Why Are Some of My Fellow Conservatives Being Irrational About COVID-19 Vaccination?

Actually, both Biden and Harris said they would get vaccinated as soon as Medical Experts said it was safe

But they did say they would not take Trumps word on its safety.
They also did not rush out to inject disinfectant
Right because the FDA would not approve of the vaccine? Oh wait, they did, so Biden was politicizing the virus, something you just claimed he did not do.

Maybe if he quit politicizing the virus, more would be accomplished however that is not the narrative the want to push, they are happy with politics being injected into the issue until it is no longer an advantage, which seems to be happening.
You did not actually read the study.
It proved nothing about T-cell memory.
That is because you can not test for or detect T-cell immunity until you infect someone, and monitor the response.
This study was done after a second vaccine injection, which invalidated the study, because the vaccine stimulated a temporary antibody production, so was NOT measuring long term T-cell response.
Literally nothing you said here is true.

The presence of T-cells is T-cell memory.

You can test and detect T-cell immunity without infecting someone.

The second dose does not invalidate the study because it has nothing to do with antibody production.

You simply have no idea what you're talking about. Again.
There's no conspiracy to the deaths that are occurring from this injection.
Don't know what hospital you're in, but we have had a LOT more deaths among the unvaccinated.

Had a lady show up, lots of risk factors, rather poor health overall. Unvaccinated.

Now on the ventilator, pressors, dialysis, shock liver, ventilator essentially maximized. Family says she'd want everything done. Full code. All of this almost certainly would have been prevented with a simple cheap vaccine.
After taking smallpox, polio, measles, mumps, pertussis, etc. vaccines, how many people fail to mount any immune response to smallpox, polio, measles, mumps, pertussis, etc.?
The answer it ZERO.
Of course you have proof of this, no doubt...
Right because the FDA would not approve of the vaccine? Oh wait, they did, so Biden was politicizing the virus, something you just claimed he did not do.

Maybe if he quit politicizing the virus, more would be accomplished however that is not the narrative the want to push, they are happy with politics being injected into the issue until it is no longer an advantage, which seems to be happening.
WTF are you babbling about?
Right because the FDA would not approve of the vaccine? Oh wait, they did, so Biden was politicizing the virus, something you just claimed he did not do.

Maybe if he quit politicizing the virus, more would be accomplished however that is not the narrative the want to push, they are happy with politics being injected into the issue until it is no longer an advantage, which seems to be happening.

Here is both Biden and Harris getting PUBLICLY vaccinated in Dec 2020, as soon as it was cleared for emergency use by FDA:



Trump? You will not find pictures of him getting vaccinated, he didn't give enough shit.

So wtf are you talking about?
Here is both Biden and Harris getting PUBLICLY vaccinated as soon as it was cleared for emergency use by FDA:



Trump? He got vaccinated very privately.

So wtf are you talking about?
So. who cares. Looks like 2 more lab rats to me.
Anytime. Go get your next jab bro. It's out of date.

Fuck Fa Chi.



Glad we could clear that up.
Actually I was looking into getting my booster just today. But thanks for the reminder. I can tell you're a deep thinking, thoughtful individual.
Actually I was looking into getting my booster just today. But thanks for the reminder. I can tell you're a deep thinking, thoughtful individual.
No boosters for me, my choice, I had Covid before the vaccine and after the vaccine, post vaccine the virus was worse. All the vaccine is, is anti-body therapy, you can get that as soon as you test positive of Covid and the results are the same.
No boosters for me, my choice, I had Covid before the vaccine and after the vaccine, post vaccine the virus was worse. All the vaccine is, is anti-body therapy, you can get that as soon as you test positive of Covid and the results are the same.
Great. Don't get it. You've proven you can get Covid a 2nd time. One might think you are even more susceptible to it since you've had it twice. But by all means, dont get a shot.
Actually I was looking into getting my booster just today. But thanks for the reminder. I can tell you're a deep thinking, thoughtful individual.
Yes . I thought you needed the reminder. Enjoy the Clot shot. Have fun as it escapes your arm and moves into organs............to be continued......

All the vaccine is, is anti-body therapy, you can get that as soon as you test positive of Covid and the results are the same.
You mean aside from America luxuriously spending $2000-3000 a pop on monoclonal antibody infusions?
Yes . I thought you needed the reminder. Enjoy the Clot shot. Have fun as it escapes your arm and moves into organs............to be continued......

You must have a weird perspective on how the human body functions. I'd love to hear about it sometime.
How in hell can this dipshit Chinese communist virus not be politicized? American prisoners have the choice of mRNA, a chimp-based non-coronavirus, and a human-based non-coronavirus vaccine, none of which contains the entire virus, as does Covaxin. Americans are being refused access to vaccines made in the traditional way with the entire virus.

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