Why Are Some of My Fellow Conservatives Being Irrational About COVID-19 Vaccination?

No variants are the reason we will never get this under control. We have for decades used flu shots and yet the flu and it's variants continue. Africa has a low 6% vaccination rate and has tons of variants coming out of there and it will continue. We currently have 2 billion vaccinated while we have 7.7 billion inhabitants. If you really want to see an end to this you need 7.7 billion of the original and 7.7 billion shots for each variant.

It's called science. Also, if you are calling a person an idiot, you might want to learn how to spell it first, just sayin.

Variants explain why flu vaccines have to be changed each season, so they contain the right flu variant to trigger the immune system on.
But since these mRNA injections do not have any virus in them, then they should work on all variants as well, as long as they use the same spike protein.
And the spike protein can't change, or else it would not open the ACE2 receptors.
So then the only logical conclusion is that none of the mRNA injections have any effect on immune system memory at all.
They just temporarily stimulate antibody production, without any long term effect.
They are claiming it is the variants causing new surges in infections among the vaccinated, but that can't be the case, because they are not changing the boosters to match the variants, but the boosters then temporarily work on the new variants.
That means all the mRNA shots are just temporary.
They have no longer term memory effect.
If the all the vaccine does is produce the antibodies and it is limited, why not just do the antibody therapies that are out there, they seem to be working well.

Instead of risking death by producing spike proteins in OUR cells, it would be much safer to product the spike proteins in the lab, or to produce monoclonal antibodies in the lab.
China with the help of the democrats set the virus in motion.

Those sneaky Chinese invented a virus that they set loose on their own people without a cure

They then destroyed the global market for their own goods
Likely mRNA techniques can not and
It has since then been determined that the mRNA injections just temporarily stimulate some antibody production.
It puts nothing into long term T-cell memory, so is 0% effective as a vaccine.
Moron, how does 0% effective vaccine show 95% efficacy in double blind medical studies?

Why do you keep saying blatant bullshit?
My wife and I got the vaccine because it was the right medical decision for us.

It should be up to you if you want to get it or not. I am sure as hell not going to tell you to get it and we sure as hell don't need the government forcing you to get it.

I believe in personal responsibility and Liberty, unlike these Karens.
India has a 55% vaccination rate.
And the delta variant is NOT a mutation.
Moron, at the time Delta showed up in India vaccination rate was about 20%.

Delta is ABSOLUTELY a derivative of prior Covid 19 generations.
My wife and I got the vaccine because it was the right medical decision for us.

It should be up to you if you want to get it or not. I am sure as hell not going to tell you to get it and we sure as hell don't need the government forcing you to get it.

I believe in personal responsibility and Liberty, unlike these Karens.
I agree

It should be up to you if you choose to be a threat to other people

But society should not allow you the same access as regular people
During his campaign he questioned whether one should take the Trump vaccine. So he was against it before he was for it.
Actually, both Biden and Harris said they would get vaccinated as soon as Medical Experts said it was safe

But they did say they would not take Trumps word on its safety.
They also did not rush out to inject disinfectant
My wife and I got the vaccine because it was the right medical decision for us.

It should be up to you if you want to get it or not. I am sure as hell not going to tell you to get it and we sure as hell don't need the government forcing you to get it.

I believe in personal responsibility and Liberty, unlike these Karens.
Viruses dont care about liberty.

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