Why are members of the Republican Party so dead set against HR 1?

It seems to be terribly short sighted and even un-American to vote against a bill that strengthens efforts to restore integrity in the voting process and remove inequities and partisan gerrymandering from the system. It is very revealing for Repubs to be so viamently against a bill that makes voting easier, safer, and more secure. Does the GOPQ think they can no longer win without cheating? I hope not....
If HR-1 passes, it will mean the end of the current Republican party I think that's why they fear it, and rightfully so.

Actually , it will be the end of our constitutional republic and our individual freedoms.

It seems to be terribly short sighted and even un-American to vote against a bill that strengthens efforts to restore integrity in the voting process and remove inequities and partisan gerrymandering from the system. It is very revealing for Repubs to be so viamently against a bill that makes voting easier, safer, and more secure. Does the GOPQ think they can no longer win without cheating? I hope not....

Hope you're joking here.. Dont blame you, I blame whatever sources you're reading.. HR1 is the design schematics for all the unconstitutional monkey-wrenching that went on behind the 2020 election? The CURRENT bill is the blueprint for REDUCING ACCURACY AND SECURITY in our election system that was used in the past election. HR 1 is far from new.. It FEDERALIZES all of our election laws. It's hard to find provisions of that bill that DO NOT VIOLATE both the US and Constitution and constitutions of most states.

IT ALLOWS "secure on-line" voter registration which is an OXYMORON.

IT contains a clause that legal challenges to this bill can only be challenged thru the Federal APPELATE court in DC.

IT REMOVES chain of custody requirements for ballots and MANDATES tha5 they be sent out like a Pizza Junk mail flyer.
IT AUTOMATICALLY REGISTERS ANYONE at the DMV, or Medicare/Medicare or public assistance services WITHOUT CITIZENSHIP Checks.

It's a COMPLETE MANIFESTO for making a fucking mockery of our election ACCURACY, SECURITY and TIMELYNESS.

And it's the evil Dem plan for ONE PARTY DOMINATION, not just on a national level but usurping almost all of the original rights of the states to conduct elections.

I assume Jim -- that you LOVE ALL THAT.. Because I can't believe you've been brainwashed by the foul media sushi you've been feasting on...

It would have been easier to say the bill simply indicates Democrats think their supporters are too stupid to provide a verifiable ballot through a properly certified process ... or they just want to cheat.

I mean it is one, or the other, or both ... Take your pick ... :thup:


Has anyone even read this Bill? It’s a freakin invitation for fraud. America is a Republic, states set their own voting laws and legislative districts not the speaker of the house, not some legislative oversight commission, not the federal government. What a pile of bullshit.
Has anyone even read this Bill? It’s a freakin invitation for fraud. America is a Republic, states set their own voting laws and legislative districts not the speaker of the house, not some legislative oversight commission, not the federal government. What a pile of bullshit.
have you read the constitution

Article I, Section 4, Clause 1: The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of chusing Senators.

HR1 includes provisions to increase security through grants and cybersecurity improvements, so there aint no fraud.
Has anyone even read this Bill? It’s a freakin invitation for fraud. America is a Republic, states set their own voting laws and legislative districts not the speaker of the house, not some legislative oversight commission, not the federal government. What a pile of bullshit.
have you read the constitution

Article I, Section 4, Clause 1: The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of chusing Senators.

HR1 includes provisions to increase security through grants and cybersecurity improvements, so there aint no fraud.

So in other words you haven't read and don't have clue what it really says.

It adds some cyber security measures, and it also adds some expanded online opportunities that have absolutely no oversight.
It's written that way so you can carry on about how good it is, when it is a piece of crap.

It states the desire to achieve consistency in some areas.
There are great variations in the policies, and the changes make the states with policies Democrats don't like meet certain requirements while it allow states with policies Democrats do like to remain as they are without meeting the same requirements as the others.

That's not consistency, it is rigging the system in attempts to favor a certain party, and in a piece of legislation they also told you was going to address getting rid of gerrymandering.

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Why? Because they know if all legal voters actually vote... they lose
Another BS for brains left winger heard from. Voting should be done in one of two ways, in person or the voter requesting a absentee ballot to be received by the election board BEFORE election day save military or overseas ballots.
Thanks for your bullshit opinion. Where does it state that in the Constitution?

It seems to be terribly short sighted and even un-American to vote against a bill that strengthens efforts to restore integrity in the voting process and remove inequities and partisan gerrymandering from the system. It is very revealing for Repubs to be so viamently against a bill that makes voting easier, safer, and more secure. Does the GOPQ think they can no longer win without cheating? I hope not....
Have you read the entire bill?
Has anyone even read this Bill? It’s a freakin invitation for fraud. America is a Republic, states set their own voting laws and legislative districts not the speaker of the house, not some legislative oversight commission, not the federal government. What a pile of bullshit.
have you read the constitution

Article I, Section 4, Clause 1: The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of chusing Senators.

HR1 includes provisions to increase security through grants and cybersecurity improvements, so there aint no fraud.

Originally State legislatures also appointed their Senators but the founders made provision for Amendments to the Constitutional framework such as voting rights originally exclusive to male property owner taxpayers.

It would take a Constitutional Amendment process to strip State legislatures of their authority to govern elections.

Grants to who now ?
Leftist organizations to harvest votes they steer or alter to fit the kickback party lineup?

Cybersecurity as in make it illegal to question obvious cyber malfeasance like news blackouts shadow or actual banning and or manipulating actual vote counts?

If you trust these power grab Progressive thieves than just consider their 6:1 matching federal dollars to political campaigns provision in HR1 ... sort of reminds me of Omar's vote buying and strong arming tactics that Project Veritas exposed.
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It seems to be terribly short sighted and even un-American to vote against a bill that strengthens efforts to restore integrity in the voting process and remove inequities and partisan gerrymandering from the system. It is very revealing for Repubs to be so viamently against a bill that makes voting easier, safer, and more secure. Does the GOPQ think they can no longer win without cheating? I hope not....
If HR-1 passes, it will mean the end of the current Republican party I think that's why they fear it, and rightfully so.

And you're FINE with a one party nation comrade?? I'm sure you are. Just like the Politburo in the Soviet Union?

This makes you look stupider than I hope you are.. They come for YOU at some point. You're an easier target than Dumbo, Dr. Seuss, or Speedy Gonzalez or Mario Cuomo.. The rest of us will fight like hell to keep morons from you from EVEN TRYING to chain up liberty and freedom and actual democracy.

Hate to tell ya, but this is just a show of force. Almost EVERYTHING in that Bill violates the Federal and various State Constitutions. San Fran Nan KNOWS THIS.. That's why they inserted the requirement in the bill to only allow challenges to this mockery in the DC Fed Court of Appeals. But even that is not enough from having the Judicial branch eviscerate this pile of shit.,.

And if they don't -- see ya on the battlefield son..... The partisan whoring commies behind this move can only push sane reasonable people so far...
The party that engaged in state & federal Constitution and law violations - acknowledged by the USSC - and who engaged in massive criminal election fraud to put a dementia-ravaged old white self-enriching racist - who was proven before the election to have engaged in extortion, Influence Peddling, Russian money laundeting, and taking $1 Billion from the CCP - into the WHrams through on their partisan own a socialist agenda plan to revise the existing election system....and anyone seriously wants to consider it?


No thanks, especially after having read it...

Damn I am glad I don't have to reach that far to find something wrong with it.
But tell me ... Do think the measure put forth were pretty much predictable?


It was not only predictable, it's why the Dems did NOT CAMPAIGN in the last election. They were too busy monkey-wrenching an election and IMPLEMENTING HR 1 best they could under the pretenses of "Covid Crisis"... That's why they went to the courts to get those unconstitutional election law changes just in time for the courts to BLOCK CHALLENGES because the ballots were all printed and voting was starting imminently..

Like I said -- HR 1 didn't just appear out of nowhere.

It seems to be terribly short sighted and even un-American to vote against a bill that strengthens efforts to restore integrity in the voting process and remove inequities and partisan gerrymandering from the system. It is very revealing for Repubs to be so viamently against a bill that makes voting easier, safer, and more secure. Does the GOPQ think they can no longer win without cheating? I hope not....
If HR-1 passes, it will mean the end of the current Republican party I think that's why they fear it, and rightfully so.

And you're FINE with a one party nation comrade?? I'm sure you are. Just like the Politburo in the Soviet Union?

This makes you look stupider than I hope you are.. They come for YOU at some point. You're an easier target than Dumbo, Dr. Seuss, or Speedy Gonzalez or Mario Cuomo.. The rest of us will fight like hell to keep morons from you from EVEN TRYING to chain up liberty and freedom and actual democracy.

Hate to tell ya, but this is just a show of force. Almost EVERYTHING in that Bill violates the Federal and various State Constitutions. San Fran Nan KNOWS THIS.. That's why they inserted the requirement in the bill to only allow challenges to this mockery in the DC Fed Court of Appeals. But even that is not enough from having the Judicial branch eviscerate this pile of shit.,.

And if they don't -- see ya on the battlefield son..... The partisan whoring commies behind this move can only push sane reasonable people so far...
I would assume a party would sprout from the dead Republican one. I highly doubt everyone would become Democrat voters, right?

It seems to be terribly short sighted and even un-American to vote against a bill that strengthens efforts to restore integrity in the voting process and remove inequities and partisan gerrymandering from the system. It is very revealing for Repubs to be so viamently against a bill that makes voting easier, safer, and more secure. Does the GOPQ think they can no longer win without cheating? I hope not....
If HR-1 passes, it will mean the end of the current Republican party I think that's why they fear it, and rightfully so.

And you're FINE with a one party nation comrade?? I'm sure you are. Just like the Politburo in the Soviet Union?

This makes you look stupider than I hope you are.. They come for YOU at some point. You're an easier target than Dumbo, Dr. Seuss, or Speedy Gonzalez or Mario Cuomo.. The rest of us will fight like hell to keep morons from you from EVEN TRYING to chain up liberty and freedom and actual democracy.

Hate to tell ya, but this is just a show of force. Almost EVERYTHING in that Bill violates the Federal and various State Constitutions. San Fran Nan KNOWS THIS.. That's why they inserted the requirement in the bill to only allow challenges to this mockery in the DC Fed Court of Appeals. But even that is not enough from having the Judicial branch eviscerate this pile of shit.,.

And if they don't -- see ya on the battlefield son..... The partisan whoring commies behind this move can only push sane reasonable people so far...
I would assume a party would sprout from the dead Republican one. I highly doubt everyone would become Democrat voters, right?

With 3rd world voting standards what would be the point? No -- there would be just bloodshed and pain..

I want to see BOTH CORRUPT, INEPT parties die a faster more horrible death.. Unfortunately. the way the Dems are using their power to pillage the treasury, open the borders, and try to pull off a silent one party coup in their 1st 60 days -- I'm telling you the Dem Party is on a faster track to oblivion than the Repubs right now..

YOU -- should definitely worry more about the survival of your OWN PARTY and be much less invested in permanently vanquishing the opposition in this country..
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Regarding the OP...
Can you imagine what would happen to any Democrat in Congress who disagreed with Pelosi?
They would be crucified.

It seems to be terribly short sighted and even un-American to vote against a bill that strengthens efforts to restore integrity in the voting process and remove inequities and partisan gerrymandering from the system. It is very revealing for Repubs to be so viamently against a bill that makes voting easier, safer, and more secure. Does the GOPQ think they can no longer win without cheating? I hope not....
If HR-1 passes, it will mean the end of the current Republican party I think that's why they fear it, and rightfully so.

And you're FINE with a one party nation comrade?? I'm sure you are. Just like the Politburo in the Soviet Union?

This makes you look stupider than I hope you are.. They come for YOU at some point. You're an easier target than Dumbo, Dr. Seuss, or Speedy Gonzalez or Mario Cuomo.. The rest of us will fight like hell to keep morons from you from EVEN TRYING to chain up liberty and freedom and actual democracy.

Hate to tell ya, but this is just a show of force. Almost EVERYTHING in that Bill violates the Federal and various State Constitutions. San Fran Nan KNOWS THIS.. That's why they inserted the requirement in the bill to only allow challenges to this mockery in the DC Fed Court of Appeals. But even that is not enough from having the Judicial branch eviscerate this pile of shit.,.

And if they don't -- see ya on the battlefield son..... The partisan whoring commies behind this move can only push sane reasonable people so far...
I would assume a party would sprout from the dead Republican one. I highly doubt everyone would become Democrat voters, right?

You know what they say about don't assume ?

Maybe too young.. anyway the reason the Dems are so desperate is because they know their time is short and they only hold the House by an historically slim majority who are really getting nervous about the feedback from most of their constituents over insane leftist policies.

It seems to be terribly short sighted and even un-American to vote against a bill that strengthens efforts to restore integrity in the voting process and remove inequities and partisan gerrymandering from the system. It is very revealing for Repubs to be so viamently against a bill that makes voting easier, safer, and more secure. Does the GOPQ think they can no longer win without cheating? I hope not....

Hope you're joking here.. Dont blame you, I blame whatever sources you're reading.. HR1 is the design schematics for all the unconstitutional monkey-wrenching that went on behind the 2020 election? The CURRENT bill is the blueprint for REDUCING ACCURACY AND SECURITY in our election system that was used in the past election. HR 1 is far from new.. It FEDERALIZES all of our election laws. It's hard to find provisions of that bill that DO NOT VIOLATE both the US and Constitution and constitutions of most states.

IT ALLOWS "secure on-line" voter registration which is an OXYMORON.

IT contains a clause that legal challenges to this bill can only be challenged thru the Federal APPELATE court in DC.

IT REMOVES chain of custody requirements for ballots and MANDATES tha5 they be sent out like a Pizza Junk mail flyer.
IT AUTOMATICALLY REGISTERS ANYONE at the DMV, or Medicare/Medicare or public assistance services WITHOUT CITIZENSHIP Checks.

It's a COMPLETE MANIFESTO for making a fucking mockery of our election ACCURACY, SECURITY and TIMELYNESS.

And it's the evil Dem plan for ONE PARTY DOMINATION, not just on a national level but usurping almost all of the original rights of the states to conduct elections.

I assume Jim -- that you LOVE ALL THAT.. Because I can't believe you've been brainwashed by the foul media sushi you've been feasting on...
As the GOP tries desperately to keep people from voting....especially people of color....HR-1 would strengthen and make voting more secure. All one has to do is look at the efforts by the GOPQ to cheat and get legal votes thrown out in 2020. It was the most anti-Democratic and Treasonous actions we have ever seen in this country. Try Again Barney.
Oh look, another racist Dimwinger saying black people are too stupid and lazy to get a photo ID.

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