Why are Cruz supporters against trump?

Yeah they're great career politicians. Their only weakness is inability to win votes or states. :rolleyes:

Yeah, Trump's celebrity is going to sweep the entire nation up in his wake . . . oh, wait, no. Everyone knows him, and only you retards like him, or ever will.

Tell me how Trump is going to win people over in the general. By increasing his name recognition? Letting people get to know the "real Donald"? Sorry, Chuckles. He's already shot his entire wad, and the best he can do is less than half of his own (very recently adopted) party. I don't think a few mega-rallies where he generously allows people to worship him while he shouts slogans is gonna get it done, and he doesn't seem to know how to do anything else in the realm of campaigning.
Trump has won 27 primary elections. Cruz has won 9. He has finished 3rd or worse in 16 primary elections.

Even his new VP pick said he can't be Clinton. You think Trump can't attract voters? He's certainly doing a far better job of it than Lyin' Ted.

In other words, "I have no idea, he just WILL! WE love him, and I just KNOW the rest of the country is FINALLY going to adore and worship him just like we do! It's going to happen! Somehow!"

Uh huh. Question answered. Your boy has nowhere to go, and no other tricks to play except to hope that we'll all get the same head injury you fucknuts did.
I guess you don't realize there wasn't a single rebuttal there anywhere in your comment. Want to try again Cruzbot?

A rebuttal of what? Did you actually think you had provided a serious answer, or made some sort of point?

The same blank cut-and-paste of the same "Trump is WINNING! I love TRUMP!" slogans in every post doesn't require any more from me than to recognize that you're Memorex, not live.

Congratulations on mastering the leftist "debate" style so quickly, though. It'll stand you in good stead when you stop pretending you and Orange Jesus are Republicans.
Okay establishment fangirl. Remember that Cruz and Carly won't be able to bribe the electoral college like they can with corrupt state delegates. If they win the nomination, enjoy 4 - 8 years of Hillary.
TheOldSchool is obviously shilling for Trump because he's a right wing extremist who hates the Mexicans and gays.

OldSchool is a leftist populist who accidently stumbled into a vaguely conservative position once and thought that meant he was King of the Right-Wing. He's not very bright, especially since he contracted Trumpism.
Yeah, Trump's celebrity is going to sweep the entire nation up in his wake . . . oh, wait, no. Everyone knows him, and only you retards like him, or ever will.

Tell me how Trump is going to win people over in the general. By increasing his name recognition? Letting people get to know the "real Donald"? Sorry, Chuckles. He's already shot his entire wad, and the best he can do is less than half of his own (very recently adopted) party. I don't think a few mega-rallies where he generously allows people to worship him while he shouts slogans is gonna get it done, and he doesn't seem to know how to do anything else in the realm of campaigning.
Trump has won 27 primary elections. Cruz has won 9. He has finished 3rd or worse in 16 primary elections.

Even his new VP pick said he can't be Clinton. You think Trump can't attract voters? He's certainly doing a far better job of it than Lyin' Ted.

In other words, "I have no idea, he just WILL! WE love him, and I just KNOW the rest of the country is FINALLY going to adore and worship him just like we do! It's going to happen! Somehow!"

Uh huh. Question answered. Your boy has nowhere to go, and no other tricks to play except to hope that we'll all get the same head injury you fucknuts did.
I guess you don't realize there wasn't a single rebuttal there anywhere in your comment. Want to try again Cruzbot?

A rebuttal of what? Did you actually think you had provided a serious answer, or made some sort of point?

The same blank cut-and-paste of the same "Trump is WINNING! I love TRUMP!" slogans in every post doesn't require any more from me than to recognize that you're Memorex, not live.

Congratulations on mastering the leftist "debate" style so quickly, though. It'll stand you in good stead when you stop pretending you and Orange Jesus are Republicans.
Okay establishment fangirl. Remember that Cruz and Carly won't be able to bribe the electoral college like they can with corrupt state delegates. If they win the nomination, enjoy 4 - 8 years of Hillary.

Sorry, was there some point that I gave you the impression that your opinion of me matters, leftist?

If Hillary Clinton wins, it'll be on you, and your attempts to blame others will be just as meaningful as your insults are now, dumbass.

You supported Trump. Your fault. 'Nuff said.
Just wondering why a lot of Cruz supporters are anti trump? I've seen some rabid Cruz supporters absolutely against trump. For what reasons?
I was listening to Limbaugh yesterday, and he a made a good point: Essentially that Cruz was poised and ready to be The Anti-Establishment Candidate until Trump came along and pissed in his corn flakes.

So between the two, Cruz has been more tied to The Establishment, especially after his creative and insider-like "let's get delegates without a vote" strategy.

So in effect, Trump has managed to be even more embarrassing and annoying than Cruz, and Ted's supporters are really pissed about that.

Yeah, being able to use the rules to your benefit is TOTALLY "establishment", never mind that any intelligent game-player does that, and never mind the fact that his plan for doing so was originally created to screw the ESTABLISHMENT, long before Donny Boy ever reared his ugly orange head.

And yeah, we're totally pissed that our candidate isn't the most insane, juvenile loose cannon to ever appear in modern politics, despite the fact that the candidate we're supporting is none of the above. That's what it is: we were DYING to support someone who would be an utter international humiliation for the United States every time he opens his mouth, and so became angry at the only candidate who actually fits that description.

What I can't decide is whether Trumpism causes mental illness, or mental illness causes Trumpism. Which came first?

It was a great plan to, but he did not take the Donald seriously early enough. I find it funny how all the media who considered Ted Cruz their conservative anti establishment darling, all those folks who cheered him on when he jammed up Congress and all that now have flip-flopped and speak worse of him then they do Hillary. Cruz has a record of doing NOT establishment stuff. Trump? Meh.

What sane person could predict that a large chunk of the public would go batshit insane and take Trump seriously? How does one predict mass hysteria?
Trump has won 27 primary elections. Cruz has won 9. He has finished 3rd or worse in 16 primary elections.

Even his new VP pick said he can't be Clinton. You think Trump can't attract voters? He's certainly doing a far better job of it than Lyin' Ted.

In other words, "I have no idea, he just WILL! WE love him, and I just KNOW the rest of the country is FINALLY going to adore and worship him just like we do! It's going to happen! Somehow!"

Uh huh. Question answered. Your boy has nowhere to go, and no other tricks to play except to hope that we'll all get the same head injury you fucknuts did.
I guess you don't realize there wasn't a single rebuttal there anywhere in your comment. Want to try again Cruzbot?

A rebuttal of what? Did you actually think you had provided a serious answer, or made some sort of point?

The same blank cut-and-paste of the same "Trump is WINNING! I love TRUMP!" slogans in every post doesn't require any more from me than to recognize that you're Memorex, not live.

Congratulations on mastering the leftist "debate" style so quickly, though. It'll stand you in good stead when you stop pretending you and Orange Jesus are Republicans.
Okay establishment fangirl. Remember that Cruz and Carly won't be able to bribe the electoral college like they can with corrupt state delegates. If they win the nomination, enjoy 4 - 8 years of Hillary.

Sorry, was there some point that I gave you the impression that your opinion of me matters, leftist?

If Hillary Clinton wins, it'll be on you, and your attempts to blame others will be just as meaningful as your insults are now, dumbass.

You supported Trump. Your fault. 'Nuff said.
Now you are sounding like a crazy person again. Trump is the more popular candidate and is now polling better against Hillary than Cruz. If you establishment types silence the base, and steal the nomination away from Trump, then you will destroy the republican party. It's probably what Hillary wants most.

And don't forget, that if Cruz manages to nuke the convention, odds are he won't be the selection anyways. It'll Romney or Ryan or some other loser.
Just wondering why a lot of Cruz supporters are anti trump? I've seen some rabid Cruz supporters absolutely against trump. For what reasons?

I have wondered the Samething. I think they hooked up to the tea party champion (Cruz), and then never realized he became part of the problem. The RNC hated him 2 years ago, and now they would love for him to be the nominee. Very curious!
In other words, "I have no idea, he just WILL! WE love him, and I just KNOW the rest of the country is FINALLY going to adore and worship him just like we do! It's going to happen! Somehow!"

Uh huh. Question answered. Your boy has nowhere to go, and no other tricks to play except to hope that we'll all get the same head injury you fucknuts did.
I guess you don't realize there wasn't a single rebuttal there anywhere in your comment. Want to try again Cruzbot?

A rebuttal of what? Did you actually think you had provided a serious answer, or made some sort of point?

The same blank cut-and-paste of the same "Trump is WINNING! I love TRUMP!" slogans in every post doesn't require any more from me than to recognize that you're Memorex, not live.

Congratulations on mastering the leftist "debate" style so quickly, though. It'll stand you in good stead when you stop pretending you and Orange Jesus are Republicans.
Okay establishment fangirl. Remember that Cruz and Carly won't be able to bribe the electoral college like they can with corrupt state delegates. If they win the nomination, enjoy 4 - 8 years of Hillary.

Sorry, was there some point that I gave you the impression that your opinion of me matters, leftist?

If Hillary Clinton wins, it'll be on you, and your attempts to blame others will be just as meaningful as your insults are now, dumbass.

You supported Trump. Your fault. 'Nuff said.
Now you are sounding like a crazy person again. Trump is the more popular candidate and is now polling better against Hillary than Cruz. If you establishment types silence the base, and steal the nomination away from Trump, then you will destroy the republican party. It's probably what Hillary wants most.

And don't forget, that if Cruz manages to nuke the convention, odds are he won't be the selection anyways. It'll Romney or Ryan or some other loser.

*yawn* Another leftist who doesn't like me. More to the point, another leftists whose dislike means nothing to me.

Run along and hump someone else's leg, Clintonista.
Just wondering why a lot of Cruz supporters are anti trump? I've seen some rabid Cruz supporters absolutely against trump. For what reasons?
I was listening to Limbaugh yesterday, and he a made a good point: Essentially that Cruz was poised and ready to be The Anti-Establishment Candidate until Trump came along and pissed in his corn flakes.

So between the two, Cruz has been more tied to The Establishment, especially after his creative and insider-like "let's get delegates without a vote" strategy.

So in effect, Trump has managed to be even more embarrassing and annoying than Cruz, and Ted's supporters are really pissed about that.

Yeah, being able to use the rules to your benefit is TOTALLY "establishment", never mind that any intelligent game-player does that, and never mind the fact that his plan for doing so was originally created to screw the ESTABLISHMENT, long before Donny Boy ever reared his ugly orange head.

And yeah, we're totally pissed that our candidate isn't the most insane, juvenile loose cannon to ever appear in modern politics, despite the fact that the candidate we're supporting is none of the above. That's what it is: we were DYING to support someone who would be an utter international humiliation for the United States every time he opens his mouth, and so became angry at the only candidate who actually fits that description.

What I can't decide is whether Trumpism causes mental illness, or mental illness causes Trumpism. Which came first?

It was a great plan to, but he did not take the Donald seriously early enough. I find it funny how all the media who considered Ted Cruz their conservative anti establishment darling, all those folks who cheered him on when he jammed up Congress and all that now have flip-flopped and speak worse of him then they do Hillary. Cruz has a record of doing NOT establishment stuff. Trump? Meh.

What sane person could predict that a large chunk of the public would go batshit insane and take Trump seriously? How does one predict mass hysteria?

You are right, it's hard to predict. But when you see it, you can't deny it. Cruz is toast, and soon the masses of the RNC will be lining up to kiss Donald's ring. That's politicians for you. I am guessing Rubio and Cruz will be sacrificed if they don't fall in line with the new power center of the Republican Party, the Donald. It's it unbelievable, but it is what it is.
Just wondering why a lot of Cruz supporters are anti trump? I've seen some rabid Cruz supporters absolutely against trump. For what reasons?

I have wondered the Samething. I think they hooked up to the tea party champion (Cruz), and then never realized he became part of the problem. The RNC hated him 2 years ago, and now they would love for him to be the nominee. Very curious!

Why is that curious? The establishment has to support someone eventually, however grudgingly.
I guess you don't realize there wasn't a single rebuttal there anywhere in your comment. Want to try again Cruzbot?

A rebuttal of what? Did you actually think you had provided a serious answer, or made some sort of point?

The same blank cut-and-paste of the same "Trump is WINNING! I love TRUMP!" slogans in every post doesn't require any more from me than to recognize that you're Memorex, not live.

Congratulations on mastering the leftist "debate" style so quickly, though. It'll stand you in good stead when you stop pretending you and Orange Jesus are Republicans.
Okay establishment fangirl. Remember that Cruz and Carly won't be able to bribe the electoral college like they can with corrupt state delegates. If they win the nomination, enjoy 4 - 8 years of Hillary.

Sorry, was there some point that I gave you the impression that your opinion of me matters, leftist?

If Hillary Clinton wins, it'll be on you, and your attempts to blame others will be just as meaningful as your insults are now, dumbass.

You supported Trump. Your fault. 'Nuff said.
Now you are sounding like a crazy person again. Trump is the more popular candidate and is now polling better against Hillary than Cruz. If you establishment types silence the base, and steal the nomination away from Trump, then you will destroy the republican party. It's probably what Hillary wants most.

And don't forget, that if Cruz manages to nuke the convention, odds are he won't be the selection anyways. It'll Romney or Ryan or some other loser.

*yawn* Another leftist who doesn't like me. More to the point, another leftists whose dislike means nothing to me.

Run along and hump someone else's leg, Clintonista.

Leftist not liking you is a badge of honor, wear it proudly.
A rebuttal of what? Did you actually think you had provided a serious answer, or made some sort of point?

The same blank cut-and-paste of the same "Trump is WINNING! I love TRUMP!" slogans in every post doesn't require any more from me than to recognize that you're Memorex, not live.

Congratulations on mastering the leftist "debate" style so quickly, though. It'll stand you in good stead when you stop pretending you and Orange Jesus are Republicans.
Okay establishment fangirl. Remember that Cruz and Carly won't be able to bribe the electoral college like they can with corrupt state delegates. If they win the nomination, enjoy 4 - 8 years of Hillary.

Sorry, was there some point that I gave you the impression that your opinion of me matters, leftist?

If Hillary Clinton wins, it'll be on you, and your attempts to blame others will be just as meaningful as your insults are now, dumbass.

You supported Trump. Your fault. 'Nuff said.
Now you are sounding like a crazy person again. Trump is the more popular candidate and is now polling better against Hillary than Cruz. If you establishment types silence the base, and steal the nomination away from Trump, then you will destroy the republican party. It's probably what Hillary wants most.

And don't forget, that if Cruz manages to nuke the convention, odds are he won't be the selection anyways. It'll Romney or Ryan or some other loser.

*yawn* Another leftist who doesn't like me. More to the point, another leftists whose dislike means nothing to me.

Run along and hump someone else's leg, Clintonista.

Leftist not liking you is a badge of honor, wear it proudly.
^Says one leftist to the other :cuckoo:

"BuckToothMoron" seems to be a fitting name for you.
Because at his core Trump is far more liberal than conservative but far more important his campigan mirrors Obama's in 2008 in that it's all based on style, flash, and personality with no substance he has shown no indication that he knows how to govern or even wants to learn nor has he shown that he has any grasp of foreign policy.

That's not what the Trumpsters see, and not realizing why he is where he is, is putting the establishment in the lurch.
Just wondering why a lot of Cruz supporters are anti trump? I've seen some rabid Cruz supporters absolutely against trump. For what reasons?
I was listening to Limbaugh yesterday, and he a made a good point: Essentially that Cruz was poised and ready to be The Anti-Establishment Candidate until Trump came along and pissed in his corn flakes.

So between the two, Cruz has been more tied to The Establishment, especially after his creative and insider-like "let's get delegates without a vote" strategy.

So in effect, Trump has managed to be even more embarrassing and annoying than Cruz, and Ted's supporters are really pissed about that.

Yeah, being able to use the rules to your benefit is TOTALLY "establishment", never mind that any intelligent game-player does that, and never mind the fact that his plan for doing so was originally created to screw the ESTABLISHMENT, long before Donny Boy ever reared his ugly orange head.

And yeah, we're totally pissed that our candidate isn't the most insane, juvenile loose cannon to ever appear in modern politics, despite the fact that the candidate we're supporting is none of the above. That's what it is: we were DYING to support someone who would be an utter international humiliation for the United States every time he opens his mouth, and so became angry at the only candidate who actually fits that description.

What I can't decide is whether Trumpism causes mental illness, or mental illness causes Trumpism. Which came first?

It was a great plan to, but he did not take the Donald seriously early enough. I find it funny how all the media who considered Ted Cruz their conservative anti establishment darling, all those folks who cheered him on when he jammed up Congress and all that now have flip-flopped and speak worse of him then they do Hillary. Cruz has a record of doing NOT establishment stuff. Trump? Meh.

What sane person could predict that a large chunk of the public would go batshit insane and take Trump seriously? How does one predict mass hysteria?

You are right, it's hard to predict. But when you see it, you can't deny it. Cruz is toast, and soon the masses of the RNC will be lining up to kiss Donald's ring. That's politicians for you. I am guessing Rubio and Cruz will be sacrificed if they don't fall in line with the new power center of the Republican Party, the Donald. It's it unbelievable, but it is what it is.

No, hon. What'll happen is Trump will demand everyone kiss his ring, and all he'll get is you cultists on your knees, and everyone else leaving him to crash and burn. If the RNC never cared what you assholes wanted before - and they didn't - what makes you think you suddenly became important enough for anyone to care about you now?

I guess it's not surprising that people who had no clue how primaries work are also simplistic and naive enough to think the RNC "has" to be fully supportive of any nominee forced on them.
Because at his core Trump is far more liberal than conservative but far more important his campigan mirrors Obama's in 2008 in that it's all based on style, flash, and personality with no substance he has shown no indication that he knows how to govern or even wants to learn nor has he shown that he has any grasp of foreign policy.

That's not what the Trumpsters see, and not realizing why he is where he is, is putting the establishment in the lurch.

The GOPe has always been willing to lose elections in order to maintain their personal power bases. I can't imagine why you think that's suddenly changed.
I was listening to Limbaugh yesterday, and he a made a good point: Essentially that Cruz was poised and ready to be The Anti-Establishment Candidate until Trump came along and pissed in his corn flakes.

So between the two, Cruz has been more tied to The Establishment, especially after his creative and insider-like "let's get delegates without a vote" strategy.

So in effect, Trump has managed to be even more embarrassing and annoying than Cruz, and Ted's supporters are really pissed about that.

Yeah, being able to use the rules to your benefit is TOTALLY "establishment", never mind that any intelligent game-player does that, and never mind the fact that his plan for doing so was originally created to screw the ESTABLISHMENT, long before Donny Boy ever reared his ugly orange head.

And yeah, we're totally pissed that our candidate isn't the most insane, juvenile loose cannon to ever appear in modern politics, despite the fact that the candidate we're supporting is none of the above. That's what it is: we were DYING to support someone who would be an utter international humiliation for the United States every time he opens his mouth, and so became angry at the only candidate who actually fits that description.

What I can't decide is whether Trumpism causes mental illness, or mental illness causes Trumpism. Which came first?

It was a great plan to, but he did not take the Donald seriously early enough. I find it funny how all the media who considered Ted Cruz their conservative anti establishment darling, all those folks who cheered him on when he jammed up Congress and all that now have flip-flopped and speak worse of him then they do Hillary. Cruz has a record of doing NOT establishment stuff. Trump? Meh.

What sane person could predict that a large chunk of the public would go batshit insane and take Trump seriously? How does one predict mass hysteria?

You are right, it's hard to predict. But when you see it, you can't deny it. Cruz is toast, and soon the masses of the RNC will be lining up to kiss Donald's ring. That's politicians for you. I am guessing Rubio and Cruz will be sacrificed if they don't fall in line with the new power center of the Republican Party, the Donald. It's it unbelievable, but it is what it is.

No, hon. What'll happen is Trump will demand everyone kiss his ring, and all he'll get is you cultists on your knees, and everyone else leaving him to crash and burn. If the RNC never cared what you assholes wanted before - and they didn't - what makes you think you suddenly became important enough for anyone to care about you now?

I guess it's not surprising that people who had no clue how primaries work are also simplistic and naive enough to think the RNC "has" to be fully supportive of any nominee forced on them.
You don't think the nominee will be Trump? And now the RNC is getting a nominee forced on them, by whom, those pesky registered republicans? OMG!
I was listening to Limbaugh yesterday, and he a made a good point: Essentially that Cruz was poised and ready to be The Anti-Establishment Candidate until Trump came along and pissed in his corn flakes.

So between the two, Cruz has been more tied to The Establishment, especially after his creative and insider-like "let's get delegates without a vote" strategy.

So in effect, Trump has managed to be even more embarrassing and annoying than Cruz, and Ted's supporters are really pissed about that.
You mean the follow the Rules and run a campaign .... You dont get to say Cruz did wrong because Trump is to stupid to understand how a primary works...I really hate this fucking lie by trumpers.
Trump has now won 27 elections in the primary. Cruz has won 9. He has finished 3rd place or worse 16 times.

But please, go on and tell us how Ted deserves to have the nomination gifted to him by the establishment. :rolleyes:

Too bad for Trump that's not how the primaries work. Politics is a game, and Cruz and Kasich know how to play it.
Yeah they're great career politicians. Their only weakness is inability to win votes or states. :rolleyes:

Yeah, Trump's celebrity is going to sweep the entire nation up in his wake . . . oh, wait, no. Everyone knows him, and only you retards like him, or ever will.

Tell me how Trump is going to win people over in the general. By increasing his name recognition? Letting people get to know the "real Donald"? Sorry, Chuckles. He's already shot his entire wad, and the best he can do is less than half of his own (very recently adopted) party. I don't think a few mega-rallies where he generously allows people to worship him while he shouts slogans is gonna get it done, and he doesn't seem to know how to do anything else in the realm of campaigning.
If he plays this right, I think he is going to attract more voters by calming the fuck down. That is the only real play he can do. Trump supporters are not going anywhere no matter what he does, the right will vote for him anyway to vote against Hillary (most will at least) and he needs to appeal to her being a corporate and political shill for the powered elite. He will, I think, tone down the rhetoric and can attract a LOT of the sanders support. The real question is if he can get the electorate to buy the Hillary corporate shill act (when his IS the corporate that she used to shill for) and get those new voters to actually show up to the polls.

Does it look like it will be easy for him. Hell no - it is going to be tough as hell. I would not count him out of it though - that is what the GOP did in the beginning and he ran roughshod over the lot of em.
Trump has won 27 primary elections. Cruz has won 9. He has finished 3rd or worse in 16 primary elections.

Even his new VP pick said he can't be Clinton. You think Trump can't attract voters? He's certainly doing a far better job of it than Lyin' Ted.

In other words, "I have no idea, he just WILL! WE love him, and I just KNOW the rest of the country is FINALLY going to adore and worship him just like we do! It's going to happen! Somehow!"

Uh huh. Question answered. Your boy has nowhere to go, and no other tricks to play except to hope that we'll all get the same head injury you fucknuts did.
I guess you don't realize there wasn't a single rebuttal there anywhere in your comment. Want to try again Cruzbot?

A rebuttal of what? Did you actually think you had provided a serious answer, or made some sort of point?

The same blank cut-and-paste of the same "Trump is WINNING! I love TRUMP!" slogans in every post doesn't require any more from me than to recognize that you're Memorex, not live.

Congratulations on mastering the leftist "debate" style so quickly, though. It'll stand you in good stead when you stop pretending you and Orange Jesus are Republicans.
Okay establishment fangirl. Remember that Cruz and Carly won't be able to bribe the electoral college like they can with corrupt state delegates. If they win the nomination, enjoy 4 - 8 years of Hillary.

Sorry, was there some point that I gave you the impression that your opinion of me matters, leftist?

If Hillary Clinton wins, it'll be on you, and your attempts to blame others will be just as meaningful as your insults are now, dumbass.

You supported Trump. Your fault. 'Nuff said.
Sorry but no.

A Hillary win is NOT on Trump. The GOP is going to lose because the GOP is unable to appeal to its own voters and the center. Blaming Trump supporters because the GOP failed to present a candidate they could vote for is simply trying to avoid responsibility for how badly the party has fractured itself.

This is also why they continue to make the same bullshit mistakes. It is always the fault of the voter that did not vote the way the GOP has deemed. I get that charge ALL the time because I am not a shill that votes for whatever trash candidate the GOP throws up there.
Yeah, being able to use the rules to your benefit is TOTALLY "establishment", never mind that any intelligent game-player does that, and never mind the fact that his plan for doing so was originally created to screw the ESTABLISHMENT, long before Donny Boy ever reared his ugly orange head.

And yeah, we're totally pissed that our candidate isn't the most insane, juvenile loose cannon to ever appear in modern politics, despite the fact that the candidate we're supporting is none of the above. That's what it is: we were DYING to support someone who would be an utter international humiliation for the United States every time he opens his mouth, and so became angry at the only candidate who actually fits that description.

What I can't decide is whether Trumpism causes mental illness, or mental illness causes Trumpism. Which came first?

It was a great plan to, but he did not take the Donald seriously early enough. I find it funny how all the media who considered Ted Cruz their conservative anti establishment darling, all those folks who cheered him on when he jammed up Congress and all that now have flip-flopped and speak worse of him then they do Hillary. Cruz has a record of doing NOT establishment stuff. Trump? Meh.

What sane person could predict that a large chunk of the public would go batshit insane and take Trump seriously? How does one predict mass hysteria?

You are right, it's hard to predict. But when you see it, you can't deny it. Cruz is toast, and soon the masses of the RNC will be lining up to kiss Donald's ring. That's politicians for you. I am guessing Rubio and Cruz will be sacrificed if they don't fall in line with the new power center of the Republican Party, the Donald. It's it unbelievable, but it is what it is.

No, hon. What'll happen is Trump will demand everyone kiss his ring, and all he'll get is you cultists on your knees, and everyone else leaving him to crash and burn. If the RNC never cared what you assholes wanted before - and they didn't - what makes you think you suddenly became important enough for anyone to care about you now?

I guess it's not surprising that people who had no clue how primaries work are also simplistic and naive enough to think the RNC "has" to be fully supportive of any nominee forced on them.
You don't think the nominee will be Trump? And now the RNC is getting a nominee forced on them, by whom, those pesky registered republicans? OMG!
Believe it or not, that seems to be the sentiment.

Those damn voters not voting for those that the party has deemed worthy. Eventually the GOP is going to need to start presenting candidates that the base actually can get behind.
Trump is
Yeah, being able to use the rules to your benefit is TOTALLY "establishment", never mind that any intelligent game-player does that, and never mind the fact that his plan for doing so was originally created to screw the ESTABLISHMENT, long before Donny Boy ever reared his ugly orange head.

And yeah, we're totally pissed that our candidate isn't the most insane, juvenile loose cannon to ever appear in modern politics, despite the fact that the candidate we're supporting is none of the above. That's what it is: we were DYING to support someone who would be an utter international humiliation for the United States every time he opens his mouth, and so became angry at the only candidate who actually fits that description.

What I can't decide is whether Trumpism causes mental illness, or mental illness causes Trumpism. Which came first?

It was a great plan to, but he did not take the Donald seriously early enough. I find it funny how all the media who considered Ted Cruz their conservative anti establishment darling, all those folks who cheered him on when he jammed up Congress and all that now have flip-flopped and speak worse of him then they do Hillary. Cruz has a record of doing NOT establishment stuff. Trump? Meh.

What sane person could predict that a large chunk of the public would go batshit insane and take Trump seriously? How does one predict mass hysteria?

You are right, it's hard to predict. But when you see it, you can't deny it. Cruz is toast, and soon the masses of the RNC will be lining up to kiss Donald's ring. That's politicians for you. I am guessing Rubio and Cruz will be sacrificed if they don't fall in line with the new power center of the Republican Party, the Donald. It's it unbelievable, but it is what it is.

No, hon. What'll happen is Trump will demand everyone kiss his ring, and all he'll get is you cultists on your knees, and everyone else leaving him to crash and burn. If the RNC never cared what you assholes wanted before - and they didn't - what makes you think you suddenly became important enough for anyone to care about you now?

I guess it's not surprising that people who had no clue how primaries work are also simplistic and naive enough to think the RNC "has" to be fully supportive of any nominee forced on them.
You don't think the nominee will be Trump? And now the RNC is getting a nominee forced on them, by whom, those pesky registered republicans? OMG!

Trump is happening I'm afraid. If Cruz is serious about loving his country then he should work it out with the Donald so everyone stops acting dumb. Let Indiana happen, but this is getting serious. Trump needs to stop acting like a spoiled child, and Cruz needs to do what he gets to do.
Maybe because we support a real conservative.
aka RWNJ

"conservatives" are intellectual morons

"conservatism" is dead and the Republican Party is getting its ass handed to it by the populists aka the American people.

Actually the American people are getting their asses handed them by fancy marketing, just like the last two cycles.

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