Why are Democrats so quick to discuss and ‘fix’ white supremacy and yet so against discussing or fixing black criminality?

legalize drugs and try a mental health system, the war on drugs is a joke and a catastrophe.
HaHaHa, that's rich. We already have a fentanyl crisis in this state. But, what the hey, maybe there's a silver lining. The ones that are dying are libs. Now that fentanyl is legal, maybe the lib voter base will shrink. Libs killing other libs. I like it, maybe it will catch on nationwide. Then the remaining people can put the leftist morons that thought this was a good idea in mental institutions. Best idea you've ever had.
Like cheap college and training
Broken record. Community college has been next to free for the last 50 years. That's a 50% savings over a four year college. Infrastructure? Like Bidenvilles or toilets on every corner in SF for the homeless that the democraps have produced? Try again moron.
Broken record. Community college has been next to free for the last 50 years. That's a 50% savings over a four year college. Infrastructure? Like Bidenvilles or toilets on every corner in SF for the homeless that the democraps have produced? Try again moron.
No like new airports and harbor facilities and cleaning up the infrastructure that has fallen apart the last the last 60 years with not enough money invested in maintenance..... and all college costs have gone up exponentially at the same time. Tax the rich again for crying out loud, Super Duper..
HaHaHa, that's rich. We already have a fentanyl crisis in this state. But, what the hey, maybe there's a silver lining. The ones that are dying are libs. Now that fentanyl is legal, maybe the lib voter base will shrink. Libs killing other libs. I like it, maybe it will catch on nationwide. Then the remaining people can put the leftist morons that thought this was a good idea in mental institutions. Best idea you've ever had.
If the drugs are legal, they can be tested for purity. Would save about 80,000 lives this year. and plenty of Republicans ohh what is wrong with you people....
The perpetual victimization is the result of GOP policy the last 40 years dipstick. it is way past time to tax the rich again and invest in America again for crying out loud the place is falling apart...
Thank you for raising your hand and spewing the perpetual victim tears in your very first sentence

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