Why Are Some of My Fellow Conservatives Being Irrational About COVID-19 Vaccination?

Method:An observational study, with 118 healthcare providers who were enrolled purposively, was conducted in a tertiary hospital in Dhaka from May 2020 to August 2020. The subjects were divided into experimental and control groups; and the experimental group received an oral monthly dose of Ivermectin 12mg for 4 months. Both groups were exposed to COVID-19 positive patients admitted in the hospital during the course of study. The symptomatic subjects were evaluated by physical examination, COVID-19 RT-PCR and/or HRCT of chest. Differences between the variables were determined using the Chi-square test and the level of statistical significance was reached when p<0.05.

Result: 73.3% (44 out of 60) subjects in control group were positive for COVID-19, whereas only 6.9% (4 out of 58) of the experimental group were diagnosed with COVID-19 (p-value < 0.05).Conclusion:Ivermectin, an FDA-approved, safe, cheapand widely available drug, should be subjected to large-scale trials all over the world to ascertain its effectiveness as pre-exposure prophylaxis for COVID-19.

128 per million deaths for covid
It puts nothing into long term T-cell memory, so is 0% effective as a vaccine.
If only you knew what you’re talking about.

Yea...it's a giant worldwide CONSPIRACY

Fuckin nutjobs
Well, after tony, the CDC, and the FDA kept their "expert" mouths shut when they knew the PCR-test was a bullshyt choice to determine spread, you were willing to mindlessly assume that everything coming out of their mouths after that initial deception would be the honest to god's truth. And you have a problem with those of us who don't believe deceivers. You're a fanatic . . .
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Here also, from the latest Gov report from Michigan. And this includes data going back to mid-October, BEFORE the big wave. Beaumont hospital guy says 40% of HOSPITALIZED covid cases are now fully vaccinated (see my thread)

In the last 30 days (Oct 14- Nov 12), 30,906 (28%) of 109,455 cases, 454 (29%) of 1,540 hospitalizations, and 151 (25%) of 605 deaths were among fully vaccinated individuals

I will add this. If you really are conservative, you're letting personal fear override what SHOULD be your principles. And that's....well, that's too bad.
And this is where they will change the definition of "fully vaccinated". It's truly unbelievable how so many still trust the "science".
The only real way out of the pandemic is vaccination. I think this is the reason why there is so much disinformation being passed around. The worst one is that it causes infertility in women of child bearing age. Young women are really frightened of this one. We've got two young mothers in my own family who are adamantly refusing to be vaxxed because of it.

There are a lot of people financially and politically benefitting from the USA not getting past this pandemic. China, Russia and Iran are pushing anti-vax information through Facebook and other social media - there are numerous threads here about the "dangers" of the vaccine.

And to be honest, the Republican Party of Donald Trump doesn't want it to end either. If Biden fails to get the country out of the pandemic, it will help the Republicans at midterms. Both Greg Abbott and Ron DeSantis are riding this "personal freedom" horse for all it's worth.
How do you vax out of this. The vaccine doesn't work on the new variant out of S. Africa, the Delta variant the vaccine struggles. 2 billion does of vaccine and the earth has six or seven billion?

Do you have proof that Russia and China are using Facebook to pass anti-vaccine messages? Facebook has stopped all the anti-vaxxing BS, I think you are being less than honest.

As far as your Republican party statement, could you provide proof? Or is this another unsubstantiated opinion from any extremely unknowledgeable and bigoted person?

Delta mutation was from India, which had huge Covid outbreak amid ~20% vaccination rate.

And the new one is from South Africa was specifcailly found among 18-35 year olds that have very low vaccination rates.

India has a 55% vaccination rate.
And the delta variant is NOT a mutation.
Mutations are random events, almost always inert, and take on the order of tens of thousands of years to be viable.
Variants happen fast and often, because all you need is for 2 different viruses to inject their RNA into the same cell.
I did not vote for Joe Biden, but I agree with Biden's vaccine mandate. The vast majority of the new COVID-19 cases and deaths in the last four months have been among the unvaccinated. Thousands of those people would be alive today if they had gotten vaccinated. We gave them over six months to do the right thing. The vaccines are safe and effective, by any reasonable standard. When it comes to a virus, no one is an island; it's not just "my body, my choice" because your choice can harm other people.

My risk of dying from COVID-19 is very low, but I got vaccinated because I don't want to risk infecting others and possibly causing their death. Those who say, "Well, I don't hang around anyone in the high-risk groups." Great, but you might infect other people who do hang around high-risk persons (i.e., the elderly people and the medically ill), and some of those people might die as a result.

Here is some sound scientific information on the safety and effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccines:

So you are another one blaming the vaccines failures on the on the unvaccinate. If you get the vaccine, you can still spread the virus, you can still get the virus and you can still die from the virus even after 3 shots. Let us not forget you cn still get sick and die from the vaccine. Thanks but no thanks
Do you read your own posts?

Since the 73% vaccinated should put Vermont over the top of herd immunity, that clearly proves the vaccines are not working at all.
Instead, it is only the recovery rate that is reducing the infection rate, not vaccinations.
The virus doesn't give a rat's ass about your "personal liberty".

The MSM media isn't "absolutely lying to anyone". FOX News and other right wing media outlets are fear mongering and spreading lies about the vaccine. Tucker Carlson is cheering people for refusing to get the vaccine, while working for a Rupert Murdoch who was one of the first people to be vaxxed, and who has required that ALL FOX employees be fully vaccinated, including Tucker Carlson. What a hypocrite!!

So why are FOX commentators telling YOU to stand on your rights and freedoms and refuse the vaccine when NONE of the people telling your to do this have refused to be vaxxed? What does that tell you about the people you trust at FOX News?
That you have a choice? You you can decide for yourself? I'm vaxxed and I won't get the booster.

This platform set the stage for the rapid development and deployment of mRNA vaccines to combat COVID-19 when the virus exploded across the world in early 2020. Both Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna have licensed University of Pennsylvania technology that is used in their COVID-19 vaccines, a combined 370 million doses of which have been administered in the U.S. alone. The Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine is being deployed in 126 countries, and 71 countries are using the Moderna vaccine.

Idioits like you are the reason that we will never be over this. Patients with other conditions are not getting care they need because beds are being used by people who won't get the shot.

Keep listeng to Tucker & that mob who are all fully vaccinated. They're doing a gooid job thinning the herd.
No variants are the reason we will never get this under control. We have for decades used flu shots and yet the flu and it's variants continue. Africa has a low 6% vaccination rate and has tons of variants coming out of there and it will continue. We currently have 2 billion vaccinated while we have 7.7 billion inhabitants. If you really want to see an end to this you need 7.7 billion of the original and 7.7 billion shots for each variant.

It's called science. Also, if you are calling a person an idiot, you might want to learn how to spell it first, just sayin.
If only you knew what you’re talking about.

You did not actually read the study.
It proved nothing about T-cell memory.
That is because you can not test for or detect T-cell immunity until you infect someone, and monitor the response.
This study was done after a second vaccine injection, which invalidated the study, because the vaccine stimulated a temporary antibody production, so was NOT measuring long term T-cell response.

In the group of participants who did not previously have COVID-19, they found that the first vaccine dose elicited a rapid and strong response from helper T cells called CD4 T cells—some of which help marshal an antibody response, while others stimulate the proliferation of CD8 killer T cells. The strengths of those initial CD4 T cell responses generally predicted the later strengths of antibody and killer T-cell responses. However, the killer T cells tended not to appear in large numbers until after the second vaccine dose—confirming the importance of that second dose for people with no COVID-19 history.

By contrast, in the prior-COVID-19 group, helper and killer T cells specific for the COVID-19 coronavirus were already substantially present before the first dose. After that first dose, T cell numbers rose somewhat, but did not significantly increase after the second dose.

“For people who haven’t had COVID-19, the first dose powerfully primes the pump, and the second dose turns on the whole engine—but having had COVID-19 is like having had that first vaccine dose already,” Wherry said. “It is important to point out, however, that a complete understanding of the relative importance of these T cell responses, compared to antibody, in protection from future infections will require larger clinical studies.”

The results also showed that the T-cell response in the weeks after mRNA vaccination includes T-cell types normally elicited by natural infection—and in general, natural viral infection is known to be capable of inducing T-cell protection that lasts years and even decades.

“We need to do follow-up studies to confirm the longevity of the T-cell response to vaccination, but our results here support the idea that that response can be long-lasting,” Wherry said.

Notice those who recovered from covid did not need any vaccines in order to have an immune response, while the first injection produced no immune response in those who had never been been infected.

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