Why Are Republicans So Relentlessly Cruel to the Poor?

Iraq war costs U.S. more than $2 trillion: study

Yes, this includes through the Obama years as well.
Your little study doesn't account for an additional $1 trillion that will have to be borrowed to keep the war going and "...doesn't include items not counted by the Pentagon, including homeland security, veterans care and various developmental efforts. Then there is the additional $1 trillion in interest payments on the war debt."

And since we are still fighting these bullshit wars, the cost is still rising.

Your own link shows over 1 million dead.


BTW, the over 1 million study was from a non-partisan, non-biased source.

Now that I've put those lies to rest, war is something you on the left never approve of unless it's led by one of your own. It doesn't matter for what reason either. I didn't care for the war, but I also understand the situation Bush was in at the time. We just suffered the worst attack on our soil since the founding of this country, and Iraq was a well known enemy of the United States.
Hey shithead, Iraq didn't attack us! It is wrong to attack someone that didn't attack you first. What we did is the equivalent of Roosevelt attacking Mexico over Pearl Harbor. If you can't see how wrong that is, then get up from your computer, go outside and punch (as hard as you can) the first person you walk up to. I guarantee at that moment, you will see how wrong that is.

Beyond Bush, many Democrats (including your beloved Hillary) voted for the war. Prior to Bush even taking office, many a Democrat warned of the potential danger Saddam meant to this country. Need the video, just ask, I have it right here.
I know all about that shit. I saw it unfold as it was happening. I knew it was bullshit. I knew it was a lie. I was against this entire war from the very beginning and I am still against this war today.

Anyone who supports this war has taken a major shit on our flag.
Ohhhh...now you admit knowing WMD's were found along with 550 tonnes of yellowcake?

Report: United States kept secret its chemical weapons finds in Iraq
By Dana Ford, CNN
Updated 6:14 PM ET, Wed October 15, 2014

The U.S. government suppressed information about chemical weapons it found in Iraq, and several servicemembers were injured by their exposure to those weapons, The New York Times is reporting.
In an article published late Tuesday, the newspaper says it found 17 American service members and seven Iraqi police officers who were exposed to mustard or nerve agents after 2003. They were reportedly given inadequate care and told not to talk about what happened.

"From 2004 to 2011, American and American-trained Iraqi troops repeatedly encountered, and on at least six occasions were wounded by, chemical weapons remaining from years earlier in Saddam Hussein's rule.

"In all, American troops secretly reported finding roughly 5,000 chemical warheads, shells or aviation bombs, according to interviews with dozens of participants, Iraqi and American officials, and heavily redacted intelligence documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act.
Report: U.S. kept secret chemical weapons finds in Iraq - CNN.com
Those are not WMD's.
maybe she can but not in a bathtub

the fermenting vessel needs to be covered
She told me she made it in a bath tub. Who the fuck are you to say she didn't? You're calling my grandmother a liar and I wish to God you'd say that to my face!
Were those Cadillac plans that they were trying to get rid of or were they affordable crappy plans?
They were just plans I noticed as I was surfing through the website. I didn't want to pay the $400 the IRS was going to charge me for not having insurance, but I eventually had to cough it up. But after that, I got a good job with good insurance so I'm set, for now.
maybe she can but not in a bathtub

the fermenting vessel needs to be covered
She told me she made it in a bath tub. Who the fuck are you to say she didn't? You're calling my grandmother a liar and I wish to God you'd say that to my face!

/---- Well everyone is assuming the bathtub was the vat. Maybe she placed the beer making kit in a bathtub because she had no other place to put it. It was still made in a bathtub.
Iraq war costs U.S. more than $2 trillion: study

Yes, this includes through the Obama years as well.
Your little study doesn't account for an additional $1 trillion that will have to be borrowed to keep the war going and "...doesn't include items not counted by the Pentagon, including homeland security, veterans care and various developmental efforts. Then there is the additional $1 trillion in interest payments on the war debt."

And since we are still fighting these bullshit wars, the cost is still rising.

Your own link shows over 1 million dead.


BTW, the over 1 million study was from a non-partisan, non-biased source.

Now that I've put those lies to rest, war is something you on the left never approve of unless it's led by one of your own. It doesn't matter for what reason either. I didn't care for the war, but I also understand the situation Bush was in at the time. We just suffered the worst attack on our soil since the founding of this country, and Iraq was a well known enemy of the United States.
Hey shithead, Iraq didn't attack us! It is wrong to attack someone that didn't attack you first. What we did is the equivalent of Roosevelt attacking Mexico over Pearl Harbor. If you can't see how wrong that is, then get up from your computer, go outside and punch (as hard as you can) the first person you walk up to. I guarantee at that moment, you will see how wrong that is.

Beyond Bush, many Democrats (including your beloved Hillary) voted for the war. Prior to Bush even taking office, many a Democrat warned of the potential danger Saddam meant to this country. Need the video, just ask, I have it right here.
I know all about that shit. I saw it unfold as it was happening. I knew it was bullshit. I knew it was a lie. I was against this entire war from the very beginning and I am still against this war today.

Anyone who supports this war has taken a major shit on our flag.

/---- Why did GDR attack Italy and Germany? They never attacked us. Japan did but FDR set them aside with a minimum force.
BTW, a bunch of old, decaying cans of sarin buried and forgotten in the middle of the desert, does not constitute a WMD.

Ohhhh...now you admit knowing WMD's were found along with 550 tonnes of yellowcake?

Report: United States kept secret its chemical weapons finds in Iraq
By Dana Ford, CNN
Updated 6:14 PM ET, Wed October 15, 2014

The U.S. government suppressed information about chemical weapons it found in Iraq, and several servicemembers were injured by their exposure to those weapons, The New York Times is reporting.
In an article published late Tuesday, the newspaper says it found 17 American service members and seven Iraqi police officers who were exposed to mustard or nerve agents after 2003. They were reportedly given inadequate care and told not to talk about what happened.

"From 2004 to 2011, American and American-trained Iraqi troops repeatedly encountered, and on at least six occasions were wounded by, chemical weapons remaining from years earlier in Saddam Hussein's rule.

"In all, American troops secretly reported finding roughly 5,000 chemical warheads, shells or aviation bombs, according to interviews with dozens of participants, Iraqi and American officials, and heavily redacted intelligence documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act.
Report: U.S. kept secret chemical weapons finds in Iraq - CNN.com

/--- Saddam could have gift wrapped his WMDs and mailed them to CNN and Libs would still deny there were any.
Iraq war costs U.S. more than $2 trillion: study

Yes, this includes through the Obama years as well.
Your little study doesn't account for an additional $1 trillion that will have to be borrowed to keep the war going and "...doesn't include items not counted by the Pentagon, including homeland security, veterans care and various developmental efforts. Then there is the additional $1 trillion in interest payments on the war debt."

And since we are still fighting these bullshit wars, the cost is still rising.

Your own link shows over 1 million dead.

BTW, the over 1 million study was from a non-partisan, non-biased source.

Now that I've put those lies to rest, war is something you on the left never approve of unless it's led by one of your own. It doesn't matter for what reason either. I didn't care for the war, but I also understand the situation Bush was in at the time. We just suffered the worst attack on our soil since the founding of this country, and Iraq was a well known enemy of the United States.
Hey shithead, Iraq didn't attack us! It is wrong to attack someone that didn't attack you first. What we did is the equivalent of Roosevelt attacking Mexico over Pearl Harbor. If you can't see how wrong that is, then get up from your computer, go outside and punch (as hard as you can) the first person you walk up to. I guarantee at that moment, you will see how wrong that is.

Beyond Bush, many Democrats (including your beloved Hillary) voted for the war. Prior to Bush even taking office, many a Democrat warned of the potential danger Saddam meant to this country. Need the video, just ask, I have it right here.
I know all about that shit. I saw it unfold as it was happening. I knew it was bullshit. I knew it was a lie. I was against this entire war from the very beginning and I am still against this war today.

Anyone who supports this war has taken a major shit on our flag.

/---- Why did GDR attack Italy and Germany? They never attacked us. Japan did but FDR set them aside with a minimum force.

Because he perceived that eventually Germany would become a threat to the US in one way or another. Sometimes presidents need to make that judgement call. Of course then... we were allowed to win the war
and kept a presence there long afterwards
Why Are Republicans So Relentlessly Cruel to the Poor?

Interesting article and much of it chimes with what we see in the UK.

It has to be coated with a thin veneer of religion to make it acceptable but in essence right wing politics is based on a selfish me me me doctrine. DISCUSS

Nothing is more cruel to the poor than the way "so called" liberals divide people up into racial demographics, trying to permanently control the way we Americans view each other, all so politicians can solidify their base. The belief of individual liberty given by "God" if you will is a quite different way to view each other, and thus society itself will change according to the way we view each other as citizens. If the Liberals had their way entirely, we would eventually come full circle back to segregation and end up as a country such as Zimbabwe. This is not compassion.

We have differences and we can never trueley become a color blind society, BUT, that is still the direction in which we should be trying for. There is no other country where its founding documents claim that it's citizens have unalienable rights that the politicians in power cannot take away, WHICH, is exactly why the left spends so much time teaching how despicable our nations founders were. WHy again? so that the younger generations have no respect for those founding documents, ensuring that the left can now change our society into anything they want.
Don't believe it? Hey well you cant call a boy a boy anymore.. and you cant call a girl a girl. It's all part of the liberal transformation. And That is not kind Tommy, if not relentlessly cruel, it is quite passive agressive.
Iraq war costs U.S. more than $2 trillion: study

Yes, this includes through the Obama years as well.
Your little study doesn't account for an additional $1 trillion that will have to be borrowed to keep the war going and "...doesn't include items not counted by the Pentagon, including homeland security, veterans care and various developmental efforts. Then there is the additional $1 trillion in interest payments on the war debt."

And since we are still fighting these bullshit wars, the cost is still rising.

Your own link shows over 1 million dead.

BTW, the over 1 million study was from a non-partisan, non-biased source.

Now that I've put those lies to rest, war is something you on the left never approve of unless it's led by one of your own. It doesn't matter for what reason either. I didn't care for the war, but I also understand the situation Bush was in at the time. We just suffered the worst attack on our soil since the founding of this country, and Iraq was a well known enemy of the United States.
Hey shithead, Iraq didn't attack us! It is wrong to attack someone that didn't attack you first. What we did is the equivalent of Roosevelt attacking Mexico over Pearl Harbor. If you can't see how wrong that is, then get up from your computer, go outside and punch (as hard as you can) the first person you walk up to. I guarantee at that moment, you will see how wrong that is.

Beyond Bush, many Democrats (including your beloved Hillary) voted for the war. Prior to Bush even taking office, many a Democrat warned of the potential danger Saddam meant to this country. Need the video, just ask, I have it right here.
I know all about that shit. I saw it unfold as it was happening. I knew it was bullshit. I knew it was a lie. I was against this entire war from the very beginning and I am still against this war today.

Anyone who supports this war has taken a major shit on our flag.

/---- Why did GDR attack Italy and Germany? They never attacked us. Japan did but FDR set them aside with a minimum force.

Because he perceived that eventually Germany would become a threat to the US in one way or another. Sometimes presidents need to make that judgement call. Of course then... we were allowed to win the war
and kept a presence there long afterwards
/---- OH so DemocRAT presidents are allowed wide latitude in declaring war. Republican presidents must wait for the threat to appear on our shores with guns blazing. Thanks for clearing that up.
Oh nice.jpg
Your little study doesn't account for an additional $1 trillion that will have to be borrowed to keep the war going and "...doesn't include items not counted by the Pentagon, including homeland security, veterans care and various developmental efforts. Then there is the additional $1 trillion in interest payments on the war debt."

The $5 Trillion War on Terror
And since we are still fighting these bullshit wars, the cost is still rising.

My 'little study" is from Reuters. Your leftist site is trying to throw in every nickel and dime that always comes with any military action. Homeland security and development efforts would have been developed if we had ten wars or none. It was an action taken to help prevent another 911.

We are still fighting these bullshit wars? Then why did you vote for DumBama for eight years of controlling these wars?

According to the Center for Defense, by 2008, the cost of both Iraq and Afghanistan was 1 trillion dollars.

Estimated War-Related Costs, Iraq and Afghanistan
Because he perceived that eventually Germany would become a threat to the US in one way or another. Sometimes presidents need to make that judgement call. Of course then... we were allowed to win the war
and kept a presence there long afterwards
The GDR was East Germany during the cold war.

Get out of home school and go to real school.
/---- OH so DemocRAT presidents are allowed wide latitude in declaring war. Republican presidents must wait for the threat to appear on our shores with guns blazing. Thanks for clearing that up.
View attachment 120613
Roosevelt never declared war on Mexico.

Maybe the reason republicans are so cruel to the poor is because republicans are so poor in intelligence?
My 'little study" is from Reuters. Your leftist site is trying to throw in every nickel and dime that always comes with any military action.
I told you, it was non-partisan, non-biased. Write it down for future reference.

Homeland security and development efforts would have been developed if we had ten wars or none. It was an action taken to help prevent another 911.
It would cost less, if we had no wars.

We are still fighting these bullshit wars? Then why did you vote for DumBama for eight years of controlling these wars?
Because he ran on a anti-war platform.

According to the Center for Defense, by 2008, the cost of both Iraq and Afghanistan was 1 trillion dollars.
Of coarse the military is going to keep costs being reported down.

A strict count of dollars spent on ongoing conflicts "understate the wider budgetary impact of the wars and their long-term implications for U.S. federal and state government spending," Crawford wrote.

How long are you willing to pay?

Irene Triplett, an 86-year-old daughter of a Civil War veteran, still collects her father's pension of $73.13 a month, according to VA spokesman Randy Noller. That war ended in 1865.

If the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, which began in 2001 and 2003 respectively, were to end today, a similar benefit could be paid out to a survivor of those conflicts—in the year 2167.
I told you, it was non-partisan, non-biased. Write it down for future reference.

Time is non-biased? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

It would cost less, if we had no wars.

Yes it would. Now how does one go about never having wars--especially with a huge group of lunatics that say they want every single one of us dead because we don't believe in their religion?

Because he ran on a anti-war platform.

Yes he did, and you didn't learn the first time you voted for him that he lied to you.

How long are you willing to pay?

As long as it takes to make these places civil and possibly a democracy. At the very least, as long as it takes to insure our enemies have no safe haven there.

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