steal something from Trump that he doesn't own in the first place, and no amount of declaring, "Fuck the rules, I FEELZ that he won!" will make it any more his.

Run Trump, and you'll be seeing President Clinton waddling along to "Hail to the Chief" for the next four years. And we'll be sure to thank YOU clowns every day of it.
You Cruzbots are starting to sound insane. I think you should go sit down for a while.

Go shove your Saul alinsky tactics where the sun doesn't shine
Go away establishment RINO.
You mean the follow the Rules and run a campaign .... You dont get to say Cruz did wrong because Trump is to stupid to understand how a primary works...I really hate this fucking lie by trumpers.
Trump has now won 27 elections in the primary. Cruz has won 9. He has finished 3rd place or worse 16 times.

But please, go on and tell us how Ted deserves to have the nomination gifted to him by the establishment. :rolleyes:
Because dumbass not all states use a popular vote..... Why is that so hard for you to understand?????
Are you aware your boy Lyin' Ted will not be able to bribe and threaten the electoral college like he can these delegates in the general? Probably not.

Anyways if your establishment steals the nomination from Trump it'll probably be Romney or Ryan on the ticket. And we'll only have clowns like you to thank.

Are you aware that your Orange Jesus won't be able to bully the Electoral College like he's trying to do with the delegates? Probably not.

Anyways [sic], you can't steal something from Trump that he doesn't own in the first place, and no amount of declaring, "Fuck the rules, I FEELZ that he won!" will make it any more his.

Run Trump, and you'll be seeing President Clinton waddling along to "Hail to the Chief" for the next four years. And we'll be sure to thank YOU clowns every day of it.
You Cruzbots are starting to sound insane. I think you should go sit down for a while.

You Trumpettes have sounded insane ever since you started supporting Hillary Clinton with an uglier hairdo and a $5 spray tan, so your insults don't mean much beyond :lalala:.

That's okay. I'm aware that you stopped listening to anything other than, "Trump is so amazing, Trump is God, do YOU want to suck Trump's dick too?!" months ago.

On the bright side, Trump knee pads probably have more gilt on them than Bill's did.
Trump has now won 27 elections in the primary. Cruz has won 9. He has finished 3rd place or worse 16 times.

But please, go on and tell us how Ted deserves to have the nomination gifted to him by the establishment. :rolleyes:
Because dumbass not all states use a popular vote..... Why is that so hard for you to understand?????
Are you aware your boy Lyin' Ted will not be able to bribe and threaten the electoral college like he can these delegates in the general? Probably not.

Anyways if your establishment steals the nomination from Trump it'll probably be Romney or Ryan on the ticket. And we'll only have clowns like you to thank.

Are you aware that your Orange Jesus won't be able to bully the Electoral College like he's trying to do with the delegates? Probably not.

Anyways [sic], you can't steal something from Trump that he doesn't own in the first place, and no amount of declaring, "Fuck the rules, I FEELZ that he won!" will make it any more his.

Run Trump, and you'll be seeing President Clinton waddling along to "Hail to the Chief" for the next four years. And we'll be sure to thank YOU clowns every day of it.
You Cruzbots are starting to sound insane. I think you should go sit down for a while.

You Trumpettes have sounded insane ever since you started supporting Hillary Clinton with an uglier hairdo and a $5 spray tan, so your insults don't mean much beyond :lalala:.

That's okay. I'm aware that you stopped listening to anything other than, "Trump is so amazing, Trump is God, do YOU want to suck Trump's dick too?!" months ago.

On the bright side, Trump knee pads probably have more gilt on them than Bill's did.
Trump has won 27 primary elections. Cruz has won 9. He has finished 3rd or worse in 16 primary elections.

Even his new VP pick said he can't be Clinton. You think Trump can't attract voters? He's certainly doing a far better job of it than Lyin' Ted.
You mean the follow the Rules and run a campaign .... You dont get to say Cruz did wrong because Trump is to stupid to understand how a primary works...I really hate this fucking lie by trumpers.
Trump has now won 27 elections in the primary. Cruz has won 9. He has finished 3rd place or worse 16 times.

But please, go on and tell us how Ted deserves to have the nomination gifted to him by the establishment. :rolleyes:

Too bad for Trump that's not how the primaries work. Politics is a game, and Cruz and Kasich know how to play it.
Yeah they're great career politicians. Their only weakness is inability to win votes or states. :rolleyes:

Yeah, Trump's celebrity is going to sweep the entire nation up in his wake . . . oh, wait, no. Everyone knows him, and only you retards like him, or ever will.

Tell me how Trump is going to win people over in the general. By increasing his name recognition? Letting people get to know the "real Donald"? Sorry, Chuckles. He's already shot his entire wad, and the best he can do is less than half of his own (very recently adopted) party. I don't think a few mega-rallies where he generously allows people to worship him while he shouts slogans is gonna get it done, and he doesn't seem to know how to do anything else in the realm of campaigning.
Trump has won 27 primary elections. Cruz has won 9. He has finished 3rd or worse in 16 primary elections.

Even his new VP pick said he can't be Clinton. You think Trump can't attract voters? He's certainly doing a far better job of it than Lyin' Ted.

In other words, "I have no idea, he just WILL! WE love him, and I just KNOW the rest of the country is FINALLY going to adore and worship him just like we do! It's going to happen! Somehow!"

Uh huh. Question answered. Your boy has nowhere to go, and no other tricks to play except to hope that we'll all get the same head injury you fucknuts did.
Because dumbass not all states use a popular vote..... Why is that so hard for you to understand?????
Are you aware your boy Lyin' Ted will not be able to bribe and threaten the electoral college like he can these delegates in the general? Probably not.

Anyways if your establishment steals the nomination from Trump it'll probably be Romney or Ryan on the ticket. And we'll only have clowns like you to thank.

Are you aware that your Orange Jesus won't be able to bully the Electoral College like he's trying to do with the delegates? Probably not.

Anyways [sic], you can't steal something from Trump that he doesn't own in the first place, and no amount of declaring, "Fuck the rules, I FEELZ that he won!" will make it any more his.

Run Trump, and you'll be seeing President Clinton waddling along to "Hail to the Chief" for the next four years. And we'll be sure to thank YOU clowns every day of it.
You Cruzbots are starting to sound insane. I think you should go sit down for a while.

Go shove your Saul alinsky tactics where the sun doesn't shine
Go away establishment RINO.

Is that supposed to hurt? Oh boo boo. A Hillary supporter is calling me a rino because I oppose a Hillary supporter. What ever will I do?

Grow up and be a man
Trump has now won 27 elections in the primary. Cruz has won 9. He has finished 3rd place or worse 16 times.

But please, go on and tell us how Ted deserves to have the nomination gifted to him by the establishment. :rolleyes:

Too bad for Trump that's not how the primaries work. Politics is a game, and Cruz and Kasich know how to play it.
Yeah they're great career politicians. Their only weakness is inability to win votes or states. :rolleyes:

Yeah, Trump's celebrity is going to sweep the entire nation up in his wake . . . oh, wait, no. Everyone knows him, and only you retards like him, or ever will.

Tell me how Trump is going to win people over in the general. By increasing his name recognition? Letting people get to know the "real Donald"? Sorry, Chuckles. He's already shot his entire wad, and the best he can do is less than half of his own (very recently adopted) party. I don't think a few mega-rallies where he generously allows people to worship him while he shouts slogans is gonna get it done, and he doesn't seem to know how to do anything else in the realm of campaigning.
Trump has won 27 primary elections. Cruz has won 9. He has finished 3rd or worse in 16 primary elections.

Even his new VP pick said he can't be Clinton. You think Trump can't attract voters? He's certainly doing a far better job of it than Lyin' Ted.

In other words, "I have no idea, he just WILL! WE love him, and I just KNOW the rest of the country is FINALLY going to adore and worship him just like we do! It's going to happen! Somehow!"

Uh huh. Question answered. Your boy has nowhere to go, and no other tricks to play except to hope that we'll all get the same head injury you fucknuts did.
I guess you don't realize there wasn't a single rebuttal there anywhere in your comment. Want to try again Cruzbot?
Because dumbass not all states use a popular vote..... Why is that so hard for you to understand?????
Are you aware your boy Lyin' Ted will not be able to bribe and threaten the electoral college like he can these delegates in the general? Probably not.

Anyways if your establishment steals the nomination from Trump it'll probably be Romney or Ryan on the ticket. And we'll only have clowns like you to thank.

Are you aware that your Orange Jesus won't be able to bully the Electoral College like he's trying to do with the delegates? Probably not.

Anyways [sic], you can't steal something from Trump that he doesn't own in the first place, and no amount of declaring, "Fuck the rules, I FEELZ that he won!" will make it any more his.

Run Trump, and you'll be seeing President Clinton waddling along to "Hail to the Chief" for the next four years. And we'll be sure to thank YOU clowns every day of it.
You Cruzbots are starting to sound insane. I think you should go sit down for a while.

Go shove your Saul alinsky tactics where the sun doesn't shine
Go away establishment RINO.

Oh, please. You think you're conservative enough to be designating ANYONE a "RINO"? Do us all a favor and hold your breath waiting for us to recognize your ownership of conservatism, you leftist shill zombie.
Are you aware your boy Lyin' Ted will not be able to bribe and threaten the electoral college like he can these delegates in the general? Probably not.

Anyways if your establishment steals the nomination from Trump it'll probably be Romney or Ryan on the ticket. And we'll only have clowns like you to thank.

Are you aware that your Orange Jesus won't be able to bully the Electoral College like he's trying to do with the delegates? Probably not.

Anyways [sic], you can't steal something from Trump that he doesn't own in the first place, and no amount of declaring, "Fuck the rules, I FEELZ that he won!" will make it any more his.

Run Trump, and you'll be seeing President Clinton waddling along to "Hail to the Chief" for the next four years. And we'll be sure to thank YOU clowns every day of it.
You Cruzbots are starting to sound insane. I think you should go sit down for a while.

Go shove your Saul alinsky tactics where the sun doesn't shine
Go away establishment RINO.

Oh, please. You think you're conservative enough to be designating ANYONE a "RINO"? Do us all a favor and hold your breath waiting for us to recognize your ownership of conservatism, you leftist shill zombie.
No rebuttal again of course. But Mitch McConnell would be very proud of what you're saying.
Too bad for Trump that's not how the primaries work. Politics is a game, and Cruz and Kasich know how to play it.
Yeah they're great career politicians. Their only weakness is inability to win votes or states. :rolleyes:

Yeah, Trump's celebrity is going to sweep the entire nation up in his wake . . . oh, wait, no. Everyone knows him, and only you retards like him, or ever will.

Tell me how Trump is going to win people over in the general. By increasing his name recognition? Letting people get to know the "real Donald"? Sorry, Chuckles. He's already shot his entire wad, and the best he can do is less than half of his own (very recently adopted) party. I don't think a few mega-rallies where he generously allows people to worship him while he shouts slogans is gonna get it done, and he doesn't seem to know how to do anything else in the realm of campaigning.
Trump has won 27 primary elections. Cruz has won 9. He has finished 3rd or worse in 16 primary elections.

Even his new VP pick said he can't be Clinton. You think Trump can't attract voters? He's certainly doing a far better job of it than Lyin' Ted.

In other words, "I have no idea, he just WILL! WE love him, and I just KNOW the rest of the country is FINALLY going to adore and worship him just like we do! It's going to happen! Somehow!"

Uh huh. Question answered. Your boy has nowhere to go, and no other tricks to play except to hope that we'll all get the same head injury you fucknuts did.
I guess you don't realize there wasn't a single rebuttal there anywhere in your comment. Want to try again Cruzbot?

A rebuttal of what? Did you actually think you had provided a serious answer, or made some sort of point?

The same blank cut-and-paste of the same "Trump is WINNING! I love TRUMP!" slogans in every post doesn't require any more from me than to recognize that you're Memorex, not live.

Congratulations on mastering the leftist "debate" style so quickly, though. It'll stand you in good stead when you stop pretending you and Orange Jesus are Republicans.
Are you aware that your Orange Jesus won't be able to bully the Electoral College like he's trying to do with the delegates? Probably not.

Anyways [sic], you can't steal something from Trump that he doesn't own in the first place, and no amount of declaring, "Fuck the rules, I FEELZ that he won!" will make it any more his.

Run Trump, and you'll be seeing President Clinton waddling along to "Hail to the Chief" for the next four years. And we'll be sure to thank YOU clowns every day of it.
You Cruzbots are starting to sound insane. I think you should go sit down for a while.

Go shove your Saul alinsky tactics where the sun doesn't shine
Go away establishment RINO.

Oh, please. You think you're conservative enough to be designating ANYONE a "RINO"? Do us all a favor and hold your breath waiting for us to recognize your ownership of conservatism, you leftist shill zombie.
No rebuttal again of course. But Mitch McConnell would be very proud of what you're saying.

Ehrmagerd, OldSchool cleverly discovered that I didn't rebut his DEVASTATING factual point of "Go away, establishment RINO!" Whatever shall I do, now that he has laid bare my arguments with his incisive grasp on the issues?!

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