Why Are Some of My Fellow Conservatives Being Irrational About COVID-19 Vaccination?

Ok moron you are not saying anything here. Just stupid beating around the bush while I explained to you exactly how it works.

If you have any serious evidence of hospital fraud go ahead and coherently present it.
IMO, it is because of the hate and lies spread by the MSM about them, for so long. Any actions on the part of conservatives, to validate them as sources of information, is emotionally repugnant to them.
You didn't hear about the study done at the Salk Institute that showed for the first time that the spike-protein causes damage on its own, did you?

Would you care to address that?
Putting aside the fact that you are wrong because the spike protein by itself is benign, how did you get that from page 16 of the document you posted?

Are you willing to go back to pg 14 or is that too much to ask, or would you rather argue about it for a while?
Not sure. Perhaps faith in Trump? It was his program after all.
No, I'm talk about a study done at the Salk Institute that showed for the first time that the spike-protein on it's own causes damage to the body. So, how does one reconcile that with the fact that the experimental injection is going to deliver spike-proteins into you?
No, I'm talk about a study done at the Salk Institute that showed for the first time that the spike-protein on it's own causes damage to the body. So, how does one reconcile that with the fact that the experimental injection is going to deliver spike-proteins into you?

I rarely read raw studies. This issue seemed clear cut enough not to require that level of investigation.

I...just am not going to invest teh time to read up on the issue enough to discuss it. Sorry. I know that much be frustrating for you.
I did not vote for Joe Biden, but I agree with Biden's vaccine mandate. The vast majority of the new COVID-19 cases and deaths in the last four months have been among the unvaccinated. Thousands of those people would be alive today if they had gotten vaccinated. We gave them over six months to do the right thing. The vaccines are safe and effective, by any reasonable standard. When it comes to a virus, no one is an island; it's not just "my body, my choice" because your choice can harm other people.

My risk of dying from COVID-19 is very low, but I got vaccinated because I don't want to risk infecting others and possibly causing their death. Those who say, "Well, I don't hang around anyone in the high-risk groups." Great, but you might infect other people who do hang around high-risk persons (i.e., the elderly people and the medically ill), and some of those people might die as a result.

Here is some sound scientific information on the safety and effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccines:

Why single out conservatives?

Opposition to the shot exists in all quarters of society for many different reasons
Are you willing to go back to pg 14 or is that too much to ask, or would you rather argue about it for a while?
Here is page 14 of the pdf which is page 4 of the report. Lay it on me.

Another lie. Well, at least half truth.

Pfizer/BioNTech is still under emergency use authorization, while Pfizer/Comirnaty has "full approval" (based on what?), and is not available in US.

From FDA website: "Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine is authorized for emergency use and is available under the EUA as a two-dose primary series in individuals 5 years of age and older, as a third primary series dose for individuals 12 years of age and older who have been determined to have certain kinds of immunocompromise, and as a single booster dose in people 18 years of age and older."

Comirnaty and Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine

You may as well be talking to a fence post.
Why single out conservatives?

Opposition to the shot exists in all quarters of society for many different reasons
Because three-to-one it's conservatives that are anti-vaxers, odds even higher on Trumpsters.

It exists PRIMARILY on the right, as vaccination rates, this thread, or any Trump rally shows.
Because three-to-one it's conservatives that are anti-vaxers, odds even higher on Trumpsters.

It exists PRIMARILY on the right, as vaccination rates, this thread, or any Trump rally shows.
Lets put your statement to a test.

Left claim is that more intelligent people support democrats, including around half of whites, nearly 95% of blacks, and nearly 90% academia.

Can you explain to me, why blacks have lowest vaccination rate of all minority groups? Why scientists are refusing to get vaccinated?

The lie you participate in today becomes the future you live in tomorrow. Enjoy your boosters.
No it is not. It is a Flu Shot. As the virus mutates to new variants around it. That is why we don't really have Flu Vaccines but shots. We are on NU variant and they are giving Alpha vaccines.......lol.......now.

The flu shot is a vaccine.
I'll concede that one point. It's good for the mutation it targets. Why you have to get one every year. But it is NOT A mRNA. And it is a whole virus antigen. Only one like it for covid is a vector vaccine Covaxin from India. And it.....like the rest is tailored to the ALPHA variant of covid.

Tell me what is the difference between injecting a set of proteins isolated from a live virus and the injection of a synthesized piece of the genetic code of those proteins.

That is what an mRNA vaccine is. It's just a modern version of the old live or denatured virus vaccines.

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