Why Are Republicans So Relentlessly Cruel to the Poor?

you can't force people to make the choices you want them to make.

as I said everyone already understands how to choose healthier foods. everyone already understands how to lose weight

they understand these things and they still choose not to do them. no amount of money thrown at educating them will make them understand any better and they will still make the choices they want to make

In many instances it's not education, but heredity that's the main player. My sister fought with weight loss her entire life. She's a dietary technician and has been most of her adult life. She is a supervisor at a world renown hospital and does side work for various food companies.

She finally got it under control, but it was after some major surgeries and basic starvation. If you are a person who can drop ten pounds in two weeks, good for you, but not everybody's body works like yours. Some people could eat three meals a week and still gain weight.

There's a difference between those people who are unlucky and have a low metabolism, but the US is fat not because of too many people with low metabolisms, but because of the food and the lack of education based around the food.

While others would tell you it's lack of exercise. When we were kids we ate crap as well, but we didn't spend the day texting people and playing video games in front of the television. We walked to see our friends or rode our bikes. When we were kids, I bet we got mores exercise in one day than most kids today get in a week.

No dietary plan works for all people because each situation is unique.

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Yes, that's part of it too, and getting kids involved in sport is essential, again, part of educating kids into liking and understanding healthy food and also sport and exercise.

It's not about a one size fits all, it's about giving kids the motivation to keep themselves healthy, the knowledge so they can do it easily and perhaps a push with something like much higher taxes for bad food and no taxes for healthier food.

Nonsense. You can't make a kid eat what he doesn't want to eat. Moochelle tried to force kids to eat crap they didn't want and the only result was kids throwing their healthy lunches away at school. They waited until the first chance they got and went to the candy store or Burger King.

Our founders would be rolling in their graves if they could come back to see the US federal government micromanaging kids diets.

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but it's for their own good

that's why teachers have been turned into the cupcake police
you seem to think you know
I know what I pay and I know what the tax rate is for capital gains.

capital gains are not considered regular income

never have been
And is how Warren Buffet can complain he doesn't pay enough income taxes, knowing that if they raise his rates it won't hurt him much.

Buffet is the left's favorite rich hypocrite

he takes a 100K a year salary for running one of the largest investment firms in the country then he whines that he doesn't pay enough income tax.

if he really wanted to pay more income tax he would set his salary at 10 million a year

but he won't do that now will he?
you seem to think you know
I know what I pay and I know what the tax rate is for capital gains.

capital gains are not considered regular income

never have been
And is how Warren Buffet can complain he doesn't pay enough income taxes, knowing that if they raise his rates it won't hurt him much.

Buffet is the left's favorite rich hypocrite

he takes a 100K a year salary for running one of the largest investment firms in the country then he whines that he doesn't pay enough income tax.

if he really wanted to pay more income tax he would set his salary at 10 million a year

but he won't do that now will he?
Nope, he'll continue to take most of his income as capital gains and employ an army of tax attorneys to keep his bill as small as possible. Heck, he wouldn't even have to take a big salary to pay more, he could write a check to the treasury any time he wanted to.
Taxes are taxes

They still come out of your pocket

state and local taxes are too variable to use. which is why I only speak to federal taxes
And that's why you're a brainwashed functional idiot, dupe of the greedy rich GOP. TAXES ARE TAXES, and the Gop has been busy moving fed taxes (progressive) to the states (regressive). DUH. All they have is bs for the dupes about how the rich pay all the taxes. (BULLSHYTTE).

hey you can always move to a state with lower taxes. federal taxes are a constant for everyone

Taxes in all states go up as New BS GOP federal aid goes down. World's thickest substance. GOP dupe skull. "Let's have a flat tax!". YOU ALREADY DO. A gold mine for the rich. Time for a nap before you give me a serious headache.

look idiot we have our taxes backwards anyway

you SHOULD be paying more in state and local taxes than in federal taxes since most of your government services are provided at the state and local government level.

you drive more on local roads, your kids go to local schools, your police and fire departments are local not federal etc

the real question is why the fuck does the federal government need to tax us only to give it to the states?

And why is the federal government so heavily involved in so many aspects of our daily lives?

I SHOULD be interacting with the state and local governments on a regular basis. They're RIGHT HERE WITH ME. But I should go for long stretches of weeks, and maybe even months, without encountering the federal government.
state and local taxes are too variable to use. which is why I only speak to federal taxes
And that's why you're a brainwashed functional idiot, dupe of the greedy rich GOP. TAXES ARE TAXES, and the Gop has been busy moving fed taxes (progressive) to the states (regressive). DUH. All they have is bs for the dupes about how the rich pay all the taxes. (BULLSHYTTE).

hey you can always move to a state with lower taxes. federal taxes are a constant for everyone

Taxes in all states go up as New BS GOP federal aid goes down. World's thickest substance. GOP dupe skull. "Let's have a flat tax!". YOU ALREADY DO. A gold mine for the rich. Time for a nap before you give me a serious headache.

look idiot we have our taxes backwards anyway

you SHOULD be paying more in state and local taxes than in federal taxes since most of your government services are provided at the state and local government level.

you drive more on local roads, your kids go to local schools, your police and fire departments are local not federal etc

the real question is why the fuck does the federal government need to tax us only to give it to the states?

And why is the federal government so heavily involved in so many aspects of our daily lives?

I SHOULD be interacting with the state and local governments on a regular basis. They're RIGHT HERE WITH ME. But I should go for long stretches of weeks, and maybe even months, without encountering the federal government.
Agreed. The federal government should focus on interactions with the state governments, not individual citizens.
And that's why you're a brainwashed functional idiot, dupe of the greedy rich GOP. TAXES ARE TAXES, and the Gop has been busy moving fed taxes (progressive) to the states (regressive). DUH. All they have is bs for the dupes about how the rich pay all the taxes. (BULLSHYTTE).

hey you can always move to a state with lower taxes. federal taxes are a constant for everyone

Taxes in all states go up as New BS GOP federal aid goes down. World's thickest substance. GOP dupe skull. "Let's have a flat tax!". YOU ALREADY DO. A gold mine for the rich. Time for a nap before you give me a serious headache.

look idiot we have our taxes backwards anyway

you SHOULD be paying more in state and local taxes than in federal taxes since most of your government services are provided at the state and local government level.

you drive more on local roads, your kids go to local schools, your police and fire departments are local not federal etc

the real question is why the fuck does the federal government need to tax us only to give it to the states?

Simple: to have control over those states. The federal government has to steal our money, then hang it over our heads if we want our own money back. If you want your money back, then you'll do things the way the federal government wants you to do them.
Don't you live in Michigan or somesuch? If so, you get back more than you give. As a matter of fact, most of the people who complain most bitterly on this site get back more than they give.

And now you're going to explain and prove that assertion, right?
you seem to think you know
I know what I pay and I know what the tax rate is for capital gains.

capital gains are not considered regular income

never have been
And is how Warren Buffet can complain he doesn't pay enough income taxes, knowing that if they raise his rates it won't hurt him much.

Buffet is the left's favorite rich hypocrite

he takes a 100K a year salary for running one of the largest investment firms in the country then he whines that he doesn't pay enough income tax.

if he really wanted to pay more income tax he would set his salary at 10 million a year

but he won't do that now will he?

Of course not, because the REASON he ostentatiously gets such a small salary is because his REAL money is made off of his capital gains, which are taxed at a lower rate.
you seem to think you know
I know what I pay and I know what the tax rate is for capital gains.

capital gains are not considered regular income

never have been
And is how Warren Buffet can complain he doesn't pay enough income taxes, knowing that if they raise his rates it won't hurt him much.

Buffet is the left's favorite rich hypocrite

he takes a 100K a year salary for running one of the largest investment firms in the country then he whines that he doesn't pay enough income tax.

if he really wanted to pay more income tax he would set his salary at 10 million a year

but he won't do that now will he?

Of course not, because the REASON he ostentatiously gets such a small salary is because his REAL money is made off of his capital gains, which are taxed at a lower rate.

not my point he gets such a small salary because as CEO and founder of the company, it's what he chooses to do
Not stupid, dupe. 35 YEARS of Reaganism=DUHHHHH...
Actually Reagan was for limited govt. Since Reagan govt has gotten 4 times bigger. See what happens when you drop out of HS?
no he wasn't

Reagan expanded the size scope and cost of government as much as anyone every republican president in my lifetime has done the same

You have confused what happened when Reagan was president with Reaganism. Franco dropped out and does not know that Reagan favored limited government.
That's why he tripled the debt and grew gov't more than anyone in history, dupiscimus...

Reagan grew the debt? At what point was the Constitution amended to give the President the power of the purse instead of Congress having it, and where was I when this happened?
I know what I pay and I know what the tax rate is for capital gains.

capital gains are not considered regular income

never have been
And is how Warren Buffet can complain he doesn't pay enough income taxes, knowing that if they raise his rates it won't hurt him much.

Buffet is the left's favorite rich hypocrite

he takes a 100K a year salary for running one of the largest investment firms in the country then he whines that he doesn't pay enough income tax.

if he really wanted to pay more income tax he would set his salary at 10 million a year

but he won't do that now will he?

Of course not, because the REASON he ostentatiously gets such a small salary is because his REAL money is made off of his capital gains, which are taxed at a lower rate.

not my point he gets such a small salary because as CEO and founder of the company, it's what he chooses to do

Kinda went to the whole "hypocrite" thing.
That is why we started a UNITED States

Kansas helps pay for shore protection. Maine helps pay for tornado relief. NYC pays for farm subsidies. Rich states pay for electrification of poor states

We are stronger as a whole than we are with every state looking out for themselves

no we get our money wasted by people who we cannot vote out of office
As a UNITED States we have become the wealthiest and most powerful nation in the world.
We could not achieved that with 50 states looking out for themselves

well if all you want is power

I wouldn't care if we weren't a super power and we just minded our own business
You're ignoring history, which is why we have these laws and policies, Mr. Engineering Whiz/political ignoramus. See sig, last line.

Why is it when we argue for upholding to the constitution you say we are backwards outdated [insert insult here] but you argue for unconstitutional laws and bloated bureaucracies and we are the ones that are ignoring history.

It's precisely because we understand history that we argue for the constitution

Same reason they tell us the Bible is a collection of antiquated fairy tales, and then appeal to its authority to try to justify their arguments.
Not stupid, dupe. 35 YEARS of Reaganism=DUHHHHH...
Actually Reagan was for limited govt. Since Reagan govt has gotten 4 times bigger. See what happens when you drop out of HS?
no he wasn't

Reagan expanded the size scope and cost of government as much as anyone every republican president in my lifetime has done the same

You have confused what happened when Reagan was president with Reaganism. Franco dropped out and does not know that Reagan favored limited government.
That's why he tripled the debt and grew gov't more than anyone in history, dupiscimus...

Reagan grew the debt? At what point was the Constitution amended to give the President the power of the purse instead of Congress having it, and where was I when this happened?
the president has to sign off on the spending
Studies show that Republicans donate more to charity than Democrats who will only donate if forced by taxes. So, I guess it depends on silly you want to be with stupid news stories.

You seem to be all in on stupid.

Conservatives look at the morality of one's actual actions. Leftists look at the "morality" of one's government policy intentions. And I do mean "intentions". They don't even care about the actual results of the policy; just what they HOPED it would do.
Private charity only covers multitudes of sins. Public policy can solve simple poverty and establish a secular and temporal, Commune of Heaven on Earth.
and show us one place that works. jeopardy music.
It is working now. We don't have true third world conditions in the US, like we used to, before we started socializing ourselves into first world prosperity.

socialism is like Palmolive, we are soaking in it.
then why did we get the movie Chi-Raq?
to help men come up with better arguments at lower cost? only wo-men complain, men get, Patriotic.

besides, i made a wood "Peace chillum" instead of a metal "tactical peace pipe", so women have less excuse to not give me some piece and some peace (and quiet), just for fun and practice.
look idiot we have our taxes backwards anyway

you SHOULD be paying more in state and local taxes than in federal taxes since most of your government services are provided at the state and local government level.

you drive more on local roads, your kids go to local schools, your police and fire departments are local not federal etc

the real question is why the fuck does the federal government need to tax us only to give it to the states?

Simple: to have control over those states. The federal government has to steal our money, then hang it over our heads if we want our own money back. If you want your money back, then you'll do things the way the federal government wants you to do them.
Don't you live in Michigan or somesuch? If so, you get back more than you give. As a matter of fact, most of the people who complain most bitterly on this site get back more than they give.

Even if that was the case, that's supposed to change my mind or something?
Well, a thinking man would say that it takes the wind out of your argument.

Well it doesn't. I'm against dependency of the federal government on every level. Our state will get along just fine without the federal government and most other states will as well.
You were complaining about the federal government stealing your money and then hanging it in front of your head - like you're singlehandedly funding the needy in other states.
Guess what, you're not.
First off, 50% of those receiving government welfare have jobs, mostly par time and temp jobs.

Secondly, the majority of those that do not work at all either have to care for a number of children, have drug or alcohol addiction problems, mental problems, physical disabilities, lack of education, lack of any job training, or a criminal background. They are poor candidates for even minimum wage jobs. I have worked around these people in food banks and a homeless shelter. Believe me you would not even consider hiring most of them.

My major concern with a proposal to stop all goverment assistance to the poor is not so much for the poor but for the effect it would have on all society. However, the chance of this happens is about zero so it's hardly worth discussing.

Then let me ask: why is it I can support myself because I never had children, never became addicted to alcohol or drugs, had a lack of education or job training, or have a criminal record?

You see..... these are called choices. We all make choices in life. As for those legitimately physically or mentally incapable of taking care of themselves, we as a society do take care of those people.

Our government can't create programs to rectify bad choices in life. When somebody makes a bad choice, they have to live with the consequences. If you are a 18 year old punk who doesn't know any better and tries to rob a bank, you may end up in prison for over 20 years. if you make the mistake of murdering somebody, it may cost you your life.
I think it's obvious the poor did not make the right choices. The problem is the 16 million kids they produce who live in poverty. You can't cut the parents out of welfare programs without cutting the kids. Most of the welfare money goes to families. Unless they are disabled single adults without dependents get very little welfare money. The families are the problem.

Great. So because of the kids, do nothing to end generational welfare because let's face it, we have to feel bad for somebody, don't we? And we will use the excuse of the kids next discussion, and the discussion after that, and the discussion after that, and the...........

20 trillion in the hole and rolling. Someday there won't be a choice whether to cut people off of welfare or not. There won't be anywhere to borrow money from. They will die out in the street because there won't be any jobs by then either.

It's not a matter of "if" it's a matter of "when."
You think depriving food and shelter for 16 million kids will end generational welfare. That's just a bit ridiculous.

If that were the case, the hell holes of this world such as the large cities in Bangladesh would have certainly seen economic mobility among the poor in the late 20th century because they practiced your theory of let the poor work or starve for decades and poverty only grew.

Generational poverty in Bangladesh was broken in the late 1990's with international assistance that provided healthcare clinics, food, public housing, education, job training, and capital for economic expansion. By 2010 the poverty rate in the country had dropped from 44.2% in 1991 to 18.5% in 2016.

Today Bangladesh has the second fastest growing economy in the world with a GDP growth rate of 7.1%.

The poor in America are certain far better off than the poor in Bangladesh but I think this example, although extreme shows quite well the problem of poverty is not solved by ignoring the problem.

We are not Bangladesh. This is America, land of the brave, home of the free. Here, there are endless possibilities. I think Rush Limbaugh highlighted the problem many times on his show.

"Folks, if you pay people not to work, don't be surprised when they don't!"

So here is the stupidity of all this: We have jobs that American's won't do, and we have people in poverty because they don't have enough money. Are you starting to catch on yet?????

You say we need programs to cater to people that don't want to work all because of the kids. Well these people use their kids just like you do. They use them as levers to get what they want without having to get a job.

If we had a law that if you can't support your kids, they go up for adoption, you'd see how fast those jobs would be taken. Furthermore we need a law that states if you want public assistance, you have to get fixed first. No more going on public assistance and having more kids.

So now, if we did things my way, don't you think we would end up with much less poverty in the future than doing it your way? After all, your way has failed repeatedly. Maybe it's about damn time we start doing things my way and you'll see the drastic improvement in poverty and jobs in the US.
dude, read up on what Mike Rowe is coordinating. he is a on a march to bring back tech programs for highschools. Holy fk the libs intentionally put people out of work. Intentionally. we have the facts.

Mike Rowe on How to Combat Unemployment & the Skills Gap

"Rowe said there are 5.6 million job openings waiting to be filled in fields that for the most part do not require a bachelor's degree."
sorry pal, just excuses. make five meals on the weekend while you have time and freeze them. then pop them in the oven when you get home after your 12 hour shift. excuses are just that, excuses.

Or do like I do, and have a list of really cheap, easy meals that can be thrown together quickly. I flat-out refuse to come home from work and fiddle around with complicated cooking, but I'm also determined that my family will eat complete, nutritious meals. The section of my cookbook for easy-peasy meals is invaluable.
I used to prepare meals on the weekends and freeze them for the work week..

There are lots of ways to provide your family with good meals without overcomplicating your life. You just have to be willing to find them.
i am learning to cook from scratch, more.

It's something we all should know how to do. And we don't need government to learn how to do it
YouTube is wonderful in modern, information age times.

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