Why Are Moms Like Me Being Called Domestic Terrorists?

The democrat senator did weekend before last. No shut up and move along. You loons are the most violent people around.
Cameras in the bathroom seems more like a trump stunt. You know, that ex-pussy grabber in chief.
The following is from an email I got the other day:
I am a mother of four, a criminal defense attorney and a lifelong liberal who is deeply concerned about the direction of New York City’s public schools. I’ve been outspoken about my views, along with an untold number of frustrated parents. For that, the FBI is considering using the PATRIOT Act against me.

Let me explain: late last month, the National School Boards Association, an umbrella organization representing thousands of local elected school board officials, sent a letter addressed to President Biden. It warned that “America’s public schools and its education leaders are under an immediate threat.” But not just any threat: “the classification of these heinous actions could be the equivalent to a form of domestic terrorism and hate crimes.” The letter implored the White House to enlist the support of Homeland Security, the FBI and the Department of Justice to investigate the threat — adding that the alleged crimes fall under the purview of the “PATRIOT Act in regards to domestic terrorism.”

I read the letter with grave concern, as would any American who cares about our public schools and the safety of teachers and students. What was the nature of this threat? And would my own children be at risk?

As it turns out, the threat is me. The threat is parents showing up to dress down school boards over their dereliction of duty. That is what the NSBA considers a crime.

I urge you to read the letter in full. You will see that it contains 24 footnotes. The worst of the so-called crimes include prank calls; a single individual in Ohio yelling a “Nazi salute in protest of masking requirements”; another individual in Washington State whose disorderly conduct prompted the board to call a recess; “spreading misinformation” online, and disorderly conduct arrests. In New York, where I live, disorderly conduct is not even a criminal offense.

And yet within days of the NSBA letter, the top law enforcement official in the country, Attorney General Merrick Garland, publicly responded to the letter with a memorandum to the director of the FBI. Garland agreed with the NSBA that “there has been a disturbing spike in harassment, intimidation, and threats of violence” against board members — without providing any evidence. He further announced specialized training for board members to “aid in the investigation and prosecution of these crimes” and, more worryingly, the creation of a task force composed of FBI and Justice Department representatives to “determine how federal enforcement tools can be used to prosecute these crimes.” The FBI’s clear message to parents is that the NSBA is on the right track.

THIS is domestic terrorism? It's okay to riot, burn, and loot private property, vandalize public property and even declare certain places as autonomous zones, that's not domestic terrorism is but parents raising hell at a local school board meeting is? Are you fucking kidding me? Our FBI is coming after US? WE are the problem? Something is seriously fucked up here.

It wasn't just the city of NY.

It was the National School Boards Association who sent a letter to Biden.

They have been terrorized by anti mask, anti social distancing and anti vaccine people.

When the government is asked for help, the government is obligated to help. It's their job.

The group’s letter documented more than 20 instances of threats, harassment, disruption, and acts of intimidation in California, Florida, Georgia, New Jersey, Ohio and other states. It cited the September arrest of an Illinois man for aggravated battery and disorderly conduct for allegedly striking a school official at a meeting. In Michigan, a meeting was disrupted when a man performed a Nazi salute to protest masking.

“We are coming after you,” a letter mailed to an Ohio school board member said, according to the group. “You are forcing them to wear mask — for no reason in this world other than control. And for that you will pay dearly.” It called the member “a filthy traitor.”

“Over the last few weeks, school board members and other education leaders have received death threats and have been subjected to threats and harassment, both online and in person,” Slaven said. The department’s action “is a strong message to individuals with violent intent who are focused on causing chaos, disrupting our public schools, and driving wedges between school boards and the parents, students, and communities they serve.”

In case you and the author of your OP article doesn't know, threatening to kill people, harassment and abuse is terrorism and illegal.

You may think it's ok to terrorize people but sane people don't.

What were the threats?

So far nobody can offer one up

I've posted it a couple times in other threads people have started and lying about what is happening. One man in Illinois was arrested for striking a school official at a meeting.

If you honestly wanted to know what threats, you would have done the exact same thing I did. A search on it. It wasn't hard and took seconds.

You don't want to know about it or you would have done the same search I did. But you didn't.

You don't want to know.

You will attack me for giving you the information. You won't believe it and call me a liar. Or something along those dishonest actions.

“We are coming after you,” a letter mailed to an Ohio school board member said, according to the group. “You are forcing them to wear mask — for no reason in this world other than control. And for that you will pay dearly.” It called the member “a filthy traitor.”

The group’s letter documented more than 20 instances of threats, harassment, disruption, and acts of intimidation in California, Florida, Georgia, New Jersey, Ohio and other states. It cited the September arrest of an Illinois man for aggravated battery and disorderly conduct for allegedly striking a school official at a meeting. In Michigan, a meeting was disrupted when a man performed a Nazi salute to protest masking.

I've posted it a couple times in other threads people have started and lying about what is happening. One man in Illinois was arrested for striking a school official at a meeting.

If you honestly wanted to know what threats, you would have done the exact same thing I did. A search on it. It wasn't hard and took seconds.

You don't want to know about it or you would have done the same search I did. But you didn't.

You don't want to know.

You will attack me for giving you the information. You won't believe it and call me a liar. Or something along those dishonest actions.

“We are coming after you,” a letter mailed to an Ohio school board member said, according to the group. “You are forcing them to wear mask — for no reason in this world other than control. And for that you will pay dearly.” It called the member “a filthy traitor.”

The group’s letter documented more than 20 instances of threats, harassment, disruption, and acts of intimidation in California, Florida, Georgia, New Jersey, Ohio and other states. It cited the September arrest of an Illinois man for aggravated battery and disorderly conduct for allegedly striking a school official at a meeting. In Michigan, a meeting was disrupted when a man performed a Nazi salute to protest masking.

Go hide under your bed, loon
Maybe you missed the letter that public school “educators” sent to biden asking him to declare parents as terrorists
You got a link to that letter? The letter I read asked for help because of threats of violence and intimidation. There was nothing in the letter I read about declaring parents as terrorists. Seems you are referring to some of the latest conspiracy theory bullshit.
Looks like Karen has competition from Maud...
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Haha no he isn't. He is preying on gullible, ignorant, angry people to butter his bread. Nothing more.
Protestors followed that poor senator into the restroom weekend before last. Yes.
Protestors summer before last looted, destroyed businesses, and locked cops in a police station and tried to burn it down. Yes.

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