Why Are Some of My Fellow Conservatives Being Irrational About COVID-19 Vaccination?

But you would not expect hospitals to be overrun with Covid patients If these were good vaccines.
Specifically on this point, there are no hospitals overrun with Covid patients in areas of high vaccination.

Places where you see significant % of hospitalized having vaccination are indicative of high vaccination rates and low hospitalization rates.
Safe and Effective my ass.........dangerous, if they work only work temporarily, kill and maime, and they are likely to fuck up one's natural immunity.
You been on Facebook again haven’t you…

I thought I told you to knock that shit off
I am more of a libertarian if I would call myself anything at all, but when we have a media absolutely devoted to lying to us and the very doctor who was so heavily involved in creating the damn thing is now telling us all what to do, I can certainly understand people's reluctance.

I have had the vaccine, and that was my choice. I believe in personal liberty, though, so I do not support forcing others.

The virus doesn't give a rat's ass about your "personal liberty".

The MSM media isn't "absolutely lying to anyone". FOX News and other right wing media outlets are fear mongering and spreading lies about the vaccine. Tucker Carlson is cheering people for refusing to get the vaccine, while working for a Rupert Murdoch who was one of the first people to be vaxxed, and who has required that ALL FOX employees be fully vaccinated, including Tucker Carlson. What a hypocrite!!

So why are FOX commentators telling YOU to stand on your rights and freedoms and refuse the vaccine when NONE of the people telling your to do this have refused to be vaxxed? What does that tell you about the people you trust at FOX News?
There has never been a single vaccine produced that imparted 100% immunity to any disease so the word change made the definition MORE accurate not less.

Why do you want less accuracy in definitions?
Some have decided to consider forced production of Chinese virus parts in the cell as not a vaccine, especially for young children whose immune system are not yet mature. In addition, the real violence POSPOTUS JoeXi and his crony Fau Chi, the WHO, FDA, CDC, have done to Americans is that they can’t get the actual vaccine made from the whole Chinese communist virus: Covaxin. SARS-CoV-2 can only intelligently be called a Chinese communist virus.
Not really accurate. mRNA technology has been being studied and worked on for close to 2 decades.

And yet they didn't know that the protein spikes would travel around and accumulate in the body...they believed they would stay at the injection site.........
I am in Michigan. We are in a bad wave. Almost EVERYONE I know who has covid--and that is a lot of people--are fully vaccinated. My count is at least 10. And yes, those who are fully vaccinated are obviously getting it AND transmitting it freely.

I just posted a thread on this, but let's see if your mind is actually open to any information, or if you're just a Vaccine Cultist here to preach.
People like you are the reason that there ARE waves. Prople like you are the reason that we will never be over this due to your anti vaxx insanity.

Maybe your mind should be open to facts such as 90% of people dying from this are unvaccinated.

800,000 dead people ain't enough for ya, moron?
And yet they didn't know that the protein spikes would travel around and accumulate in the body...they believed they would stay at the injection site.........
We think this accumulation of Chinese virus parts cause the thrombosis. See the obstruction shown in the micrograph on Wiki’s Cerebral Palsy page.
Please post the citations and links for application in humans.

There never were you retard. When Trump sent the big hospital ship to New York to help out it wasn't even used, and that was at the height of it all.
Dope. It was never intended nor fitted out as a Covid ward.

It was supposed to handle overflow standard patients… who never materialized because people in NYC were too afraid to go to the hospital.

This is the first time they have been tested in humans.
Yeah, obviously thats somewhat difficult for you to comprehend........that a lot of people have died from the vaccine.

Yes, some people have. But hundreds of thousands have not.

If you have to lie, it just shows the weakness of your position.
If your immune system doesn't work well then vaccine can only do so much.

For example Powell died while vaccinated because he had compromised immune system and for people with his specific disease vaccine is only 40% effective.
So what? Does that mean that people shouldn't get the vaxx? No, it doesn't.

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