Zone1 Why are so many mods suddenly no longer mods?

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Yet I have been a Full Moderator at a large science blog for 12 years, 5 1/2 years at another large science blog, was made Administrator of a third blog last year who then fixed several long-standing problems, then was chosen to be a Super moderator a few weeks ago by the Administrator who talked to my references I provided who are very happy with my moderation work at their websites who recently stated she is happy with new moderators she brought on board.

You really need to stop now as you made foolish assumptions about me.
^Anecdotal evidence.
It was an honest reply to your post suggesting that I have no business being a moderator anywhere when actual website owners over a 12-year period think I am doing a good job being a moderator for them.

I think they know me a lot more than you do.

The one thing I do know about you is that you have an extraordinary need for validation.

I also know that all your self-aggrandizing behavior is an exercise in an appeal to authority through self claims that you are the authority.

Your chest must be bruised by now, what with your need to thump it so continually.
I have not been censored on this board. Compared to other forms I think this is a pretty liberal form.

True liberalism means allowing freedom a different viewpoints. That’s what I mean by that of course forms like the “2+2 gambling forms” and “defending the truth” are more like fire right wing Nazi forums

I mean the 2+2 gambling forms has a flag of Ukraine on their front page and you can see the flag of Ukraine every time you’re on their form. And so it’s the same thing for the “defending the truth” form. These are forms ran by far right wing nazis or Basically people with similar ideologies. If you criticize Ukraine, or the Nazis in the Ukraine government , they ban you. And they don’t give a shit about the starving children in Africa. They don’t care about the conflicts going on in Yemen or all the other wars of the world there a bunch of dumb ass fucking shills who are told her to think by the matrix

So on this form the us message board we can criticize Ukraine. People can even support Russia if they want. But it’s not like that for the Nazi ran 2+2 gambling forms, or the Nazi ran “defending the truth” form.

The funny thing about all of this is that the moderators and the posters of these types of forms like 2+2 who think they are liberals… are actually the Nazi racists of today.

Thankfully, the far left is losing same thing with the neoconservatives. YouTube and Twitter are allowing more free speech positive things are happening. It’s really a beautiful summer. It’s gonna be a great time.
But look on the positive side

He sure has proven that ego gratification tops the list of reasons why people want to be moderators.

We all talk about what is important to us. That’s the #1 premise in the science of transactional analysis. We only expend energy on what interests or is important to us... to the point of fantasy…. iow… thinking errors leading to fallacies…

See Toro for easy to recognize samples. 😏
You have certainly done a lovely job of displaying why humorless people absolutely consumed with hubris should never moderate an internet forum, that's for sure.

I am only too happy to provide this service to the community by helping you tap into that which drives you.

Yer ma hero!

I would never belong to any forum that would choose me as a moderator.

Thats just silly.
That's why I've turned down the offer. I've moderated other boards and learned my lesson.
I did it for about two weeks - umpteen years ago. Can't speak for the mod situation here (this was on another board), but there it was mostly petty high-school drama. No thanks.
That you, Groucho?
I don't have any problems with the mods, with Coyote being my favorite. I've seen her naked.
I don't have any problems with the mods, with Coyote being my favorite. I've seen her naked.
Now that you mention it, I DO remember that the last time I saw you, you were wearing dark glasses and trying to navigate down the street via a cane with a white tip on it!
Now that you mention it, I DO remember that the last time I saw you, you were wearing dark glasses and trying to navigate down the street via a cane with a white tip on it!
Don't be mean....Seen a couple pix of her....She's marginally attractive, for a woman who dresses and cuts her hair like a teenage boy.
I have not been censored on this board. Compared to other forms I think this is a pretty liberal form.

True liberalism means allowing freedom a different viewpoints. That’s what I mean by that of course forms like the “2+2 gambling forms” and “defending the truth” are more like fire right wing Nazi forums

I mean the 2+2 gambling forms has a flag of Ukraine on their front page and you can see the flag of Ukraine every time you’re on their form. And so it’s the same thing for the “defending the truth” form. These are forms ran by far right wing nazis or Basically people with similar ideologies. If you criticize Ukraine, or the Nazis in the Ukraine government , they ban you. And they don’t give a shit about the starving children in Africa. They don’t care about the conflicts going on in Yemen or all the other wars of the world there a bunch of dumb ass fucking shills who are told her to think by the matrix

So on this form the us message board we can criticize Ukraine. People can even support Russia if they want. But it’s not like that for the Nazi ran 2+2 gambling forms, or the Nazi ran “defending the truth” form.

The funny thing about all of this is that the moderators and the posters of these types of forms like 2+2 who think they are liberals… are actually the Nazi racists of today.

Thankfully, the far left is losing same thing with the neoconservatives. YouTube and Twitter are allowing more free speech positive things are happening. It’s really a beautiful summer. It’s gonna be a great time.

Many of us only troll trolls and nutjobs.
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