Zone1 Why are so many mods suddenly no longer mods?

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I go the PM route to discuss it but only done it about 5 times the last one was November 15 2022 and FlaCalTenn starts a few PMs with me all of the PM's with Moderators are cordial and respectful.

lol and that is a bad idea. If you need to censor your responses to queries you're up to no good, period.
Based upon quantity of posts, word volume, and sheer determination to toot your own horn, you have made this thread all about you.

I am just one of the many people who have noticed.

Yet here you are still following me wanting to read every word I post you enjoy following me around.

I am responding to your self-aggrandizing posts.

Yawn..... Zzzzz.......

You sure can't let go of me...... still wants to hang on every word I post even though I stopped posting anything worth replying to for the last 30 minutes.

But I am NOT the one making all those complaints that moderators have to put up with every day.

I don't start a thread to complain about a moderation decision in public or complain about a thread being moved or complain about Zone and rules or...... and it happens again and again and again and again and again for several years and had been answered over and over and over and over and over by Mods who tire of the complaining bullshit now they just take the abuse in silence and sometimes close the threads to shut it down.

I go the PM route to discuss it but only done it about 5 times the last one was November 15 2022 and FlaCalTenn starts a few PMs with me all of the PM's with Moderators are cordial and respectful.


I generally leave am alone. A couple I might shoot the breeze with as I would any other poster.

The only maudes who have drawn my ire are the ones who partake in dirty, rotten, filthy, stinking, low down, under-handed shenanigans (toward others, oddly, not really so much, if at all, toward me personally) and are no longer maudes. But I like to say what's on my mind publicly. Generally within parameters and almost always just speaking on an observation of a bully maude trying to play both sides of the fence.

WB has not drawn my ire, however. He's alright for a white boy. Pretty sure he's never banned/infracted anyone and then turned around and did the same thing himself.

Generally, if I leave you alone then you're not on my sht list. I say generally speaking, because sometimes I might just be hanging out in the sniper position. Watching conversation. Waiting for the bully to get more and more cocky with his/her target. Let em get really comfortable and confident. I'm kind of a dick in that way.
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Yawn..... Zzzzz.......

You sure can't let go of me...... still wants to hang on every word I post even though I stopped posting anything worth replying to for the last 30 minutes.

You have certainly done a lovely job of displaying why humorless people absolutely consumed with hubris should never moderate an internet forum, that's for sure.

I am only too happy to provide this service to the community by helping you tap into that which drives you.
You have certainly done a lovely job of displaying why humorless people absolutely consumed with hubris should never moderate an internet forum, that's for sure.

I am only too happy to provide this service to the community by helping you tap into that which drives you.

Yet I have been a Full Moderator at a large science blog for 12 years, 5 1/2 years at another large science blog, was made Administrator of a third blog last year who then fixed several long-standing problems, then was chosen to be a Super moderator a few weeks ago by the Administrator who talked to my references I provided who are very happy with my moderation work at their websites who recently stated she is happy with new moderators she brought on board.

You really need to stop now as you made foolish assumptions about me.
Yet I have been a Full Moderator at a large science blog for 12 years, 5 1/2 years at another large science blog, was made Administrator of a third blog last year who then fixed several long-standing problems, then was chosen to be a Super moderator a few weeks ago by the Administrator who talked to my references I provided who are very happy with my moderation work at their websites who recently stated she is happy with new moderators she brought on board.

You really need to stop now as you made foolish assumptions about me.
Yet I have been a Full Moderator at a large science blog for 12 years, 5 1/2 years at another large science blog, was made Administrator of a third blog last year who then fixed several long-standing problems, then was chosen to be a Super moderator a few weeks ago by the Administrator who talked to my references I provided who are very happy with my moderation work at their websites who recently stated she is happy with new moderators she brought on board.

You really need to stop now as you made foolish assumptions about me.
I just love it when you bring out the big fonts when you are tooting your own horn!!

They lend you such undeniable gravitas.
I just love it when you bring out the big fonts when you are tooting your own horn!!

They lend you such undeniable gravitas.

It was an honest reply to your post suggesting that I have no business being a moderator anywhere when actual website owners over a 12-year period think I am doing a good job being a moderator for them.

I think they know me a lot more than you do.

Based upon quantity of posts, word volume, and sheer determination to toot your own horn, you have made this thread all about you.

I am just one of the many people who have noticed.
Skydancer part deux?
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