Zone1 Why are so many mods suddenly no longer mods?

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I don't get the fuss about the ambivalence in moderating duties because it is a straightforward task that comes easily for some people and hard for most others as for me, I now moderate 5 separate websites two of them as Administrator and NONE of them have the problems this forum does for a reason that has eluded most of you moderation comes naturally for me and I have been moderating CONTUOUSLY since 2007 joining the latest Moderation team as Supermoderator almost 4 weeks ago fitting right in.

I actually offered myself over a year ago to help this place and got turned down because as one Moderator tells me my standards were too high for this forum to accept meanwhile you have a Senior Moderator flee on April 3 to get away from the madness here is what he posted:


He is actually saying the Moderators have lost control here........ there are plenty of ways to improve discussion and get rid of the trolls but some reason that is too hard for the forum to do. :rolleyes:

Thread Banning, Suspensions of clear violations are easy to employ yet the chronic violators keep coming back mucking it up for others, that is dumb to let that go on and on which understandably pisses off others who are not a problem.

This is the most dysfunctional board I have EVER been in, and the Rules page is too long and bloated, the main board is too long should be compacted as per the member POGO suggestion he made nearly two years ago.

I see several posts a day on this forum that would get them banned on any of my other forums. But at least moderation is not partisan as far as I can tell. Partisan mods kill a site.
Moderators shouldn't baby sit anyone and he didn't know how to deal with all the blow back he was getting which is why he left which is the smart thing to do.

When I referred to it as babysitting, I meant the number of times someone came to me whining about some nonsense. I know how to deal with toddlers. But I was sincere in my attempts to help.
No, I already stated a while back that I DO NOT want to be a moderator here.


Are you the one who got into flac's ear about creating and enforcing that stupid zone nonsense?

Reason I ask is because I've been around the www long enough to have seen you endorse the whole zone thing on other boards, ones that most here have likely never even heard of in years past, where you've eventually clashed and crashed with their admins. I think some of em have since shut down.
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Are you the one who got into flac's ear about creating and enforcing that stupid zone nonsense?

Reason I ask is because I've been around the www long enough to have seen you endorse the whole zone thing on other boards, ones that most here have likely never even heard of in years past where you've eventually clashed and crashed with their admins. I think some of em have since shut down.

Nope and I have since backed off on the Zone concept as I realized it is confusing and self-defeating as people have made clear here and I don't have one in my existing forum I created last year.

I named and posted the links to all those forums that have vanished which I have nothing to with as I was never a moderator in any of them except one as Administrator which I soon resigned from because the owner screwed up in not telling me that one of his members was running his forum on her server which created a problem when I generated a long needed back up as it hadn't been done in over a year, but the server host was doing back ups from her server end which was why I didn't see them being done as it didn't show up in the admin board area which understandably angered her but I wasn't informed in the first place thus resigned to get out of her way she has since folded the forum as the owner just walked away on his members.
But you might change you mind if begged hard enough after they take note of your steadfast adherence to the highest ethical standards therein, right?

Nope you still don't understand why I would NEVER join as Moderator even after I have already explained why.

Not a good idea to give people with control issues the keys to the controls...


Are you people blind here there are control issues all over the place the public whining of moderator's decisions, the Zone complaints, the whining about threads being moved a lot angrily attacking some moderators in threads and so on.
Nope and I have since backed off on the Zone concept as I realized it is confusing and self-defeating as people have made clear here and I don't have one in my existing forum I created last year.

I named and posted the links to all those forums that have vanished which I have nothing to with as I was never a moderator in any of them except one as Administrator which I soon resigned from because the owner screwed up in not telling me that one of his members was running his forum on her server which created a problem when I generated a long needed back up as it hadn't been done in over a year, but the server host was doing back ups from her server end which was why I didn't see them being done as it didn't show up in the admin board area which understandably angered her but I wasn't informed in the first place thus resigned to get out of her way she has since folded the forum as the owner just walked away on his members.

A lot of those years old squabbles are still online. It's kind of funny to read em.

I think people take this stuff too seriously.

I could see if there was actually a stated goal or web site mission statement. Something that infers some sort of intent or focus on synergy or purpose.

But that's simply not the case.

I get it, though. Some folks want to feel like they're a part of something. To be included in some way with how things work and go down. But with certain personality types it ends up just doing more harm than good in the long run.

In places like this and others of similar nature, people have way, way more influence as a regular dolt than as a maude, in my view.
A lot of those years old squabbles are still online. It's kind of funny to read em.

I think people take this stuff too seriously.

I could see if there was actually a stated goal or web site mission statement. Something that infers some sort of intent or focus on synergy or purpose.

But that's simply not the case.

I get it, though. Some folks want to feel like they're a part of something. To be included in some way with how things work and go down. But with certain personality types it ends up just doing more harm than good in the long run.

In places like this and others of similar nature, people have way, way more influence as a regular dolt than as a maude, in my view.

When forums are failing and even crashing some members try to help save them by offering help in some way often gets ignored and the forum eventually vanishes, I actually tried to BUY a once large forum (Several members were thrilled about it) when the owner was incompetent as the previous one who didn't keep it updated and wasn't doing anything to keep it running but the owner shuts it down after he caused a 25% reduction in traffic because he simply didn't give a shit about a forum that was once one of the larger conservative forums on the internet destroyed by two consecutive bad owners who rebuffed offers to help.

The owner ignored the dozen e-mails from his own server, Domain agents and from a member in the forum at the time on the buying offer that would take a forum he doesn't care about off his hands for $250 which he never took closes it down within 6 months afterwards.

It was the owners every single time who destroyed the forum I tried to help save by their neglect and simply shuts it down without giving it to someone else.
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