Why Are Republicans So Relentlessly Cruel to the Poor?

So, just when will the sky fall, Chicken Little? All the people who told me that medicare would fail when I first started my insurance career have been dead for decades.

What do you consider failure?

Is an unfunded liability of $28 TRILLION a roaring success?


Poor Markle. Waiting for Armageddon, decade after decade, and it never comes. Looking for deliverance by the Tea Party. To which I reply :
"...Where have you gone, Joe Dimaggio, a nation turns its lonely eyes to you..You-hoo-hoo, What's that you say, Mrs. Robinson, "Joltin' Joe has left and gone away." Hey, hey hey--- hey hey hey".

One thing is for sure. We would never tolerate all these old people sucking off of the public teat just to stay alive, back in the old days!

Nice to see it is impossible

I asked a simple question, which merits an honest simple question. I'll ask it again, maybe you'll catch on this time. You commented what a grand success Medicare was and I asked what you consider a failure. Try again!

What do you consider failure?

Is an unfunded liability of $28 TRILLION a roaring success?
Why? They're a party that wishes for the collapse of civilization and wants to see massive slums pop up everywhere.

Sad but true.
Why? They're a party that wishes for the collapse of civilization and wants to see massive slums pop up everywhere.

Sad but true.

Yeah, that's what most Americans want. Then you people wonder why we constantly refer to you as the Uninformed Voters.
Well it doesn't always work like that. I appreciate how you'd love life to be so simple, but it's not.
simple doesn't mean easy

you want to make it easy

No, I don't want to make it anything. I want to know what it there.
it already is there
whatever it is

Of course. But this is about understanding.

The analogy I've used in the past is with fridges and ovens.

In order to understand the solution to the problem, you need to know the problem. If you think the fridge is broken because of the oven, then you won't get very far, will you?

you can't force people to make the choices you want them to make.

as I said everyone already understands how to choose healthier foods. everyone already understands how to lose weight

they understand these things and they still choose not to do them. no amount of money thrown at educating them will make them understand any better and they will still make the choices they want to make

In many instances it's not education, but heredity that's the main player. My sister fought with weight loss her entire life. She's a dietary technician and has been most of her adult life. She is a supervisor at a world renown hospital and does side work for various food companies.

She finally got it under control, but it was after some major surgeries and basic starvation. If you are a person who can drop ten pounds in two weeks, good for you, but not everybody's body works like yours. Some people could eat three meals a week and still gain weight.
simple doesn't mean easy

you want to make it easy

No, I don't want to make it anything. I want to know what it there.
it already is there
whatever it is

Of course. But this is about understanding.

The analogy I've used in the past is with fridges and ovens.

In order to understand the solution to the problem, you need to know the problem. If you think the fridge is broken because of the oven, then you won't get very far, will you?

you can't force people to make the choices you want them to make.

as I said everyone already understands how to choose healthier foods. everyone already understands how to lose weight

they understand these things and they still choose not to do them. no amount of money thrown at educating them will make them understand any better and they will still make the choices they want to make

In many instances it's not education, but heredity that's the main player. My sister fought with weight loss her entire life. She's a dietary technician and has been most of her adult life. She is a supervisor at a world renown hospital and does side work for various food companies.

She finally got it under control, but it was after some major surgeries and basic starvation. If you are a person who can drop ten pounds in two weeks, good for you, but not everybody's body works like yours. Some people could eat three meals a week and still gain weight.

There's a difference between those people who are unlucky and have a low metabolism, but the US is fat not because of too many people with low metabolisms, but because of the food and the lack of education based around the food.
No, I don't want to make it anything. I want to know what it there.
it already is there
whatever it is

Of course. But this is about understanding.

The analogy I've used in the past is with fridges and ovens.

In order to understand the solution to the problem, you need to know the problem. If you think the fridge is broken because of the oven, then you won't get very far, will you?

you can't force people to make the choices you want them to make.

as I said everyone already understands how to choose healthier foods. everyone already understands how to lose weight

they understand these things and they still choose not to do them. no amount of money thrown at educating them will make them understand any better and they will still make the choices they want to make

In many instances it's not education, but heredity that's the main player. My sister fought with weight loss her entire life. She's a dietary technician and has been most of her adult life. She is a supervisor at a world renown hospital and does side work for various food companies.

She finally got it under control, but it was after some major surgeries and basic starvation. If you are a person who can drop ten pounds in two weeks, good for you, but not everybody's body works like yours. Some people could eat three meals a week and still gain weight.

There's a difference between those people who are unlucky and have a low metabolism, but the US is fat not because of too many people with low metabolisms, but because of the food and the lack of education based around the food.

While others would tell you it's lack of exercise. When we were kids we ate crap as well, but we didn't spend the day texting people and playing video games in front of the television. We walked to see our friends or rode our bikes. When we were kids, I bet we got mores exercise in one day than most kids today get in a week.

No dietary plan works for all people because each situation is unique.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
it already is there
whatever it is

Of course. But this is about understanding.

The analogy I've used in the past is with fridges and ovens.

In order to understand the solution to the problem, you need to know the problem. If you think the fridge is broken because of the oven, then you won't get very far, will you?

you can't force people to make the choices you want them to make.

as I said everyone already understands how to choose healthier foods. everyone already understands how to lose weight

they understand these things and they still choose not to do them. no amount of money thrown at educating them will make them understand any better and they will still make the choices they want to make

In many instances it's not education, but heredity that's the main player. My sister fought with weight loss her entire life. She's a dietary technician and has been most of her adult life. She is a supervisor at a world renown hospital and does side work for various food companies.

She finally got it under control, but it was after some major surgeries and basic starvation. If you are a person who can drop ten pounds in two weeks, good for you, but not everybody's body works like yours. Some people could eat three meals a week and still gain weight.

There's a difference between those people who are unlucky and have a low metabolism, but the US is fat not because of too many people with low metabolisms, but because of the food and the lack of education based around the food.

While others would tell you it's lack of exercise. When we were kids we ate crap as well, but we didn't spend the day texting people and playing video games in front of the television. We walked to see our friends or rode our bikes. When we were kids, I bet we got mores exercise in one day than most kids today get in a week.

No dietary plan works for all people because each situation is unique.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Yes, that's part of it too, and getting kids involved in sport is essential, again, part of educating kids into liking and understanding healthy food and also sport and exercise.

It's not about a one size fits all, it's about giving kids the motivation to keep themselves healthy, the knowledge so they can do it easily and perhaps a push with something like much higher taxes for bad food and no taxes for healthier food.
Quite true. So when people make bad decisions, how is that my responsibility?

Yeah, when a drunk driver hits you while you're out walking and paralyses you, how is that your responsibility?

When China overtakes the US in terms of education, skills, manufacturing power, how is that your responsibility? Well, you're going to suffer whether it is, or isn't.

by definition that's not his responsibility.

And the point I am making is that sometimes people are impacted by things that aren't their own responsibility.

By trying to say "I'm not responsible, so why should I give a fuck?" I was showing why he should give a fuck.

I am not impacted by most personal choice other people make.
IDGAF what another person eats, if they smoke etc none of any of that shit is any of my business

Your drunk driving example is poor because it's a crime. It is a crime that can't be stopped very well if at all unless you want to mandate breathalyzers in every car than have to be blown into every 15 minutes.

So knowing that I take what precautions I can

But then there are plenty of times when you have benefited from the govt deciding that it is the govt's responsibility to take care of something.

Education being high up there. Inoculations, research, infrastructure... absolutely your life has had a massive impact. If you had been born in Somalia on the other hand....

I for one never said that SOME government programs were not beneficial have I ?

the federal government has no authority over education. The founders left that to the states. The federal highway system was begun as a defense project but now the government uses highway, eduation, and a myriad of other funding as a way to strong arm states into submission

as I said we have government backwards in this country the federal government is supposed to take a back seat to state government
simple doesn't mean easy

you want to make it easy

No, I don't want to make it anything. I want to know what it there.
it already is there
whatever it is

Of course. But this is about understanding.

The analogy I've used in the past is with fridges and ovens.

In order to understand the solution to the problem, you need to know the problem. If you think the fridge is broken because of the oven, then you won't get very far, will you?

you can't force people to make the choices you want them to make.

as I said everyone already understands how to choose healthier foods. everyone already understands how to lose weight

they understand these things and they still choose not to do them. no amount of money thrown at educating them will make them understand any better and they will still make the choices they want to make

This isn't about forcing people. I don't want to force people in most cases. This is about EDUCATION.

Give people the knowledge and the skills to make good decisions, and then let them decide.

Many people understand the basics of losing weight. But they often don't. Some out of choice, some because they really don't know how.

My dad come home one day in a tizz. He'd been on a training session with the fire fighters, and they'd show him plenty of stuff that woke his brain up. He knows what causes a fire, he knew that plugs could cause fires, he knew all this stuff, but sometimes it doesn't impact you unless it's done right. After that day we couldn't leave plugs in sockets and all of that stuff.

Your attitude that not educating people doesn't work is ridiculous.

I can prove this easily.

Socioeconomics and Obesity: The State of Obesity

"Nearly 33 percent of adults who did not graduate high school were obese, compared with 21.5 percent of those who graduated from college or technical college."

Okay, so you have 11.5% more people who didn't graduate High School being obese than did. Why?

Education Level and Substance Abuse

"Education helps people to learn skills and develop perceptions of risk. Students in high school are taught basic, but essential information about health that can educate them about the serious health implications of using drugs and alcohol."

As they said, education helps people make better decisions, helps them weigh up the positives with the negatives, take the risks into account.

People with poor levels of education will more likely fail at this, therefore they need to be helped.
Correlation is not causation

even those people who didn't graduate HS know why they are fat
Of course. But this is about understanding.

The analogy I've used in the past is with fridges and ovens.

In order to understand the solution to the problem, you need to know the problem. If you think the fridge is broken because of the oven, then you won't get very far, will you?

you can't force people to make the choices you want them to make.

as I said everyone already understands how to choose healthier foods. everyone already understands how to lose weight

they understand these things and they still choose not to do them. no amount of money thrown at educating them will make them understand any better and they will still make the choices they want to make

In many instances it's not education, but heredity that's the main player. My sister fought with weight loss her entire life. She's a dietary technician and has been most of her adult life. She is a supervisor at a world renown hospital and does side work for various food companies.

She finally got it under control, but it was after some major surgeries and basic starvation. If you are a person who can drop ten pounds in two weeks, good for you, but not everybody's body works like yours. Some people could eat three meals a week and still gain weight.

There's a difference between those people who are unlucky and have a low metabolism, but the US is fat not because of too many people with low metabolisms, but because of the food and the lack of education based around the food.

While others would tell you it's lack of exercise. When we were kids we ate crap as well, but we didn't spend the day texting people and playing video games in front of the television. We walked to see our friends or rode our bikes. When we were kids, I bet we got mores exercise in one day than most kids today get in a week.

No dietary plan works for all people because each situation is unique.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Yes, that's part of it too, and getting kids involved in sport is essential, again, part of educating kids into liking and understanding healthy food and also sport and exercise.

It's not about a one size fits all, it's about giving kids the motivation to keep themselves healthy, the knowledge so they can do it easily and perhaps a push with something like much higher taxes for bad food and no taxes for healthier food.
here we go again

more ham handed social engineering via taxes

taxes are only to be used to fund the necessary function of government not to punish people for behavior that you don't like
Yeah, when a drunk driver hits you while you're out walking and paralyses you, how is that your responsibility?

When China overtakes the US in terms of education, skills, manufacturing power, how is that your responsibility? Well, you're going to suffer whether it is, or isn't.

by definition that's not his responsibility.

And the point I am making is that sometimes people are impacted by things that aren't their own responsibility.

By trying to say "I'm not responsible, so why should I give a fuck?" I was showing why he should give a fuck.

I am not impacted by most personal choice other people make.
IDGAF what another person eats, if they smoke etc none of any of that shit is any of my business

Your drunk driving example is poor because it's a crime. It is a crime that can't be stopped very well if at all unless you want to mandate breathalyzers in every car than have to be blown into every 15 minutes.

So knowing that I take what precautions I can

But then there are plenty of times when you have benefited from the govt deciding that it is the govt's responsibility to take care of something.

Education being high up there. Inoculations, research, infrastructure... absolutely your life has had a massive impact. If you had been born in Somalia on the other hand....

I for one never said that SOME government programs were not beneficial have I ?

the federal government has no authority over education. The founders left that to the states. The federal highway system was begun as a defense project but now the government uses highway, eduation, and a myriad of other funding as a way to strong arm states into submission

as I said we have government backwards in this country the federal government is supposed to take a back seat to state government

The federal govt doesn't need to have authority over education in order to have an impact. The way the federal govt should operate is by developing programs, in conjunction with the states, that they can then go to all the states and say "hey, look, we've done all this research, we've tested this out in a number of states and we think this will be beneficial for your state for these reasons, would you like to take on our program?"

Well, the Canadians decided that the state govts were above the Federal govt, the Founding Fathers didn't do this. Similar in Europe at the moment, the individual nation states are losing their grip on their own power.
by definition that's not his responsibility.

And the point I am making is that sometimes people are impacted by things that aren't their own responsibility.

By trying to say "I'm not responsible, so why should I give a fuck?" I was showing why he should give a fuck.

I am not impacted by most personal choice other people make.
IDGAF what another person eats, if they smoke etc none of any of that shit is any of my business

Your drunk driving example is poor because it's a crime. It is a crime that can't be stopped very well if at all unless you want to mandate breathalyzers in every car than have to be blown into every 15 minutes.

So knowing that I take what precautions I can

But then there are plenty of times when you have benefited from the govt deciding that it is the govt's responsibility to take care of something.

Education being high up there. Inoculations, research, infrastructure... absolutely your life has had a massive impact. If you had been born in Somalia on the other hand....

I for one never said that SOME government programs were not beneficial have I ?

the federal government has no authority over education. The founders left that to the states. The federal highway system was begun as a defense project but now the government uses highway, eduation, and a myriad of other funding as a way to strong arm states into submission

as I said we have government backwards in this country the federal government is supposed to take a back seat to state government

The federal govt doesn't need to have authority over education in order to have an impact. The way the federal govt should operate is by developing programs, in conjunction with the states, that they can then go to all the states and say "hey, look, we've done all this research, we've tested this out in a number of states and we think this will be beneficial for your state for these reasons, would you like to take on our program?"

Well, the Canadians decided that the state govts were above the Federal govt, the Founding Fathers didn't do this. Similar in Europe at the moment, the individual nation states are losing their grip on their own power.

that's not how government operates

government is a hammer so everything looks like a nail
No, I don't want to make it anything. I want to know what it there.
it already is there
whatever it is

Of course. But this is about understanding.

The analogy I've used in the past is with fridges and ovens.

In order to understand the solution to the problem, you need to know the problem. If you think the fridge is broken because of the oven, then you won't get very far, will you?

you can't force people to make the choices you want them to make.

as I said everyone already understands how to choose healthier foods. everyone already understands how to lose weight

they understand these things and they still choose not to do them. no amount of money thrown at educating them will make them understand any better and they will still make the choices they want to make

This isn't about forcing people. I don't want to force people in most cases. This is about EDUCATION.

Give people the knowledge and the skills to make good decisions, and then let them decide.

Many people understand the basics of losing weight. But they often don't. Some out of choice, some because they really don't know how.

My dad come home one day in a tizz. He'd been on a training session with the fire fighters, and they'd show him plenty of stuff that woke his brain up. He knows what causes a fire, he knew that plugs could cause fires, he knew all this stuff, but sometimes it doesn't impact you unless it's done right. After that day we couldn't leave plugs in sockets and all of that stuff.

Your attitude that not educating people doesn't work is ridiculous.

I can prove this easily.

Socioeconomics and Obesity: The State of Obesity

"Nearly 33 percent of adults who did not graduate high school were obese, compared with 21.5 percent of those who graduated from college or technical college."

Okay, so you have 11.5% more people who didn't graduate High School being obese than did. Why?

Education Level and Substance Abuse

"Education helps people to learn skills and develop perceptions of risk. Students in high school are taught basic, but essential information about health that can educate them about the serious health implications of using drugs and alcohol."

As they said, education helps people make better decisions, helps them weigh up the positives with the negatives, take the risks into account.

People with poor levels of education will more likely fail at this, therefore they need to be helped.
Correlation is not causation

even those people who didn't graduate HS know why they are fat

They do. But do they know that they might have a much higher chance of getting diabetes, of having a slower brain, of all the many possibilities? Or do they know but live in the lie that they are invincible until it's too late. With age comes wisdom, mainly because you're making those mistakes. Tell people what mistakes people are making and what will happen to the kids if they don't sort it out.

Again, education leads to LOWER rates of such problems.
you can't force people to make the choices you want them to make.

as I said everyone already understands how to choose healthier foods. everyone already understands how to lose weight

they understand these things and they still choose not to do them. no amount of money thrown at educating them will make them understand any better and they will still make the choices they want to make

In many instances it's not education, but heredity that's the main player. My sister fought with weight loss her entire life. She's a dietary technician and has been most of her adult life. She is a supervisor at a world renown hospital and does side work for various food companies.

She finally got it under control, but it was after some major surgeries and basic starvation. If you are a person who can drop ten pounds in two weeks, good for you, but not everybody's body works like yours. Some people could eat three meals a week and still gain weight.

There's a difference between those people who are unlucky and have a low metabolism, but the US is fat not because of too many people with low metabolisms, but because of the food and the lack of education based around the food.

While others would tell you it's lack of exercise. When we were kids we ate crap as well, but we didn't spend the day texting people and playing video games in front of the television. We walked to see our friends or rode our bikes. When we were kids, I bet we got mores exercise in one day than most kids today get in a week.

No dietary plan works for all people because each situation is unique.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Yes, that's part of it too, and getting kids involved in sport is essential, again, part of educating kids into liking and understanding healthy food and also sport and exercise.

It's not about a one size fits all, it's about giving kids the motivation to keep themselves healthy, the knowledge so they can do it easily and perhaps a push with something like much higher taxes for bad food and no taxes for healthier food.
here we go again

more ham handed social engineering via taxes

taxes are only to be used to fund the necessary function of government not to punish people for behavior that you don't like

Food gets taxed, right? Ever wondered why milk is often cheaper than bottled water and other such weird pricing? Why shouldn't society try and make things more attractive?

I mean, the govt does this ALL THE TIME, especially in America with large corporations paying almost no tax as an "incentive" for them to locate or not relocate. The right doesn't have a problem with this, in fact they actively encourage it. But do it with good food or whatever and they suddenly get all jumpy.
And the point I am making is that sometimes people are impacted by things that aren't their own responsibility.

By trying to say "I'm not responsible, so why should I give a fuck?" I was showing why he should give a fuck.

I am not impacted by most personal choice other people make.
IDGAF what another person eats, if they smoke etc none of any of that shit is any of my business

Your drunk driving example is poor because it's a crime. It is a crime that can't be stopped very well if at all unless you want to mandate breathalyzers in every car than have to be blown into every 15 minutes.

So knowing that I take what precautions I can

But then there are plenty of times when you have benefited from the govt deciding that it is the govt's responsibility to take care of something.

Education being high up there. Inoculations, research, infrastructure... absolutely your life has had a massive impact. If you had been born in Somalia on the other hand....

I for one never said that SOME government programs were not beneficial have I ?

the federal government has no authority over education. The founders left that to the states. The federal highway system was begun as a defense project but now the government uses highway, eduation, and a myriad of other funding as a way to strong arm states into submission

as I said we have government backwards in this country the federal government is supposed to take a back seat to state government

The federal govt doesn't need to have authority over education in order to have an impact. The way the federal govt should operate is by developing programs, in conjunction with the states, that they can then go to all the states and say "hey, look, we've done all this research, we've tested this out in a number of states and we think this will be beneficial for your state for these reasons, would you like to take on our program?"

Well, the Canadians decided that the state govts were above the Federal govt, the Founding Fathers didn't do this. Similar in Europe at the moment, the individual nation states are losing their grip on their own power.

that's not how government operates

government is a hammer so everything looks like a nail

It's not how govt operates, but then people have votes with which they can change the way govt operates. Sure, it's not going to happen because the people are zombies and the rich have the buttons needed to get the zombies to do what they like.

In politics it's vote D or R, with food it's buy McDonald's, Coca Cola or whatever. People are being advertised to death and this is fair game, but actually doing something RIGHT is wrong.
In many instances it's not education, but heredity that's the main player. My sister fought with weight loss her entire life. She's a dietary technician and has been most of her adult life. She is a supervisor at a world renown hospital and does side work for various food companies.

She finally got it under control, but it was after some major surgeries and basic starvation. If you are a person who can drop ten pounds in two weeks, good for you, but not everybody's body works like yours. Some people could eat three meals a week and still gain weight.

There's a difference between those people who are unlucky and have a low metabolism, but the US is fat not because of too many people with low metabolisms, but because of the food and the lack of education based around the food.

While others would tell you it's lack of exercise. When we were kids we ate crap as well, but we didn't spend the day texting people and playing video games in front of the television. We walked to see our friends or rode our bikes. When we were kids, I bet we got mores exercise in one day than most kids today get in a week.

No dietary plan works for all people because each situation is unique.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Yes, that's part of it too, and getting kids involved in sport is essential, again, part of educating kids into liking and understanding healthy food and also sport and exercise.

It's not about a one size fits all, it's about giving kids the motivation to keep themselves healthy, the knowledge so they can do it easily and perhaps a push with something like much higher taxes for bad food and no taxes for healthier food.
here we go again

more ham handed social engineering via taxes

taxes are only to be used to fund the necessary function of government not to punish people for behavior that you don't like

Food gets taxed, right? Ever wondered why milk is often cheaper than bottled water and other such weird pricing? Why shouldn't society try and make things more attractive?

I mean, the govt does this ALL THE TIME, especially in America with large corporations paying almost no tax as an "incentive" for them to locate or not relocate. The right doesn't have a problem with this, in fact they actively encourage it. But do it with good food or whatever and they suddenly get all jumpy.
food doesn't get taxed in my state
only idiots buy bottled water

it's not up to "society" to coerce people to do anything other than obey the law.

and really just because governemnt does shit like this all the time doesn't make it right it merely becomes accepted by people like you. you know people with a desire to control other people for their own good
I am not impacted by most personal choice other people make.
IDGAF what another person eats, if they smoke etc none of any of that shit is any of my business

Your drunk driving example is poor because it's a crime. It is a crime that can't be stopped very well if at all unless you want to mandate breathalyzers in every car than have to be blown into every 15 minutes.

So knowing that I take what precautions I can

But then there are plenty of times when you have benefited from the govt deciding that it is the govt's responsibility to take care of something.

Education being high up there. Inoculations, research, infrastructure... absolutely your life has had a massive impact. If you had been born in Somalia on the other hand....

I for one never said that SOME government programs were not beneficial have I ?

the federal government has no authority over education. The founders left that to the states. The federal highway system was begun as a defense project but now the government uses highway, eduation, and a myriad of other funding as a way to strong arm states into submission

as I said we have government backwards in this country the federal government is supposed to take a back seat to state government

The federal govt doesn't need to have authority over education in order to have an impact. The way the federal govt should operate is by developing programs, in conjunction with the states, that they can then go to all the states and say "hey, look, we've done all this research, we've tested this out in a number of states and we think this will be beneficial for your state for these reasons, would you like to take on our program?"

Well, the Canadians decided that the state govts were above the Federal govt, the Founding Fathers didn't do this. Similar in Europe at the moment, the individual nation states are losing their grip on their own power.

that's not how government operates

government is a hammer so everything looks like a nail

It's not how govt operates, but then people have votes with which they can change the way govt operates. Sure, it's not going to happen because the people are zombies and the rich have the buttons needed to get the zombies to do what they like.

In politics it's vote D or R, with food it's buy McDonald's, Coca Cola or whatever. People are being advertised to death and this is fair game, but actually doing something RIGHT is wrong.

no one is punished with a tax if they don't buy a Coke or a Big Mac are they?

and I refuse to vote D or R because in all honesty there is no difference between the two
I am not impacted by most personal choice other people make.
IDGAF what another person eats, if they smoke etc none of any of that shit is any of my business

Your drunk driving example is poor because it's a crime. It is a crime that can't be stopped very well if at all unless you want to mandate breathalyzers in every car than have to be blown into every 15 minutes.

So knowing that I take what precautions I can

But then there are plenty of times when you have benefited from the govt deciding that it is the govt's responsibility to take care of something.

Education being high up there. Inoculations, research, infrastructure... absolutely your life has had a massive impact. If you had been born in Somalia on the other hand....

I for one never said that SOME government programs were not beneficial have I ?

the federal government has no authority over education. The founders left that to the states. The federal highway system was begun as a defense project but now the government uses highway, eduation, and a myriad of other funding as a way to strong arm states into submission

as I said we have government backwards in this country the federal government is supposed to take a back seat to state government

The federal govt doesn't need to have authority over education in order to have an impact. The way the federal govt should operate is by developing programs, in conjunction with the states, that they can then go to all the states and say "hey, look, we've done all this research, we've tested this out in a number of states and we think this will be beneficial for your state for these reasons, would you like to take on our program?"

Well, the Canadians decided that the state govts were above the Federal govt, the Founding Fathers didn't do this. Similar in Europe at the moment, the individual nation states are losing their grip on their own power.

that's not how government operates

government is a hammer so everything looks like a nail

It's not how govt operates, but then people have votes with which they can change the way govt operates. Sure, it's not going to happen because the people are zombies and the rich have the buttons needed to get the zombies to do what they like.

In politics it's vote D or R, with food it's buy McDonald's, Coca Cola or whatever. People are being advertised to death and this is fair game, but actually doing something RIGHT is wrong.

/---- it's none of anyone's business what others eat. Don't like McDonalds then don't buy their food. I don't.
But then there are plenty of times when you have benefited from the govt deciding that it is the govt's responsibility to take care of something.

Education being high up there. Inoculations, research, infrastructure... absolutely your life has had a massive impact. If you had been born in Somalia on the other hand....

I for one never said that SOME government programs were not beneficial have I ?

the federal government has no authority over education. The founders left that to the states. The federal highway system was begun as a defense project but now the government uses highway, eduation, and a myriad of other funding as a way to strong arm states into submission

as I said we have government backwards in this country the federal government is supposed to take a back seat to state government

The federal govt doesn't need to have authority over education in order to have an impact. The way the federal govt should operate is by developing programs, in conjunction with the states, that they can then go to all the states and say "hey, look, we've done all this research, we've tested this out in a number of states and we think this will be beneficial for your state for these reasons, would you like to take on our program?"

Well, the Canadians decided that the state govts were above the Federal govt, the Founding Fathers didn't do this. Similar in Europe at the moment, the individual nation states are losing their grip on their own power.

that's not how government operates

government is a hammer so everything looks like a nail

It's not how govt operates, but then people have votes with which they can change the way govt operates. Sure, it's not going to happen because the people are zombies and the rich have the buttons needed to get the zombies to do what they like.

In politics it's vote D or R, with food it's buy McDonald's, Coca Cola or whatever. People are being advertised to death and this is fair game, but actually doing something RIGHT is wrong.

/---- it's none of anyone's business what others eat. Don't like McDonalds then don't buy their food. I don't.
that is such a hard concept for these people to grasp

they think it's better to tax people into submission so they do what these control freaks think they should do

after all it's for their own good right?
Of course. But this is about understanding.

The analogy I've used in the past is with fridges and ovens.

In order to understand the solution to the problem, you need to know the problem. If you think the fridge is broken because of the oven, then you won't get very far, will you?

you can't force people to make the choices you want them to make.

as I said everyone already understands how to choose healthier foods. everyone already understands how to lose weight

they understand these things and they still choose not to do them. no amount of money thrown at educating them will make them understand any better and they will still make the choices they want to make

In many instances it's not education, but heredity that's the main player. My sister fought with weight loss her entire life. She's a dietary technician and has been most of her adult life. She is a supervisor at a world renown hospital and does side work for various food companies.

She finally got it under control, but it was after some major surgeries and basic starvation. If you are a person who can drop ten pounds in two weeks, good for you, but not everybody's body works like yours. Some people could eat three meals a week and still gain weight.

There's a difference between those people who are unlucky and have a low metabolism, but the US is fat not because of too many people with low metabolisms, but because of the food and the lack of education based around the food.

While others would tell you it's lack of exercise. When we were kids we ate crap as well, but we didn't spend the day texting people and playing video games in front of the television. We walked to see our friends or rode our bikes. When we were kids, I bet we got mores exercise in one day than most kids today get in a week.

No dietary plan works for all people because each situation is unique.

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Yes, that's part of it too, and getting kids involved in sport is essential, again, part of educating kids into liking and understanding healthy food and also sport and exercise.

It's not about a one size fits all, it's about giving kids the motivation to keep themselves healthy, the knowledge so they can do it easily and perhaps a push with something like much higher taxes for bad food and no taxes for healthier food.

Nonsense. You can't make a kid eat what he doesn't want to eat. Moochelle tried to force kids to eat crap they didn't want and the only result was kids throwing their healthy lunches away at school. They waited until the first chance they got and went to the candy store or Burger King.

Our founders would be rolling in their graves if they could come back to see the US federal government micromanaging kids diets.

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