Why Are Some of My Fellow Conservatives Being Irrational About COVID-19 Vaccination?

Medical professionals submitting a death report following vaccination is REQUIRED.

Does not matter if they think the death was caused by vaccine or not.

And. They die right after getting the vaccine........Whats the problem. hmmm

You are giving excuses. Have thousands died or not. Oh I know wait for the CDC who is up Phama's ass to tell you what to say.

Got it.
And. They die right after getting the vaccine........Whats the problem. hmmm

Did I not just explain that out of 450 million doses some are EXPECTED to die in the following weeks even if you are distributing a sugar pill?

About 8000 Americans die everyday, someone died as I typed this.

Can you get around to understanding that simple concept?
And. They die right after getting the vaccine........Whats the problem. hmmm

You are giving excuses. Have thousands died or not. Oh I know wait for the CDC who is up Phama's ass to tell you what to say.

Got it.
I guess you're not done making a fool out of yourself. You cant even understand the simple concept even after it was explained to you.
Moron, who is sensoring, or attempting to sensor you here?
I was referring to your conversation to the other jack ass. You know what I meant.

Doesn't matter. We are AGAINST EACH OTHER HERE. Oh Well.

My view versus yours. Except our views don't matter............ONLY GOD FACI AND THE FDA MATTER HERE.

They stop treatments used all around the world that are CHEAP AND EFFECTIVE. They are responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths because of it.

I don't give a Fuck if you agree or not. Time will show the real truth. It always does.
Did I not just explain that out of 450 million some are EXPECTED to die even if you are distributing a sugar pill?

About 8000 American die everyday, someone died as I typed this.
LOL Now you justify their deaths from the jab as SHIT HAPPENS. LOL

What you are saying is STFU and get the jab. NO
Great. Don't get it. You've proven you can get Covid a 2nd time. One might think you are even more susceptible to it since you've had it twice. But by all means, dont get a shot.
Had the two shots and now I am done, and I don't need your permission to get or not get a booster.
Ok obviously you not quite mentally developed for even simple concepts about death statistics.
I posted the death per day not long after this BS started. It was 7800 a day here then.

Mental FUCK YOU . There is your mental.

Cheap drugs denied in this country. And choice of a better vaccine denied in this county

People like you are killing right now. Not me.
People like you are the reason that there ARE waves. Prople like you are the reason that we will never be over this due to your anti vaxx insanity.

Maybe your mind should be open to facts such as 90% of people dying from this are unvaccinated.

800,000 dead people ain't enough for ya, moron?
Virus run their course--they hit for about 3 years and fade away---fucking with these fake vaccines is going to drag this out for ever. Maybe you should worry about your "facts" and watch how vaccinated is being redefined constantly.
Ok enough of this back and forth.

I say Fuck you and you say the same to me.

That is clear. Enjoy your jabs. I'm not getting them.

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