Why Are Democrats So MAD?

Well... I think it's obvious. It's because they've trying to IMPEACH our president since BEFORE he was elected. They had their "insurance policy," which was the FAKE DOSSIER, and then they had the Mueller investigation that was SUPPOSED to get RID of him, but that didn't work so on to phase TWO, the WHISTLER BLOWER, that was all PLANNED with Adam ScHITt and his pack of corrupt bastards, and now THAT has back fired in GRAND STYLE with their FARCE IMPEACHMENT.

So they're PISSED... any other president would have CAVED and been sent PACKING by now, but NOT TRUMP, so they're FURIOUS, they're BESIDE THEMSELVES, they DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY he's STILL THERE, and they have pulled out ALL the stops to get RID OF HIM.

Problem is, everything they've done is CORRUPT, a LIE, a COUP against a duly elected president, and now... he's even STRONGER than when they started, and yes, that has got them REALLY PISSED. The LAW BE DAMNED... LOSING THE HOUSE BE DAMNED... they HAVE to get RID OF HIM.

Well... that ain't happen', demtards... that ain't happenin'... sorry...
Love the CAPS
That's how he shows that Dems are so mad....;)
Liberals have been angry longer than I've been alive.

They "thought" obama would actually give them free shit...but it's never enough to satisfy them...so they got angrier.

Then they watched Trump dismantle everything obama ever did and flipped the fuck out. :auiqs.jpg:

View attachment 295320
Might help if you don't show your stupidity and know the def of liberal.
No Latin in college?
No college?

Oh sir genius sir...please tell my what cogito ergo sum means.

Don't give me a translation...I don't want to hear "I thunk therefore I am".

I want you to tell me what it means sir genius sir!

What do you know for sure?
It's an indelible mark. An historic indelible mark on his presidency. You just don't wanna face that reality just yet. :itsok: This is what happens when you put your political tribe over the needs of the country.
That's exactly what the silly Democrats have done. Knowing the certainty of Trump's reelection, their only purpose is to insure no loss of votes from their constituents. So they think.

The flack they are getting in their town halls shows they miscalculated. Losing votes is exactly what's happening to them. The negative indelible mark against them is starting already. :laugh:

Anti-Impeachment Voters Blast Adam Schiff During Event in Los Angles: 'You Should Be in Jail!'

Democrats Send Trump's Approval Numbers Surging Upward
They don't want to bother with Elections or The Courts to arbitrate disagreements with The House and Executive Branch. They are already chanting Impeach Pence outside The House already.

The Divine Emperor Pelosi will not be denied her Throne of Tyranny!

The Founders intended impeachment would overturn an election

Impeachment is a congressional remedy to a president engaging in “treason, bribery, and other high crimes and misdemeanors.” The Founders intended that some presidential misbehavior couldn’t — and shouldn’t — wait until the next election, but that Congress should, in the interests of putting the nation’s interests first, have the remedy to remove a duly elected president from office.

To suggest otherwise, and to argue that impeachment and removal should never be exercised because there’s always a new election coming, is to put political interests above national interests and ignore the Constitution.

James Madison would be so jolted by such a philosophy he would likely have spilled his tea on his lap. Impeachment is an important and necessary safety measure instituted by the Founders.
You Do Mother Russia Proud!

Today, Comrade, is a Great Day for The Kremlin, and all of our faithful Moles in The United States, The FBI, and elsewhere in The US Government.

Glad to see that Comrade Original Tree has finally taken his mask off and shown that he is one of those Russian Trolls.
Putin Wins today, and you smile. Is that a coincidence? No, it's not. You and Putin are stuck together like two dogs in heat, humping away, and and unable of being separated.

The Kremlin Thanks you for your Service.
View attachment 295416
Trump said it would have been wonderful if Pelosi had impeached dubya.
You're going to find out who gets a "mark" come next November. Trump is going to be reelected by an even larger margin than in 2016, and the corrupt demtrash that pushed this ultra partisan impeachment FARCE are going to be sent packing.

So you get your rocks off on it now, because there's an ass kickin' on the way for your party of trash.
It's happening already. See post # 64.
They don't want to bother with Elections or The Courts to arbitrate disagreements with The House and Executive Branch. They are already chanting Impeach Pence outside The House already.

The Divine Emperor Pelosi will not be denied her Throne of Tyranny!

The Founders intended impeachment would overturn an election

Impeachment is a congressional remedy to a president engaging in “treason, bribery, and other high crimes and misdemeanors.” The Founders intended that some presidential misbehavior couldn’t — and shouldn’t — wait until the next election, but that Congress should, in the interests of putting the nation’s interests first, have the remedy to remove a duly elected president from office.

To suggest otherwise, and to argue that impeachment and removal should never be exercised because there’s always a new election coming, is to put political interests above national interests and ignore the Constitution.

James Madison would be so jolted by such a philosophy he would likely have spilled his tea on his lap. Impeachment is an important and necessary safety measure instituted by the Founders.
You Do Mother Russia Proud!

Today, Comrade, is a Great Day for The Kremlin, and all of our faithful Moles in The United States, The FBI, and elsewhere in The US Government.

Glad to see that Comrade Original Tree has finally taken his mask off and shown that he is one of those Russian Trolls.
Putin Wins today, and you smile. Is that a coincidence? No, it's not. You and Putin are stuck together like two dogs in heat, humping away, and and unable of being separated.

The Kremlin Thanks you for your Service.
View attachment 295416
Trump said it would have been wonderful if Pelosi had impeached dubya.
Best Christmas Ever, Comrade, Don't You Agree?
Happy Day to you and thank you for your service to The Kremlin.

TODAY IS WHAT WINNING LOOKS LIKE when we work together to stab The American Imperialist Dog in The Heart for The Glory of Mother Russia!

Well... I think it's obvious. It's because they've trying to IMPEACH our president since BEFORE he was elected. They had their "insurance policy," which was the FAKE DOSSIER, and then they had the Mueller investigation that was SUPPOSED to get RID of him, but that didn't work so on to phase TWO, the WHISTLER BLOWER, that was all PLANNED with Adam ScHITt and his pack of corrupt bastards, and now THAT has back fired in GRAND STYLE with their FARCE IMPEACHMENT.

So they're PISSED... any other president would have CAVED and been sent PACKING by now, but NOT TRUMP, so they're FURIOUS, they're BESIDE THEMSELVES, they DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY he's STILL THERE, and they have pulled out ALL the stops to get RID OF HIM.

Problem is, everything they've done is CORRUPT, a LIE, a COUP against a duly elected president, and now... he's even STRONGER than when they started, and yes, that has got them REALLY PISSED. The LAW BE DAMNED... LOSING THE HOUSE BE DAMNED... they HAVE to get RID OF HIM.

Well... that ain't happen', demtards... that ain't happenin'... sorry...

Well... I think it's obvious. It's because they've trying to IMPEACH our president since BEFORE he was elected. They had their "insurance policy," which was the FAKE DOSSIER, and then they had the Mueller investigation that was SUPPOSED to get RID of him, but that didn't work so on to phase TWO, the WHISTLER BLOWER, that was all PLANNED with Adam ScHITt and his pack of corrupt bastards, and now THAT has back fired in GRAND STYLE with their FARCE IMPEACHMENT.

So they're PISSED... any other president would have CAVED and been sent PACKING by now, but NOT TRUMP, so they're FURIOUS, they're BESIDE THEMSELVES, they DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY he's STILL THERE, and they have pulled out ALL the stops to get RID OF HIM.

Problem is, everything they've done is CORRUPT, a LIE, a COUP against a duly elected president, and now... he's even STRONGER than when they started, and yes, that has got them REALLY PISSED. The LAW BE DAMNED... LOSING THE HOUSE BE DAMNED... they HAVE to get RID OF HIM.

Well... that ain't happen', demtards... that ain't happenin'... sorry...
Yeah, why can't the be happy and loving to all like the Orange Don? I don't get it. Hail Trump!
You COULD just move to another country. Plenty of options. Syria, Iran, China. Bon voyage.

My Country.
I Love my Country.

That is why I support the Impeachment and Removal from office of our traitor in office, DJT.

Contards are in FACT the POC POS.
Congrats on Hating America.
Yep... I've never seen the demtrash so ANGRY... SOOOOOO angry... and I've been here a long time.


That can tell me only one thing, that they're LOSING and they know it. They know their party is a DUMPSTER FIRE of LIES and CORRUPTION, and even though they're ALL GOOD with that, they see that it's making them even MORE unpopular with the American people... so... they're ANGRY, just BITTER. They don't LIKE people to DISAGREE WITH THEM. You don't DARE disagree with them. That's NOT ALLOWED. If you disagree with them, you have to be SHUT UP, SILENCED, you're not ALLOWED to voice an opinion other than the one THEY WANT TO HEAR.

Well folks, that's called FASCISM, and that's what the new radical demtrash party is ALL ABOUT.

If Hitler was alive, he'd be impressed. He'd fit right in with the democrats.

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