Why Are Moms Like Me Being Called Domestic Terrorists?

What threats?

Document them if you can
I don't have to do that, nor does anyone have to present that to some uneducated slob. The school boards do that when they contact the authorities. If you want to act like a challenged child and pretend that they don't exist, embarrass yourself all you like.
The National School Board Association (NSBA) recently sent a letter to President Joe Biden about the “immediate threat” of parent violence against school board members and educators. The reception of this letter led Attorney General Merrick Garland to call on the FBI to “use its authority” against these threats.

“As these acts of malice, violence, and threats against public school officials have increased, the classification of these heinous actions could be the equivalent to a form of domestic terrorism and hate crimes,” the NSBA wildly claimed.

But the letter only mentions around 20 total “threats” across numerous states. Many of them, aside from a couple isolated cases, consist of nothing more than parents and residents expressing their anger or disrupting meetings.

In a word, many of these “threats” did not appear to actually threaten people with serious harm, which calls into question the forceful and intimidating federal response.

The reported incidents occurred in roughly 17 different states, with the NSBA letter footnoting and linking to various news articles about these incidents. Yet in the vast majority of cases the stories have covered “contentious meetings” and “disruption.” Very few of the incidents involved actual violence or statements that could be legitimately interpreted as threatening serious harm.

So, where is the violence occurring? From the above link"

The NSBA refers to just three instances where someone was arrested at a school board meeting for “disorderly conduct” or “trespassing.” The letter frequently uses the word “threats” without qualification and never specifically mentions “death threats” as a widespread problem.

3 times? That's it? Are you fucking kidding me? For 3 times you call in the FBI?

So they should wait until there is a MAGA MOB siege at one of these local school board meetings or until somebody goes postal at one? Nobody ever thought a MAGA MOB would lay siege to the Capitol building and demand the hanging of Vice President Pence for following his Constitutional obligation either. Using Mobs with intimidation and threats of violent retribution on public servants was a tactic of the original Fascist Mussolini, who took over Italy.
Yes, i am sure you are outraged. Did they make any violent threats? If so, Sinema should contact the FBI.

Your pathetic whataboutism isn't going to get you anywhere.
Even Biden said it was part of politics. I guess if you go against liberal politics. You're on your own.
Even Biden said it was part of politics.
Gotta disagree with Biden on that one, when it comes to following people into the bathroom. That's more like harassment than protest.

I will now be ignoring all of your pathetic attempts at whataboutism. They are irrelevant and , if you are too squeamish to discuss the topic, find someone else to soothe you.
So they should wait until there is a MAGA MOB siege at one of these local school board meetings or until somebody goes postal at one? Nobody ever thought a MAGA MOB would lay siege to the Capitol building and demand the hanging of Vice President Pence for following his Constitutional obligation either. Using Mobs with intimidation and threats of violent retribution on public servants was a tactic of the original Fascist Mussolini, who took over Italy.
So you believe people should be convicted of a crime before they have committed one?

Are you really this stupid?
Gotta disagree with Biden on that one, when it comes to following people into the bathroom. That's more like harassment than protest.

I will now be ignoring all of your pathetic attempts at whataboutism. They are irrelevant and , if you are too squeamish to discuss the topic, find someone else to soothe you.

It's not like all he said to the question was "It's part of the process." I agree with his full statement.

"I don't think they're appropriate tactics, but it happens to everybody," Biden said. "The only people it doesn't happen to are the people who have secret service standing around. It's a part of the process."
It's not like all he said to the question was "It's part of the process." I agree with his full statement.

"I don't think they're appropriate tactics, but it happens to everybody," Biden said. "The only people it doesn't happen to are the people who have secret service standing around. It's a part of the process."
Except does it really happen to everybody? When was the last time conservative voters followed a Senator with whose policies they disagree into the bathroom and harassed him right outside the stall?
So you believe people should be convicted of a crime before they have committed one?

Are you really this stupid?

Nope. Scouts motto. "Be Prepared." After the siege debacle during the EC vote count by Congress in Jan , they will be and should be cautious when dealing with the type of MAGA MOB where any thing can happen after the lies are parroted and the crowd gets worked up into a frenzy by agitators.
So they should wait until there is a MAGA MOB siege at one of these local school board meetings or until somebody goes postal at one? Nobody ever thought a MAGA MOB would lay siege to the Capitol building and demand the hanging of Vice President Pence for following his Constitutional obligation either. Using Mobs with intimidation and threats of violent retribution on public servants was a tactic of the original Fascist Mussolini, who took over Italy.
It’s not a matter for the FBI, which is being used here to intimidate dissenters. Local police should be there to control the rare parent who is getting out of control. That the DOJ Secretary saw fit to sic his FBI on parents protesting the anti-white sentiment permeating through the schools is merely a strong-armed tactic, by the left, to silence dissenting views.
Then Sinema can contact the authorities. Your pathetic whataboutism isn't getting you anywhere.
It’s hardly whataboutism to point out that the left is guilty of the very thing they accuse others of. Why isn’t the FBI investigating the young adults who harassed Sinema? It rings hollow for the FBI to say they will not allow citizens to harass and threaten public officials when they clearly WILL, when the public official isn’t going along with the Biden Administration.
Except does it really happen to everybody? When was the last time conservative voters followed a Senator with whose policies they disagree into the bathroom and harassed him right outside the stall?

Does he think it was appropriate or not?
Just an FYI: The Loudoun County School Board in Virginia, who many parents are protesting against re their racist leftist agenda, and who are among those being called “domestic terrorists” for daring to speak out against the racist garbage being peddled in their schools, is having a meeting at 4 pm. Not sure if it will be televised nationally, but I imagine snippets will be n the news if it gets heated.

I do not know if FBI agents will be on hand to intimidate tax-paying, law-abiding suburban moms and dads who refuse to quietly go along with the anti-white attitudes.
Does he think it was appropriate or not?
Did he downplay it or what, since it was a non-leftist being harassed? He said that harassing public officials was “part of the process.” Simultaneously, he is calling out parents for protesting the leftist agenda of public school boards.

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