Why Are Republicans So Relentlessly Cruel to the Poor?

You are NOT as dumb as you act. If you really believe all the worlds problems can be easily blamed on GOP policy, you are not critically thinking. It's understandable because it's easier to think that way, but its not excusable.
I'm not blaming all the worlds' problems on the GOP.

Look up Sykes-Picot. This is the root of almost all of the wests wrong doings in the Middle East. You can critically think, don't throw that away to make your life easier. Ignorance is not bliss.
That led to the main problem in the ME, which eventually led to 9/11; and that was the creation of Israel, their treatment of the Palestinian's and our unconditional support of their tyranny.
No, I didn't. I said I thought HE thought that.
Except he didn't say that, you did.

Again, perhaps you should either man the fuck up or not mention her.
Man up about what? Maybe you should stop commenting on her? I mentioned her once, as an after-thought. Then you fuckers started trashing her and kept saying shit about her. You think I'm going to let that shit go? Stop talking about her and I won't have to say anything.
Oh please, how many terrorist attacks have we had under DumBama than GW? GW only had one.....one.
How many poor people did GW kill?

The middle-east is oil, and oil is the lifeblood of our economy and country. It doesn't matter if you're Donald Trump flying on your own jetliner or a guy that empties garbage cans for a living. We all use oil, and without it, the country suffers greatly.
So what are you saying, that it is okay to kill over a million poor people just so we can take their oil?

Republicans responsible? Who was President during the first attack on the WTC? Who was President during the Oklahoma City bombing?
The "bomber", was right wing militia. How many poor people did he kill in that bombing?

So 911 had nothing to do with our so-called poor people.
No, it had to do with theirs.

There isn't a poor person on the planet that isn't subjected to republican cruelty.

Capitalism has brought 2 billion of the worlds population out of poverty. Communism has killed 100 million people in the past century alone.

In the countries where socialism is rampant, Venezuela, Crete, Greece, Italy, Spain, Germany, and plenty of other unmentioned, standard of living has sharply decreased.

In countries where capitalism has been a priority, we'll take Switzerland as an example... it is the oldest government in the world, been around 500 years, ours is largely based off of their government. They consistently rank in the top 3 of standard of living, overall happiness, safety, education, healthcare, etc. huh maybe they're are and have been doing something right all these years. And oh by the way, the invented and still practice the 2nd amendment, to the point your practically issued an assault rifle as a citizen. Kind of hard to argue with their track record isn't it?
Which is understandable.

Now the issue here is what morals and virtues do you think are necessary in the modern world? Surely these would be morals shared by a large percentage of the country, so why aren't these morals a part of every kid's education? I mean, kids need to learn how to be adults and schools are in a position to shape kids to become the sort of adults society wants them to be.

So the morals of the majority should be indoctrinated into the children of the minority? You don't see how that's a problem?

Parents are the biggest shaper of their children, and should be completely responsible for it, not schools. Especially since A. No one loves their own children more than parents B. A school cannot give sufficient means of shaping their students, since they are not capable of giving the required time, patience, resources, to every single students individual needs.

Schools should be working with parents as parents take the lead in raising their children. Schools should definitely not be in the business of indoctrination. Only business in teaching our youth is how to learn, not what to learn, and doing so along with parents, not against them.

Not really, no. It already happens, it's called being a part of society.

Parents are the biggest shaper of their own children, and many of them aren't shaping their kids into respectable members of society.

We make laws, we demand that people abide by these rules. You don't see how that's a problem?
Perhaps schools should be working with parents to help shape their kids. Problem is that being a parent doesn't come with many must dos, one of those is getting them an education, and often it's left to teachers to try and shape those kids into decent human beings because their parents won't.

Now, if their parents won't, chances are when they become parents they won't either, do you see the problem here?

And BC some aren't good parents, schools should replace all parents roles? I can't stand this argument, because of one bad apple government has to fix the entire bunch. Do you really want trump in charge of indoctrinating you're children? Let's say trump somehow ends presidential term limits and becomes a 4 term president...that doesn't sound like a nightmare for America? We need to take away this power that is already being abused by our schools, who think they know better than all parents. We want kids who are objective free thinkers, not the Hitler youth. To stop hitler youth and other forms, we need to decentralize. It's only in a centralized infrastructure we get widespread indoctrination.

No, I don't want "indoctrination". I want education to be intelligent and politics to keep away from education.

The problem is the education system led to Trump. This whole "let kids be ignorant, otherwise it's indoctrination" is what is leading the US to pick leaders who shouldn't be leaders.

Uh-huh and the right would say the exact thing. With probably more evidence than you.

The real reason it's so easy to get A's in college

Is this not a worrying trend to you? That our "higher educational" systems aren't actually educating, just herding kids through.

I believe kids should be taught how to think, not what to think. I think there should be a wide range of teaching techniques presented, as well as a wide range of ideas presented. Centralizing education directly endangers this, and is put even more at risk when Demagogues from the right or left are elected. We need to teach critical thinking, the common logical fallacies, and self reliance. Not reliance on teachers.

No doubt they could, and I see it all the time. Evidence wise I haven't really even started, I'm having internet problems big time, when it takes 10 minutes to open some websites, well... you just ain't getting much.

Yes, it's worrying that education systems aren't doing their job. I've seen educators who could, if given the chance, turn education into something special. The problem is in the US especially, there is a massive campaign against education, from both sides using education as a political football, and that's sad.

I agree, kids should be thought how to think for themselves. I've also see this done with history. Seeing 11 year old kids looking at evidence, then making their own decisions about this. This was not in the US though. But it happens. The US just won't allow it to happen.
Here's your typical repub

No, I don't want "indoctrination". I want education to be intelligent and politics to keep away from education.

The problem is the education system led to Trump. This whole "let kids be ignorant, otherwise it's indoctrination" is what is leading the US to pick leaders who shouldn't be leaders.

Shouldn't be leaders by your standards? Of course only your standards on the left counts.

Oh, now I'm not allowed to have an opinion. Thanks Ray, nice argument.
No, I don't want "indoctrination". I want education to be intelligent and politics to keep away from education.

The problem is the education system led to Trump. This whole "let kids be ignorant, otherwise it's indoctrination" is what is leading the US to pick leaders who shouldn't be leaders.

Shouldn't be leaders by your standards? Of course only your standards on the left counts.

Oh, now I'm not allowed to have an opinion. Thanks Ray, nice argument.

That doesn't sound like an opinion, that sounds like a judgement call.
That led to the main problem in the ME, which eventually led to 9/11; and that was the creation of Israel, their treatment of the Palestinian's and our unconditional support of their tyranny.

Good point. Why would the leader of the free world support the only real Democracy in the entire middle-east? Those Israelis have no right to defend themselves from terrorists, suicide bombers and missiles. They should just sit there and take it.
So what are you saying, that it is okay to kill over a million poor people just so we can take their oil?

Still sticking with that lie in spite of me providing evidence that a million people is not even close?

We don't "take" oil, we pay for it. But there are conflicts involved with some of the people in the middle-east with those negotiations.
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No, I don't want "indoctrination". I want education to be intelligent and politics to keep away from education.

The problem is the education system led to Trump. This whole "let kids be ignorant, otherwise it's indoctrination" is what is leading the US to pick leaders who shouldn't be leaders.

Shouldn't be leaders by your standards? Of course only your standards on the left counts.

Oh, now I'm not allowed to have an opinion. Thanks Ray, nice argument.

That doesn't sound like an opinion, that sounds like a judgement call.

And yours sounds like what? You're telling me I can't have an opinion. Oh, well..... judgement call from you?
Oh boy. I can't wait to hear this explanation. By all means, entertain us this Friday night.
You didn't notice all the bombs we've been dropping on poor countries over the last 3 decades? All the deaths we caused with medieval sanctions, are support of Israeli war crimes against the Palestinian's, our support of the Saudi regime, etc. All that stuff adds up. After a while, after enough deaths, people decide they're going to do something about it.

It's not like you had a bunch of guys sitting around in a room when one of them jumps up and says, "Hey, I know, lets get some visas, go to the US, take some flying lessons and..."

You have to have a real hate-on to do what happened on 9/11 and that "hate" is, in part, directly related to our foreign policy. And that foreign policy, doesn't give a shit about poor people. So it is no coincidence, that many of those bombings were done with a republican administration.

The planning for 911 started a lot earlier than 2001, which was a Democrat President, add to that Clinton did a lot of bombing of poor during his administration. So I think you are full of it on this point, but nice try.
It isn't that the right wing is "cruel" to the poor, it is merely that the poor cannot afford better privileges and immunities under our form of Capitalism.
Good point. Why would the leader of the free world support the only real Democracy in the entire middle-east? Those Israelis have no right to defend themselves from terrorists, suicide bombers and missiles. They should just sit there and take it.
Siding with Israel is a perfect example of how cruel you are to the poor, because you have to go all the back to Germany in the 30's to see an entire population of people treated worse than the Palestinian's.

Israel is a fascist, apartheid regime, that is the cause of all the state terrorism in that area. Palestinian's are poor and have endured more cruelty than anyone can imagine and posts like yours prove it.
Still sticking with that lie in spite of me providing evidence that a million people is not even close?
YOUR evidence showed over a million dead. But I understand why you didn't see that, the suffering of the poor never registers on your radar.

We don't "take" oil, we pay for it. But there are conflicts involved with some of the people in the middle-east with those negotiations.
It is kind interesting at the time of our illegal and immoral invasion, Iraq was about to come out from under UN sanctions and be able to sell oil on the international market once again. But since we were the country to force those sanctions on Iraq, which resulted in half the poor people babies to die, there is no way they would sell to us.
The planning for 911 started a lot earlier than 2001, which was a Democrat President, add to that Clinton did a lot of bombing of poor during his administration. So I think you are full of it on this point, but nice try.
Actually, regime change in Iraq started with the PNAC letters to Clinton. And just who were members of the PNAC?
Good point. Why would the leader of the free world support the only real Democracy in the entire middle-east? Those Israelis have no right to defend themselves from terrorists, suicide bombers and missiles. They should just sit there and take it.
Siding with Israel is a perfect example of how cruel you are to the poor, because you have to go all the back to Germany in the 30's to see an entire population of people treated worse than the Palestinian's.

Israel is a fascist, apartheid regime, that is the cause of all the state terrorism in that area. Palestinian's are poor and have endured more cruelty than anyone can imagine and posts like yours prove it.

Sorry, but I don't have empathy for any terrorists. Those "poor" people could be wiped out in less than three days, but Israel is too compassionate in my opinion for them to do that. In spite of the attacks Israel has to suffer from those cave men, they give them jobs and allow them to earn money for their families.

You see, those poor people wouldn't be so poor if they were not criminals. But Arafat died a billionaire because all the money that was given to his people he kept for himself and banked that money. If I remember correctly, his wife moved to Europe and is living like a queen.
Oh please, how many terrorist attacks have we had under DumBama than GW? GW only had one.....one.
How many poor people did GW kill?

The middle-east is oil, and oil is the lifeblood of our economy and country. It doesn't matter if you're Donald Trump flying on your own jetliner or a guy that empties garbage cans for a living. We all use oil, and without it, the country suffers greatly.
So what are you saying, that it is okay to kill over a million poor people just so we can take their oil?

Republicans responsible? Who was President during the first attack on the WTC? Who was President during the Oklahoma City bombing?
The "bomber", was right wing militia. How many poor people did he kill in that bombing?

So 911 had nothing to do with our so-called poor people.
No, it had to do with theirs.

There isn't a poor person on the planet that isn't subjected to republican cruelty.

Capitalism has brought 2 billion of the worlds population out of poverty. Communism has killed 100 million people in the past century alone.

In the countries where socialism is rampant, Venezuela, Crete, Greece, Italy, Spain, Germany, and plenty of other unmentioned, standard of living has sharply decreased.

In countries where capitalism has been a priority, we'll take Switzerland as an example... it is the oldest government in the world, been around 500 years, ours is largely based off of their government. They consistently rank in the top 3 of standard of living, overall happiness, safety, education, healthcare, etc. huh maybe they're are and have been doing something right all these years. And oh by the way, the invented and still practice the 2nd amendment, to the point your practically issued an assault rifle as a citizen. Kind of hard to argue with their track record isn't it?

Yes, it is, especially considering that Switzerland offers all kinds of public assistance and social programs that Republicans refuse to pass in the US.

Switzerland is socialist - the have socialized medicine, one of the best public education systems on the planet, maternity leave with pay, state pension for the elderly, disability coverage and basically, cradle to the grave security, as do all European countries.
Sorry, but I don't have empathy for any terrorists. Those "poor" people could be wiped out in less than three days, but Israel is too compassionate in my opinion for them to do that. In spite of the attacks Israel has to suffer from those cave men, they give them jobs and allow them to earn money for their families.

You see, those poor people wouldn't be so poor if they were not criminals. But Arafat died a billionaire because all the money that was given to his people he kept for himself and banked that money. If I remember correctly, his wife moved to Europe and is living like a queen.
Palestinian's are not terrorists, they are the victims.

This is how you are not cruel to poor people, by expecting them to be thankful for not being wiped out in 3 days?
Sorry, but I don't have empathy for any terrorists. Those "poor" people could be wiped out in less than three days, but Israel is too compassionate in my opinion for them to do that. In spite of the attacks Israel has to suffer from those cave men, they give them jobs and allow them to earn money for their families.

You see, those poor people wouldn't be so poor if they were not criminals. But Arafat died a billionaire because all the money that was given to his people he kept for himself and banked that money. If I remember correctly, his wife moved to Europe and is living like a queen.
Palestinian's are not terrorists, they are the victims.

This is how you are not cruel to poor people, by expecting them to be thankful for not being wiped out in 3 days?
Palestinians are terrorists by any definition of the word, and while they are also victims, they are victims of their own leaderships.
It is kind interesting at the time of our illegal and immoral invasion, Iraq was about to come out from under UN sanctions and be able to sell oil on the international market once again. But since we were the country to force those sanctions on Iraq, which resulted in half the poor people babies to die, there is no way they would sell to us.

YOUR evidence showed over a million dead. But I understand why you didn't see that, the suffering of the poor never registers on your radar.

The Iraq Body Count project (IBC) figure of Documented civilian deaths from violence is 155,923 – 174,355 as of March 2016. This includes reported civilian deaths due to Coalition and insurgent military action, sectarian violence and increased criminal violence.[19] The IBC site states: "it should be noted that many deaths will probably go unreported or unrecorded by officials and media."[20] The IBC website currently states that, "Further analysis of the WikiLeaks' Iraq War Logs may add 12,000 civilian deaths."

Casualties of the Iraq War - Wikipedia

What they did here is add every possible body count they could put in their figures whether it was directly related to the war or indirectly.

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