Why Are Republicans So Relentlessly Cruel to the Poor?

Because I worked the numbers. That's what the predominant religion in my area contributes. Maybe some religions are more generous - but I doubt it's by much.

Who knew you are the accountant for all the churches in your area. Obviously you know nothing about how churches work and the many, many ways they help in their communities.
And obviously you don't know the ways in which some churches influence politics which undermines their value in whatever good they might do.

Really? And what are these ways, and how do they coincide with the IRS regulations limiting such activity if one wishes to retain a tax-exempt status?
I hope you realize that organizations with armies of accountants and lawyers can get away with a lot of things that you and I can't. The organization in question stretches the limits of what they consider the non-profit aspects of their operation. They also have investments that even they can't consider tax exempt so they reluctantly pay taxes on them.

I hope you realize that assuming someone is "getting away with something" simply because you believe they CAN get away with something is utterly meaningless.

Once again, I have no idea which church you are specifically talking about, so I cannot address it. Therefore, we will not be conducting any sort of debate on their activities based on assuming that your assertions about them are correct.

Finally, I have no intention of condemning any organization for being "reluctant" to pay taxes. I consider eagerness to give money to the government to be a sign of mental illness.
Alright, I'll dispel the mystery. I'm talking about the LDS church. I always feel a little uneasy referring to it directly because I have friends and family who are members and being critical of it could easily be misinterpreted. I'll offer this disclaimer before proceeding: Some of my closest friends over the years have been members of the church and I can honestly say that they are wonderful people. However there is a faction of their membership that is so super-stinky self-righteous that it would take 100 members doing 100 good things to change my perception of the organization itself. They don't have those numbers so my negative perception persists.

I live at ground zero of the church and see the political moves that they engineer. Living here, it is impossible not to have a fairly intimate knowledge of what they're doing and of the public relations moves they make. I have also on occasion challenged members who I wasn't particularly afraid of offending and they've done nothing to correct any misperceptions I might have had.

The LDS church closely guards their numbers so estimates must be used in most cases. I base the numbers that I have used on a Newsweek article from about 20 years ago that estimated that they collect about 6 billion dollars a year in tithing. No one has ever challenged this figure. From a statement by the church itself, they proudly claimed that they had contributed 150 million dollars to charity over a period of I think 20 years. You do the math. It comes out to about 1%.

Since you seem to know something about accounting for religious institutions, maybe you can tell me if buildings and property are tax exempt. If so, that's where the egregious shortfall lies.
Why Are Republicans So Relentlessly Cruel to the Poor?

Interesting article and much of it chimes with what we see in the UK.

It has to be coated with a thin veneer of religion to make it acceptable but in essence right wing politics is based on a selfish me me me doctrine. DISCUSS
Its what Republican Jesus would've wanted

"Whats wrong with these people ? We can all catch a fish and bake a loaf."

Well, I don't fish much... but I sure can bake a loaf of bread. It's amazing in it's simplicity!

And, of course, there's the difference between personally giving of one's own goods - the sort of charity Jesus actually advocated - and having the government take money away from one group and give it to another so that leftists don't have to actually interact with those icky poor folks. For some reason, that always confuses them.
it is actually a very simple demophobe rule, they must keep the poor dependent. It is their motto.

they demoralize them daily when speaking about them as if they care. They couldn't care less about them. In fact, it is their duty to increase the pool of poor at every turn. Obummer did just that during his eight year war on working america.

Why do they want the illegals to come here so badly? I mean fking badly. They want american citizens hurting. they get off on that. Look at the dem from Massachusetts warning illegals on ICE raids. Flat out telling her constituents, ... fk you!!!!
It's about preventing people from doing harm to other people. That's controlling people for the good of others, not for their own good.

Controlling them for their own good assumes that they're too stupid to make good decisions for themselves and need a nanny state to take care of them. Ultimately, why do you think ANYONE has/ should have the authority to make those decisions for other people?

Well surely controlling them for the good of others assumes they're too stupid to realize that someone doesn't want to be murdered and that they need the nanny state to tell them not to murder, or some religion to tell them.

The problem we have here is that we're not talking about telling people what they can and can't do. We're simply stating that healthy things have less tax on them than things that are not so healthy so that people can make a choice. You know, I could murder or I could not murder... hmm... well I might go to prison or be executed if I murder, so I'm not going to do it. I could buy a snickers or I could buy a salad, both are okay, however the snickers is cheaper, I'll take that as I don't have much money, oh, wait, the salad is now cheaper, maybe i'll go for that.
Tax policy as social engineering.

Already exists....

The question is why shouldn't you have social engineering, the right use it, the left use it, you probably even support it when it engineers what you want.
so just because it's used it's alright with you?

And it's not abut what you want. People have the right to choose what they want and what anyone wants is none of your of the government's business

No, that isn't what I'm saying at all.

I'm saying it exists already and you're probably fine with it being used in certain ways, you just don't realize that it is being used like that.

Yes, people have the right to choose what they want. At no point have I said people couldn't choose what they want.

This is about accepting the fact that the US has a major weight problem, and a major problem with sugar all over the place, and taxing things higher which cause problems. I understand that you have a problem with this, and I doubt I'm ever going to convince you of this. If I can't convince you of something when I have all the facts pointing to my argument and you have no facts, how am I going to convince you that sometimes you have to do the right thing?
huh? facts? what facts are you referring to?
I hope you realize that organizations with armies of accountants and lawyers can get away with a lot of things that you and I can't. The organization in question stretches the limits of what they consider the non-profit aspects of their operation. They also have investments that even they can't consider tax exempt so they reluctantly pay taxes on them.

Any large organization of individual needs "armies of accountants and lawyers to try and make sense of the thousands of pages of tax code.

Reluctantly pay taxes? Why would someone happily pay taxes? I pay my taxes but until the past couple of years, I have used a CPA to pay as little as possible. I would no be nearly so reluctant to pay my income taxes IF the government didn't have so much waste and fraud.

I belong to several professional associations. Locally we have about 2,000 members. Our taxes are ridiculously complex and cost us thousands a year to file. The major corporation is a non-profit, there are then several other corporations which pay taxes. We have a prominent attorney on retainer. An accounting firm that keeps the books for the different corporations. Every five years we have another accounting firm do a complete audit. It's just obscene.
Why Are Republicans So Relentlessly Cruel to the Poor?

Interesting article and much of it chimes with what we see in the UK.

It has to be coated with a thin veneer of religion to make it acceptable but in essence right wing politics is based on a selfish me me me doctrine. DISCUSS
Its what Republican Jesus would've wanted

"Whats wrong with these people ? We can all catch a fish and bake a loaf."

Well, I don't fish much... but I sure can bake a loaf of bread. It's amazing in it's simplicity!

And, of course, there's the difference between personally giving of one's own goods - the sort of charity Jesus actually advocated - and having the government take money away from one group and give it to another so that leftists don't have to actually interact with those icky poor folks. For some reason, that always confuses them.
it is actually a very simple demophobe rule, they must keep the poor dependent. It is their motto.

they demoralize them daily when speaking about them as if they care. They couldn't care less about them. In fact, it is their duty to increase the pool of poor at every turn. Obummer did just that during his eight year war on working america.

Why do they want the illegals to come here so badly? I mean fking badly. They want american citizens hurting. they get off on that. Look at the dem from Massachusetts warning illegals on ICE raids. Flat out telling her constituents, ... fk you!!!!
I hear this view a lot. It makes no sense to me. You must be on crack if you take this seriously.
Its what Republican Jesus would've wanted

"Whats wrong with these people ? We can all catch a fish and bake a loaf."

Well, I don't fish much... but I sure can bake a loaf of bread. It's amazing in it's simplicity!

And, of course, there's the difference between personally giving of one's own goods - the sort of charity Jesus actually advocated - and having the government take money away from one group and give it to another so that leftists don't have to actually interact with those icky poor folks. For some reason, that always confuses them.
it is actually a very simple demophobe rule, they must keep the poor dependent. It is their motto.

they demoralize them daily when speaking about them as if they care. They couldn't care less about them. In fact, it is their duty to increase the pool of poor at every turn. Obummer did just that during his eight year war on working america.

Why do they want the illegals to come here so badly? I mean fking badly. They want american citizens hurting. they get off on that. Look at the dem from Massachusetts warning illegals on ICE raids. Flat out telling her constituents, ... fk you!!!!
I hear this view a lot. It makes no sense to me. You must be on crack if you take this seriously.
ok, name a program that was something other than handing the poor money that the left originated. jeopardy music.
"Whats wrong with these people ? We can all catch a fish and bake a loaf."

Well, I don't fish much... but I sure can bake a loaf of bread. It's amazing in it's simplicity!

And, of course, there's the difference between personally giving of one's own goods - the sort of charity Jesus actually advocated - and having the government take money away from one group and give it to another so that leftists don't have to actually interact with those icky poor folks. For some reason, that always confuses them.
it is actually a very simple demophobe rule, they must keep the poor dependent. It is their motto.

they demoralize them daily when speaking about them as if they care. They couldn't care less about them. In fact, it is their duty to increase the pool of poor at every turn. Obummer did just that during his eight year war on working america.

Why do they want the illegals to come here so badly? I mean fking badly. They want american citizens hurting. they get off on that. Look at the dem from Massachusetts warning illegals on ICE raids. Flat out telling her constituents, ... fk you!!!!
I hear this view a lot. It makes no sense to me. You must be on crack if you take this seriously.
ok, name a program that was something other than handing the poor money that the left originated. jeopardy music.
Ok. Why dont you have a look at your statement and perhaps redraft it as a question. Then I will take you a bit more seriously.
no info

all you have are the talking points you have been spoon fed
Check the sig any time- more info than you get on the GOP propaganda machine in years...
Tell me a Dem lie I believe, RW rube. Like Obama had control for 2 years, his policies blah blah, Pubs have blocked EVERYTHING since 2/4/2010- don't be duped...again.:eusa_whistle: Stimulus worked-ran out in 2010.
Total Pub Propaganda BS: ACORN, Kenyan Muslim Marxist,Tides, Mosque, Death Panel, lose your doctor, huge costs, DEBT CRISIS, Obama Recession, stimulus failed, Barney Frank, Nazi Soros, Nazi socialists, Volt suqs, Iran making bomb etc etc. :eusa_liar::cuckoo::lol:
I'm sorry- dupes are lovely people- but I can't take their lazy, ignorant, careless, stupid politics a minute longer. Sorry

BHAHAAAAAAA says the sheep.
Yes, you do, dupe. Any actual argument, brainwashed functional moron?

Just following your lead.
Well, I don't fish much... but I sure can bake a loaf of bread. It's amazing in it's simplicity!

And, of course, there's the difference between personally giving of one's own goods - the sort of charity Jesus actually advocated - and having the government take money away from one group and give it to another so that leftists don't have to actually interact with those icky poor folks. For some reason, that always confuses them.
it is actually a very simple demophobe rule, they must keep the poor dependent. It is their motto.

they demoralize them daily when speaking about them as if they care. They couldn't care less about them. In fact, it is their duty to increase the pool of poor at every turn. Obummer did just that during his eight year war on working america.

Why do they want the illegals to come here so badly? I mean fking badly. They want american citizens hurting. they get off on that. Look at the dem from Massachusetts warning illegals on ICE raids. Flat out telling her constituents, ... fk you!!!!
I hear this view a lot. It makes no sense to me. You must be on crack if you take this seriously.
ok, name a program that was something other than handing the poor money that the left originated. jeopardy music.
Ok. Why dont you have a look at your statement and perhaps redraft it as a question. Then I will take you a bit more seriously.

deflect and dodge.....typical libtard tactic
Some of my closest friends over the years have been members of the church [Mormon] and I can honestly say that they are wonderful people.

I am not a member of the Mormon faith but do frequently attend meetings and classes with them. You state they are wonderful people, which they are and they have strong family units. The leaders in each of their churches are volunteers and are paid nothing. They have full-time day jobs and choose to serve the church. Their youth commit to two years as missionaries in every part of the world subsisting on the generosity of other Mormon's in that area. That begins when they are eighteen. If their assignment is to be in a foreign country, they are taught that language.

How is that a bad thing and what business is it of yours what they do with their money?
Well, I don't fish much... but I sure can bake a loaf of bread. It's amazing in it's simplicity!

And, of course, there's the difference between personally giving of one's own goods - the sort of charity Jesus actually advocated - and having the government take money away from one group and give it to another so that leftists don't have to actually interact with those icky poor folks. For some reason, that always confuses them.
it is actually a very simple demophobe rule, they must keep the poor dependent. It is their motto.

they demoralize them daily when speaking about them as if they care. They couldn't care less about them. In fact, it is their duty to increase the pool of poor at every turn. Obummer did just that during his eight year war on working america.

Why do they want the illegals to come here so badly? I mean fking badly. They want american citizens hurting. they get off on that. Look at the dem from Massachusetts warning illegals on ICE raids. Flat out telling her constituents, ... fk you!!!!
I hear this view a lot. It makes no sense to me. You must be on crack if you take this seriously.
ok, name a program that was something other than handing the poor money that the left originated. jeopardy music.
Ok. Why dont you have a look at your statement and perhaps redraft it as a question. Then I will take you a bit more seriously.
so you don't have an answer? funny. a missing quotation mark keeps you silent. too funny.
And, of course, there's the difference between personally giving of one's own goods - the sort of charity Jesus actually advocated - and having the government take money away from one group and give it to another so that leftists don't have to actually interact with those icky poor folks. For some reason, that always confuses them.
it is actually a very simple demophobe rule, they must keep the poor dependent. It is their motto.

they demoralize them daily when speaking about them as if they care. They couldn't care less about them. In fact, it is their duty to increase the pool of poor at every turn. Obummer did just that during his eight year war on working america.

Why do they want the illegals to come here so badly? I mean fking badly. They want american citizens hurting. they get off on that. Look at the dem from Massachusetts warning illegals on ICE raids. Flat out telling her constituents, ... fk you!!!!
I hear this view a lot. It makes no sense to me. You must be on crack if you take this seriously.
ok, name a program that was something other than handing the poor money that the left originated. jeopardy music.
Ok. Why dont you have a look at your statement and perhaps redraft it as a question. Then I will take you a bit more seriously.
so you don't have an answer? funny. a missing quotation mark keeps you silent. too funny.
Time is too precious to waste it in schooling the illiterate. There are a lot of issues with your statement.
Some of my closest friends over the years have been members of the church [Mormon] and I can honestly say that they are wonderful people.

I am not a member of the Mormon faith but do frequently attend meetings and classes with them. You state they are wonderful people, which they are and they have strong family units. The leaders in each of their churches are volunteers and are paid nothing. They have full-time day jobs and choose to serve the church. Their youth commit to two years as missionaries in every part of the world subsisting on the generosity of other Mormon's in that area. That begins when they are eighteen. If their assignment is to be in a foreign country, they are taught that language.

How is that a bad thing and what business is it of yours what they do with their money?
For one thing, because those of us outside of the church have to make up the tax money that evaporates thanks to deductions for huge families and the tax exempt contributions to the church. For another, we are treated as second class citizens in our home state because of the crappy influence of the church in political affairs.
11 million people got jobs under Obama
Three times the number that got jobs under BOTH Bush's

Sure didn't accomplish very much considering the MILLIONS of people who have dropped out of the workforce. Please don't throw up that debunked Progressive talking point regarding the baby boomers retiring. You are "forgetting" that millions come into the workforce as they reach 16 and millions enter our country by way of legal and illegal immigration.

Civilian labor force in the United States from 1990 to 2016 (in millions)

December 2008 154.29 Million

December 2016 159.19 Million

U.S. labor force 1990-2016 | Timeline

US Population by Year

July 1, 2009 306.77 Million

Mar 1, 2017 323.42 Million

US Population by Year
40 million baby boomers retiring kind of kills your theory

Can we talk about stay at home moms, the handicapped and students now?

only the mentally or physically handicapped are due government assistance. Students are students by choice. moms are moms by choice.

And families would be able to survive on one income, and have stay-at-home moms, if the government weren't so intent on picking everyone's pockets to give money away.

Don't even get me started on the government's encouraging of the proliferation of single mothers.
One of the seemingly defining qualities of conservatives is that they misidentify 'the enemy' about 90% of the time. We didn't evolve into a society where two breadwinners are the norm because of government. It's because of the constant pressure that corporations put on increasing profitability.

One of the seemingly defining qualities of leftists is that they assume they know everything, merely because of their assumed "moral superiority".

We evolved into a society where two breadwinners are essential because leftists have imposed their worldview on everything via the government.
Some of my closest friends over the years have been members of the church [Mormon] and I can honestly say that they are wonderful people.

I am not a member of the Mormon faith but do frequently attend meetings and classes with them. You state they are wonderful people, which they are and they have strong family units. The leaders in each of their churches are volunteers and are paid nothing. They have full-time day jobs and choose to serve the church. Their youth commit to two years as missionaries in every part of the world subsisting on the generosity of other Mormon's in that area. That begins when they are eighteen. If their assignment is to be in a foreign country, they are taught that language.

How is that a bad thing and what business is it of yours what they do with their money?
For one thing, because those of us outside of the church have to make up the tax money that evaporates thanks to deductions for huge families and the tax exempt contributions to the church. For another, we are treated as second class citizens in our home state because of the crappy influence of the church in political affairs.

Tax money that evaporates = How dare you selfish bastards think you own your income instead of the government owning it and giving you what it decides you need!

As far as your bitterness regarding the fact that people dare to influence state government contrary to your wishes simply because they outnumber you, I am not aware of any legal restrictions on you picking up and frigging moving to someplace populated by people who agree with you. Try that.
Way to justify being cruel to the least fortunate among us. You sound like an average 'Good Christian' Republican wanker. Jesus is not proud of you my friend.

And when did Jesus put you in charge of making those calls for him????

Y'all 'Good American'/Good Christian' Republicans really should go back and read Jesus' teachings again. You clearly didn't get it. Till you get right with Jesus again, you're just gonna be frauds playing the role of the 'Good American/Good Christian.'

For most of my childhood, I was raised in an all Catholic school. I was even an alter boy.

Jesus never taught that government should forcefully take from people to give to anybody. Jesus taught that you should give of yourself through your own free will. According to Jesus, charity is an individual thing--not a government thing. Jesus didn't get along with the government very well back in his time.

Taking a persons property against their will is called theft, and theft is in God's top ten no-no's in life. Stealing property from people is just wrong no matter what you use the seized property for.

Seriously, go back and read Jesus' teachings again. You've lost your way. You've allowed hate & greed to consume you. You let the Devil in.

I suggest you do the same. In fact, when you do go back to reread it, show me the part where Jesus stated government should confiscate wealth forcefully from people to give to the poor.

I'll be waiting right here.

Yup, just lock em in cages or let em die. Y'all sure are some 'Good Christians.' :cuckoo:
One of the seemingly defining qualities of leftists is that they assume they know everything, merely because of their assumed "moral superiority".

We evolved into a society where two breadwinners are essential because leftists have imposed their worldview on everything via the government.

Tax money that evaporates = How dare you selfish bastards think you own your income instead of the government owning it and giving you what it decides you need!

As far as your bitterness regarding the fact that people dare to influence state government contrary to your wishes simply because they outnumber you, I am not aware of any legal restrictions on you picking up and frigging moving to someplace populated by people who agree with you. Try that.
Bwahahaha! You'd make a great 'church lady'.


Maybe you can move somewhere else as well when the odious stench of liberalism creates policies you don't like.
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Obviously, y'all use other terminology in justifying abusing our poor homeless. But the bottom line is, y'all arrest and imprison them for merely being poor. Most aren't hurting anyone. Yet y'all feel a need to harass them. It's a Nazi-like bully mentality.

Here is what happens if you just let them linger on the streets. Would you want your downtown to look like this?

Help them, don't arrest and imprison them. Don't make them criminals, when they're not. That's certainly not helping them. It isn't right to just arrest and lock them all away in cages. If we are truly a kind just nation, we can't 'Disappear' them. That's pure evil.

They're not being arrested. That's the point. This is what it looks like when you don't remove them from an area. It turns into a shit hole, businesses pack up and leave, people fear walking down the street, it's just a damn shame.

Bullshite. That's just a typical greedy Republican justification for abusing the least fortunate among us. Most are not criminals. They're just poor fellow Americans down on their luck. They shouldn't be arrested and imprisoned. You greedy Republicans are in the process of criminalizing being poor. It is pure evil.

Are you a blockhead or what? You don't read a thing I post. You just carry on the same relentless rant over and over again. So once again, and maybe have an adult explain it to you this time:

These pictures are the end result of what happens when you DON"T arrest these people or take them off the street. San Francisco IS NOT a Republican stronghold. It's a Democrat stronghold and look what happened to it when they did things the non-Republican way! It's full of filth. It's full of God knows what germs. It's growing into a bigger shit hole. Nothing positive about it. It's lowering property values, chasing away businesses, scaring people from going there.

Now....... show me the same thing in Republican areas where they do kick these people off the streets, arrest them for loitering, or defecating in the streets. Show me a Republican area where they took action where it looks anything like San Francisco.

You need reread Jesus' teachings. Your hate and hostility towards our poor is wrong. Y'all have lost your way.

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