Why Are Republicans So Relentlessly Cruel to the Poor?

so you really think that most states federal money?

If the federal government didn't take as much from the people the money could stay in their own states and wouldn't come with all kinds of strings attached
I'm speaking from the perspective of the fucked up theocracy I live in (Utah). State government would fund what they consider their base (huge families and the LDS church) and leave everybody else out in the cold. At least with some federal government involvement, you have a broader base that receives the assistance.

It's not the role of the federal government to provide such assistance. The things that government is supposed to provide is listed in Article I and taxes are to be collected to pay for THOSE things.

The role of the federal government is to do what needs doing as determined by We the People
and we the people empowered trump and the GOP to do our governing. So why is it you feel the dems should have some stronghold because of their gigantic losses.

We the People voted against him

If we lived in the straight democracy you imagine, you'd have a point. But, of course, we'd also have segregation and limited rights for women and Gays. So, not even YOU would support a straight democracy.
I realize you could never have learned this from the mainstream media in this country, but "observe and report" does NOT consist of spewing inflammatory insults with no basis in fact, but based solely on your belief that no insult is too extreme for someone who DARES to take the "eevil" position of disagreeing with you.

I'll search my soul when you engage your brain. Oh, wait, no I won't, because I have no interest whatsoever in the "morality" of the likes of you. The fact that you're incoherently and uselessly screaming, "Nazi! Hitler!" as a synonym for "person I don't like!" at me constitutes, in my eyes, proof that I'm doing everything exactly right. Except, perhaps, that I might want to do it twice as hard, just to enrage you even further.

Come on now, you know you would love to 'Disappear' them. They're 'Subhuman' to y'all. In fact in some areas of the country, y'all are systematically imprisoning the poor. You're rounding up our poor homeless and throwing them in cages to rot. You arrest them for merely being poor.

So you've already made being poor a crime in some areas. I don't think it's such a stretch to believe you'll be taking that further and further. If y'all are allowed to much power, 'Extermination' will likely be the end-game for you. You are pretty much Nazis. Sorry, but it is what it is.
dude you have some really vicious ideas on the poor. I think we can all agree in here that it is actually you who has the problem with the poor. you have far more ideas on how to eliminate them then we could ever come up with. Nice that you took the time to layout the demise of the poor.:eusa_clap:

Dude, y'all Nazis are currently routinely arresting and imprisoning our poor homeless. You arrest them for simply being poor. So i have no illusions about who you folks are. You do subscribe to Nazi beliefs and attitudes.

If you all are ever allowed too much power, our poor will likely by rounded up in masses for imprisonment and possibly 'Extermination.' I just hope Americans are smart enough to never allow you such power. One Nazi Holocaust is enough.
you should stick to your own lame ideas about the poor and leave the rest of us alone. thanks for again demonstrating your entire hate at the poor. nice backfire.

Like i said, i have no illusions about who you are. You despise the poor. You would 'Disappear' them in a heartbeat if you could. I mean, you're currently arresting our poor homeless and throwing them in cages to rot. You're very bad folks. Americans should never allow y'all too much power. We don't need another Nazi reign of terror.
I realize you could never have learned this from the mainstream media in this country, but "observe and report" does NOT consist of spewing inflammatory insults with no basis in fact, but based solely on your belief that no insult is too extreme for someone who DARES to take the "eevil" position of disagreeing with you.

I'll search my soul when you engage your brain. Oh, wait, no I won't, because I have no interest whatsoever in the "morality" of the likes of you. The fact that you're incoherently and uselessly screaming, "Nazi! Hitler!" as a synonym for "person I don't like!" at me constitutes, in my eyes, proof that I'm doing everything exactly right. Except, perhaps, that I might want to do it twice as hard, just to enrage you even further.

Come on now, you know you would love to 'Disappear' them. They're 'Subhuman' to y'all. In fact in some areas of the country, y'all are systematically imprisoning the poor. You're rounding up our poor homeless and throwing them in cages to rot. You arrest them for merely being poor.

So you've already made being poor a crime in some areas. I don't think it's such a stretch to believe you'll be taking that further and further. If y'all are allowed to much power, 'Extermination' will likely be the end-game for you. You are pretty much Nazis. Sorry, but it is what it is.
dude you have some really vicious ideas on the poor. I think we can all agree in here that it is actually you who has the problem with the poor. you have far more ideas on how to eliminate them then we could ever come up with. Nice that you took the time to layout the demise of the poor.:eusa_clap:

Dude, y'all Nazis are currently routinely arresting and imprisoning our poor homeless. You arrest them for simply being poor. So i have no illusions about who you folks are. You do subscribe to Nazi beliefs and attitudes.

If you all are ever allowed too much power, our poor will likely by rounded up in masses for imprisonment and possibly 'Extermination.' I just hope Americans are smart enough to never allow you such power. One Nazi Holocaust is enough.
you should stick to your own lame ideas about the poor and leave the rest of us alone. thanks for again demonstrating your entire hate at the poor. nice backfire.
Pointing out RW hate of the poor is NOT hate of the poor, just as pointing out RW racism is not racism. Brainwashed drivel for dupes only, dupe. Unbelievable!
It's not the role of the federal government to provide such assistance. The things that government is supposed to provide is listed in Article I and taxes are to be collected to pay for THOSE things.

The role of the federal government is to do what needs doing as determined by We the People
and we the people empowered trump and the GOP to do our governing. So why is it you feel the dems should have some stronghold because of their gigantic losses.

We the People voted against him
I thought you knew it was a republic and 'we the people' won!

The people of Russia won

Perhaps you could provide proof that ANYONE in Russia voted in the election, or even give evidence that Russians changed one vote in a ballot box or voting machine?
I realize you could never have learned this from the mainstream media in this country, but "observe and report" does NOT consist of spewing inflammatory insults with no basis in fact, but based solely on your belief that no insult is too extreme for someone who DARES to take the "eevil" position of disagreeing with you.

I'll search my soul when you engage your brain. Oh, wait, no I won't, because I have no interest whatsoever in the "morality" of the likes of you. The fact that you're incoherently and uselessly screaming, "Nazi! Hitler!" as a synonym for "person I don't like!" at me constitutes, in my eyes, proof that I'm doing everything exactly right. Except, perhaps, that I might want to do it twice as hard, just to enrage you even further.

Come on now, you know you would love to 'Disappear' them. They're 'Subhuman' to y'all. In fact in some areas of the country, y'all are systematically imprisoning the poor. You're rounding up our poor homeless and throwing them in cages to rot. You arrest them for merely being poor.

So you've already made being poor a crime in some areas. I don't think it's such a stretch to believe you'll be taking that further and further. If y'all are allowed to much power, 'Extermination' will likely be the end-game for you. You are pretty much Nazis. Sorry, but it is what it is.
dude you have some really vicious ideas on the poor. I think we can all agree in here that it is actually you who has the problem with the poor. you have far more ideas on how to eliminate them then we could ever come up with. Nice that you took the time to layout the demise of the poor.:eusa_clap:

Dude, y'all Nazis are currently routinely arresting and imprisoning our poor homeless. You arrest them for simply being poor. So i have no illusions about who you folks are. You do subscribe to Nazi beliefs and attitudes.

If you all are ever allowed too much power, our poor will likely by rounded up in masses for imprisonment and possibly 'Extermination.' I just hope Americans are smart enough to never allow you such power. One Nazi Holocaust is enough.
you should stick to your own lame ideas about the poor and leave the rest of us alone. thanks for again demonstrating your entire hate at the poor. nice backfire.
Pointing out RW hate of the poor is NOT hate of the poor, just as pointing out RW racism is not racism. Brainwashed drivel for dupes only, dupe. Unbelievable!

They want to 'Disappear' our poor. They're currently arresting our poor homeless at an alarming rate. They're arresting them and throwing them in cages to rot. And for what reason? For simply being poor.

If allowed, they will take that further & further. I could see some form of 'Concentration Camps' at some point. The American People will have to pay close attention to what these folks are doing. They can't allow them too much power. One Nazi reign of terror is enough.
The role of the federal government is to do what needs doing as determined by We the People
and we the people empowered trump and the GOP to do our governing. So why is it you feel the dems should have some stronghold because of their gigantic losses.

We the People voted against him
I thought you knew it was a republic and 'we the people' won!

The people of Russia won

Perhaps you could provide proof that ANYONE in Russia voted in the election, or even give evidence that Russians changed one vote in a ballot box or voting machine?
oh he can't do that. that would actually invalidate his continual adhomen of nothing. the left is lost and they landed in the land of pretendland where they can merely say anything without fact.
and we the people empowered trump and the GOP to do our governing. So why is it you feel the dems should have some stronghold because of their gigantic losses.

We the People voted against him
I thought you knew it was a republic and 'we the people' won!

The people of Russia won
when did they vote? and how did they get ballots in our states?

BTW, you are the most unamerican punk in here. how white that you can't concede your stupid candidate lost fair and square. shame

Russian sycophant

Up to 5 million "Russians" voted for Trump......Believe me

Believe you? I can barely stand to read your ignorant propaganda. So, either provide some proof or I'll have to make a new choice.
Come on now, you know you would love to 'Disappear' them. They're 'Subhuman' to y'all. In fact in some areas of the country, y'all are systematically imprisoning the poor. You're rounding up our poor homeless and throwing them in cages to rot. You arrest them for merely being poor.

So you've already made being poor a crime in some areas. I don't think it's such a stretch to believe you'll be taking that further and further. If y'all are allowed to much power, 'Extermination' will likely be the end-game for you. You are pretty much Nazis. Sorry, but it is what it is.
dude you have some really vicious ideas on the poor. I think we can all agree in here that it is actually you who has the problem with the poor. you have far more ideas on how to eliminate them then we could ever come up with. Nice that you took the time to layout the demise of the poor.:eusa_clap:

Dude, y'all Nazis are currently routinely arresting and imprisoning our poor homeless. You arrest them for simply being poor. So i have no illusions about who you folks are. You do subscribe to Nazi beliefs and attitudes.

If you all are ever allowed too much power, our poor will likely by rounded up in masses for imprisonment and possibly 'Extermination.' I just hope Americans are smart enough to never allow you such power. One Nazi Holocaust is enough.
you should stick to your own lame ideas about the poor and leave the rest of us alone. thanks for again demonstrating your entire hate at the poor. nice backfire.
Pointing out RW hate of the poor is NOT hate of the poor, just as pointing out RW racism is not racism. Brainwashed drivel for dupes only, dupe. Unbelievable!

They want to 'Disappear' our poor. They're currently arresting our poor homeless at an alarming rate. They're arresting them and throwing them in cages to rot. And for what reason? For simply being poor.

If allowed, they will take that further & further. I could see some form of 'Concentration Camps' at some point. The American People will have to pay close attention to what these folks are doing. They can't allow them too much power. One Nazi reign of terror is enough.
you keep saying they when we all know you mean you! you keep talking out loud when you think you're not.
Come on now, you know you would love to 'Disappear' them. They're 'Subhuman' to y'all. In fact in some areas of the country, y'all are systematically imprisoning the poor. You're rounding up our poor homeless and throwing them in cages to rot. You arrest them for merely being poor.

So you've already made being poor a crime in some areas. I don't think it's such a stretch to believe you'll be taking that further and further. If y'all are allowed to much power, 'Extermination' will likely be the end-game for you. You are pretty much Nazis. Sorry, but it is what it is.
dude you have some really vicious ideas on the poor. I think we can all agree in here that it is actually you who has the problem with the poor. you have far more ideas on how to eliminate them then we could ever come up with. Nice that you took the time to layout the demise of the poor.:eusa_clap:

Dude, y'all Nazis are currently routinely arresting and imprisoning our poor homeless. You arrest them for simply being poor. So i have no illusions about who you folks are. You do subscribe to Nazi beliefs and attitudes.

If you all are ever allowed too much power, our poor will likely by rounded up in masses for imprisonment and possibly 'Extermination.' I just hope Americans are smart enough to never allow you such power. One Nazi Holocaust is enough.
you should stick to your own lame ideas about the poor and leave the rest of us alone. thanks for again demonstrating your entire hate at the poor. nice backfire.
Pointing out RW hate of the poor is NOT hate of the poor, just as pointing out RW racism is not racism. Brainwashed drivel for dupes only, dupe. Unbelievable!

They want to 'Disappear' our poor. They're currently arresting our poor homeless at an alarming rate. They're arresting them and throwing them in cages to rot. And for what reason? For simply being poor.

If allowed, they will take that further & further. I could see some form of 'Concentration Camps' at some point. The American People will have to pay close attention to what these folks are doing. They can't allow them too much power. One Nazi reign of terror is enough.

I'm sure that you post using other IDs that I don't bother to read, as your hyperbolic postings are merely wasting time. This one joins the others.
The role of the federal government is to do what needs doing as determined by We the People
and we the people empowered trump and the GOP to do our governing. So why is it you feel the dems should have some stronghold because of their gigantic losses.

We the People voted against him
I thought you knew it was a republic and 'we the people' won!

The people of Russia won

Perhaps you could provide proof that ANYONE in Russia voted in the election, or even give evidence that Russians changed one vote in a ballot box or voting machine?

Prove me wrong
Up to five million "Russians" voted for Trump
Not stupid, dupe. 35 YEARS of Reaganism=DUHHHHH...
Actually Reagan was for limited govt. Since Reagan govt has gotten 4 times bigger. See what happens when you drop out of HS?
no he wasn't

Reagan expanded the size scope and cost of government as much as anyone every republican president in my lifetime has done the same

You have confused what happened when Reagan was president with Reaganism. Franco dropped out and does not know that Reagan favored limited government.
That's why he tripled the debt and grew gov't more than anyone in history, dupiscimus...

Reagan grew the debt? At what point was the Constitution amended to give the President the power of the purse instead of Congress having it, and where was I when this happened?
Cut taxes and grow gov't and military...how could that go wrong, dumbass? You were in a dumbass GOP propaganda cocoon as usual.
I'm speaking from the perspective of the fucked up theocracy I live in (Utah). State government would fund what they consider their base (huge families and the LDS church) and leave everybody else out in the cold. At least with some federal government involvement, you have a broader base that receives the assistance.

It's not the role of the federal government to provide such assistance. The things that government is supposed to provide is listed in Article I and taxes are to be collected to pay for THOSE things.

The role of the federal government is to do what needs doing as determined by We the People

If it wasn't for Article I, you might have actually had a point. But, you don't.
You might have noticed a trend away from strict Constitutionalism. There's a reason for it. The American people have gained immeasurably from government involvement in R&D, infrastructure and a safety net. None of these things are numerated in the Constitution. Good luck convincing people they'd be better off going your way.

People have forgotten we are a Republic and NOT a straight democracy. All it would take would be for everyone to have to pay income tax and they'd start to see the light.
I doubt that statement. Democrats and Republicans differ sharply on the purpose of government. Democrats believe in making government more efficient. Republicans believe in eliminating government.
and we the people empowered trump and the GOP to do our governing. So why is it you feel the dems should have some stronghold because of their gigantic losses.

We the People voted against him
I thought you knew it was a republic and 'we the people' won!

The people of Russia won

Perhaps you could provide proof that ANYONE in Russia voted in the election, or even give evidence that Russians changed one vote in a ballot box or voting machine?

Prove me wrong
Up to five million "Russians" voted for Trump

You made the claim, you can't provide an example of one Russian voting, therefore I have proven you wrong by using your own failure to prove your claim.

You aren't very good at debating, but I'm sure you're not very good at much.
It's not the role of the federal government to provide such assistance. The things that government is supposed to provide is listed in Article I and taxes are to be collected to pay for THOSE things.

The role of the federal government is to do what needs doing as determined by We the People

If it wasn't for Article I, you might have actually had a point. But, you don't.
You might have noticed a trend away from strict Constitutionalism. There's a reason for it. The American people have gained immeasurably from government involvement in R&D, infrastructure and a safety net. None of these things are numerated in the Constitution. Good luck convincing people they'd be better off going your way.

People have forgotten we are a Republic and NOT a straight democracy. All it would take would be for everyone to have to pay income tax and they'd start to see the light.
I doubt that statement. Democrats and Republicans differ sharply on the purpose of government. Democrats believe in making government more efficient. Republicans believe in eliminating government.

Not true. Republicans are not anarchists. By starting off with a lie, you show you have nothing to contribute.
capital gains are not considered regular income

never have been
And is how Warren Buffet can complain he doesn't pay enough income taxes, knowing that if they raise his rates it won't hurt him much.

Buffet is the left's favorite rich hypocrite

he takes a 100K a year salary for running one of the largest investment firms in the country then he whines that he doesn't pay enough income tax.

if he really wanted to pay more income tax he would set his salary at 10 million a year

but he won't do that now will he?

Of course not, because the REASON he ostentatiously gets such a small salary is because his REAL money is made off of his capital gains, which are taxed at a lower rate.

not my point he gets such a small salary because as CEO and founder of the company, it's what he chooses to do

Kinda went to the whole "hypocrite" thing.
Nobody pays more taxes than they have to. Except the nonrich who don't take their deductions...
The role of the federal government is to do what needs doing as determined by We the People

If it wasn't for Article I, you might have actually had a point. But, you don't.
You might have noticed a trend away from strict Constitutionalism. There's a reason for it. The American people have gained immeasurably from government involvement in R&D, infrastructure and a safety net. None of these things are numerated in the Constitution. Good luck convincing people they'd be better off going your way.

People have forgotten we are a Republic and NOT a straight democracy. All it would take would be for everyone to have to pay income tax and they'd start to see the light.
I doubt that statement. Democrats and Republicans differ sharply on the purpose of government. Democrats believe in making government more efficient. Republicans believe in eliminating government.

Not true. Republicans are not anarchists. By starting off with a lie, you show you have nothing to contribute.
I didn't say Republican want to get rid of all government, just most of it.
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We the People voted against him
I thought you knew it was a republic and 'we the people' won!

The people of Russia won

Perhaps you could provide proof that ANYONE in Russia voted in the election, or even give evidence that Russians changed one vote in a ballot box or voting machine?

Prove me wrong
Up to five million "Russians" voted for Trump

You made the claim, you can't provide an example of one Russian voting, therefore I have proven you wrong by using your own failure to prove your claim.

You aren't very good at debating, but I'm sure you're not very good at much.

Sorry pal...It doesn't work like that

This is Trump's America...I get to make the claim, It is up to you to disprove it

Ball is in your court
Folks should check out what happened in Brazil before the Olympics. The Government systematically arrested and imprisoned their poor homeless. Most haven't been heard from since. It's the kind of awful thing most Republicans fully support. They'd gladly do that here.

In fact, they are doing it in some areas of the country. Thousands of poor homeless folks are being arrested and imprisoned daily. And what's their crime? They're poor. Many, not all Republicans, are resembling Nazis more & more. Americans better wake up to what's going on.
If it wasn't for Article I, you might have actually had a point. But, you don't.
You might have noticed a trend away from strict Constitutionalism. There's a reason for it. The American people have gained immeasurably from government involvement in R&D, infrastructure and a safety net. None of these things are numerated in the Constitution. Good luck convincing people they'd be better off going your way.

People have forgotten we are a Republic and NOT a straight democracy. All it would take would be for everyone to have to pay income tax and they'd start to see the light.
I doubt that statement. Democrats and Republicans differ sharply on the purpose of government. Democrats believe in making government more efficient. Republicans believe in eliminating government.

Not true. Republicans are not anarchists. By starting off with a lie, you show you have nothing to contribute.
I didn't say Republican want to get rid all government, just most of it.

" Republicans believe in eliminating government." Ignorance! *shaking head*
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