Zone1 Why are so many mods suddenly no longer mods?

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Oh that's ridiculous. Those of us in the know realize it's ran symbiotic transdimentional lesbian dwarfs, all with a lisp

So, my worst fears were true after all. The Left really are running the show!

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We DO allow the general "moderators suck" threads from time to time. Specific topic threads, though, such as calling out mods by name in an effort to cause a pile-on of hate is not allowed. I saw this thread soon after it was started last night. It had about a dozen replies at the time and I didn't see any reason for it to by locked. It can be a "good" thing to let people say what they think about us (moderators) so that we can use the feedback as a gauge for what we can improve on and where changes need to be made. At the end of the day, we all know that there is no way to make everyone happy. We do what we can with what we have.
Knock that crap off and zap someone already!
Yet, oddly, is provided free reign to use USMB for a staging area and extention of that particular platform's usership activist/influence activities.

Basically just using this web site to start entire threads benchmarked on the copypastas of the two-bit opinions and low info musings of random nobodies on the particular web site that you're talking about.

That's what happens when some of their members/usership are our maudes. it's how a social disease is provided a host to flourish and spread...
Ownership, well they are unwilling to bring in an admin to deal with the site in real time.. They do not want to get involved. Flaca and coyote worked behind the forum‘s back to get pocket mods who would follow their rules instead of the forum rules.

Much like Soros does with the District Attorney shuffle.
Ownership, well they are unwilling to bring in an admin to deal with the site in real time.. They do not want to get involved. Flaca and coyote worked behind the forum‘s back to get pocket mods who would follow their rules instead of the forum rules.

Much like Soros does with the District Attorney shuffle.

I probably know a whole heck of a lot more about why some things are the way they are around here than I tend to make an effort to pop off about. It's better that way anyway.

CK kind of screwed the pooch. Which I actually reminded him of around here some place recently, should he ever decide to pop back up.

Oddly, yet not surprisingly, that old thread seems to have been deleted since my most recent response in it.
I probably know a whole heck of a lot more about why some things are the way they are around here than I tend to make an effort to pop off about. It's better that way anyway.

CK kind of screwed the pooch. Which I actually reminded him of around here some place recently, should he ever decide to pop back up.

I remember. 😏

Oddly, yet not surprisingly, that old thread seems to have been deleted since my most recent response in it.
I converse regularly with John G. and DanK on other forums. Their word has always been good… to me. :dunno:

But the mods run the streets.
I remember. 😏

I converse regularly with John G. and DanK on other forums. Their word has always been good… to me. :dunno:

But the mods run the streets.

I responded to this about three times. Each time backspacing, before I finally just said to myself, ah screw it. It's not important in the scheme of things anyway.
I responded to this about three times. Each time backspacing, before I finally just said to myself, ah screw it.

I totally understand.

It's not important in the scheme of things anyway.

This thread seems to be remaining open so that it can be used for discussion. That means that those who shut these threads down as fast as they can? Are seemingly not able to do so. That's to the good, imo.

I follow the "Fuck it!" strategy. If you can't fuck it, then piss on it. If you can't piss on it? Then post it.
I totally understand.

This thread seems to be remaining open so that it can be used for discussion. That means that those who shut these threads down as fast as they can? Are seemingly not able to do so. That's to the good, imo.

I follow the "Fuck it!" strategy. If you can't fuck it, then piss on it. If you can't piss on it? Then post it.

I miss the funny and agree button.
I responded to this about three times. Each time backspacing, before I finally just said to myself, ah screw it. It's not important in the scheme of things anyway.
I don't know the things the two of you know, but I know my own experiences.

They lead to certain inescapable conclusions.
I don't know the things the two of you know, but I know my own experiences.

They lead to certain inescapable conclusions.
Until you posted, I had no idea that Flaca and Coyote were training their own mods to rule above the sites rules... and bypass the super-mod who was posting the forum rules when events occurred... while the pocket mods were mis-using the 'interpretive' process. I just thought that they were new mods going nutzo over power, considering the things they were calling many conservatives and getting away with it. But then it all became clearer that the forum rules were being 'reorganized' and at the mod level. So, I dug deeper and personally know that to be true as well.

When I found out that Coyote could outright ban on her own and from DM... much like Intense used to do, I documented it and contacted FF because banning was supposed to be a process that involved the staff so a singular mod was not supposed to be able to ban outright on their own call.

Note that I am not talking about any singular and concrete staff moderating event even if I am applying responsibility to those that I believe are shirking it. :thup:
Pft. She threw me in the hole for seven days on a first offense on a contempt of coyote charge and I'd never even had a single problem around here with rules.

That's hen I figured out who exactly was steering the bus.

I could have challenged that, too, because I didn't even break a rule. lol.

But there was more value in it in the long run by not.

But, see, that's the thing. The rest of the maudes do take a credibility hit and get lumped in because of the way one bad apple operates. It's not particularly fair, but that's what happens when it's allowed to happen.
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Pft. She threw me in the hole for seven days on a contempt of coyote charge and I'd never even had a single problem around here with rules.

I could have challenged that, too, because I didn't even break a rule. lol.

But there was more value in it in the long run by the fact that she lost her composure.

But, see, that's the thing. The rest of the mauds do take a hit and get lumped in because of the way one bad apple operates. It's not particularly fair, but that's what happens when it's allowed to happen.
The I/P forum was totally hamstrung and some members were given the idea that they could spam and get away with it. Here's the thing. The spammers were on both sides of the divide, just like flaca and coyote are on both sides of the political divide, so overall, it was discussion that was being throttled by purposeful acts that ended up with issues of moderation that were not at all moderate.

Now the original premise given for those 'moves' in the I/P forum and the creation of "Sticky Posts" to move posts into, was to make discussion more moderate.

And it ended shutting discussion down and turning it into an anger based forum with spam being the rule of the day, because people were not allowed to use free speech, it was being moderated much like Political Correctness was used as the same form of strategy.

Spam was wanted, not ideals.
The I/P forum was totally hamstrung and some members were given the idea that they could spam and get away with it. Here's the thing. The spammers were on both sides of the divide, just like flaca and coyote are on both sides of the political divide, so overall, it was discussion that was being throttled by purposeful acts that ended up with issues of moderation that were not at all moderate.

Now the original premise given for those 'moves' in the I/P forum and the creation of "Sticky Posts" to move posts into, was to make discussion more moderate.

And it ended shutting discussion down and turning it into an anger based forum with spam being the rule of the day, because people were not allowed to use free speech, it was being moderated much like Political Correctness was used as the same form of strategy.

Spam was wanted, not ideals.

Steering a forum into failure and ''useful dysfunction'' is easy once you have the means to do so. And often one of the main reasons that some personality types/political activists seek out those means and hang onto them for as long as they possibly can.

But that's all I'm gonna say about that.
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Steering a forum into failure and dysfunction is easy once you have the means to do so. And often one of the main reasons that some personality types/political activists seek out those means.

But that's all I'm gonna say about that.
That's already a mouthful, rich in meaning. I also never considered that big picture thought.
Pft. She threw me in the hole for seven days on a first offense on a contempt of coyote charge and I'd never even had a single problem around here with rules.

That's hen I figured out who exactly was steering the bus.

I could have challenged that, too, because I didn't even break a rule. lol.

But there was more value in it in the long run by not.

But, see, that's the thing. The rest of the maudes do take a credibility hit and get lumped in because of the way one bad apple operates. It's not particularly fair, but that's what happens when it's allowed to happen.

Steering a forum into failure and ''useful dysfunction'' is easy once you have the means to do so. And often one of the main reasons that some personality types/political activists seek out those means and hang onto them for as long as they possibly can.

But that's all I'm gonna say about that.
The personality type involved is patently obvious to anybody who understands the various b cluster types.
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