Why Are Republicans So Relentlessly Cruel to the Poor?

Time is non-biased? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

The source wasn't Time, it was Brown University’s Watson Institute for International Studies.

Yes it would. Now how does one go about never having wars--especially with a huge group of lunatics that say they want every single one of us dead because we don't believe in their religion?
That's easy. Stop believing your own lunatics talking about their lunatics wanting to kill us all, because that is bullshit.

Yes he did, and you didn't learn the first time you voted for him that he lied to you.
No, I didn't. I learned after the second time.

As long as it takes to make these places civil and possibly a democracy. At the very least, as long as it takes to insure our enemies have no safe haven there.
It's not our business to tell sovereign nations what they can (and cannot) have for governments. Here's a thought, why don't you stop making enemies? When you bomb the shit out of people, they don't say thank you, they say fuck you!
Time is non-biased? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

The source wasn't Time, it was Brown University’s Watson Institute for International Studies.

Yes it would. Now how does one go about never having wars--especially with a huge group of lunatics that say they want every single one of us dead because we don't believe in their religion?
That's easy. Stop believing your own lunatics talking about their lunatics wanting to kill us all, because that is bullshit.

Yes he did, and you didn't learn the first time you voted for him that he lied to you.
No, I didn't. I learned after the second time.

As long as it takes to make these places civil and possibly a democracy. At the very least, as long as it takes to insure our enemies have no safe haven there.
It's not our business to tell sovereign nations what they can (and cannot) have for governments. Here's a thought, why don't you stop making enemies? When you bomb the shit out of people, they don't say thank you, they say fuck you!

And this has WHAT to do with the poor ?
FYI, both are kinda right. Depends how deep into semantics one wants to get.

Yes, there is such a thing as "Bathtub Beer" - but no it's not actually made in a bathtub...
It was in the law you couldn't keep your doctor. They knew it. That's a lie even if it is as you say just a selling point.
Probably because that's not what school is about. There's a reason governments around the world started to implement mass education, and force kids to go to school. You can see why if you go to certain places in Africa where kids don't go to school and see what the impact is. Society has decided that society is much better when people receive a certain level of education. Going into school and learning make belief really doesn't help to develop the country.

And yet they teach global warming all the time.

Nobody was debating forced education. We were debating what is being taught. I'm sure many home school students learn religion as part of their studies, and I'm sure religious schools have religion as part of their curriculum. Religion was much of our daily studies when I went to a Catholic school. In fact, you were also graded on your church attendance record.

I do not believe that anybody should have religion shoved down their throat. But if you move to a Jewish community, and the taxpayers fund their schools wanting to teach their religion, I have no problem with that. If you don't like their religion, don't move to the Jewish area and attend Jewish public schools.

Truth is, if I were ever dumb enough to move to one of the mega-cities, I would be looking around for a nice, private religious school for my kid. Wouldn't even have to be my church; would just need to be a religion that teaches about virtue and moral behavior. Jewish schools and Chinese schools where everyone's Buddhist would be just fine with me.

Which is understandable.

Now the issue here is what morals and virtues do you think are necessary in the modern world? Surely these would be morals shared by a large percentage of the country, so why aren't these morals a part of every kid's education? I mean, kids need to learn how to be adults and schools are in a position to shape kids to become the sort of adults society wants them to be.

So the morals of the majority should be indoctrinated into the children of the minority? You don't see how that's a problem?

Parents are the biggest shaper of their children, and should be completely responsible for it, not schools. Especially since A. No one loves their own children more than parents B. A school cannot give sufficient means of shaping their students, since they are not capable of giving the required time, patience, resources, to every single students individual needs.

Schools should be working with parents as parents take the lead in raising their children. Schools should definitely not be in the business of indoctrination. Only business in teaching our youth is how to learn, not what to learn, and doing so along with parents, not against them.

Not really, no. It already happens, it's called being a part of society.

Parents are the biggest shaper of their own children, and many of them aren't shaping their kids into respectable members of society.

We make laws, we demand that people abide by these rules. You don't see how that's a problem?
Perhaps schools should be working with parents to help shape their kids. Problem is that being a parent doesn't come with many must dos, one of those is getting them an education, and often it's left to teachers to try and shape those kids into decent human beings because their parents won't.

Now, if their parents won't, chances are when they become parents they won't either, do you see the problem here?

And BC some aren't good parents, schools should replace all parents roles? I can't stand this argument, because of one bad apple government has to fix the entire bunch. Do you really want trump in charge of indoctrinating you're children? Let's say trump somehow ends presidential term limits and becomes a 4 term president...that doesn't sound like a nightmare for America? We need to take away this power that is already being abused by our schools, who think they know better than all parents. We want kids who are objective free thinkers, not the Hitler youth. To stop hitler youth and other forms, we need to decentralize. It's only in a centralized infrastructure we get widespread indoctrination.
And yet they teach global warming all the time.

Nobody was debating forced education. We were debating what is being taught. I'm sure many home school students learn religion as part of their studies, and I'm sure religious schools have religion as part of their curriculum. Religion was much of our daily studies when I went to a Catholic school. In fact, you were also graded on your church attendance record.

I do not believe that anybody should have religion shoved down their throat. But if you move to a Jewish community, and the taxpayers fund their schools wanting to teach their religion, I have no problem with that. If you don't like their religion, don't move to the Jewish area and attend Jewish public schools.

Truth is, if I were ever dumb enough to move to one of the mega-cities, I would be looking around for a nice, private religious school for my kid. Wouldn't even have to be my church; would just need to be a religion that teaches about virtue and moral behavior. Jewish schools and Chinese schools where everyone's Buddhist would be just fine with me.

Which is understandable.

Now the issue here is what morals and virtues do you think are necessary in the modern world? Surely these would be morals shared by a large percentage of the country, so why aren't these morals a part of every kid's education? I mean, kids need to learn how to be adults and schools are in a position to shape kids to become the sort of adults society wants them to be.

So the morals of the majority should be indoctrinated into the children of the minority? You don't see how that's a problem?

Parents are the biggest shaper of their children, and should be completely responsible for it, not schools. Especially since A. No one loves their own children more than parents B. A school cannot give sufficient means of shaping their students, since they are not capable of giving the required time, patience, resources, to every single students individual needs.

Schools should be working with parents as parents take the lead in raising their children. Schools should definitely not be in the business of indoctrination. Only business in teaching our youth is how to learn, not what to learn, and doing so along with parents, not against them.

Not really, no. It already happens, it's called being a part of society.

Parents are the biggest shaper of their own children, and many of them aren't shaping their kids into respectable members of society.

We make laws, we demand that people abide by these rules. You don't see how that's a problem?
Perhaps schools should be working with parents to help shape their kids. Problem is that being a parent doesn't come with many must dos, one of those is getting them an education, and often it's left to teachers to try and shape those kids into decent human beings because their parents won't.

Now, if their parents won't, chances are when they become parents they won't either, do you see the problem here?

And BC some aren't good parents, schools should replace all parents roles? I can't stand this argument, because of one bad apple government has to fix the entire bunch. Do you really want trump in charge of indoctrinating you're children? Let's say trump somehow ends presidential term limits and becomes a 4 term president...that doesn't sound like a nightmare for America? We need to take away this power that is already being abused by our schools, who think they know better than all parents. We want kids who are objective free thinkers, not the Hitler youth. To stop hitler youth and other forms, we need to decentralize. It's only in a centralized infrastructure we get widespread indoctrination.

No, I don't want "indoctrination". I want education to be intelligent and politics to keep away from education.

The problem is the education system led to Trump. This whole "let kids be ignorant, otherwise it's indoctrination" is what is leading the US to pick leaders who shouldn't be leaders.
And this has WHAT to do with the poor ?
Nothing. But that's what right wingers do when they see a subject they don't like; they try do hijack thread and change the topic. They don't want to talk about how cruel they are to the poor. They'd rather talk about invading Iraq, the cost of the wars and my grandmother making beer in a bathtub.
Truth is, if I were ever dumb enough to move to one of the mega-cities, I would be looking around for a nice, private religious school for my kid. Wouldn't even have to be my church; would just need to be a religion that teaches about virtue and moral behavior. Jewish schools and Chinese schools where everyone's Buddhist would be just fine with me.

Which is understandable.

Now the issue here is what morals and virtues do you think are necessary in the modern world? Surely these would be morals shared by a large percentage of the country, so why aren't these morals a part of every kid's education? I mean, kids need to learn how to be adults and schools are in a position to shape kids to become the sort of adults society wants them to be.

So the morals of the majority should be indoctrinated into the children of the minority? You don't see how that's a problem?

Parents are the biggest shaper of their children, and should be completely responsible for it, not schools. Especially since A. No one loves their own children more than parents B. A school cannot give sufficient means of shaping their students, since they are not capable of giving the required time, patience, resources, to every single students individual needs.

Schools should be working with parents as parents take the lead in raising their children. Schools should definitely not be in the business of indoctrination. Only business in teaching our youth is how to learn, not what to learn, and doing so along with parents, not against them.

Not really, no. It already happens, it's called being a part of society.

Parents are the biggest shaper of their own children, and many of them aren't shaping their kids into respectable members of society.

We make laws, we demand that people abide by these rules. You don't see how that's a problem?
Perhaps schools should be working with parents to help shape their kids. Problem is that being a parent doesn't come with many must dos, one of those is getting them an education, and often it's left to teachers to try and shape those kids into decent human beings because their parents won't.

Now, if their parents won't, chances are when they become parents they won't either, do you see the problem here?

And BC some aren't good parents, schools should replace all parents roles? I can't stand this argument, because of one bad apple government has to fix the entire bunch. Do you really want trump in charge of indoctrinating you're children? Let's say trump somehow ends presidential term limits and becomes a 4 term president...that doesn't sound like a nightmare for America? We need to take away this power that is already being abused by our schools, who think they know better than all parents. We want kids who are objective free thinkers, not the Hitler youth. To stop hitler youth and other forms, we need to decentralize. It's only in a centralized infrastructure we get widespread indoctrination.

No, I don't want "indoctrination". I want education to be intelligent and politics to keep away from education.

The problem is the education system led to Trump. This whole "let kids be ignorant, otherwise it's indoctrination" is what is leading the US to pick leaders who shouldn't be leaders.

Uh-huh and the right would say the exact thing. With probably more evidence than you.

The real reason it's so easy to get A's in college

Is this not a worrying trend to you? That our "higher educational" systems aren't actually educating, just herding kids through.

I believe kids should be taught how to think, not what to think. I think there should be a wide range of teaching techniques presented, as well as a wide range of ideas presented. Centralizing education directly endangers this, and is put even more at risk when Demagogues from the right or left are elected. We need to teach critical thinking, the common logical fallacies, and self reliance. Not reliance on teachers.
No, I don't want "indoctrination". I want education to be intelligent and politics to keep away from education.

The problem is the education system led to Trump. This whole "let kids be ignorant, otherwise it's indoctrination" is what is leading the US to pick leaders who shouldn't be leaders.

Shouldn't be leaders by your standards? Of course only your standards on the left counts.
I think he's actually calling your grandmother not-very-bright and a maker of really bad, flat beer.
He didn't say that and its against forum rules to trash family members, you stupid bitch!

I didn't trash your grandmother. I stated that I didn't think another poster was calling her a liar.

Perhaps you shouldn't bring your grandmother into conversations if you're going to get your panties in a ruffle.
Oh boy. I can't wait to hear this explanation. By all means, entertain us this Friday night.
You didn't notice all the bombs we've been dropping on poor countries over the last 3 decades? All the deaths we caused with medieval sanctions, are support of Israeli war crimes against the Palestinian's, our support of the Saudi regime, etc. All that stuff adds up. After a while, after enough deaths, people decide they're going to do something about it.

It's not like you had a bunch of guys sitting around in a room when one of them jumps up and says, "Hey, I know, lets get some visas, go to the US, take some flying lessons and..."

You have to have a real hate-on to do what happened on 9/11 and that "hate" is, in part, directly related to our foreign policy. And that foreign policy, doesn't give a shit about poor people. So it is no coincidence, that many of those bombings were done with a republican administration.
I didn't trash your grandmother. I stated that I didn't think another poster was calling her a liar.
You said she was not so bright, he didn't.

Perhaps you shouldn't bring your grandmother into conversations if you're going to get your panties in a ruffle.
I didn't. I made an off-the-cuff remark and you fuckers made her the topic of conversation.
Oh boy. I can't wait to hear this explanation. By all means, entertain us this Friday night.
You didn't notice all the bombs we've been dropping on poor countries over the last 3 decades? All the deaths we caused with medieval sanctions, are support of Israeli war crimes against the Palestinian's, our support of the Saudi regime, etc. All that stuff adds up. After a while, after enough deaths, people decide they're going to do something about it.

It's not like you had a bunch of guys sitting around in a room when one of them jumps up and says, "Hey, I know, lets get some visas, go to the US, take some flying lessons and..."

You have to have a real hate-on to do what happened on 9/11 and that "hate" is, in part, directly related to our foreign policy. And that foreign policy, doesn't give a shit about poor people. So it is no coincidence, that many of those bombings were done with a republican administration.

Oh please, how many terrorist attacks have we had under DumBama than GW? GW only had one.....one.

The middle-east is oil, and oil is the lifeblood of our economy and country. It doesn't matter if you're Donald Trump flying on your own jetliner or a guy that empties garbage cans for a living. We all use oil, and without it, the country suffers greatly.

Republicans responsible? Who was President during the first attack on the WTC? Who was President during the Oklahoma City bombing?

So 911 had nothing to do with our so-called poor people. It's just another red herring of yours that you constantly toss out.
Oh boy. I can't wait to hear this explanation. By all means, entertain us this Friday night.
You didn't notice all the bombs we've been dropping on poor countries over the last 3 decades? All the deaths we caused with medieval sanctions, are support of Israeli war crimes against the Palestinian's, our support of the Saudi regime, etc. All that stuff adds up. After a while, after enough deaths, people decide they're going to do something about it.

It's not like you had a bunch of guys sitting around in a room when one of them jumps up and says, "Hey, I know, lets get some visas, go to the US, take some flying lessons and..."

You have to have a real hate-on to do what happened on 9/11 and that "hate" is, in part, directly related to our foreign policy. And that foreign policy, doesn't give a shit about poor people. So it is no coincidence, that many of those bombings were done with a republican administration.

You are NOT as dumb as you act. If you really believe all the worlds problems can be easily blamed on GOP policy, you are not critically thinking. It's understandable because it's easier to think that way, but its not excusable.

Look up Sykes-Picot. This is the root of almost all of the wests wrong doings in the Middle East. You can critically think, don't throw that away to make your life easier. Ignorance is not bliss.
Oh please, how many terrorist attacks have we had under DumBama than GW? GW only had one.....one.
How many poor people did GW kill?

The middle-east is oil, and oil is the lifeblood of our economy and country. It doesn't matter if you're Donald Trump flying on your own jetliner or a guy that empties garbage cans for a living. We all use oil, and without it, the country suffers greatly.
So what are you saying, that it is okay to kill over a million poor people just so we can take their oil?

Republicans responsible? Who was President during the first attack on the WTC? Who was President during the Oklahoma City bombing?
The "bomber", was right wing militia. How many poor people did he kill in that bombing?

So 911 had nothing to do with our so-called poor people.
No, it had to do with theirs.

There isn't a poor person on the planet that isn't subjected to republican cruelty.
I didn't trash your grandmother. I stated that I didn't think another poster was calling her a liar.
You said she was not so bright, he didn't.

Perhaps you shouldn't bring your grandmother into conversations if you're going to get your panties in a ruffle.
I didn't. I made an off-the-cuff remark and you fuckers made her the topic of conversation.

No, I didn't. I said I thought HE thought that.

Again, perhaps you should either man the fuck up or not mention her.

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