Why are republicans automatically considered racist?

Why do you suppose the RNC choose Michael Steele for its leader?

This is another political stereotype that has always intrigued me. Obviously it's not true. Anyone can produce a list of republicans that are/were not racist. Yet the stereotype persists. Why do you think that republicans are automatically considered racist?

I would think or hope that most of us agree that we can see racism in both parties at times. I mean, we are "man" we are fallible, we mess up horribly. The song Amazing Grace has a very interesting background to it. John Henry Newton, who wrote it, used to be in the slave trade.

Amazing Grace - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Newton wrote the words from personal experience. He grew up without any particular religious conviction but his life's path was formed by a variety of twists and coincidences that were often put into motion by his recalcitrant insubordination. He was pressed into the Royal Navy and became a sailor, eventually participating in the slave trade. One night a terrible storm battered his vessel so severely that he became frightened enough to call out to God for mercy, a moment that marked the beginning of his spiritual conversion. His career in slave trading lasted a few years more until he quit going to sea altogether and began studying theology.

John Newton - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
John Henry Newton (July 24, 1725 – December 21, 1807) was an English sailor and Anglican clergyman. Starting his career on the sea at a young age, he became involved with the slave trade for a few years. After experiencing a religious conversion, he became a minister, hymn-writer, and later a prominent supporter of the abolition of slavery. He was the author of many hymns, including "Amazing Grace" and "Glorious Things of Thee are Spoken."

As for the political stereotype, my personal belief is that democrats (not all, of course) can easily lie for their agendas' and call republicans racist. They think they have no one to be accountable to (The Lord God Almighty) because they (not all, once again) choose not to believe and trust in Him. If they choose not to answer to the Lord, well, they think they are in the free and clear and they can lie all they want for their agendas.

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This is why I posted the tread about how do yo deterimine a fact.

it is a cold hard court documented fact that the republicans have worked for decades to keep black and poor voters from voting.

Cold hard evidence prooves it.

R to R memo where they talk of keeping black people from voting and tape of right wing leader saying they dont want everyone to vote

YouTube - ‪Paul Weyrich - "I don't want everybody to vote" (Goo Goo)‬‏

The documents and court hearing were the latest developments in a controversy over the GOP's ballot program that Democrats maintain is aimed at reducing minority turnout. The Republicans say the program's sole purpose is to purge ineligible voters from voting roles.

In an Aug. 13 memo the court made public Friday, Kris Wolfe, the Republican National Committee Midwest political director, wrote Lanny Griffith, the committee's Southern political director, and said of the Louisiana campaigning:

"I know this race is really important to you. I would guess that this program will eliminate at least 60-80,000 folks from the rolls. . . . If it's a close race . . . which I'm assuming it is, this could keep the black vote down considerably."

GOP Memo Admits Plan Could 'Keep Black Vote Down' - Los Angeles Times
Fuck face. The MSM has been running stories about black voters losing enthusiasm and the projections for 2012 are that black voters are less interested in voting in that election.
Now, where in that incredibly dark hole you call your brain do you see anything about voter "suppression". Eliminating ineligible names from the voting records is not suppression. If anything it legitimizes the voting process.
You lefties are very fucking slick. You take a perfectly legitimate concern regarding the possibility of lower black voter turnout and change into a voter suppression issue. All to try in vain to support a completely idiotic post in your original entry to the thread?
Because they have worked for decades to keep black voters from voting.

Really? Got some credible evidence indicating your claim to be true?
ANd please do not dig up any shit about the KKK...Those people were not republicans nor did they come close to representing main stream conservatives.
You will have to do much better than "because they have worked for decades to keep black voters from voting".

please don't let her derail you. She is arguing about two different things and trying to make them seem they are the same thing. Let's focus on Voter ID.

Why focus on voter id? Why not focus on both topics?
This is why I posted the tread about how do yo deterimine a fact.

it is a cold hard court documented fact that the republicans have worked for decades to keep black and poor voters from voting.

Cold hard evidence prooves it.

R to R memo where they talk of keeping black people from voting and tape of right wing leader saying they dont want everyone to vote

YouTube - ‪Paul Weyrich - "I don't want everybody to vote" (Goo Goo)‬‏

The documents and court hearing were the latest developments in a controversy over the GOP's ballot program that Democrats maintain is aimed at reducing minority turnout. The Republicans say the program's sole purpose is to purge ineligible voters from voting roles.

In an Aug. 13 memo the court made public Friday, Kris Wolfe, the Republican National Committee Midwest political director, wrote Lanny Griffith, the committee's Southern political director, and said of the Louisiana campaigning:

"I know this race is really important to you. I would guess that this program will eliminate at least 60-80,000 folks from the rolls. . . . If it's a close race . . . which I'm assuming it is, this could keep the black vote down considerably."

GOP Memo Admits Plan Could 'Keep Black Vote Down' - Los Angeles Times
Fuck face. The MSM has been running stories about black voters losing enthusiasm and the projections for 2012 are that black voters are less interested in voting in that election.
Now, where in that incredibly dark hole you call your brain do you see anything about voter "suppression". Eliminating ineligible names from the voting records is not suppression. If anything it legitimizes the voting process.
You lefties are very fucking slick. You take a perfectly legitimate concern regarding the possibility of lower black voter turnout and change into a voter suppression issue. All to try in vain to support a completely idiotic post in your original entry to the thread?

So you think black voter turnout in 2012 is going to be less than in 2008?
Really? Got some credible evidence indicating your claim to be true?
ANd please do not dig up any shit about the KKK...Those people were not republicans nor did they come close to representing main stream conservatives.
You will have to do much better than "because they have worked for decades to keep black voters from voting".

please don't let her derail you. She is arguing about two different things and trying to make them seem they are the same thing. Let's focus on Voter ID.

Why focus on voter id? Why not focus on both topics?

Because that silly bitch likes to pretend that something that happened in 1986 is relevant to today.
This is another political stereotype that has always intrigued me. Obviously it's not true. Anyone can produce a list of republicans that are/were not racist. Yet the stereotype persists. Why do you think that republicans are automatically considered racist?

I would think or hope that most of us agree that we can see racism in both parties at times. I mean, we are "man" we are fallible, we mess up horribly. The song Amazing Grace has a very interesting background to it. John Henry Newton, who wrote it, used to be in the slave trade.

Amazing Grace - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Newton wrote the words from personal experience. He grew up without any particular religious conviction but his life's path was formed by a variety of twists and coincidences that were often put into motion by his recalcitrant insubordination. He was pressed into the Royal Navy and became a sailor, eventually participating in the slave trade. One night a terrible storm battered his vessel so severely that he became frightened enough to call out to God for mercy, a moment that marked the beginning of his spiritual conversion. His career in slave trading lasted a few years more until he quit going to sea altogether and began studying theology.

John Newton - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
John Henry Newton (July 24, 1725 – December 21, 1807) was an English sailor and Anglican clergyman. Starting his career on the sea at a young age, he became involved with the slave trade for a few years. After experiencing a religious conversion, he became a minister, hymn-writer, and later a prominent supporter of the abolition of slavery. He was the author of many hymns, including "Amazing Grace" and "Glorious Things of Thee are Spoken."

As for the political stereotype, my personal belief is that democrats (not all, of course) can easily lie for their agendas' and call republicans racist. They think they have no one to be accountable to (The Lord God Almighty) because they (not all, once again) choose not to believe and trust in Him. If they choose not to answer to the Lord, well, they think they are in the free and clear and they can lie all they want for their agendas.


So morals are given to us by god? Which god?
please don't let her derail you. She is arguing about two different things and trying to make them seem they are the same thing. Let's focus on Voter ID.

Why focus on voter id? Why not focus on both topics?

Because that silly bitch likes to pretend that something that happened in 1986 is relevant to today.

Tell that to the republicans. They talk about Ronald Reagan so much I thought he was going to speak at the next debate.
Keeping black peopole from voting is a racist act.

I have said before I dont believe all republicans are racists.

It is obvious by looking at the facts that the republican party itself acts in a racist manner and has done so for decades.

The consent decree they had to sign in 1981 has NEVER been lifted because they keep breaking the decree by attempting to keep black voters from voting.

Its all in the court records of this country.

Actions speak louder than words.

Their actions are provably racist.

Your arguement is a little off. Yes, the facts you have provided are true, but your point is not correct. What was done was wrong. Was it really racist though? It was done to skew the results of ballots. The goal was gain a political edge, not repress a race. Yes they were trying to lower the african american poll numbers overall, but they were doing it for politcal gain. I will repeat, WHAT they did was wrong, but once again tms, the picture you have painted has come out looking like a childs drawing.
Keeping black peopole from voting is a racist act.

I have said before I dont believe all republicans are racists.

It is obvious by looking at the facts that the republican party itself acts in a racist manner and has done so for decades.

The consent decree they had to sign in 1981 has NEVER been lifted because they keep breaking the decree by attempting to keep black voters from voting.

Its all in the court records of this country.

Actions speak louder than words.

Their actions are provably racist.

Your arguement is a little off. Yes, the facts you have provided are true, but your point is not correct. What was done was wrong. Was it really racist though? It was done to skew the results of ballots. The goal was gain a political edge, not repress a race. Yes they were trying to lower the african american poll numbers overall, but they were doing it for politcal gain. I will repeat, WHAT they did was wrong, but once again tms, the picture you have painted has come out looking like a childs drawing.

So the new black panthers weren't racist, either. I bet Beck, Hannity, rush, Malkin, Ingrahm, Savage, O'Reilly and a host of republican politicians will be glad to hear that.
This is another political stereotype that has always intrigued me. Obviously it's not true. Anyone can produce a list of republicans that are/were not racist. Yet the stereotype persists. Why do you think that republicans are automatically considered racist?

I would think or hope that most of us agree that we can see racism in both parties at times. I mean, we are "man" we are fallible, we mess up horribly. The song Amazing Grace has a very interesting background to it. John Henry Newton, who wrote it, used to be in the slave trade.

Amazing Grace - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Newton wrote the words from personal experience. He grew up without any particular religious conviction but his life's path was formed by a variety of twists and coincidences that were often put into motion by his recalcitrant insubordination. He was pressed into the Royal Navy and became a sailor, eventually participating in the slave trade. One night a terrible storm battered his vessel so severely that he became frightened enough to call out to God for mercy, a moment that marked the beginning of his spiritual conversion. His career in slave trading lasted a few years more until he quit going to sea altogether and began studying theology.

John Newton - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
John Henry Newton (July 24, 1725 – December 21, 1807) was an English sailor and Anglican clergyman. Starting his career on the sea at a young age, he became involved with the slave trade for a few years. After experiencing a religious conversion, he became a minister, hymn-writer, and later a prominent supporter of the abolition of slavery. He was the author of many hymns, including "Amazing Grace" and "Glorious Things of Thee are Spoken."

As for the political stereotype, my personal belief is that democrats (not all, of course) can easily lie for their agendas' and call republicans racist. They think they have no one to be accountable to (The Lord God Almighty) because they (not all, once again) choose not to believe and trust in Him. If they choose not to answer to the Lord, well, they think they are in the free and clear and they can lie all they want for their agendas.


Screw israel!!!:poop:
let me put it low iq terms just for you tms. I am a criminal and I steal from people everyday. Then one day I steal from an african american and you catch me AM I racist or just a low life criminal?

And no I am not saying the republican party is all criminals, I am saying that ALL politicians are criminals, dems and repubs alike so stop being stupid.
This is why I posted the tread about how do yo deterimine a fact.

it is a cold hard court documented fact that the republicans have worked for decades to keep black and poor voters from voting.

Cold hard evidence prooves it.

R to R memo where they talk of keeping black people from voting and tape of right wing leader saying they dont want everyone to vote

YouTube - ‪Paul Weyrich - "I don't want everybody to vote" (Goo Goo)‬‏

The documents and court hearing were the latest developments in a controversy over the GOP's ballot program that Democrats maintain is aimed at reducing minority turnout. The Republicans say the program's sole purpose is to purge ineligible voters from voting roles.

In an Aug. 13 memo the court made public Friday, Kris Wolfe, the Republican National Committee Midwest political director, wrote Lanny Griffith, the committee's Southern political director, and said of the Louisiana campaigning:

"I know this race is really important to you. I would guess that this program will eliminate at least 60-80,000 folks from the rolls. . . . If it's a close race . . . which I'm assuming it is, this could keep the black vote down considerably."

GOP Memo Admits Plan Could 'Keep Black Vote Down' - Los Angeles Times

Cold Hard Court Documented Evidence.
you've cited that same story, what 6 times now. Do you have anything else?
Or is this just more of your masochistic meanderings?

How many time does it take getting ridiculed by Conservatives AND liberals, before you gain a shred of intellectual honesty, or just slink away?
this is why i posted the tread about how do yo deterimine a fact.

It is a cold hard court documented fact that the republicans have worked for decades to keep black and poor voters from voting.

Cold hard evidence prooves it.

R to r memo where they talk of keeping black people from voting and tape of right wing leader saying they dont want everyone to vote

youtube - ‪paul weyrich - "i don't want everybody to vote" (goo goo)‬‏

the documents and court hearing were the latest developments in a controversy over the gop's ballot program that democrats maintain is aimed at reducing minority turnout. The republicans say the program's sole purpose is to purge ineligible voters from voting roles.

In an aug. 13 memo the court made public friday, kris wolfe, the republican national committee midwest political director, wrote lanny griffith, the committee's southern political director, and said of the louisiana campaigning:

"i know this race is really important to you. I would guess that this program will eliminate at least 60-80,000 folks from the rolls. . . . If it's a close race . . . which i'm assuming it is, this could keep the black vote down considerably."

gop memo admits plan could 'keep black vote down' - los angeles times

cold hard court documented evidence.
you've cited that same story, what 6 million times now. Do you have anything else?
Or is this just more of your masochistic meanderings?

How many time does it take getting ridiculed by conservatives and liberals, before you gain a shred of intellectual honesty, or just slink away?

Why do you suppose the RNC choose Michael Steele for its leader?


Michael steele is the republican jesse jackson. Not a leader of any note, or by any stretch of the imagination. Not to mention the dumbest ass in captivity.:poop:

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