Why Are Some of My Fellow Conservatives Being Irrational About COVID-19 Vaccination?

I posted the death per day not long after this BS started. It was 7800 a day here then.

Mental FUCK YOU . There is your mental.

Cheap drugs denied in this country. And choice of a better vaccine denied in this county

People like you are killing right now. Not me.
No nutbag, it's people like you who don't know their face from their ass that are irresponsibly spreading half-baked anti-vaxer falsehoods and cause preventable misery and death.
If the all the vaccine does is produce the antibodies and it is limited, why not just do the antibody therapies that are out there, they seem to be working well.

Because the antibody therapies cost $3,000 per patient, and the vaccine costs $30. Because the antibodies won't stop you from getting "long haul covid", only reduce its severity. Because you don't know what kind of covid you'll end up with until you get it.
Because the antibody therapies cost $3,000 per patient, and the vaccine costs $30. Because the antibodies won't stop you from getting "long haul covid", only reduce its severity. Because you don't know what kind of covid you'll end up with until you get it.
Speaking of long haul covid, I read an article about a woman that committed suicide because her long haul covid was so bad. Left a suicide note apologizing to her husband and kid.
Then you're even dumber than I thought you were, which doesn't say much for you. Vaccines aren't a matter of "freedom" in a pandemic, and they never have been throughout recorded history. Furthermore, you're not even qualified to decide for yourself unless have a degree in advanced medical research.

That you're gullible enough to believe this is a matter of "personal freedom" shows both a dearth of common sense, and a complete lack of critical thinking skills. You're being encouraged to do things that are no only against your own best interests, but against those of your community and your nation. The people promoting your "freedom and independence" are those with a financial interest in keeping the virus going, and that includes FOX News, and its owner.
You are no dumber than I first thought but I know rocks are smarter than you. I don't listen to a medical recommendation and accept it as the end all to be all. I ask my doctor about treatments and side effects from all drugs. My doctor is fine without me taking a booster, he thinks I'll be fine without the booster, so do I listen to a stupid moronic idiot, like yourself or my doctor? Easy answer, you are a dummy, she has a degree in medicine and reads the latest information. I'll follow her, not you, you idiot!
Because the antibody therapies cost $3,000 per patient, and the vaccine costs $30. Because the antibodies won't stop you from getting "long haul covid", only reduce its severity. Because you don't know what kind of covid you'll end up with until you get it.
I have Covid twice, pre-vaccine and post vaccine, I did better the first go round, with the vaccine it still took 10 days and it was worse than the first run. It is my decision, not yours, I don't care what you decide to do, you and your life are not my business, just as my life is not your business.
You are no dumber than I first thought but I know rocks are smarter than you. I don't listen to a medical recommendation and accept it as the end all to be all. I ask my doctor about treatments and side effects from all drugs. My doctor is fine without me taking a booster, he thinks I'll be fine without the booster, so do I listen to a stupid moronic idiot, like yourself or my doctor? Easy answer, you are a dummy, she has a degree in medicine and reads the latest information. I'll follow her, not you, you idiot!
Pretty sure you're lying. But that's your issue.
They changed it to accommodate an injection that isn't a conventional vaccine. Its not a conventional vaccine. I want more accuracy and this new definition doesn't provide such.
No the change actually made the definition more accurate.

If you know of any vaccine that has ever provided 100% immunity why don't you post the data?
Do you think it's possible you would have been a lot worse off without them?
I had covid end of November last year and then got a vaccine in September, then got covid in mid October, the November case was milder and this last one was tougher, more fatigue than the first round. Time it took to recover was 10 days on both.
The vaccines are a brand new technology, they are not the traditional vaccine...they aren't even really vaccines...they simply boost your immunity, but still allow you to get infected.

Because they are new, the actual side effects and long term effects are not well know.....so if you are an individual who is relatively young, healthy.....you don't have much if anything to fear from getting covid...and as the actual science shows, if you get it and get through it, you have actual immunity to it going forward......

So, these people see very little chance of dying from covid, and they don't know if the issues of heart inflammation and strokes are going to increase as we go forward.......

That is why they are waiting and why mandating a new, untested drug should not be allowed...

If you want it, you can get it...but forcing people to get an untested, unknown drug is immoral and should be illegal.......

Especially for children where we are seeing some really bad side effects....considering they are the least likely to die from the Chinese flu.....it is wrong to mandate that children get the vaccine...

Keep in mind, the idiots who are supporting your post are the very same morons who said that if Trump was re-elected and the vaccine came out, they wouldn't take it....biden won, and now they are demanding people lose their jobs if they don't get the shot...

You are not on the side of the angels on this one...
They're not that new

No nutbag, it's people like you who don't know their face from their ass that are irresponsibly spreading half-baked anti-vaxer falsehoods and cause preventable misery and death.
BS Cheap drugs are used all over the world and are denied here. Not half baked. You are just preaching about your GOD GOV'T.

Stats don't lie. Our countries stats suck because of sheep like you.
Those sneaky Chinese invented a virus that they set loose on their own people without a cure

They then destroyed the global market for their own goods
The Chinese do not have the same respect for life, The have a bilion chinese so they don't care if they loose a few. plus it give them plausable deniability. The Chinese destroyed American manufacturing so they were ok with a slowdown in the sale of their goods because they knew it would pic back up
I did not vote for Joe Biden, but I agree with Biden's vaccine mandate. The vast majority of the new COVID-19 cases and deaths in the last four months have been among the unvaccinated. Thousands of those people would be alive today if they had gotten vaccinated. We gave them over six months to do the right thing. The vaccines are safe and effective, by any reasonable standard. When it comes to a virus, no one is an island; it's not just "my body, my choice" because your choice can harm other people.

My risk of dying from COVID-19 is very low, but I got vaccinated because I don't want to risk infecting others and possibly causing their death. Those who say, "Well, I don't hang around anyone in the high-risk groups." Great, but you might infect other people who do hang around high-risk persons (i.e., the elderly people and the medically ill), and some of those people might die as a result.

Here is some sound scientific information on the safety and effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccines:

Then you ARE NOT a conservative.
Our countries stats suck because of sheep like you.
Meh you're pretty wrong on that. You are the one fighting against having things other 1st world countries have.

Now I will give you that meds are cheaper in other 1st world countries. But that's because politicians on both sides of the aisle take pharma money. Which wouldnt be an issue if repubs wouldnt have allowed corps to own politicians.
Pretty sure you're lying. But that's your issue.
I have no issue and I didn't ask you to believe me. My doctor recommends for me not to get a booster, there are signs it could suppress my immune system but she is still looking into it. The vaccine. that hasn't prevent me from getting covid a second time, is good until March supposedly but who knows.

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