Why Are Some of My Fellow Conservatives Being Irrational About COVID-19 Vaccination?

Says someone who believes that “science” supports the premise that Bruce Jenner is a woman.

This was never about science or medicine. From the very beginning, this hoax was driven by malicious political motives.
Idioits like you are the reason that we will never be over this. Patients with other conditions are not getting care they need because beds are being used by people who won't get the shot.

Keep listeng to Tucker & that mob who are all fully vaccinated. They're doing a gooid job thinning the herd.
No vaccine is 100% effective. But thank you for pointing out that previous infection is not the great protection that your idiot buddies claim.

I do however wonder how it is that certain people get Covid again and again when careful people like myself don’t get it even once.

What do you do… tongue kiss everyone you interact with?

All real vaccines are 100% effective, meaning they impart T-cell long term memory in the immune system as to how to identify and attack a pathogen.

The problem with these mRNA injections is they contain nothing for the immune system to memorize or later trigger on.
They are not useless because they temporarily stimulate antibody production, but they have no long term component.

As to why some never get and others get it often, is inherent immunity.
Humans have been living with corona viruses for millions of years, so some people have evolved genetic immunity.
Only about 1-10 percent is reported to vaers. Yeah, its easily into the hundreds of thousands. That's truth.

And nothing reported to VAERS is verified to have been due to the vaccine or even to have really happened. Anyone and everyone can post things to VAERS.
All real vaccines are 100% effective


Vaccine effectiveness:

Measles: 93%

Mumps: 78%

Rubella: 97%

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And nothing reported to VAERS is verified to have been due to the vaccine or even to have really happened. Anyone and everyone can post things to VAERS.

Of course they're not verifying it. They dont want to verify it because it runs antithetical to their message and narrative. Posting a false statement to vaers is punishable by law. When you have a media that is fully complicit in censoring all data to one outcome, red flags should go up.
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Of course they're not verifying it. They dont wan't to verify it because it runs antithetical to their message and narrative. Posting a false statement to vaers is punishable by law.

They never have, it is not new. It is not some grand COVID conspiracy.
Idioits like you are the reason that we will never be over this. Patients with other conditions are not getting care they need because beds are being used by people who won't get the shot.

Keep listeng to Tucker & that mob who are all fully vaccinated. They're doing a gooid job thinning the herd.

The main reason we are not getting rid of this is the mistaken idea of "flattening the curve".
All that does is prevent herd immunity from ending it, and make it last forever, with ever increasing variants.

Taking an mRNA injection does not mean you are vaccinated at all.
These mRNA injections can't store any immunity info into long term T-cell memory, because the injection has nothing to store that the immune system could later trigger on.
And just stimulating antibody production, without helping the immune system identify the invading pathogen, means your immune system never completely wipes it out. It can linger and become endemic then. Very irresponsible and risky to everyone else.
Flu vaccine - once a YEAR

Pneumonia vaccine - once every FIVE years

Many of the other vaccines we get when younger, before entering school for the first time, are ONCE IN A LIFETIME!!

All other vaccines and treatments for DEADLIER AND MORE CONTAGIOUS viruses and diseases are NOT even administered until AFTER the patient has become sick from them!!

And yet, this COVID "vaccine" doesn't seem to work, as they continue to make claims that people NEED to keep getting pumped full of it every few months!!! In fact, there are now medical reports being published online from non-government sources that state that MORE people that keep getting these COVID "vaccines" are more apt to get sick from COVID and die from it.
Idioits like you are the reason that we will never be over this. Patients with other conditions are not getting care they need because beds are being used by people who won't get the shot.

Keep listeng to Tucker & that mob who are all fully vaccinated. They're doing a gooid job thinning the herd.

Leaky vaccines cause worse dang viruses. The mutations are laughing at you. They go around the vaccines.

The new NU mutatnt if it goes postal will mean your vaccine doesn't mean jack squat. The vaccines do nothing against it. Maybe it will not go postal but it has already spread to different continents.

The science before this. Was that leaky vaccines are DANGEROUS. Oh well. keep being their lab rat.
hasn't been tested on humans until now.
What the fuck is wrong with you?

From 2020:

The two-dose vaccine was 94.1% effective based on a total of 196 cases of symptomatic Covid-19 occurring in the company’s 30,000-volunteer study.

You really didn't know that all vaccines went through human trials?
Not really accurate. mRNA technology has been being studied and worked on for close to 2 decades.

They just only STARTED on mRNA technology in 1995.
And it was NEVER intended for vaccines, nor is there any reason to assume it could EVER be used for vaccines.
It is just a means by which cells can be made to produce certain proteins.
That likely will never be useful for any vaccines, ever.
Vaccines have to show the immune system a pathogen, so that the immune system will remember and trigger on it later.
And the simple proteins mRNA can produce, are not sufficient for that.

Leaky vaccines cause worse dang viruses. The mutations are laughing at you. They go around the vaccines.


Delta mutation was from India, which had huge Covid outbreak amid ~20% vaccination rate.

And the new one is from South Africa was specifcailly found among 18-35 year olds that have very low vaccination rates.

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